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Fantasy Madness

Annie jumped back at the tossed bunny head and shuddered, unlike Gray who smirked. "Twenty-six?" He asked, with a chuckle, staring at Rayven. "My score is 100." He said with a laugh. "Who are you?" Annie said with a shriek. "What do you want?!" She said shakily. Gray rolled his eyes. "What is it with you and being a damsel?" He whispered to Annie. "Be polite." He said, patting her on the head.
Andrew's bordom turned to anger, and shock. He thought Annie was dead, but this demon didn't even kill her?! "This is bull crap!" He said loudly, and everyone in the building looked at him. He stood strait and started to feel embarrassed. @Wild Born @las0r0o7 @Surfruaa
"Well it is twenty six up until i got spotted, seems like im not the only one with a triple digit score." she smiled and did a little cartwheel over to him and poked his chest playfully "You can call me Rayven, or, whatever seems to roll of your tongue easier, what about you." she snuck around behind the two of them and looked at the girl "Seems like you have an attachment here, would you like me to take care of it, or would you much rather keep it." she heard what Andrew had said and is why she said it the way she did "Well, she does look kinda pretty, if you don't want this one I might just keep her as a pet, or souvenir." she thought for a second trying to figure out what one she would go better as. @Queen of Fantasy @Cheesesandwitch
Gray laughed, unlike Annie who shrieked. "nice to meet you, Ravyen." He said kissing her hand. "I'm Gray, and this is... Anne." He said pointing to Annie, though she just stood frozen. "I was playing a prank of her and her friends. She's not a pet, slave, or anything like that. There's no need." He said, putting his hands into his pockets.

"Well, Grey, Anne, its a nice pleasure to meet you both, I might have to steal one of the two of you in a bit, maybe." she looked over to Anne "So you were stolen from some friends, and now your back, I must say welcome back to the group." she looked at Grey with a bit of a sad face "What, no pet, no slave, no nothing, just a friends, that's no fun." she pouted a bit and saw another bunny and quickly jumped over the two of them and chased it for a second before she shot it and then came back with a bit of blood on her "Twenty seven."
Gray shrugged. "I ave no use for a slave anyways. I like playing jokes, that's it." He said, shrugging, when she came back with blood on her.

(I'm sorry for the short post, my class starts now!!)
"awwww, thats no fun, so that means I can't skin this one here." he gestured to Anne while still looking at Gray with a pouting face "I could make a nice jacket out of her it would be all pretty and soft, i mean just look at her" she reached over and brushed her cold metal hand against her cheek "Such a waist."
Gray shook his head. "You don't want to do that." He said with a chuckle. Anne pushed her hand away. "I better find the others..." Anne said to Gray. Anne darted away, towards the others. Gray shook his head. "Humans are hilarious to play with." He muttered. "Such ignorance and foolishness, it's hilarious to see their faces when they face a demon."
Rayven looked at Gray with eyes that almost sparkled 'finally someone who can think like i do, oh this is going to be something to remember from now on' she giggled a bit to herself and decided to cling to his arm "I agree, humans are hilarious to watch when their in groups, and i pet its quite funny to see what they look like when they go against a demon"
Gray chuckled. "You don't know the best part." He laughed. "I once scared someone so bad, they told me that they would serve me, out of fear of course." He started, as she started to walk. "But it's just so funny."

Annie runs and runs and runs. She was out of breathe when she reached the group. "I'm *puff* Here!" She said, gasping for air.
"Oohhhhh, now that's funny" she was in awe of it all "You must be really difficult to kill, but I think I will save you for later though." she had intended that to be a compliment , but how he would take it she didn't know "Shall we get to the others, I seem to think she needs a bit more scaring, what do you say." she said as she tugged on his arm a bit
Ginx was now very very happy Annie was back, running over to her she skidd to a halt shifting into the small furry creature she tackled Annie's arm barely even oushig her a little
Noah wandered around the streets lazily. His mind was full of conversation between the three of them though. Ferin was saying that he felt presences nearby while Oref was saying they were victims. Noah merely continued to walk as the two bickered. It was lively in his mind when those two got arguing. Mercy and Vengeance, two concepts pretty far from each other, and yet so very close. "The two of you are rather noisy today." He said aloud as he turned a corner towards the presences the two felt.

Rayven was waiting on an answer from Gray but noticed a new person walking up "Oh, do you know this one, oh nevermind." she let go of his arm and did a few somersaults towards the new person and stopped in front of him as she looked him over memorizing everything about the guy so she could remember him if she needed to. Her computer system had already made a 3D model of him before she even said the first word to him "So, who might you be." @Kiroshiven
las0r0o7 said:
Rayven was waiting on an answer from Gray but noticed a new person walking up "Oh, do you know this one, oh nevermind." she let go of his arm and did a few somersaults towards the new person and stopped in front of him as she looked him over memorizing everything about the guy so she could remember him if she needed to. Her computer system had already made a 3D model of him before she even said the first word to him "So, who might you be." @Kiroshiven
Surprised by the appearance, both Ferin and Oref whispered in his mind to be cautious of this person. "I am Noah. Human. And you are?" Noah had learned that identifying WHAT you were helped make talking easier.
Kiroshiven said:
Surprised by the appearance, both Ferin and Oref whispered in his mind to be cautious of this person. "I am Noah. Human. And you are?" Noah had learned that identifying WHAT you were helped make talking easier.
"The name is Rayven, Android made in the year 6150 and deemed a failed project." With her being robotic or not she still always had an eerie feel that stick with her, it was almost a deathly feel, this case was especially so, her inner demon was scratching at her to get out, he wanted to play with the new found being, he had more to him than meets they eye. 'Oh just let me out for a second to play, I promise I won't kill him, just push his limits and try and break him, humans are such I'm unculturedile things' her thoughts were going a little on the killing side but she had to stay in a sane mind if she didn't want to have a group against her
las0r0o7 said:
"The name is Rayven, Android made in the year 6150 and deemed a failed project." With her being robotic or not she still always had an eerie feel that stick with her, it was almost a deathly feel, this case was especially so, her inner demon was scratching at her to get out, he wanted to play with the new found being, he had more to him than meets they eye. 'Oh just let me out for a second to play, I promise I won't kill him, just push his limits and try and break him, humans are such I'm unculturedile things' her thoughts were going a little on the killing side but she had to stay in a sane mind if she didn't want to have a group against her
Oref spoke to Noah. "There is bloodlust in her. Be wary." Noah smiled and offered his hand, revealing the scarring and the bright green eye sitting in the palm of his hand. "Pleasure to meet you Rayven. But from what I can see you don't look like a failed project." Noah smiled brightly at the android without worry of what Oref said. If she tried to kill him, he was ready with the no-combat zone.
Kiroshiven said:
Oref spoke to Noah. "There is bloodlust in her. Be wary." Noah smiled and offered his hand, revealing the scarring and the bright green eye sitting in the palm of his hand. "Pleasure to meet you Rayven. But from what I can see you don't look like a failed project." Noah smiled brightly at the android without worry of what Oref said. If she tried to kill him, he was ready with the no-combat zone.
She smiled and shook his hand without thinking twice about it "Its a pleasure to me-eee-33eet yo-me-e-e-e" she started glitching out and then powered down for a second and her head tilted to the side and kinda looked towards his feet, not that she could help it. During the time she was powered off her eyes changed to a bright red and looked up at him and stared for a bit, this wasn't an ordinary stare, it had the pure feel of 'I will kill you' resonating from them, then all of a sudden she was back to normal and up and running again "to meet you as well Noah, and your already sweet to me, how nice." She said playfully and acted like nothing happened, which in her mind nothing had happened
las0r0o7 said:
She smiled and shook his hand without thinking twice about it "Its a pleasure to me-eee-33eet yo-me-e-e-e" she started glitching out and then powered down for a second and her head tilted to the side and kinda looked towards his feet, not that she could help it. During the time she was powered off her eyes changed to a bright red and looked up at him and stared for a bit, this wasn't an ordinary stare, it had the pure feel of 'I will kill you' resonating from them, then all of a sudden she was back to normal and up and running again "to meet you as well Noah, and your already sweet to me, how nice." She said playfully and acted like nothing happened, which in her mind nothing had happened
Noah acted like nothing happened, and ended the handshake. He hid the eye from sight as it began to glow and a thin white mist spread along the ground. This mist would spread out two miles from him at the center point and would move with him. So long as he maintained it, fighting would lead to someone being flung out of the two mile radius by an unseen force. "Well, I was raised to treat a woman with respect." Noah smiled as his left eye turned red for a moment then back to normal. You stay put Oref. I'm not going to fight her. "So, are we the only two out here or are there other survivors of this fu---messed up place?" Remembering he was before a woman, Noah stopped himself from cursing.
Kiroshiven said:
Noah acted like nothing happened, and ended the handshake. He hid the eye from sight as it began to glow and a thin white mist spread along the ground. This mist would spread out two miles from him at the center point and would move with him. So long as he maintained it, fighting would lead to someone being flung out of the two mile radius by an unseen force. "Well, I was raised to treat a woman with respect." Noah smiled as his left eye turned red for a moment then back to normal. You stay put Oref. I'm not going to fight her. "So, are we the only two out here or are there other survivors of this fu---messed up place?" Remembering he was before a woman, Noah stopped himself from cursing.
"So what all can you do, are you a wizard, a swordsman, oh I know, a lizard, wait, no, that doesn't make any sense." She tried to think of what he was and then she saw his eye change colors for a second "oohh, that was pretty, can you do it again, I have just a pretty blue, not that red that you had." She was going omg omg omg in her head, even though she was an Android she still had a personality of her own, and did she ever love guys with two different eye colors. She had completely ignored his last question.
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las0r0o7 said:
"So what all can you do, are you a wizard, a swordsman, oh I know, a lizard, wait, no, that doesn't make any sense." She tried to think of what he was and then she saw his eye change colors for a second "oohh, that was pretty, can you do it again, I have just a pretty blue, not that red that you had." She was going omg omg omg in her head, even though she was an Android she still had a personality of her own, and did she ever love guys with two different eye colors. She had completely ignored his last question.
Noah laughed. "Rayven, it's best if you don't see the other eye colors of mine. They make it rather difficult to live with." Noah wouldn't tell her the truth, but he'd hint that he wasn't alone. "Let's just say that I'm never alone." Noah smiled at her warmly his blonde hair fluttering in the wind. Her personality was a lot like his girlfriend's. The thought of her sent pain throughout Noah's body and he shut down. His grey eyes turned to an emerald green as Ferin took over. "Well, that's unfortunate. Now Noah's out of commission." The angel's voice was a bit higher than his Noah's. It was much gentler.
Kiroshiven said:
Noah laughed. "Rayven, it's best if you don't see the other eye colors of mine. They make it rather difficult to live with." Noah wouldn't tell her the truth, but he'd hint that he wasn't alone. "Let's just say that I'm never alone." Noah smiled at her warmly his blonde hair fluttering in the wind. Her personality was a lot like his girlfriend's. The thought of her sent pain throughout Noah's body and he shut down. His grey eyes turned to an emerald green as Ferin took over. "Well, that's unfortunate. Now Noah's out of commission." The angel's voice was a bit higher than his Noah's. It was much gentler.
Rayven chuckled at what he said "Well your not the only one that's never alone, I have something that's always scratching at my head to get out, he's not too nice though." She smiled and watched his eyes change colors "oohhh" she was fascinated with what she was seeing and then he looked different "noo, he can't be out, I was just making a friend, did I do something wrong." She was confused why he had suddenly disappeared
las0r0o7 said:
Rayven chuckled at what he said "Well your not the only one that's never alone, I have something that's always scratching at my head to get out, he's not too nice though." She smiled and watched his eyes change colors "oohhh" she was fascinated with what she was seeing and then he looked different "noo, he can't be out, I was just making a friend, did I do something wrong." She was confused why he had suddenly disappeared
Ferin shook his head. "No deary. He just is getting over the loss of someone important to him." Ferin still was uneasy talking to her and he spread the no-combat zone further.
Kiroshiven said:
Ferin shook his head. "No deary. He just is getting over the loss of someone important to him." Ferin still was uneasy talking to her and he spread the no-combat zone further.
"Oh, that's a shame, I hope he gets better, cause he seems like he will be an interesting person to be around." she inspected the angel in front of him "So, you refered to him by his name, what would that make you, do you have a name, cause it would be nice to ha- to ha-aaaaaa to ha@@@aa, KILL, to have you as a friend as well." she seemed to be spazing out a bit more often now than she had in the past week. When the word 'kill' came out it wasn't in her nice pretty tone, it was more of a scratchy deep voice played through a fan.

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