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Love that's forbidden

Amelia was enjoying her time playing downstairs with Milo while she waited for her mom to come home. When she heard a knock on the door, she went over to look through the window and saw a lady. "Daddy!" She called as she ran up the stairs to get him.

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"What is it Princess?" He asks picking her up and kissing her cheek. He has simply left her alone for a few moments to get dressed himself but no parent could expect even that much time alone,
"There's someone at the dwoor!" Amelia said as she smiled and kissed his cheek. She yawned softly and then heard the door bell. She wasn't expecting anyone and the lady outside wasn't family.

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Nick was confused but nodded and carried her down the stairs. Who could it be? He wasn't expecting Cosby and if it was someone Amelia recognized she would have said who it was.
The one at the door just so happened to be Amber. She waited patiently at the door and when Nick answered, she smiled at him and then looked at Amelia. "You have red hair, just like your mother." Amber said and Amelia nodded but became frightened and curled up against her father.

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When Nick saw who it was before opening the door he stopped dead in his tracks. Amber. She should be in prison where she belonged but since there wasn't enough hard evidence to prove her of the horrible crime she committed she roamed free. She was a dangerous woman and Nick had not the slightest idea of what she could be up to. Before he answered the door he reached for his phone and dialed Bella's number before he put the phone in his pocket. His heart was racing but he had to stay calm for Amelia. Opening the door he held her close and stared at Amber in annoyance. "What do you want?"
Bella answered her phone but heard her husband talking. She became confused but canceled her appointment and sat in her office as she listened and the voice she heard, made her freeze. What was she doing with Nick? Where was Amelia in all this? Amber smiled a soft sinister smile as she looked at Nick then Amelia. "She's so adorable Nick. A split copy of her mother. The one who took you away from me." She said and laughed softly as Amelia hugged her father closer. "What's your name sweetie?" She asked and Amelia shook her head as she hid her face, she obviously became frightened.

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This was an awkward situation and Nick wasn't exactly sure how to handle it. He became furious though when he heard what Amber had to say. It made sense, she was crawling back to him because she realized how successful he had become, "Amber, go, you have no reason to be here.." His daughter was none of her concern.
"I can't just come and visit?" Amber said as she smiled and then looked at Amelia again. "In all fairness, I never signed the papers, so you are still married to me." She told him and Amelia stayed holding her father. "Who is she daddy?" She whispered and Bella became infuriated. Her and Nick were no longer married. Amber was out of the picture. Nick was only her husband and no one else's.

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Nick huffed out of irritation and rolled his eyes at Amber. "You really are not the most intelligent person m, you don't need to sign papers when the court deems you a danger to society." Setting Amelia down he crouched down beside her. "Go upstairs with Milo and don't come down til I come to get you." He whispers as she nodded and ran off. He knew the little girl was frightened but he couldn't explain right now and her safety was most important. "You need to leave, now."
Amber laughed softly as she looked at Nick. "Why? Are you scared I'll do something?" She asked him with another sinister laugh. Amber was in luck that day however because press showed and hid as they captured pictures. "I miss you Nick." She whispered and stepped up to stand in front of him then kissed him. She kissed him long enough for pictures to be taken and people to leave. When she pulled away, she laughed at the muffled voice of Bella through the phone. "You didn't trust me enough so you had your wife on the phone?"

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"Anyone crazy enough to trust you could be killed." He says with an annoyed tone. "I'm not asking you again, leave, or I'm calling the police for Trespassing."
Amber laughed at him and shook her head. "Fine. Bye Nick. Bye Bella." She said and left. Bella continued to rant and rant over the phone. "Nicolas Cambridge! She better have left and Amelia better be in the house!" She yelled more from worry or anything.

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Nick pulled the phone from his pocket and sighed. As he headed up the stairs to grab Amelia. "It's alright, she's gone, everyone's okay." He says carrying Amelia back down the stairs. Luckily she didn't attempt anything but he still found it odd for her to show.
Bella sighed as she looked at the time and shook her head. "Gosh, I'm coming home." She said as she hung up and went to her car and left to go home. She honestly just needed to make sure her family was fine and luckily they were and she hugged her husband close.

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Nick kissed her cheek and smiled. Nick had already explained to Amelia that Amber wasn't a nice lady and to get help if she ever saw her again. Of course he wasn't going to tell his daughter why she was dangerous she wouldn't understand. It wasn't something little girl's needed to worry about.
Bella stayed with her husband and daughter that day and didn't leave. She honestly just needed to sleep and she was relieved that they were okay. "I'm happy yall are okay." She whispered snd smiled.

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Nick nodded in agreement and kissed her softly. "Go gt some rest." He says before turning back to Amelia. He surely wasn't expecting their visitor and for awhile he was still shaken up slightly. Slowly, things went back to their normal routine but Nick was uneasy at how bothered the family was in a place that was supposed to be their home. If they were going to have another child he wanted them all to feel safe and here they felt attacked half of the time. Letting out a soft sigh he turned his attention back to Amelia and played with her in the living room.
Bella nodded as she went upstairs and went straight to bed. She herself was thinking of what her husband was and honestly, she didn't think living here was now safe. She sighed but went to bed and as weeks passed, she became moody. Signs of pregnancy and she couldn't help but have true and utter happiness at the thought of another child.

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Nick noticed changes in his wife and even though it tested his patience at times he knew she couldn't control it. If they were in fact expecting another baby soon if was priority they find A better place for their family. Nick was nervous however naturally with providing false hope of something were to happen to cause another loss,
(I have a drama idea!!!!!)

The couple was indeed expecting yet another baby and Bella was beyond overjoyed, though she began to look for a safer place for her and her family. One day, when Nick was away, Bella went to go check on Amelia who was in the living room and found out she was missing. She began to panic and when her phone rang, Bella answered and heard Ambers voice and Amelia's cries.

"So Bella, with Nick away and out of town I have a favor to ask if you want your daughter back, trick is you can't tell anyone." Amber said and Bella's heart began to pound against her chest and she agreed. "Five thousand. I need it by tomorrow afternoon or your daughter gets killed." Amber threatened then hung up and Bella fell to her knees as she cried. She needed to call Nick, so she did and when he answered, she began to cry.
When Nick answered the phone he was startled by Bella's cries. "What is it Hun?" He asks the worst thought came to mind. They lost another one. Excusing himself he walked away from the producers. "Calm down, breathe and tell me what's wrong." His voice was soft, she didn't need stress. He was panicked but kept calm for her sake.
Bella couldn't calm down and she laid on the ground as she curled into a ball and continued to cry. "I love you..." She whispered before she hung up. She couldn't tell him. She couldn't risk it. She couldn't risk Amber hurting their daughter. She needed to get the money and when she went to make the transaction, the bank called Nick for final approval, though bella didn't know.
Nick was beyond worried when Bella wouldn't tell him what was going on. When the bank called he started putting pieces together. Amber. He was tired of this, he needed to move them as soon as possible. He allowed the transaction. However, he secretly sent under cover agents to follow Bella to finally catch Amber
When Bella was allowed to make the transaction, she left with the money and then left quickly to meet Amber. She needed Amelia to be okay and when Amelia saw her mother, she ran over and hugged Bella close and Bella held her daughter. She threw the bag with the money to Amber and fought back tears. "Aren't you all the sweetest family?" Amber asked then pulled Amelia away from Bella as Amber went to kick her. "No!" Bella exclaimed because she wasn't looking forward to losing another child but luckily the agents quickly came over and took Amber away.

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