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Love that's forbidden

"Now Nick, we both know if I leave the stuff to Jace, he will abuse it." He explained and then smiled as he looked at him. "Do you think I can see Amelia before my time is up?"
Nick felt chills run down his spine at the question he was asked. As much as he wanted to protest and say he would be alright he saw it in his eyes. "Ill call my sister to bring her to you."
"Thank you." He whispered softly as he looked at Nick and smiled. "Nick, please take care of Bella. I know she'll try her hardest to be strong but she'll break at some point and I need you there for her." He whispered as he smiled.

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Nick simply nodded there was nothing he could really say. In the next few minutes Sarah arrived and Nick carried Amelia to her grandpa. He would be alright, he would pull through.
He looked at Amelia and smiled softly. He hugged her and Amelia laid her head on his chest. "Granpa." She said and stayed against him. He smiled and held her close against him.

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Nick smiled faintly at the sight of the two. Looking over to his wife he pulled her out of the room and took her into s hug as he stroked her hair. He knew this was difficult for her, he went through the same thing with his farther when he was.a teen.
Bella smiled at the comfort and hugged her husband close as she buried her face into his chest and tried so hard not to cry. "It's hard being so strong." She whispered and held him close. This comfort was one she loved.

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"I know, it's okay." He whispers continuing to hold her close. She had been through so much already the last thing she needed was face another loss. She was an incredible person who didn't deserve to suffer such amounts of tragedy, it was times like this Nick felt like everything was slowly falling a part. They needed happiness to be restored.
"It's not." She whispered as she finally broke down and begin to cry. She couldn't do this and she just needed time to release everything. She couldn't hold it in and she couldn't do this alone. She needed happiness again but she couldn't find it anymore.

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"Shhh, I'm here." Her husband says trying to reassure her but he knew it wasn't much. "I love you." He whispers. What wear he going to do to help his wife?
"I know. I love you more." She whispered and stayed in his arms. She honestly just needed to be with her husband.

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Nick has his hopes her dad would pull through but right now she didn't need to be in this environment, it was too much for her. Leaving their daughter in the hands of the surrounding family Nick drove the two home, once they arrive he took her in his arms again and kissed her softly.
Bella smiled into the kiss and then when she pulled away, she began to cry again. She couldn't do this. She just wanted her father to pull through but she had her doubts. "He won't make it." She cried.

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"Don't doubt him Bella, he's a strong man. You have to have faith or he'll have no reason to fight.. I know this is hard but you can't get completely discouraged."
"I know love. I agree completely it's just so hard." She whispered and continued to cry as she couldn't do anything to help him. "I can't lose him."

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There wasn't anything else Nick could logically think to say so he took her back in his arms again. She needed this time to decompose herself and despite the fact this isn't how Nick pictures his coming home he had no problem being there for his wife.
Bella began to cry harder and harder as the minutes pass. Se honestly couldn't do this and she couldn't stay strong for her family. She really just wanted to curl up and die.

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Nick continued to hold her for comfort and didn't leave her side. He was now praying her father would make it for the sake of his daughter's mental state. They had just recently lost a child a few months back, losing her father would send her into a deeper hole he wasn't sure he could dig her out of.

(Baby #2?)
Bella stayed with her husband for awhile as she continued to cry. She honestly didn't know what could make this any better and she didn't want to leave back to the hospital.

(Yes [emoji7])

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(Okay ^~^)

Nick sighed softly to himself but got up slowly when he heard her phone go off. Answering it he smiled faintly and headed back in her direction. "It'll be okay, he's alright."
At what she was told, Bella sighed and hugged her husband close in relief. She couldn't afford to go deeper in the hole she was already in. She was beyond ecstatic he was fine.

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Nick was relived to see her mood change suddenly, one less thing they had to worry about. However, as the weeks passed he could tell something else was bothering her, it was concerning to him.
One night, Bella laid on the couch as she looked up at the ceiling and sighed. She wanted another boy but she didn't think Nick would want that as well and that scared her.

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Nick walked down the stairs after putting Amelia to bed and stopped halfway down the stairs when he saw Bella starring at the ceiling. "What's the matter?" He calls in concern walking down the rest of the stairs over to his wife.
When Bella heard her husband, she looked over at him and shook her head. "Nothing love. Just thinking about work." She lied and brought her knees up against her chest.

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