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Love that's forbidden

"I don't believe your story Mrs Cambridge.," He says walking into the kitchen to pour himself some wine. "Something's on your mind, for awhile." He says pouting the wine into the glass. "What do you want Bella?" He asked with a smile.
She looked at him and laughed as she shook her head. "Nothing, I promise." She told her husband as she stood up and went to hug him from behind. She didn't want to tell him yet.

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"Oh alright," her husband says with an exasperated sigh as he sipped his wine. "Well, if you don't mind I'll be taking this bottle to bed, if you want to join me you're welcome." He says with a laugh before he retreated up the stairs with his wine.
Bella laughed at her husband and nodded as she smiled at him and then began to yawn. She retreated to the couch and laid down as she stared up at the ceiling again. "What would you do if I said I wanted to try for another, Nick?"

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Nick stopped in his tracks up the stairs , he was caught off guard by her question and slowly retreated back down the stairs setting the bottle on the counter. "Try for what?"
When she heard her husband, she blinked and looked at him in utter shock. He wasn't supposed to hear that. "For another baby." She whispered and looked away, scared for the answer.
Nick was completely blindsided that she was considering another child. He didn't think she would want to try anymore after suffering two miscarriages, one not that long ago. "Do you want too?" He asks seriously resting his gaze softly on his wife. He didn't realize she wanted this
Bella sighed as she looked at her husband and then shook her head. "No." She whispered and slowly stood up. "I was just thinking. I'm not ready." She whispered then went up to their room.
Nick followed after her into their room. Jumping in the bed he laughed softly and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her from behind and kissed her neck. "When you are ready, I'll clear my schedule," he says teasingly trying to make light of the tension if she really wanted it, he would agree. He had no problem with two children.
Bella laughed softly at her husband and nodded as she turned around and kissed him softly. Pushing him against the bed, she sat on top of him and laughed again. "You free now, love?" She asked him with a laugh against his lips.
Nick laughed at his wife, surprised by her sudden eagerness . "I'm free whenever you need me." He whispers before he kissed her in return. He knew this could be a long process but he was open to the possibilities.

(Nick [emoji23][emoji23])
Bella laughed at her husband and smiled against his lips again. "I love you.' She whispered and continued ot kiss him. "I think I need you right now.' She whispered.

(I know.)
"Well you're in luck Mrs Cambridge." He says with a smile before he leaned in to kiss her again. For the first time in s long time the couple just focused on each other.
Bella smiled at the attention she got from her husband and after everything settled down, she rested her head against his chest and smiled. "We needed that."
Nick laughed and shook his head. "I agree," he says kissing her head. Slowly though he began to fall asleep. Taking her hand he clasped their fingers together and slept peacefully with her against him,
The following morning, Bella smiled as she woke up to her husband underneath her. She kissed him softly and then began to fall asleep again. She was beyond exhausted and just wanted to continue sleeping.
The couple slept until Nick finally gave up and went to their daughter's calling. Picking her up out of the crib he took her hand and led her downstairs for her breakfast. Sometimes Amelia was enough to handle what would they do of they did have more children?
Bella stayed asleep as long as she could and slowly woke up after her husband did with Amelia. She smiled softly at the two and walked over to hug them both and tell them good morning. "How'd you sleep Amelia?" Bella asked and Amelia smiled. "Really well!" She said and watched her father.
Nick laughed softly at their daughter's excitement. She was a smart little girl and sometimes her vocabulary cracked him up. Turning to their daughter he gave her her breakfast of eggs and one piece of bacon,
Amelia smiled at her breakfast because this was her favorite kind of breakfast. She went to grab a fork then went and began to eat her breakfast. Bella laughed softly at their daughter and grabbed an apple then went upstairs to get ready for work.
While Bella got ready for work Nock kept a close eye on Amelia while he fed Milo. Once that was done he turned back to the kitchen to make his morning coffee, watching Amelia eat he laughed softly. "Is it good?"
Amelia looked at her father and nodded simply as she continued to scarf down her food. When Bella came back down, she was wearing an old lavender dress. The one she met Nick in. "Does it look alright? I have a cocktail party to attend during lunch." She explained as she bit her lip iin hopes she looked alright in it.
Turning in her direction her husband laid his eyes on her and blinked. He smiled remembering that dress. She as firehouse as the last time he saw her in it. "You look perfect but the hair still clashes." Bringing the coffee mug to his lips he laughed teasingly. He loved her hair and she knew it.
Bella laughed at her husbands remark about her hair and walked over to kiss him softly. "Lavender. It's lighter then Lilac." She whispered and then pulled away to kiss Amelia on the forehead. "I will see you two after work. Be good Amelia!" Bella said and Amelia nodded with a smile. "Mommy wooked pwetty." She said and looked at her father.

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"Yes baby, she did, but mommy always looks pretty." He says with a smile confining to sip his code. When Amelia finished breakfast be cleaned the mess and took her upstairs to change and brush her teeth before he allowed her to play downstairs

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