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Love that's forbidden

Nick looked to her confused. "It's been handled." After silence he spoke again. "Isabella, how long do you think you wee out for?" He asked curiously. For him this month had been pure hell but he knew for her she probably knew nothing of the amount of time she had been in critical condition.
Bella looked at Nick confused and simply answered. "A day or two." She said. Was she out longer? She couldn't even remember but she honestly thought it was only a day or so.

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Nick laughed softly put of disbelief and shook his again. "Try a month." He whispered it was horrible, a month of uncertainty but it was okay now. She was awake and responsive.
Bella blinked at what she was told. She didn't believe it. She was out a whole month? What in the world? "A month....?" She whispered in utter disbelief but then she looked at her husband and laughed. "Nick, don't joke." She said. She couldn't believe it. A whole month.. Amelia. "How is Amelia?"

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"She fine, she's looking for you." Her husband says with a smile at the thought of their daughter. She was smart and he couldn't keep much from the two year old. "She misses you, a lot." there were nights she screamed for her mother and that broke Nick's heart because he could do nothing to comfort her.
Bella smiled but soon sighed after. "My poor baby girl. How was she this entire month?" She asked him as she looked at him with hurt filled eyes. She needed to know how her baby girl was doing. No mother should just suddenly leave their child alone for an entire month.
"She's holding up, you'll see her soon, I promise." He says reassuringly. For now she needed to rest so she could recuperate as soon as possible so they could go home.
Bella sighed as she looked at her husband and nodded. She wanted to see Amelia now. She could only imagine how much her daughter missed her and that killed her.

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As a few days passed and Bella was feeling better Nick decided to take Amelia to finally see her mom. The little girl was obviously excited when she discovered who she was going to visit and Nock found it adorable. Unbuckling her from her car seat Nick carried her to Bella's room and set her down before she went crazy.
"Mommy! Mommy!" Amelia exclaimed and when Bell heard her voice, she looked over at her and smiled. "Hey baby girl." She whispered and hugged her daughter close as she laid against her chest and cried. "I missed you mommy." She whispered and Bella continued to hold her close. "I know my love. I know."

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Nick smiled at his family being reunited, it was a pleasing feeling. They were all going to be alright and would get to go home and go back to normal soon enough.
Bella enjoyed that time with Amelia while it lasted, and when she got to go home, she was excited to spend more time with Amelia to make up for the month she was gone, though when Nick returned home, Bella was sitting at the table, staring at her tablet that was resting on its stand. Amelia was fast asleep in her room but Bella reread every last word in this article about her. "A horrible wife who yet again, disappointed her husband with a miscarriage. Can we talk about unfortunate?" It read. How did they even know about the first one?

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(I just saw Insurgent. [emoji7][emoji7])

Nick walked through the door and set his things down in the chair. Looking over to his wife he smiled but it quickly faded to a confused look when he saw her upset. "What is it?" He asked her walking over and running his hands along her shoulders.
(Me too. Just finished. [emoji24][emoji24])

"No... Don't." She whispered as she flinched away from his touch. She hid her face between her knees and fought back the tears. She needed to be alone. These articles were getting to her because this was how she truly felt inside. "I need air." She said and quickly stood up to walk outside, not caring that her tablet was still unlocked. She couldn't deal with it.

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(I was freaking out because o forgot Tris "dies")

Nick nodded and let her run off while he sighed. He wasn't one to snoop but the articles caught his eye. Reading them he locked the tablet and ran after her, approaching her cautiously before he took her into a comforting embrace.
(Haha I remembered she didn't!)

When Bella felt her husband take her into an embrace, she broke. She cried harder then she ever had before and she gripped the back of his shirt tight. She couldn't get what they wrote about her out of her head. "Why are you still with me?" Bella whispered as her cried became harder and she tried to catch air. "Why?"

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There was no doubt Nick was beyond angry with what was being said about his wife but now was not the time to vent his anger. Continuing to hold her close he didn't let go "Because I know the real Bella, she's a wonderful mother and an outstanding wife who has had more than her fair share of difficulties. They're just people who went to make a buck don't let them get to you, you know the truth and I know the truth that's all that matters, you and me against the world."
Bella sighed as she looked at her husband and nodded. "I know." She whispered and stayed close against her husband. "I love you Nick but what if they're right? What if everything they're saying is what I believe is true? I am such a horrible wife... Because of me you've lost two children.." She whispered and cried once again.

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"No, it's not your fault, you had no control either time, it's not your fault. Please let go of that guilt Bella. It's not something you need to live with. It forgive yourself. What they're saying isn't the least bit true and deep down you know that." Cupping her face he kissed her forehead and wiped away her tears.
Bella looked into her husbands eyes as she finally calmed down and nodded softly. He was right. She needed to get rid of that guilt but she didn't know if she honestly could. "I love you." She whispered as she closed her eyes.

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"I love you too." Her husband whispers admiring her with soft eyes. Taking her hand he locked their fingers together. And smiled when Amelia wobbly ran over to her parents. She was the reason he was okay, he always has his little girl if nothing else.
Bella smiled as Amelia wobbly made her way over then climbed up to sit with them. "I wuv you mommy." She whispered and put her head on Bellas lap and extended her legs to her fathers. Bella laughed softly at her and admired how quick her daughter changed her mood. She always had her. They would be okay.

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Nick smiled at the two and ran his hands along Amelia's legs. She was the cutest thing and always managed to put her parents in a good mood. What was he going to do when she was all grown up?
A few weeks passed but sadly, Bella couldn't leave her office. Nothing but press stayed outside the building to ask her questions and she didn't know what to do. She called Nick, knowing he more then likely couldn't come right away. She wouldn't have minded much if she was by herself but today she had Amelia with her.

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Nick to his wife surprise didn't hesitate in coming to the rescue. It was still important to the couple that their daughter remain out of reach of the public because she was defenseless, she couldn't protect her own rights. Calling the authorities to clear the premises he walked inside and into the office. Seeing Amelia he smiled. "Hey baby, are you having fun with mommy?" He asked with bright eyes. A whole new side came out of him whenever his daughter was around

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