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Love that's forbidden

Amelia watched as her father watched her and laughed again. "What?" She asked as she got her face all dirty. She was exhausted but really enjoyed this time with her parents. When Bella came back in, she seemed frustrated and went straight up to change.

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Nick shook his head at Amelia and left her to eat with Milo at her side waiting for her to drop something. "What's the matter love?" He asked walking into their room and rubbing ghee shoulders from behind.
"People just don't know how to do anything right!" Bella exclaimed as she shook her head and sighed. "The printing messed up an order. We have to recall all books out meaning I have to go to New York today right this minute." She said and shook her head. "This is ridiculous."

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"It'll be alright, just take a deep breathe and calm down. It'll get fixed, it always does."He whispers before he kissed her neck and released her. "Do you want me to come with you?" He was trying to avoid stressing her out, she didn't need it, especially since she was with child. As always he would do anything to lessen her load p
"No it's fine." Bella said as she sighed and began to pack. "I'm going to have to miss Amelia's birthday. I need you to make sure she enjoys it okay?" She told her husband and continued to pack and paced around the room. She was so furious right now. She wasn't planning on missing Amelia's birthday but now she had to.

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Nick sighed but nodded and took his wife into a gentle hug. He knew at times work could be stressful but in the end things always worked out. He also knew how important Amelia's birthday was to her, he wasn't sure if a souls ruin but he would come up with one.
Bella sighed as she hugged her husband close. "I love you. I'll FaceTime when I land." She whispered and grabbed her things and left, giving Amelia a hug and a kiss and then giving Nick one as well. "Mommy fwacetime!" Amelia said and Bella laughed. "I know baby."

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Nick smiled and laughed at their daughter and turned back to his food as Bells left. Good thing he came home today or Amelia would have been dragged in the big city.
Bella really wasn't looking forward to going to New York and honestly, she wouldn't have expected what happened to happen. Her plane she boarded crashed in mid ocean. Luckily Bella survived though her family was told otherwise.

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(That escalated quickly)

When Nick first heard the news he was in denial. It couldn't be true couldn't? She was just here, if he would've gone along with her maybe it wouldn't have happened. It wasn't until two days after the tragic disaster Nick knew his wife wasn't coming home. A sickinening thought to not only lose your wife but another child. It was defiantly a blow but he kept his emotions behind closed doors, he needed to be positive for Amelia, she was too young to fully understand what was happening but she didn't need to be surrounded by negativity.
(I was planning on it to happen but I was at the beach so I couldn't make it long.)

Bella didn't know what all was going on. She heard sirens at one point then heard the doctors talking. Where was she? Was she even alive? She was barley holding on but there was no way they could identify who this woman was. "Bella....." Bella whispered to them and the doctors looked at her confused. "Bella Cambridge....." She whispered again and then began to fall unconscious again.

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(Ahhh I haven't gone beaching yet I need a new suit.)

Unaware his wife was alive he was trying his hardest to put on a smile for their daughter. She was so young and innocent but this was by far the worst thing that ever happened to Nick with everything that went wrong in life. How was he going to recover from this?
(Lol I love the beach.)

Bella was still unconscious and she didn't wake up soon. She fell into a coma from the traumatic experience and all she could think about was her husband and her daughter. She needed to go back home to them but she wasn't even near her home. She was up north in Indiana. She didn't know when she would ever wake up but they finally got an identity and two weeks from then, a call was made to Nick.

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As soon as Nick received the news he booked the best possible flight for Indiana and left Amelia with Sarah. She didn't need her mother in such serious condition and Nick himself wasn't sure what he was walking into. Was she going to pull through? Or would he have to grieve her loss a second time around?
A month or so had passed and finally, around five in the morning on a Friday, she woke up. She needed time to remember what all happened but when she saw her husband next to her, she smiled a soft smile. He was here. She was alive. They would be okay.

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"Well hey there Sleeping Beauty." Nick says with a smiled as he ran his fingers through her hair and offered her his free hand. He hasn't left her since he got there really, Sarah came up with Amelia after about a week and for now they were staying at s nice hotel where Nick usually resided in in the evenings but decided to stay with his wife tonight with the feeling something was going to happen.
Bella smiled softly at her husband and took his free hand as she looked at him and felt tears in her eyes. "You're here. I'm fine. We're okay." She whispered as she laughed softly and kissed his hand to just prove furthermore she was alive and well. A few more scars but she was okay.

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"I know love." He whispers with a smile keeping an eye on her. Relief did wash over him of course but he was glad she was looking at this positively because he didn't want to break. The unfortunate news to her, smother child had been sacrificed.
Bella looked at her husband and knew the look on his face. She felt the tears stream down her face and she began to shake her head. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't deserve to be your wife. I'm so sorry." She whispered as her hands touched her stomach.

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Nick shook his head. "Shhh it's not your fault, you couldn't have prevented it." After some silence he kissed her cheek. "There's no need to dwell on it, I know it's unfortunate but don't forget about the perfect little girl whose been driving me crazy for over a month to see her mom." He says with a light laugh.
Bella laughed softly at the mention of her daughter and smiled softly. "I still feel horrible... This is the second child... I'm so sorry." She said as she looked away. Yet another child lost and she felt like the most horrible person in the world.

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"Don't apologize for something you had no control over." Leaning over he kissed her they could always try again when the time was right, for the mean time they had Amelia and Nick was content with that.
Bella sighed against her husbands lips and nodded softly as she kissed him softly. "I love you so much." She whispered and then smiled a soft smile.

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"I love you too." He says before he kissed her again. "You're not allowed to go anywhere alone ever again." He whispers teasingly. For now he wasn't going to let her out of his sight.
Bella laughed softly at her husband and nodded. "Okay love. I promise I won't. What did they do about the recall?" She asked, not fully aware she had been unconscious for a month. She thought it had only been a night or so.

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