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Love that's forbidden

Bella called the company to let them know of the author that dropped her. The CEO was very good with her and never once said he'd drop we from the company but she was so nervous they would drop her.

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Nick took hold of Amelia's tiny hands and held her up to her feet, laughing softly at her giant smile and innocent laugh he took her into a hug and kissed her cheeks.
Bella came back out after talking with her the CEO and then saw Sarah come over. She smiled at Sarah and then looked at Nick. He deserved to know. "Sarah can you watch Amelia for us real quick?" She asked then took her husband out to the back where her tablet was. "I've been dropped from seven different authors." Se finally told him.

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Nick blinked and sighed before offering her a sympathetic gaze. "I'm sorry love." He whispers before he shook his head and put his head in his hands. This was going way too far.
"Hey Nick, it's fine." Bella whispered as she leaned over and cupped his face. "It's only major if the CEO drops me but he believes in you Nick. He believes you're innocent."

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Nick laughed sarcastically. "Well that makes a minority." Very few believed he was innocent. "This shouldn't have anything to do with you scan if I did it, it's not your fault for a man's bad decision." It wasn't fair to her.
"Nick love,calm down. We're in this together. It's fine. They weren't major authors they were minor so it doesn't matter. It's okay." Bella said as she held his hands.

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Nick sighed again and nodded again before he got up and kissed her lightly. "I love you." He whispers taking her into a hug and walking back inside.
"I love you more. Well be okay." She whispered and walked back in with him and smiled at him. She loved him so much.

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The rest of the day Nick spent it with his wife and daughter. When he heard the phone he reached for it and saw it was Alyssa. Looking to his wife nervously he answered it. "Hello?" He asked hesitantly.
"Okay so good news, you won't have a trial because the tables are turning. She wasn't smart enough to delete footage. It shows you leaving your office and it shows the time you clocked out for work, it shows her walking in with items. You're okay."

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For a moment Nock went silent not knowing what to say but then he sputtered some words. "Thank you, thank you so much." He says utterly relieved and smiled brightly and ignored Bella's confusion. For once things went his way and he was so glad words couldn't even express it.
"Of course Nick. I was glad to be of service. I'll keep in touch!" Alyssa said and hung up and as Amelia began to fuss, Bella went over and carried her to get her to stop. "What was that about?"

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Nick laughed in disbelief and took Amelia from her mother and kissed her cheek. "It's okay Hun, I'm not going anywhere, I 'll always be here." He says to his daughter before he looked to his wife with a bright smile. "The charges were dismissed, Alyssa did it."
Bellas smile went wide and she hugged her husband close as she laughed. "I knew it. We're okay." She whispered and smiled contently and pulled away. This was all so perfect. She loved this.

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In the time since the traumatic dilemma things slowly went back to normal and Nick even wrote a novel inspired by the experience it was a nice plot idea. The second film from the first series was about to be set for release and even the university offered him his position back he declined. It would have been too awkward of a situation for both him and the students. That left time for Amelia and he was of course elated by that. Their little family found peace again

Today Nick was flying gown from New York after finishing the filming and he was more than ready to be home, it had been a long week and he was sure Bella had her hands full with Amelia all on her own.
After the air was clear about the event, Bella was addressed by the authors that dropped her to take them back. She agreed and everything at work was settled. My hey we're stable again and she loved it. It was all peaceful again and she enjoyed their time they had together as a family, although she was still being offered to teach a journalism course at the best know journalism school in New York. Now she just needed to plan the party for Amelia since she was turning two. The years flew by.

Today Nick should be coming back and Amelia was in the living room watching Frozen. She seemed to love that much as much as any toddler, especially because she began to sing along. Bella couldn't help but laugh at their daughter. She was just so cute.

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When the plane landed Nick called Bella to let her know he would be home as soon as he could. The airport environment was always hectic on the weekends and he was exhausted from traveling. Meanwhile Milo came to lay beside Amelia as she watched her movie.
Bella smiled at her husband and told him okay and awaited his arrival. When he walked in, Amelia finished singing up Let It Go and when she saw her dad, she gasped and ran over to him, hugging his leg tight. "Daddy!" She said with a smile and a giggle. She loved him and Bella smiled as Milo barked happily. "Well hey there handsome." Bella said as she walked over and kissed him softly.

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Nick shuffled his things inside and laughed softly at his greeting. "Hello." He says with a smile kissing his wife in return before he picked Amelia up and kissed her cheek. "Hey there baby girl, I missed you." He says taking Amelia into s hug.
"Miss you more." Amelia said as she hugged her father close and smiled contently. She kissed his cheek then heard Frozen still playing. "Owaf!" She said and smiled as she leaned over to get put down. Bella laughed softly and smiled at her husband. "Pst, Amelia, tell daddy his surprise." Bella said and Amelia's attention was brought back. "Baby bwoder!" She said and Bella laughed softly.

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(Awwe [emoji2])

Nick smiled at Amelia , she was adorable. Setting her down he laughed at her softly but looked to Amelia confused and blinked before he looked to his wife. "What?"
(Lol yeah [emoji16])

"Baby bwoder!" Amelia said again as she looked at her mom and extended her arms for her to pick her up. Bella laughed and picked Amelia up. Amelia grabbed her dads hand and put it on her mothers stomach. "Baby bwoder." She said and Bella nodded. "Baby boy."

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(The feels I can't.)

"Really?" Nick asked excitedly before he smiled to their daughter. She was a smart little girl. This was exciting news and he wasn't expecting this news quite yet. So far Bella was taking well this time around which was good news since he had to leave her alone with Amelia, he knew she was capable but he didn't want her to become overly exhausted too soon.
(I know! [emoji24])

"Yes rwelly." Amelia said as she giggled and Bella smiled too. "She's excited." Bella whispered as she looked at her husband. "You excited father of two?" She asked with a laugh and Amelia joined her. She was so adorable.

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