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Love that's forbidden

Nick got up and followed Bella and laughed at Amelia. "You're a smart little thing." He says amazed by her. She was not even six months old and already was getting into things.
Amelia looked up at her parents and smiled an innocent smile and Bella laughed as she leaned over and picked her up. "Hey baby girl. What are you doing up so early?" She asked her with a laugh. Amelia was so cute and she was going to be very smart.

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"Bugging you." Nick says with a soft laugh and kissed Amelia's cheek and smiled at her when she looked to him. "What? What is it?" Her father asked kissing her hands.
Amelia began to laugh at her father and Bella laughed softly too. "You're bugging me? How dare you." She said and laughed as Amelia's little smile never faded. Bella loved moments like this.

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Their daughter was the most important thing to them obviously and that's Shh this was so difficult. He didn't want his relationship with his only child to be compromised. Looking out the window he looked in confusion and then realized something. "Stay here, lock yourself in."he says before running down the stairs and into the drive "What are you doing here? You've caused enough trouble." He says to the woman before him. The student who decided to ruin him.
Bella looked at her husband in utter confusion but learned to not question. She nodded and did as he asked and stayed inside with Amelia. The girl laughed at Nick and smiled. "I can take all of this away or you just give me what I want Nick." She said with a soft smile.

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"I don't know what you want but you're not getting it, not after everything you put my family through." He was pissed with her, a 19 year old knew just how to crumble everything because he wouldn't give into her sick fantasies.
The girl merely laughed as she nodded. "Okay. Your choice but things won't be easy Nick." She said then smiled an innocent smile and walked off. She would have her way. Nothing would change that.

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Nick shook his head at her as he watched her walk off. He didn't know what she was up too but things couldn't get much worse especially when he got the call from the publisher saying they were no longer supporting his works.
Bella knew everyone dropped Nick in a heart beat. That killed her and she felt terrible. This shouldn't have happened but they could get through this. Until Bella was dropped from many authors. She wasn't planning on telling Nick because she could still provide. She still worked for a few authors and her company. Things would be okay.

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Nick was holding his breathe in hopes Alyssa Woods could do something for him, if she couldn't he knew he had no chance, there had to be something, anything she could use to prove his innocence of this whole thing so he could go back to easing his daughter with his wife in peace.
Alyssa looked over all information given then looked at the date that the student said was the day she was assaulted. Alyssa gasped as she called Nick right away. She needed to know if he was anywhere else at the same time that could help, if not she'd have to find another way. Another way to prove innocence.

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At the sound of the ring he learned to dread the call, what else could go wrong now? When he saw it was Alyssa he became nervous. "Hello?" His hand shook slightly as he headed back inside
"Nick. Last week on Tuesday, where were you at around 7 in the evening?" Alyssa asked hoping they could find a small lead. She needed one to work this out.

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Nick had answered this countless times already and it was getting rather annoying but he understood she was trying to help so he was compliant "I was home, all night after six."
Alyssa answered but she really hoped he had proof. "Do you have anything to prove you were home? Anything at all?"

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"No, I don't." He admitted with a sigh as he watched his wife walk down the stairs with the baby, if he had proof of his alibi he wouldn't be in such s rut,
Alyssa sighed as she looked at all the evidence. How was she going to be able to prove Nicks innocence? How would this even be remote possible? All the evidence was very real. "Nick, all the evidence was in your office, correct?"

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"As far as I know, yes." He says looking out at the view beyond. He knew Alyssa had her work cut out for her and he felt bad she had to waste her time when she could be doing more important things.
Alyssa nodded as she let out a content smile. Hopefully they didn't erase all the security footage already and if they did, she knew ways to get it back up. "I'll call you back later." Alyssa said and hung up and immediately left the office to go to the university. She had a warrant and every right to do this.

"What happened love?" Bella asked her husband as she looked at him. She smiled softly and walked over with Amelia in hand to kiss his cheek.

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"I'm not sure but Alyssa is up to something." He says setting the phone down and took Amelia from her mom. Kissing her cheek he smiled at the little one as he held her close. If he faced prison the hardest part would be leaving his daughter.
Bella smiled at her husband and their daughter and simply nodded as she heard her tablet go off. Oh no. She sighed as she walked over to it and saw an email. Yet another author dropped her. "Shit." She said out loud but then blinked. "Sorry." She stated then walked outside.

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Nick looked to his wife confused and set Amelia gently down on the floor to play before he followed after Bella. "What's the matter Hun?" He asks walking up behind her and kissing her neck.
"Nothing love. It's fine." Bella said as she smiled and leaned over and kissed him softly. "I need to call someone. I'll be back." She said and left her tablet on the chair as she walked to their room. She made sure she locked her tablet hoping he husband didn't know the password.

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Nick sighed, he was curious and he noticed she left the tablet behind but he wasn't going to snoop through her things, walking back inside he sat down on the floor with Amelia and played with her.

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