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Love that's forbidden

Nick had an evening class tonight and he was currently at work but he wasn't prepared for the dramatic events that would ensue after tonight. I'm the middle of s lecture hell lied confused as he saw administration walk in and pulled him out of the auditorium. When he walked out he looked to them confused. "What's going on?" He asked curiously but when they remained silent and the police officer stepped forward and placed him under arrest for sexual assault he was dumb founded. "You've got to be kidding me." He says totally lost until he saw her, the student he had transferred. What was she up to?"
Bella and Amelia were at home crawling around and playing with Milo when she recieved the cal. She dropped the phone and didn't know what to believe. Her husband would never assault anyone. She knew him better than anyone but when she was about to leave, she saw his mom and ex wife outside. She already became angry with Amelia in her arms. "Get out of my way. What did you two do?!" She exclaimed as Nicks mom laughed and shook her head. "We didn't tell him to assault her now did we?" She said and Bella called Sarah hoping when she heard the conversation,she would come to her aid.

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"I'm telling you, I didn't do it!" Nick explains angrily. When he saw the doubt in their eyes he rolled his and crossed his arms. "I want lawyer, this is ridiculous."
Bella couldn't believe this was happening. She sighed and when she finally saw Sarah, she pushed past Nicks mom and went straight to her. "I need to go see Nick. He's being accused for something he didn't do." She said and felt like crying.
Sarah blinked at what she heard. What now? Somehow Nick always got the short end of the stick. "It'll be alright, he'll call a lawyer." No one knew what was going on or what evidence there was against him but it must have been valid.
Bella sighed but nodded at her sister in law. She would be okay. They would be okay. Everything would be okay, they just need to get through this dramatic part. "Why is your mother here is what I don't understand." She whispered and knew if word got out to the press, it would be up and posted within an hour.
"Who knows." Sarah says with a sigh. It was a horrible feeling to know your mom probably had something to do with this. Or could her brother have really done it? No, he wouldn't have, she didn't believe it for a second, he was too kind and loyal of a man to do such a thing. The young girl was real eased from questioning and smiled to Bella as she walked past, her bruiser evident.

(Lol someone call in Aly,)

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Bella sighed as she watched Sarah and thought of what to do. She was worried and wanted to know exactly what evidence there was about her husband assaulting this woman. She needed to know everything, but most important they needed a lawyer. A good one. One who could deal with this case well.

(Haha we can actually. )
(Do itttt)

The evidence was all staged. They had pictures of him on the occasions she tried to pull moves in the past and had him placed in a near by area when her "assault" occurred when really she self inflicted such injuries. The way things were looking he didn't have a chance since she placed personal things that belonged to her in his office.
(Lol okay.)

Bella was at a loss as what to do. Bella sighed as she decided to call a lawyer for her husband. The best one around. Alyssa. Bella knew she would solve this case but Bella didn't know who to believe. With a the evidence it was like her husband assaulted the girl and sadly, Bella was starting to believe it. She left Amelia with Sarah and went to visit with her husband who was now in custody. She couldn't bare knowing it was true if anything.

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When Nick saw his wife he was more embarrassed than anything else. Despite the fact he knew his innocence it was still humiliating he was in this situation and she was probably upset with him. No words he could say to her seemed suffice so he waited on her to talk first.
"Why?" Bella asked simply as she stared at their wedding ring the entire time. She was so confused on what to do. She wanted to believe he was innocent but that would be hard to prove with all the evidence.

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Nick sighed and looked to her, Did she actually believe whatever it was someone was trying to pull? That was upsetting but he couldn't blame her, someone did a great job of pinning this on him. "I have nothing to do with it Bella, I swear."
Bella sighed as she began to panic mentally and began to shake. "I don't know what to believe Nick. It's so real I just....." She said and put her head in her hands as she began to cry. She hated this.

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Nick hated to her his wife like this. "I just need you to know that I love you and Amelia and I would never do anything to hurt you. Please be Careful I don't know what's going to happen and I couldn't live with myself if something happened to either one of you."
"I love you too Nick but this is huge. I'm not supposed to lose my husband after one month of marriage." She explained as she continued to cry and shake. She wasn't stable to do this alone. "I can't do this alone Nick." She whispered again.

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"I'm not going anywhere Bella, and you're not alone, you have everyone, you're parents, your brother, Sarah. They're all here for you, I know this is hard but it'll be worked out."
"Will it really Nick? We don't know for sure." Bella said as she sighed and looked at him sadly. She wished she could just touch him right now. "I love you. I love you so much. Please come home to us."

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Nick smiled faintly too his wife and nodded. Once he left her he was transported to the jail but luckily was permitted bail. This was completely ridiculous and he was embarrassed and humiliated. His wife didn't deserve this, after today he felt filthy and violated,
Bella sighed as she got up and heard about the bail. She was glad but she still didn't know who to believe. She was honestly just humiliated but she wasn't leaving her husband. That was the last thing she would do but she went to pick up Amelia then went home. She laid on the couch with Amelia against her chest as she slowly fell asleep but the baby soon woke up because she wanted her father.

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To avoid tension Nick paid his own bail and then went to stay at Sarah's. This situation was just awkward. As much as he wanted people to see the truth it was certainly hard to see.
When Nick hadn't returned, she sighed as Amelia stayed up all night crying because she wanted nothing more then to be in her fathers arms. What was going to happen to them now?

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Nick returned home the following morning to shower and get changed. When he heard Amelia he smiled walked over to her and picked her up and held her close. "Shhh, you're alright." He whispers as he began to rock her and kissed her forehead
When Bella heard Amelia cry, she sleepily got up and looked at the two as she smiled. "Hey." She whispered as she walked over and Amelia's cries began to seize as she looked at both her parents.

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"Morning," had husband whispers looking over to her for a moment before turning back to Amelia. Carrying her downstairs he began to feed her.

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