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Love that's forbidden

Bella shook her head at her husband and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll be fine. Believe me." She told him then Amelia began to fuss because she saw her father leaving. "Go while I distract her." Bella said and took her to the living room where Milo caught her attention and her cries turned to sniffles.

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Leaving his daughter though her crying was always the hardest thing. Nodding he kissed her cheek in return and then Amelia's before grabbing his things and heading for the car. This isn't what he pictured himself doing the day after their wedding but they would have their vacation soon enough snd hopefully they would get to keep their privacy.
Bella smiled at Amelia looked at Milo with curious eyes. "Hey there boy." Bella said as she looked at Amelia and smiled. "Amelia, Amelia." Bella said as she sat her in the couch and sat on the floor in front of her. "Amelia." She said and blew on her daughter feet and smiled as she laughed.

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Milo wagged his tail excitedly when Amelia was in his reach and jumped next to her laying his head beside her as his tail still wagged at s less rapid motion. When she laughed he lifted his head and cocked it at her curiously before he locked her gently.
Bella enjoyed these moments like these and she stayed in the living room, playing with her daughter and Milo. They crawled around the floor together and when Amelia would give up, Milo would push her back up gently. Bella found it cute but a few minutes before Nick came home, Bella began to warm up and fell unconscious. Amelia looked at her mom curiously as did Milo and Amelia hit her moms arm to get her attention.

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When Nick arrived home before he opened the door he heard Amelia's cries but he became concerned because it wasn't a cry he had heard before. Unlocking the door quickly he ran inside and slammed his things on the counter before he ran over to her picking her up he held her to his hip as he felt Bella and noticed how warm she was. Not knowing what to do he called his sister.
Bella stayed unconscious until Sarah arrived. Bella slowly came too and when she saw Sarah walking in and saw Amelia looking at her and holding out her arms, Bella didn't know what happened. She slowly sat up and realized how hot she was. "What happened?"

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Nick handed his daughter to Sarah and helped Bella off the floor. "You're going to the hospital." He says seriously, it wasn't an option to say no. She was dehydrated and her tempsture was higher than it should be. Picking her up in his arms before she could resist he carried her to the car.
"Nick I don't like hospitals." Bella said as she was picked up and carried to the car. She sighed and when in the car, slowly shut her eyes again from exhaustion. She hated being sick and when she was sick. It was always worse then others.

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"It's not about what you like right now." Nick says firmly before he drove her to the hospital. It wasn't too serious right now but if it wasn't treated now it would only get worse.
Bella sighed as she slowly closed her eyes and didn't even fight against her husbands wants. She didn't even know when they arrived to the hospital or what they did because when she woke up, she saw her husband sitting next to her. She smiled at him and felt cold for once. "Hey." She whispered.

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Nick smile day her. "Hi, are you feeling better?" They had given her an IV to keep her hydrated and medicine for her fever. Nick was glad it was nothing too drastic, he could have come home to a much more frightening scenario,
Bella smiled at her husband and nodded. "Yeah. Sorry." She told him and then sighed as she heard Amelia crying. She knew her daughters cry. "Is she here?" She asked Nick with hopeful eyes. She wanted to see her.
Nick nodded and stood to go retrieve their daughter from his sister. "Shh, it's alright." Her father whispers as he carried her into Bella's room. "Who is that? Is that your mommy?" Nick asked the little girl with a smile as she quickly turned her attention as her father pointed towards Bella
Bella smiled at her daughter and held her hands out. "Hey baby girl." Bella said as she hugged her close and Amelia curled against her mom. "I'm sorry I scared you."she whispered and kissed the top of her head.
Nick smiled at the sight of the two and took his seat back beside them. To him he didn't see Amelia having s favorite she clung to both of her parents equally. He wondered how her personality would develop once she was older but for now he wanted her to stay tiny. She was too cute.
Bella smiled at their daughter and then looked at her husband and smiled. "I love our little family." She whispered as Amelia began to fall asleep. Bella knew her daughter was tired. "How was your evaluations?"
"Okay, I guess, I never know right away." He says with a sigh keeping an eye on their daughter. It couldn't have been too bad, hopefully, if he didn't impress he could lose his position.
"I'm sure you impressed them very well." Bella said as she smiled and continued to hold Amelia close against her chest as she smiled softly at him.

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Nick laughed and shook his head. "How would you know? You've never watched me in that setting before." He thought it was sweet how she had a never ending posture regard towards him.
"I don't have to see you in that setting. I already know." Bella said with a smile and leaned over to kiss him softly. She loved this man so much, she wouldn't trade him for the world.

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"Oh you do? It must be that red hair." He says teasing before he kissed her cheek again. "Rest so we can do home." He whispers to her with a soft laugh
Bella laughed softly as she nodded and slowly began to fall asleep with Amelia still against her chest. She loved their baby girl and she loved her husband. She would do anything for them.

(You want to do where he has the affair now or later?)

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(We can do it whenever you want but I was thinking it could be staged.)

Nick watched over the two most important people in his life while they slept. How did he get to be so lucky? He didn't deserve this little family or this success and he truly did believe this was true. He believed he deserved what Amber was trying to do to him.
(Whenever is fine with me and that sounds perfect.)

A few weeks after, Bella was perfectly fine but Amelia was now around four to five months. Bella couldn't believe how fast time was going and she smiled at her daughter as se began to crawl everywhere. She was so cute and Bella never got tired of watching her.

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