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Love that's forbidden

Bella smiled softly as she watched the two walk away and when she went down,she smiled at how Amelia tried to play with her father. Bella went over and then smiled at Amelia. "Hey baby." She whispered Nd then looked at Nick. "I love you." She whispered and kissed his cheek.

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Nick smiled. It was relieving to hear his wife say that. "I love you too." He whispers and set Amelia down to the floor to play with her toys. He didn't know what he was going to do if he was wrongly convicted, he would be leaving his wife to care for their daughter on her own and miss out on all the important things in their daughter's life, if he was tried and sent to prison it could be for years, it was a serious offense, a felony.
Bella smiled softly at her husband and began to make them some breakfast. Just a couple eggs and pancakes, nothing fancy. When she finished, she smiled at her family and plated the food for them. She set it at the table for her husband then went and made Amelia a bottle so she could feed her. Bella wasn't looking forward to the word getting out about this.

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Nick ate the breakfast rather quickly since he hadn't eaten since over a day ago Nick remained quiet for the majority, not knowing what to say. Especially when he got the call he had been dismissed from his position at the university. Whatever this girl was trying to do to him he wasn't sure but if it was to ruin everything he made for himself it was working.
Bella watched as her husband devoured the breakfast. She laughed softly and shook her head as she went over and sat down at the table and began to eat. She was hungry herself but not like her husband. "You anymore hungry tiger?" She asked him with a laugh as she looked over at her daughter who was now crawling after Milo. Bella was glad things worked out for their family but knew everything Nick had built, was ruined.

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Nick smiled embarrassed and shook his head. "No, thank you." He sags sigh a faint smile before he got up to clean his plate in the sink. When he finished he sighed and walked out into the back yard to go for a walk. If was like every time he made something of himself he was shot down again and now he could possibly be facing spending a large portion of life between cement walls.
Bella sighed as her husband left to go for a walk and the minute he left, Amelia became fussy. Bella carried her as she rocked her back to sleep and got in contact with Alyssa to make sure things would be alright. Not for Bella, but for Nick.

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When Nick came back he greeted his wife with another fake smile. This situation was completely horrible. Taking Amelia back from her mother he finally spoke. "I'm sorry." He whispered to his wife sincerely before he went to sit with Amelia.
Bella sighed as she saw the fake smile from her husband and she merely nodded herself and decided to go and take a walk by herself. She needed to just breathe and let it all out. She didn't want this to separate her and Nick. She didn't want to lose him but she wasn't expecting for Nick to just put a fake smile on for her. She needed to stay strong but she didn't know if it was capable so that night, she stayed awake downstairs while her husband tended to Amelia. Her ring on the table in front of her as she stared at it.

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Once Amelia was asleep upstairs in her room he walked down into the living room and stopped at the sight of his wife. This wasn't supposed how things were supposed to go. Right now, they were supposed to be on vacation not awaiting their fate as a family. Walking over to her he sat across from her and did the only thing he could think of. He kissed her long and passionately while he cupped her face. She needed to know how much he loved her no matter what happened.
Bella closed her eyes as she felt her husbands lips on hers. She felt the tears roll down her cheeks and when he pulled away, she rested her forehead against his and sighed. "I love you." She whispered. "So much Nick." She didn't know if she would survive without him but she needed him. She came to terms with that awhile back. She would always need this man and she wasn't losing him. "I can't lose you." She whispered once more as her eyes met his.

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"I know," He whispers wiping her tears. This wasn't fair to her at all. He was used to things not going his way but she was putting a lot on the line, she could be known as the wife of the convict and he could never live with himself. For right now though he didn't want to think about the possibility he would have to give everything for something he was innocent of. Instead he wanted, needed his wife. Leaning in he kissed her again.
Bella sighed softly and leaned forward into the kiss. She needed her husband and nothing would change that right now. She was okay with going through with this because she now knew her husband was innocent. He didn't deserve this at all but sadly, her husband always seemed to have the bad things happen. She didn't even pull away from the kiss. She stood up and sat in her husbands lap where she continued to kiss him.

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When his wife sat in his lap he laughed softly and cupped her face again before he kissed her again. For the moment they could pretend like nothing wrong happened.
Bellas arms found way around her husbands neck and she savored this moment where absolutely nothing was wrong. She didn't want this moment to end. When she pulled away, she smiled against his lips and let out a content sigh. "I love you." She whispered.

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"I love you too Mrs Cambridge." He whispers as he began to play with her hair gently he wasn't sure what was going to happen and he needed to enjoy these miners while they lasted
"I'm not leaving you and you're not leaving me. No matter what. Promise me Nick." She said with all seriousness. She wasn't leaving him and she knew Alyssa would do a wonderful job and prove Nock innocent. She had no doubts in the lawyer.

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"I would love to promise you that Isabella, but neither one of us can no for sure what's going to happen I just want you and Amelia to have the lives you deserve and to be happy and healthy and if moving on is what's best I want you to do that."
"No. I'm not moving on Nick. I'm not leaving you." Bella whispered as tears fell once more and she sighed as she pulled away from his lap to stand up. "I'm not moving on from you and I'm not taking this ring off. Don't ever expect me to be able to do that." She added then walked up the stairs and went straight to their room where she cried into her pillow. She wasn't moving on. How could he ask that of her?

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Nick sighed and walk up the stairs after her. Laying in the bed beside her he pulled her closer and held her to his chest. "It's okay, I wasn't asking you to do anything you don't want too, I just want you to be happy."
"I am happy Nick. I'm happiest with you." Bella whispered as she continued to cry against his chest and couldn't stop to control herself. She loved this man to much to leave him like that and she wasn't planning on leaving him.

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"I know babe but unfortunately I can't guarantee what's going to happen." He whispers before he wiped her tears again before he kissed her gently.
"We'll be okay." She whispers before she kissed him back and stayed laying against him. "We'll be okay." She whispered one last time before she fell asleep against her husband and for once in a few days, Amelia slept through the entire night as well.

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Nick smiled at the sight of her sleeping against him. These two girls needed him here, it took a cynical person to tear s family a part for their own enjoyment.
The following morning when Bella woke up, she smiled at her husband and kissed his cheek. "I love you." She whispered and heard Amelia stirring around. She climbed out of her crib again. She was getting smart.

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