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Love that's forbidden

Nick leaned into his own drawer and threw her a shirt of his before he retreated to get undressed himself. When he came back he found Milo at the door of their bed but jumped up and ran to the baby's room when he heard her fussing. Nick looked to his wife consider Amelia was awfully fussy today walking into her room he turned on the light and went to pick her up. "What's the matter baby?" He asked as Milo Kaye's at Nick's feet. .
Amelia caught her husbands shirt and smiled softly as she threw it on and let out another yawn and when she heard Amelia, she got up and went with Nick and sighed as Amelia began to calm down. "Take her to our room."Bella whispered as she kissed Amelia's forehead. She was exhausted and just wanted all of them to get sleep.

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Nick nodded and carried Amelia to their room with Milo at his feet. once she calmed down and fell back to sleep Nick laid her on his side of the bed while he carried her bassinet into their room from downstairs. Carful not to wake her he laid her in it. She was so adorable when she slept so peacefully.
Bella smiled at their daughter and laid in bed as she laid in bed and when Nick laid down, she curled up close against him and smiled. "I'm so happy to finally be Mrs. Cambridge." She admitted with a smile and kissed his cheek.

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"I'm glad too." Her husband whispers before he soon after fell asleep rather fast. He hadn't slept the night before both because of his nerves and because of Amelia waking up before the sun rose. He agreed to take her for the night so Bella could make sure she had everything ready for the day.
Bella smiled as she slowly began to fall asleep again with her husband and daughter and when she heard her daughter crying, she woke up and went to check on her. She told Nick to go back to sleep because he needed the rest. "What baby girl? What's wrong?" Bella asked as she carried her downstairs and Milo followed.

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Bella continued to fuss until she felt her mother's warmth and he cries turned to sniffles as she wrapped her hand around her mom's necklace. She was a hungry little girl who hadn't been fed in a number of hours.
Bella laughed softly at her daughter as she smiled and went to make her a bottle and then began to feed her. "You're a noisy little girl, you know that?" Bella said as she laughed softly and smiled at her as Amelia began to eat. She was adorable.

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Amelia let go of her mom's necklace as she gained interest in the Bottle and frank it loudly as she kept her gaze on her mom with interest. O
"What my Amelia? What? What do you see?" Bella asked her daughter as she smiled at her. She was adorable but Bella felt herself getting sick. That was never good. "You almost done so we can go back to sleep?" She asked and then looked away to sneeze. Just great.

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Amelia finished quickly but because she was so hungry before and she drank so fast she became fussy again when her stomach started to bother her. She was becoming irritated as her face scrunched up when she cried.
"Shhh Amelia." Bella whispered as she held her close to her chest and rocked her up and down. "I know baby girl I know it hurts. Don't eat so fast next time." Bella whispered and then laid in the couch with her in her chest as she began to sing her a song to get her attention.

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Amelia rested her head against her mom's chest and sleigh began to calm down again as her thumb found her mouth and her cries turned to sniffles until eventually she fell asleep again, Milo jumped up and curled up at Bella's feet.
Bella smiled as she felt Milo and she rubbed her baby daughters back the entire time. She smiled at her daughter and continued to sing as she slowly began to fall asleep herself. Bella finally found rest and began to sleep.b

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The next morning when Nock walked down the stairs he smiled at the sight and took s picture at his little family. Going into the kitchen he quietly started to make breaks fast for the two, french toast with bananas and powdered sugar.
Bella stayed asleep with Amelia against her chest but when she felt Amelia stir, she woke up and smiled at her daughter. She slowly sat up and laid her down in the bassinet as Amelia went back to sleep. Bella walked over to Nick and hugged him from behind. "Hey there."

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"Morning Mrs Cambridge." Nick whispers with a bright smiled as he turned to kiss her cheek before he turned back to breakfast. When he finished he plated them nicely before setting them on the table. This was a skill he picked up from his biggest mistake.
Bella laughed as she watched her husband and then sat at the table as she looked at their breakfast. "Someone knows how to cook." She said with a laugh and began to eat it. It was really good and she could get used to not cooking for once.

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"Unfortunately." He says before he looked up to her with a smile and went to make coffee. When he finished he came back to sit with her and eat their breakfast. He had a class this morning bur he still had time.
Bella smiled at her husband and then began to sneeze and sneeze. She laughed and shook her was but smiled at him. "I'm getting sick. It's all your fault." She said teasingly as her voice changed.

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"How is it my fault?" Her husband asked curiously looking up from his plate. Hopefully she would be alrighr with Amelia while he was away for a couple of hours.
"You didn't carry me through the door last night." Bella said with a laugh and then sneezed again and again. She hated getting sick and when she finished eating, she went to go find medicine in the cabinet that she could take but truth be told, she couldn't swallow pills.
Nick shook his head at her and followed after her, "Here, take this," he says handing her some liquid medicine before he ran off into their room to get dressed for work. He had a large class today and hopefully it went smoothly.
Bella smiled at the liquid and took some and when she finished, she heard Amelia get fussy so she ran up to go take care of her while Nock got ready for work.

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Nick wasn't all that excited for work today, today he had observers coming in to inspect his performance as an instructive and he wasn't too enthused about it. Either you hit the points they wanted you too point by point or you recovered s bad report. Heading back down the stairs he smiled at his wife with their daughter as he recognized the ring now around his finger. It was a strange feeling to have one in that place again but he would get used to it. 'Are you sure you'll be alright? I can call Sarah to come take her."

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