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Love that's forbidden

Bella smiled as she got to hold her little girl again and when everyone walked over to visit, she held her and smiled at everyone. This was a great day and she wished her mother was here to see her granddaughter but Bella knew her mom was there watching. Bella then handed her over to Sarah and smiled as they admired the girl. Bella could see the recessive traits in their daughter. She was a beautiful baby.

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Sarah smiled excitedly at her niece and laughed softly as she tried to hold back her tears. She was just so happy for her brother that he finally got to prove himself as a father. He deserved this. Nick saw Sarah's crying and took her into a hug while they both admired his daughter. She was perfect.

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Bella enjoyed this time with his family up until his mother showed up. Bella tensed and she immediately asked for Amelia back as she held her close. She didn't want the lady here and she didn't want her around her baby. Why was she here honestly? What did she have up her sleeve?

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When Nick rested his eyes on his mother his instinct was to advance towards her but Sarah held him back. "Stay with them." She whispered and Nick nodded. Sarah was going to handle this, their mother wasn't going to ruin this joyful day for the couple and she sure as hell wasn't going to let their mom near the grandchild she didn't approve of. Leaving the room Sarah crossed her arms. "You're wasting your time here, I'm not letting you ruin this for him. I'm not stupid. It's not your place to expose an innocent child and if you as much as end up in the same room as her you'll have to get through me and whether you choose to believe it or not I would hate to be you if you have to deal with your son, he'll make sure you end up no where near them." This woman who was supposed to be her mother was a jealous selfish woman who was after her own son out of spite. "It wouldn't kill you to let him be happy would it? He never did anything to you."

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"He chose a life that's not great for him. Being a writer isn't stable. He's going to crumble and fall and then whats going to happen after that? He'll never have anyone forever." She explained but soon just decided to leave. Bella held Amelia close to her and smiled at her fiancé. "Three more months. You ready for it?" She asked him with a laugh.

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"Of course, that's a silly question." He says with a soft laugh as he looked over to the two most important people in his life. This was their life and nothing was going to change that. Of course they weren't expecting to welcome s daughter before their wedding day but she was a blessing and neither one of them regretted it he knew. They were a family now and that was the best thing Bella could have ever give him.

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Bella smiled as she admired her little family of two. Everything was right in the world and she was happy they would be married soon. "You're going to live the dress." She whispered again and leaned over to kiss him but heard Amelia yawn.

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"I believe you," he whispers and laughs softly at Amelia's innocent yawn. She was too cute. Luckily the couple managed to get everything ready for their daughter before she arrived. The home they agreed on was perfect to raise children.

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Bella was happy that everything was ready for their daughter and luckily, she was able to go home with Amelia a couple days later. This was all so perfect and when they got there, She walked around with Amelia. "This is your home baby girl." She whispered with a smile and kissed her forehead.

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Nick smiled at the two and greeted Milo with a soft laugh. He wasn't so small anymore. "Hey boy, did you watch things while we were gone?" He asks with a smile before he went to feed and water him. Hopefully he would take well to Amelia who at the moment was more a point of interest because she was holding Bella's attention. Milo followed at Bella's feet waiting for her to pay him attention as he wagged his tail patiently. Nick laughed softly and kept a close eye on him to make sure he didn't jump since Bella was probably still sore.

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Bella smiled softly at Nick and Amelia but when she heard crying, she looked at Milo and laughed softly. "Hey there boy." She said as she looked at him and he jumped up. Bella was fine with it and she petted him and showed him Amelia. "This is Amelia. Take care of her." She said and Milo barked.

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"He will," Nick says with a smile before he carried Bella's bag back to their room. When he came back he smiled at Milo, he was already territorial over both girls and that was reassuring in case something we're to happen and Nick wasn't around to protect them. When Bella set Amelia in her bassinet to go shower Nock laughed when Milo went to lay next to the baby's bed. Taking a picture Nick smiled. It was still sinking in for him their daughter was here and he already didn't want to leave her. In a week he had to go out of town for a couple of days to be there for the start of filming to make sure everything went smoothly. Normally Bella would have came with but he didn't want Amelia to be in that environment being so young so he had to go alone.

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Bella smiled as she left Amelia in her bassinet and went to shower because she needed one. She felt so disgusting and she was going to have to work in losing the weight she gained with the baby, even if not much because she needed to fit into the wedding dress. She wanted it to look pretty and right on her.

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So far, Amelia proved to be a well behaved new born who wasn't too fussy. When Bella came back from her shower Nick kissed her cheek and went to shower himself, he hadn't left neither one of the girls during their hospital stay.

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"I love you." She whispered before he left her. She leaned over and watched their daughter as she smiled at him. "Hey there baby girl." She whispered and smiled as Milo stood next to her and looked at Amelia. "You're going to be so loved Amelia. You already are but mommy and daddy will always love you." She whispered and ten felt her daughter hold her pinky. That was the best feeling ever.

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In the following week Nick got his things ready to go for this trip. The morning he was set to leave he held Amelia as he bottle fed her and smiled at her looking up at him as he ran his thumb along her cheek. "You better not cause your mom any trouble while I'm gone." He whispers with a soft laugh before he kissed her forehead. She was a sweet baby. Nick knew him going alone would peak some people's curiosity but he didn't care, the little family was enjoying their privacy. When the baby finished her bottle he laid her back in her bassinet as he watched her eyes slowly close. Turning to Bella he smiled and kissed her gently before taking her into a hug. "I love you." He whispers.
Bella smiled as she watched her fiancé the entire time, feeding their baby and then watching her fall back asleep when put back to bed. Bella looked at her fiancé and smiled at the kiss and nodded. "Be safe please. No side women." She said teasingly and kissed him once more. "Keep in touch." She said then watched him leave. They were going to be okay alone. Nothing was going to happen and the week would go by fast.

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Nick gave Bella a look when she teased him but laughed softly and kissed her one last time before he headed off. As much as he would rather stay home with them he understood this was part of both of their careers and it was different now that he had a child to think about. "Call of you need anything," he says before he headed off for work.
Bella nodded and after he left, that week was actually a really great week up until Amelia became sick with a cold. She was taken to the hospital and they gave her medicine and Bella didn't want to call Nick because she didn't want him to worry. Amelia would be okay but she didn't let her mom get any sleep for two whole days. It was exhausting being a mother but she wouldn't trade it for anything else.

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Not to Nick's surprise the tabloids' made a quick move to make a story out of his traveling alone. When he saw it he Emily laughed and shook his head. Taking s picture of the front cover he sent it to Bella. "So, apparently the media knows more about us than we do." They were claiming he wasn't taking his relationship seriously since he was a recognizable face now. Apparently his career meant more to him than Bella because he left her to have their child alone. It was simply amusing because he knew it wasn't true and who would ever believe that?
Bella was watching their daughter sleep as she began to red ink another draft and when she heard her phone, she looked at it and laughed at what her fiancé sent her. "Oh my. I guess me and Amelia just aren't important to you. [emoji24][emoji23] I love you. We miss you![emoji173]️" she sent him as Amelia began to become fussy again. "What's wrong my Amelia?" She asked and carried her while rocking her in her arms.

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Nick smiled at her return message, the funny thing was no one knew Amelia was here and Nick was keeping it that way for as long as he could. His daughter didn't need to be bothered.

When Milo heard Amelia's cries he came and sat at Bella's feet. When Amelia laid eyes on her mom she became less fussy but still contained to cry for a little while, she was still recovering from being sick and just wanted to be held close against someone. Perking his ears Milo began to growl lowly when he sensed and saw unfamiliar people through the glass door. When they became obviously viable he barked protectively through the glass door. With the story out about Nick the media went looking for the other half of the story and now they were trying to get as close as they could to Bella. Not allowed on private property obviously they stood across the way,
"Shh baby girl. Mommys here for you. Mommy will always be here. Go to sleep my love." Bella whispered to Amelia and when she heard Milo barking, she didn't think anything of it. "Milo shush." Bella said but when he continued, she sighed and looked over at the windows and saw all the press. "Can't go one day without trying to make up stories." Bella said shaking her head and laid Amelia in her bassinet as she went and closed all the window curtains quickly. She hated this and wanted them to leave.

"Guess who's famous babe! I am! Press everywhereeeeeee." She sent Nick with a sigh but couldn't help and laugh.

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Nick was working when he saw this message but quickly stopped what he was doing and called her. You could imagine how irritated he was with this, he couldn't even leave to do what he was supposed to without people pestering people in his private life.
Bella sighed as Milo continued to bark and bark and Amelia became fussy. She looked at her phone and immediately answered it no matter the barking and crying in the background. "Hey love." Bella said as she rocked Amelia back and forth but she didn't stop crying. "Can you talk to Amelia please?" She asked him hoping if she heard her father voice she would calm down just a tad. So Bella put her phone on speaker and got Amelia's attention. "Amelia, baby girl, listen. It's daddy." She said as the baby looked at her mom and her cries calmed slightly.

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