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Love that's forbidden

When Bella heard her phone go off, se looked at it and saw Nicks name. Oh no. She had to tell him. "Hello?" She said as she fought backs tears. She got up and walked to a private area. "Nick don't hate me...." She whispered as she began to cry and cry with him on the phone. She was scared for this outcome. "Amelia..... Your mom.... She took Amelia."

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Nick was at first confused but then felt his blood run cold with fury. He had to keep calm though, this wasn't Bella's fault and he didn't need to be angry with her. Internally though he was panicking. If something happened to his daughter he would never let it go but he was most certainly done with his mother after she pulled this. "Are you alright? Did she hurt you? Where are you?" He stayed with her on the phone as he headed for the car, he had about enough of this for one day first the annoyance of the public eye and now his mom was out gallivanting with his newborn. "I'm coming home right now."

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"I need you here with me..." Bella whispered as she continued to cry. "I'm at sarahs. I came to visit and then I went to try on my dress and left Amelia with Sky and when Sarah and I came back down Sky said your mom took her. I'm so sorry." Right now she felt like the worst wife and mom ever.

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Nicked signed. "It's not your fault Bella, I'm coming kept me posted, I love you." He says before he hung up the phone and went on the run for his things. He was angry enough to go after his own mother with his bare hands.

After two hours of terror Jake got called to a scene over the radio. They found her. Strangely enough they found the two at the park in the snow after their mom claimed to simply be spending time with her granddaughter. Jake arrived and ran to take Amelia from the medics who were called. She was fine just cold and hungry. Jake smiled in satisfaction when his niece was returned to his arms and carried her to the warm car but not before he stopped to speak to his mother in law. "Have fun where you belong, I'll be looking forward to hearing about your son's visit when he gets home." Shortly after he walked through the door with the bundle in his arms. "Bella, I think I found something that belongs to you." He says with a smile.

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When Bella heard Jake, she immediately looked at him and smiled at the sight of her baby girl. She ran over and took her from his arms and laughed as she began to get fussy. "Skylar, want to help me make your cousin a bottle?" Bella asked as she went to grab the diaper bag. She was so glad to have Amelia safe in her arms.

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Skylar nodded and walked to the kitchen. Jake smiled at Bella. These were the days he remembered why it was he did what he did for a living. With the amount of rude people he dealt with on a daily basis it was the days he made a difference that made it worth it. "Well gee, you're welcome." He says with a teasing smile.

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Bella looked over at Jake and laughed softly as she let Sarah carry Amelia. Bella went over and hugged him close. "Thank you so much. I don't know where I would be without you. Thank you for bringing her home." She whispered with a smile and when she saw Nick walk in, she immediately ran over to hug him close.

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"You're welcome I'm glad she's home." Jake days with a smile and turned to see Nick run in. "Awe how cute the love birds are reunited, no need to panic, your favorite brother saved the day, twice, you're welcome maybe you should pay me to be your family body guard."

"Oh don't be so full of yourself," Sarah says rolling her eyes. Now was not the time for jokes. Her brother was probably in a panic. Walking over she handed him his daughter. "She's fine, see." Sarah reassured him.

Nick felt a wash of relief over come him at the sight of his daughter. Turning to his brother in law he smiled. "Thank you." Jake nodded, "it's my job."

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Bella smiled at this reunion and Skylar smiled at her Aunt Bella. "Auntie, can you and uncle stay here tonight?" She asked and Bella laughed softly but looked Nick. "That's up to your uncle." She told here so Skylar nodded and asked her uncle then. "Say yes." Bella whispered in her husbands ear. She was exhausted and just wanted to sleep.

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Nick laughed at both Skylar and Bella and nodded. He didn't feel like driving all the way home anyway, not after he almost had a heart attack out of worry for Amelia. "Yes, we'll stay," he says taking his niece into a hug.

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Skylar smiled and then tugged on her uncles shirt. "Can you read to me?" She asked him and ran up the stairs to change into her night clothes and laid in bed waiting for her uncle. Bella laughed softly and began to burp Amelia after she took her from Nick. She noticed Amelia was starting to fall asleep so she laid her on her blankets on the floor in the living room. "Got any wine Sarah?" She asked. She needed a glass.

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Nick nodded and followed Skylar up the stairs. Sarah smiled st her brother and then laughed softly at Bella. "Of course, take your pick." She says weakling to the cabinet in the kitchen. While Bella picked the one that appealed to her Sarah grabbed two glasses and set them on the counter.

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Bella decided to go with a simple white wine that was sweet. She needed it and then poured her a glass and Sarah. "Today was a day I don't want to remember." She said with a sigh and then began to take a sip of her wine. She was exhausted but needed a small buzz in her life right now.

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([emoji23][emoji23]Go Bella.)

Sarah sighed. "That makes two of us, but things turned out for the better.@ Sarah says sipping her wine and watched the new born sleep from a distance. She was so precious. "She's the cutest little girl and I'm not just saying that." Amelia was was a beautiful little girl . Sarah smiled as she watched the little one sleep peacefully.

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([emoji23][emoji23]I agree)

Bella smiled at the compliment of her newborn and looked over at her daughter and smiled at how peaceful she looked. "She is a beautiful newborn." She whispered and took another sip as she watched Amelia. She refilled her glass when Nick came back down and she smiled. "Sky really loves for Nick to read to her huh?"

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Nick smiled "I suppose." He says with a laugh before his eyes went wide when he saw what his fiancé was doing and went to grab his own glass. "I'm inviting myself to this party." He says but he drank the red wine instead.

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Bella laughed softly and leaned over to kiss her fiancé softly then sat back down after she refilled her glass. "Why red wine Nick?" Bella asked as she smiled an innocent smile like she always did with him. "You don't get to leave me alone for a week again." She added and took many sips of her wine.

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"Because, I don't drink that girly wine." He says teasingly before he took a sip of his own. "Slow down there champ, you don't get to make up for lost time." He says referring to her nine months of no drinking. "I can't promise you anything but j can tell you I won't be leaving any time soon."

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Bella smiled softly and when Sarah went to go sleep with Jake, Bella looked at her fiancé and smiled. "Two months. You ready?" She asked and sat on his lap as she rested her head against his shoulder. She was exhausted and wanted sleep for once.

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"Do you keep asking me that in hopes I'll change my mind?" Her fiancé asked setting his empty win glass down. "Of course I'm ready." Sitting up he picked Amelia up from the floor and wrapped her in her blankets before he took Bella's hand and led her upstairs to bed.

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Bella followed and laughed softly as she shrugged. "Maybe I do. You have to realize all my exes were taken from me." She whispered with a sighed and laid in bed with him and Amelia sleeping in a crib that Sarah and Jake still had.

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"No Bella, they weren't taken, if they wanted to stay they would have. Trust me, I would know." Nick stayed with Amber despite all her wrongs because he wanted to make things right between them even when everyone else encouraged him to leave. "I'm not leaving you, you're stuck with me.." he says culling her face and kissed her. "I love you so much, the both of you." He says turning to their sleeping newborn with a proud smile.

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Bella couldn't help but smile at her fiancé. "We both love you so much too." She whispered as she looked at Amelia and smiled at the newborn. She was so beautiful and she was theirs. Bella absolutely loved it. "I love you Nick." She whispered and kissed her fiancé again and smiled against his lips. "So much."

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Nick pulled her closer and kissed her gently. "I love you too but go to sleep." He could see the exhaustion in her eyes. She did fairly well in handling baby Amelia on her own while he was away, of course he never doubted her abilities as a mother. For the remainder of the night whenever Amelia needed something he took over. In the morning when everyone else was awake he carried her downstairs while he met Bells sleep in.

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Bella slept in for as long as she could before her body told her it was time to wake up. She was still exhausted and when she walked downstairs, Sky ran over to hug her and she hugged her back tight. She kissed Amelia's forehead and then kissed her fiancé gently. "You look cute holding a baby." She whispered in his ear before getting herself coffee.b

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