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Love that's forbidden

"Nick." Bella said calmly as she held his hand and his mother scoffed. "Because I'm still your mother. I think I deserve an invitation still." She said and Bella could see how angry Nick was becoming. Why didn't his mother like her? What did she ever do wrong? "I mean there is still time for you to leave her Nick." His mother said with a soft and innocent smile. Bella looked at her feet and sighed. Things would never be solved would they?
Nick shook his head but kept his composure. "Let it go, it's not happening, and you can quit referring to her like he isn't standing here. " After a moment of silence he continued. "I don't have time for this, it's not worth the energy, we have places to be."

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"It's funny how both of you are so confident you two will last. Nothing lasts in this world Nick." His mother said and Bella gripped his hand tight in her own. "Just like the thought of having a child won't last." She added, referring to both times Nick lost his. Bellas grip became tighter because little did Nicks mom know, she was going to have another child. Her and Nick could finally hold their own child.
That's when Nick was near his breaking point and simply looked to her full of hurt. "You can leave now." He says holding back his sudden urge to cry. What mother brought up their child's weakest point? After she left he was silent when leading Bella to the car. When they got to the restraint he led Bella to the table and then excused himself to compose himself. Sarah saw just how upset her brother looked and turned to Bella confused. "What's going on?" She whispered,

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Bella didn't like how upset Nick was and it killed her knowing he wanted to cry. She looked over at Sarah and sighed. "Your mom came over. She said nothing lasts in this world, especially the thought of having kids." She explained and sat there in awkward silence after. She felt terrible this happened. She felt bad they lost their first child. It all was so much for her to handle.

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Sarah was of course now angered with their mother and she knew Bella was blaming herself. Sarah knew however that wasn't the child her mother was referring too. Sarah sighed she knew it wasn't her place to tell Bella but she needed to, if Nick was to tell her he wouldn't be able to handle himself. "Bella it's not your fault." Sarah says as they sat down.

"She's right it's that pyscho bitch before you's fault, both times." Jake said now annoyed as well. If he was in Nick's shoes he would be angry too. His wife found out and never told him until after she decided to terminate the child for the selfish reason of not wanting to care for him or her.

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Bella looked over at the two and didn't know what to say. She felt quiet and looked at her hands. She couldn't believe Amber put Nick through that. If Bella would have known, she would have told Nick sooner about their child and maybe she wouldn't have lost their first. "Oh." She finally said and still didn't know what to say. She just wanted to hold Nick close and not let him go. He didn't deserve this and now she was angered by his mother.

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Sarah sighed snd got up to hug Bella for a moment. "He'll be alright, she just likes to push his buttons." Shortly after Nick indeed did return, his smile returning when he laid eyes on Bella. He wasn't going to let his mom ruin the rest of tonight and defiantly not the couple's excitement for their upcoming child. Going to sit next to her he apologized and then continued on with the dinner.

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Bella merely told her fiancé it was fine but she fell silent the entire night. Her thoughts never leaving the subject of Amber and the baby. She sighed and when they all finished their food, stood up and walked out with Nick. She hugged Sarah and Jake bye and then went to the car with Nick where she just stared out the window the entire time.

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"What's the matter?" Nick asked in concern after they walked through the door. He knew something was bothering her and he was afraid it was because of his getting upset. He hated when he let his mom get to him but she crossed a like that didn't sit well with him.

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"Nothing love." Bella told her as she smiled and then leaned over to kiss his cheek in reassurance. She didn't want to tell him because she wanted to know if he would ever tell her about Amber and the baby. When they got home, she went straight to grab her tablet and distracted herself by working again. She wasn't supposed to be working right now because of the stress but she needed to finish these drafts. She needed to finish red inking them.

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Nick smiled at her kiss. He knew something was bothering her, letting out a soft sigh he went to sit next to her as Milo jumped on the couch after them. "What are you doing besides being a rebel and not listening?" He asks reading before he took the tablet from her hands and leaned into kiss her. When he pulled away and smiled faintly at her sad eyes. "They told you didn't they?" He asked gently while he bit his lip.

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Bella didn't know what to say when he asked her. She looked into his eyes and stayed quiet then looked away from him and stared at her lap. "Can I have my tablet back please?" She whispered. She wanted a distraction from all of this.

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"Bella, it's okay if they did." He reassured her, he wasn't upset for her knowing at all, she needed to know. "I know. It's hard to accept but it happened and you shouldn't feel guilty, it has nothing to do with you."

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"I do feel guilty because I lost our first one." She whispered as she sighed and then looked away from him again. "Can I please have my tablet?" She asked reaching for it.

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"That wasn't your fault either, you had no way to defend yourself, if you could have done anything you would have." He reassured her before he handed her back the tablet and kissed her forehead. "Don't stress yourself out, it's the past, this is the future." He says resting his hand on her stomach and smiling brightly before he pulled away and left her to do her work.

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Bella smiled softly against her fiances lips when she kissed him and then lulled away and continued to do her work. She would be okay and everything would work out. They would be okay. This was their future.

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When Nick married the first time this was the life he pictured for himself, not the one he was forced into before, things were finally starting to go right and he was for his sudden fortune in happiness. Nick knew he could tell Bells countless times how much she meant to him and that still wouldn't be enough, he was simply anticipating their future both as parents and as husband and wife.

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The time finally came where Bella was having their child. She was in so much pain she couldn't even move and sadly, Nick wasn't here. She couldn't do this alone but she understood he had work. She called Sarah and waited for her to come get her.

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Sarah rushed over but it took awhile to get to the lake house from where she lived. What her brother was doing she had no clue but she left a message in hopes he would receive it fairly quickly. Running inside she let herself in, with the snow coating the roads Sarah was unsure how this was going to go but the good news is she was a nurse and knew how to handle the situation. Despite the amount of pain Bella was obviously in she knew it would be a long while before anything were to happen. "It's okay Hun, just breathe"

Meanwhile Nick was in the middle of lecture when his intern ran through the door he looked at her confused and took the paper she handed him. Reading it he looked to her with a nod and let her take over while he hurried out of the room.

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Bella didn't know how to just stop and breathe. She was in so much pain and she just wanted her fiancé. She went with Sarah however, and got in the car and upon arriving at the hospital she was rushed to a room so they could get her to calm down. "Where's Nick?" She asked Sarah in pain. She wanted him her and she wouldn't make it without him.

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"He'll be here, he's coming." She reassured her soon to be sister in law. Keeping a close eye on the monitor to make sure both mom and baby didn't become too stressed. "Calm Down Bella you have time, he won't miss anything. You want the epidural?"

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"Yes please." She pleaded as she closed her eyes and tried to calm down as much as possible. She was exhausted and honestly just wanted to sleep but she needed Nick here with her. He would make it. She would make it through this and be okay.

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Sarah nodded and walked off to request it for her. In a few minutes a nurse walked in and prepped her before the doctor came in and gave her the epidural. Once she was calmed down temporarily Sarah smiled. "Are you excited?" The families knew nothing regarding gender and means.

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Bella laughed softly as she smiled and nodded. "Very. Nick thinks it's a boy but it isn't." She whispered as she smiled. She honestly loved how she was able to keep this secret. "It's a girl." She whispered.

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