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Love that's forbidden

Nick came to her call after checking on Milo. Walking up behind her he freed the sipped but couldn't resist himself. Gently he trailed kisses all along her neck and shoulder. "It's fixed." He whispers in her ear before he ran his fingers across her arms.

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Bella smiled at the kisses and smiled at her fiancé. "Thank you." She whispered as she smiled at his fingers in her arms. She turned around and kissed her fiancé roughly. "I love you." She whispered and kissed him again.

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"I love you too beautiful l." He whispers with a smile, her eyes were a place he often got lost but he didn't mind it, not at all, after the stress of tonight he needed it. He didn't like the idea of someone else interacting with her in a way only he should. It didn't go well for him. She was his no one else's and he was about to probe that to her

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After things intensified, she wrapped around her fiancé like the vine she was and smiled softly as she blew soft kisses on his chest. "I love you Nicolas Cambridge. So much." She whispered with a smile and kissed his chest before she closed her eyes and slowly began to fall asleep.

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After that night the two didn't think much about what happened previously. All that mattered was they had one another and no one not even his mother would change that. It wasn't her decision

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A month or so had passed from then and Bella was at home as she sat on the couch with Milo next to her. She placed her hands on her stomach and smiled at the thought of in 8 more months, a baby would be crying in this house. It was a pleasant thought that she enjoyed and when Nick walked in, she smiled at him. "Hey love." She said and leaned up to kiss him and smiled as his hands rested on her stomach. "Eight months." She whispered.

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Nick smiled a bright smile that couldn't be wiped from his face. He was of course beyond excited when he heard the news but he had to keep his apprehension to himself. He was a little hesitant to become hopeful right now, with two losses already he wasn't sure if he could face another. "Mmhmm." He says before leaning into kiss her again. "How are you feeling?" He wanted to make sure she was alright.
"Perfect." Bella whispered against his lips and smiled softly. She kissed him once again briefly and when she pulled away, smiled again. "So, boy or girl?" She asked him with a smiled as Milo began to chase his tail. Bella laughed at the pup and then focused on her fiancé again. A baby. She was ready to hold her or him in her arms.

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"I don't care either way." Her fiancé admits. At this point he didn't have s preference he just wanted do be able to hold his child and see who he or she looks more like. "Ten fingers ten toes, that's all I care about."
"What if one has twelve toes?" She asked with a teasing smile and then walked off to go to the living room. "Honestly, I just want to hold him or her." She admitted and then got herself a glass of water as she walked over to him. "How was work?"
Nick sighed And smiled to her lightly. "Work was work," lately he was stressed with his evaluations coming up, he didn't want the higher ups to think he didn't know what he was doing.
Bella smiled as she nodded and leaned over to kiss him again. "8 months till baby. 11 till wedding." She whispered. "I have to leave in a week for New York." She whispered, hoping he wouldn't be upset since they planned things next week.

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Nick smiled at her countdowns but looked up to her in confusion when she mentioned leaving. "For what?" He asked curiously, he wasn't upset, these things happened with their similitude careers he just wanted her to stay safe. He had grown more protective over her but he had his reasons.
"Work. I have a meeting with a script writer. Since I'm a freelancer, he asked for me to help him." Bella explained as she smiled and kissed er husband again. "I really do love you." She whispered. "Can you go with me?" She asked.

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Nick smiled and nodded. He had to get started on his own script soon. There was a lot going all but it was all fortunate things. "Yes dear." He says teasingly before kissing her cheek. "We have to start looking at houses soon too." Letting out a sigh he smiled. Their home now was just too small for their growing needs. When Nick bought it he did it simply to get away, he knew it was only temporary.
Bella laughed softly at her husband and she nodded. "I know we do. Let's get a lake house." She whispered as she smiled and laid her head against his chest. Her life was so perfect and complete with him and she didn't want it to change. "By the way, this even May or may not be formal." She said with a laugh. Her in a dress with a slight baby bump. That would be interesting.

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"I'm so excited." He says sarcastically as he began to stroke her hair. If anything remotely close happened what happened last time he was not going to be so calm about it, he wasn't risking anything happening to her, they still had yet to let anyone in on their little secret.
"Aren't we always?" She said with a laugh and stayed in his arms. "You get to see me in a dress with a small baby bump. Maybe I should wear a flowy dress so it isn't noticeable." She added with a laugh. "So yes lake house?" She asked looking at him. She will admit she found some really nice ones already.

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"I'm sure you'll look cute in whatever you choose," looking over to Milo who was occupying himself with a chew toy he laughed. "What do you think boy? Want to go play in some lakes?" He asks the puppy with a laugh,
Milo barked and Bella couldn't help but laugh. "There you go boy. Tell Nick yes." She said and played with him as she smiled. This was going to be fun and the houses she saw were beautiful. "You'll love the houses I saw." She told Nick with a smile.

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"I believe you," he says before he turned back towards his work. He had to get something done before they went to meet Sarah and Jake for dinner.

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Bella smiled at her fiancé and got up to go and get ready for tonight. She was exhausted and hungry so she was looking forward to dinner. Sadly, Nicks mother called for him but she wasn't going to tell him, until she heard a knock. Who could that be? She went over to answer and when she saw Nicks mother, she tensed. Now wasn't the time for this.

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Nick jumped up from his seat and walked over to the door. He wasn't sure as to why she was here they hadn't spoken since their last fight m. "Can I help you?" He asks resting a hand on Bella's shoulder for reassurance.

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When Bella felt her fiances hand, she calmed down and smiled softly at Nick. His mother looked at him and shook her head. "Why wasn't I invited to the wedding?" She asked him so seriously but Bella knew what she was up too.

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If this woman standing before him wasn't his mother he would have laughed in her face. "Why would I invite you to something you don't approve of?" He was still angry with her and that was apparent. Right now he was annoyed because he didn't have time for this right now they had plans and he wasn't in the mood to argue with his mother.

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