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Love that's forbidden

Sarah's eyes lit up and she walked over to Bella and gave her a gentle hug. "I knew it!" She exclaims in s whispers. "Jake owed me $50." She says with a soft laugh .

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Bella couldn't help but laugh and hug back her soon to be sister in law. "Yeah. He's going to be so surprised." She whispered and when she calmed down, she slowly began to fall asleep.

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Sarah knew her brother would be happy either way. Once she was asleep Sarah left her be and soon after Nick showed up but approached quietly when he saw she was asleep. Thanking Sarah he took over and watched Bella sleep while he sat beside her.

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When Bella heard voices, she looked over at Nick and smiled softly. "Hey there handsome." She whispered as she kissed him softly but then felt the pain slowly coming back. It hurt so much.

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Nick smiled. "Hey there mom, are you ready?" He asked with a bright smile. Leaning over he kissed her gently. "I love you." He whispers. Everyone was anticipating this baby's arrival but it was safe to say Nick had them all best. It still hadn't Aiken in that in a couple hours there would be s baby in this room.

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"I'm totally ready. You ready father?" Bella asked him as she laughed and smiled softly. "You ready for your son?" She asked with a teasing smile. This was all so perfect.

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(Lololol Bella. [emoji23][emoji23])

"I've been ready for months." He admits with a bright smile. He about had enough of the crowds trying to take pictures and get close to her at events, it was obvious he was over protective but he didn't care. He has proved his point most recently when he simply walked out either her, his arms around her end to the car. If people couldn't respect her personal space that was enough for him,

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(I love her [emoji23][emoji23])

"I can tell. He'll be perfect just like her father." Bella whispered as she smiled and leaned over to kiss him again. "Just a few more hours. I'm nervous." She whispered and then laughed again as she yawned. She was exhausted and honestly just wanted to sleep again.

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Nick shook his head at her "Gi back to sleep, cherish it while you can." Her fiancé says with a teasingly laugh as he took her hand in his own and stroked her hair until she fell asleep. While she was resting he kept an eye on her. She was so cute while she was showing and it was hard to believe it had been nine months already.

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When Bella woke up, she woke up from pain and a contraction happened. She was exhausted and honestly just wanted this to end already. This was so much pain honestly. "Make it stop." She cried out as she sighed and then began to feel pain again. It was time and she was honestly ready to pop the child out.

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Nicked turned back towards her and gripped her hand when she held his tighter he had never seen her in this much pain and he was starting to get concerned though he knew it was only temporary, she needed to relax. The nurse came back and saw how tense she was and wanted to help her with the pain. "You could always try walking or we could try a tub of warm water, it helps the pain." At this point Sarah walked back in the room and laughed softly, "first kid's, they're the worst."

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"They really are." Bella said as she looked at her fiancé and his sister then the nurse. "A tub of warm water sounds really relaxing actually." She admitted with a soft laugh before gripping Nicks hand in pain again. This was so much pain it was uncomfortable.

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Sarah and the other nurse missed and walked off to get things ready. Sarah could tell it wouldn't be long by how irritable Bella was becoming, when things were ready. They had her walk to speed up the process with Nick at her side of course, they were all waiting for the baby's arrival moe watching the clock. Nick crouched down beside her offering his hand again he could feel she was already more relaxed but the pain he could tell was becoming too much. He felt bad bad because there wasn't much else he could do for her. It upset him to see her in so much pain.

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Bella leaned back and closed her eyes as she began to relax again. She was exhausted and honestly was ready for her daughter to hurry up and arrive. Finally, she felt the most pain she ever felt today. "Nick." She said and clenched his hand tight. "He's coming. He wants to see you." She said not realizing it slipped.

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Nick smiled softly at Bella but didn't leave her side while the nurse went to go find Bella's doctor. "Not much longer Bella." Sarah reassures her sister, she could see her exhaustion. The doctor ten walked in thee room with a smile."Okay Bella, it's time are you ready?"

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"A little nervous but yes." She told her as she smiled and then slowly got up and went to the bed where they began to prep things. Bella was so nervous and scared but she was so glad to have Nick here with her.

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"You're doing great Hun." Nick says encouragingly taking to her side again as she reached for his hand again m. In the next contraction it set in that their baby was coming. He was excited and ready to see a Bells not in as much pain anymore.

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Once everything was preped and ready, Bella began to push and push. She was exhausted and when she heard that cry, she laid back and smiled softly as they took their daughter. She was so exhausted but wanted to see Nicks reaction to their daughter and not a son.

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It took s moment but when he realized it his smile was when brighter than before. Leaning down he kissed Bella lovingly. "She's perfect, just like her mom." He whispers with proud snd excitement in his tone. The sound of the baby's cry was a relief but it wasn't real until she as swaddled and placed in her mom's arms.

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Bella fell in love with their baby girl and couldn't help but smile softly. "She's beautiful." She whispered as she looked over at her fiancé and smiled then kissed him. "I tricked you huh." She added with a laugh and handed him his daughter. She was exhausted and just wanted sleep. Her eyes were slowly closing but she forced them open.

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Nick laughed and nodded before he gladly accepted their daughter. The connection was already made, he loved that little girl more than anything and he would do anything for her. He laughed softly at Bella struggling to stay awake. "Hey there little one, see what you did to your mommy?" The smile on Nick's face never faded it was a beyond exciting moment to be able to hold his daughter in his arms, she was here, healthy and content.
Bella listened to her fiancé and laughed softly at him. He was so cute with the baby and honestly, she was happy he got to hold his child this time around. She wanted to see who she looked like more when she opened her eyes. Everything was right in the world. "What's her name?" The doctor asked but Bella was slowly starting to fall asleep.

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Even though Bella had done a good job in tricking her fiancé they had discussed names for both girl or boy and narrowed it down to one for each. Nick looked up from the precious angel in his arms and smiled at the doctor. "Amelia." He says before turning back to his daughter, it was a fitting name and he knew it meant a lot to Bella to name her daughter after her mother.

(The feels [emoji177])

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The doctor smiled at the name and nodded as she wrote it down and looked at their baby. "She's adorable." She said and then left the couple to themselves but Bella had already began to fall asleep or well was asleep already. When she woke up again, she smiled at her fiancé and their daughter. He never let her go and Bella was glad she could give him what he wanted.

(I know. [emoji177])

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Nick smiled over to Bella and handed their daughter back over to her when she was awake. Leaning over he kissed her forehead and smiled at the two. Amelia looked just like her mother and Nick wasn't surprised, he was expecting it, well hoping for it. By now the snow had lightened up and everyone made their way to visit. Nick knew once the news found out they would follow but they weren't coming anywhere near Bella or Amelia, the couple would brake the news when they were ready.

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