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Love that's forbidden

"Very funny. I'm not that expensive." Bella said as she laughed softly and savored the kiss they shared. "I found it. It's perfect and Sarah said you'll love it." She whispered as she held his hands. "To bad you'll have to wait a year to see me in it." She added with a laugh as she heard barking. She looked down at the dog and her whole face lit up like a child. "Hey there little guy." She said and kneeled down so she could play with him.

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"He needs a name, and you might want to keep all important things out of his range he already tried chewing through a tablet cord." Nick already could tell training this little guy was going to be a task but that was to be expected. He was a cute little thing and would fit in here well.

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"I can always buy another tablet cord." Bella said with a laugh as she began to scratch behind the puppy's ears and then laid down and played paw with him again. She loved this and she laughed so carefree. She always wanted a pet. She then picked him up and stared at him. "What are we going to name you?"

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The puppy tipped and tried to squirm out of her grip after he locked her face excitedly and wagged his tail. His puppy eyes were convincing that he wasn't going to cause trouble.

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Bella laughed softly as she looked at him and kissed his nose. "Let's name you Milo." She said with a nod and laughed as he barked at the name. "You like that hun?" She asked. She was acting like a totally child. Something she never got to be when she should have been.

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Nick sat down beside her and nodded. "He liked it and it's fitting." He says with a bright smile, seeing her happy made him happy. He was glad even though she was late in experiencing these little things she amass getting to experience them now.

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"It does fit doesn't it?" She asked with a laugh as she played fetch with Milo and then heard her tablet ding. An email. She got up and ran to it. An invite to the editors awards in Chicago. Not only that but another draft she can red ink. This was perfect. She was excited for this.

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While Bella turned to work Nick played with Milo for a little while before he put the puppy in the crate for the night. Not wanting to intrude on her work he went off to do his own.

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Bella sat outside in the cold with hot chocolate and began to red ink the draft like always. She was exhausted but she wanted to get a few chapters done. She couldn't help but laugh at Milos crying.

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Nick let the puppy out of the crate once his crying became too distracting but kept him in close distance to make sure he stayed out of trouble.


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Bella stayed outside and when she walked back inside, she smiled at her fiancé and put the tablet down along with her hot chocolate. She took away his tablet and then sat on his lap and laid her head against his shoulder. "In a year, you'll be all mine." She whispered with a smile. That was a day she was looking forward too.

(Not at all.)

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Nick looked up to her confused when she approached him but smiled when she sat in his lap. "I already am yours Hun." He replies with a smile as he kissed her cheek. This woman was going to be his wife and that alone was reason enough to be exited.

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"I know but I'll be Mrs. Cambridge." Bella whispered with excitement in her voice as she smiled and relaxed against Nick. She loved this man so much and she was looking forward to their wedding. "I love you." She whispered and slowly began to fall asleep in his lap while Milo fell asleep against them on the couch.

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Nick smiled at the two and slowed his breathing to match her own. This was their life now, he wouldn't change it for anything, this woman meant more to him than life itself and he was more than fortunate to have found her. In the following days he returned back to work at the university. Today however he agreed to meet Bella at another sophisticated gathering. Coming appropriately dressed he minded his own while Bella was talking with what looked to be some new clients of hers. Heading to the bar he ordered a drink and smiled out of polities to a woman who walked up to him. Not paying her much mind after that he didn't think much of her, he only had eyes for Isabella so he was oblivious to the fact how good looking she actually was. He noticed however her constant glance over to him until she walked over to the table he resided to. "Hi, do you need something?" He asks politely.

(Lol you better get away from the eye candy before his fiancé shows up and puts you in your place [emoji23][emoji23])

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Isabella was not looking forward to this sophisticated gathering. She didn't really like these gatherings at all but upon arriving, she had to talk with a few of her new clients and was introduced to a CEO of a magazine company. This gathering was actually a really great one and when she saw Nick sitting at a table, she smiled and excused herself to go and sit with him. However, her face dropped at the sight of the girl sitting with him at the table.

"I was just wondering if you were still on the market Mr. Cambridge." She said with a smile as she reached out to touch him but a hand grabbed her wrist before she could. "Let go of my wrist! He isn't yours!" She exclaimed but when she saw Isabella, she cringed at her anger.

"Actually hun, he is mine. I have the ring to prove it." She said showing off their engagement ring.

(This is too funny [emoji23][emoji23])

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(I'm literally laughing.)

Nick blinked at Isabella's hostility and slight violence. Reaching for her hand he released her grip from the young woman. "That's enough." He whispered to his fiancé calmly. He didn't understand why she was so quick to be so defensive. "I'm sorry but she's right." He says awkwardly, he was suddenly uncomfortable.

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(Me too.)

Isabella didn't know what to say at how uncomfortable she made her fiancé. The girl stood up and walked off and Bella merely sighed. She had a reason for being so defensive. She lost all her exes to other girls and she was just scared it would happen again. "I have to go talk with my clients. I'll meet you at home." She whispered as she smiled a weak and fake smile then walked off to go and discuss details again with her clients. She was trying to enjoy this night but she couldn't.

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Nick sighed and finished his drink but didn't leave yet, he didn't want to drive under the influence even in the slightest degree. He wasn't sure what caused Bella to be so upset but he didn't think too much of it, he would have wanted to react in the same way. Going back to the bar he ordered her a drink and waited for her back at the table again. When she sat down he smiled at her, she was ok edge a lot lately but he assumed it to be stress from wedding planning.

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Bella had been on edge lately because Nicks mother called her. She said she wanted to go to their wedding but said she might end up objecting when the crowd would be asked. She sighed as she sat down and smiled at her fiancé as she stared at her drinks. She wasn't in the mood for one but she drank it anyways. "I love you." She whispered as she smiled and stood up again with a sigh when she was called. "I'll be back." She said and when she went over to her client, he pulled her in close and danced with her. This was so uncomfortable especially because his hand kept moving down her back and eventually was in the small of her back. She couldn't pull away because it would cause a big scene but little did she know, Amber planned for this to happen along with Nick mother.

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(Lolol no.)

Nick saw this and big his lil while watching. Quickly he made his way over to his fiancé and when she was being spun he quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to himself. "Let's go." He whispered once the sing was over. He had enough of this for one night.

(Plot twist Nick and his mother get into s huge fight snd he spills news Bella really don't going anywhere because she's pregnant again [emoji32]) .

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When Bella felt another hand grab her and pull her close, she tensed but remembered this warmth and that voice. That voice that melted her heart. She nodded softly, not saying a word and followed him out of the formal party. She was exhausted and just wanted to sleep.

(I love it! But that would mean bella having a baby bump on their wedding [emoji7][emoji7] unless she had the baby before.)

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(It would be before, that gave a whole year )

Nick was now fully irritated and needed a moment to compose himself. Once in the car he was fine when he realized she wasn't hurt in anyway he drove the two home. Once inside he set down the keys and cupped her face before kissing her passionately. "I really hate those things," he whispered with s smile before he kissed her again. Having two separate people touch both of their nerves he felt the need to reassure her that he loved her

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(True true)

Isabella blinked when she was kissed the first time and she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled against his lips. "You and me both." She whispered and closed her eyes once again when he kissed her a second time. She felt the love and she didn't want the kiss to end. "I love you." She whispered with a smile. She was excited for their wedding because she'd live the rest of her life with the man she loved.

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"I love you too, a hell of a lot, don't forget." He really meant that and needed her to know in case she ever doubted it. Leaning down he kissed her one last tins fire he took the jacket off from his suit, he was ready to done with if

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"I don't think you'll ever let me." She whispered with a laugh as she smiled through the kiss and then went upstairs to get undressed but her zipper got stuck. "Babe, come here please." She called out and when he came, she sighed. "Unzip it please. It's stuck."

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