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Love that's forbidden

"It'll be alright Nick. I promise." She whispered as she smiled at her fiancé and followed him into the house and smiled at his family that was there. Majority of his cousins came to introduce themselves and Isabella enjoyed her time until they all sat at the table to eat. Bella sat next to Sarah because she didn't want to be awkward and it was then when questions began.

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In the next instance Nick had about enough of his mother, he saw from across the table the looks she was giving Bella as she answered the questions the family had. When she held her nose in the air and walked to the kitchen Nick quickly followed after her, world war three was about to start between the two of his mother didn't clean up her act soon. "You know, you wonder why I've never brought her here an then you act so superior to her without even giving her the time of day. If you think we're better than her you're wrong and you're going to have to learn to accept her because she's staying."
"Is she really staying Nicolas? As I recall you can't hold down a marriage. What makes her any different? She isn't the one for you. She's a child herself with her childish career. She isn't stable." She said and that's when Isabella walked in and she looked at her. "Do you truthfully think you can support my son?" She asked her and Bella smiled.

"Of course I can. If I recall I'm not trying to kill him like Amber did."

"Don't talk about her like you know her. You're a child yourself. You wouldn't know what being an adult means."

"I think I understand it's roll perfectly ma'am."

"Do you really? Isabella, I hope you realize you will never fit in here with us. Nicolas will change career paths and you will not be able to help him with anything. Journalists and editors are just rejected kids who couldn't get a better job."

At this Isabella fell silent.

"And honey, you don't mean anything to my son. You're just a replacement. Please don't be stupid enough not to realize that. You are his second choice for a wife and you won't last either."

Bella wouldn't last. Nicks mom was so right.

"I hit a nerve right? You know yourself you aren't going to last with him."

Bella sighed as her head dropped in defeat. It was like his mother drained the life out of her.

"You're right." Bella whispered weakly as she looked at their engagement ring. She slowly slipped it off and placed it on the table. "Excuse me." She whispered and walked back out of the house into the snow with her thin jacket. At this point, she just wanted to go back home.

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At the sight of her removing the ring from her finger Nick felt his heart drop into his stomach. Once she left he entered a full blown rage, one he knew he never was going to regret. "What gives you the right to speak to her that way?! You can talk to me all you want but she did nothing wrong to you! I'm sorry, you're right, I can't hold down a marriage with someone who tried to kill me. Do you not comprehend what that means?! I'm supposed to be six feet under, does that not mean anything to you?" As silence fell he nodded sarcastically. "I thought so. I'm nothing to you because you never agreed to what I wanted to make of myself, I am not a child, I am a grown man who knows that he wants and I swear on my own life if she just walked out and never comes back I'm be we speaking to you again and maybe I'll just put myself into the ground, I'm sure that what you want anyway!" With that he took the ring from the counter and ran after Bella in the snow. His voice desperate and his legs beginning to wobble. "Bella, I'm so sorry, she doesn't know what she's talking about please don't go, I need you, please."
Bella continued to walk out in the snow and when she heard him call after her, she stopped and shivered in this cold weather. It was freezing out here and she was beyond cold. "But she's Nick. The thought of me merely being a replacement has always been there." She said as the snow began to fly everywhere. Was a blizzard going to happen? "Go inside please. There's a storm coming." She said as the wind got worse and the snow flew everywhere. After awhile, she couldn't even picture out Nick because of the thick snow. She was caught in a blizzard and she didn't know what to do. "I love you." She whispered as she fell to the floor and her whole body went numb from the cold. All she wanted was him but his mom had a point and it was one she hid but now it bugged her.

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"Isabella stop!" He exclaims desperately running after her into the thick snow. He want going to let his mom win. Catching up to her he removed his own jacket and covered her with it before he pressed her against him for warmth. Carrying her to Sarah's he smiled when she ran over and let them inside. Laying Bella on the couch he started a fire to warn the room. "Don't let her get to you Nick, you're far from childish and plenty successful." Sarah says reassuringly. "Sarah, I appreciate it but I don't need to hear it right now." He says with a sigh as he looked to Bella in concern. What was he doing to do if she left him?
It was so cold, Bella didn't know what to do. She was freezing and slowly felt slumber take over her. She fell asleep when she felt warmth and she stayed asleep when she was taken to Sarahs and laid on the couch. Her body was shaking and her hand beyond cold. She was going to be sick in the morning. She felt warmth however, and she body relaxed. She was so tired and when she opened her eyes to see Sarah and Nick, she smiled weakly and held his hand. "Sorry." She whispered.

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Sarah laughed softly as she saw the life return to her little brother's eyes. He really was in love, that made her happy, he deserved it after everything he had been through and she wasn't going to let their stubborn old mother ruin that for him. "Don't scare him like that Bella, he almost turned white Sarah says feasibly. "You two can stay in the room upstairs, there's no way you're getting home tonight but that's okay there's dress shopping to attend to tomorrow." Sarah says excitedly as she grinned towers her soon to be sister in law. She was excited to have her, she was everything she pictured for Nick and nothing like Amber.
Isabella smiled softly at Sarah and nodded. "Thanks Sarah." She whispered as she looked at Nick and smiled softly. "Care to carry me up to the room Prince?" She asked him with a laugh and slowly sat up. When he walked over, she cupped his face and kissed him lovingly with a smile. "I love you." She whispered against his lips and slowly stood up.

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Sarah smiled and nodded leaving the two be. Walking over Nick smiled against her lips and when he pulled away he kissed her in return. "I love you too, just you you're not s replacement so don't you dare ever going believing that for s second." He says sternly before he picked her up and carried her to the guest room upstairs,
"Yes sir." Bella said as she laughed but smiled at her fiancé as he carried her and when in the room, she laid in bed but pulled him down with her and kissed him lovingly. "I'm sorry." She whispered when she pulled away and played with his hair. "Can I have my ring back?" She added with a light laugh.

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Nick laughed and nodded pulling it from his pocket he slipped it back on her hand in its rightful spot. Leaning in he kissed her back, "Don'f apologize she's the one being childish," he whispers before he fully moved his attorney to her lips
Bella enjoyed the feel of her lips against his and when he pulled away, she wrapped around him like a vine and smiled. "I love you Nicolas Cambridge. You know that?" She asked him with a smile as she looked over at him. She loved this man and was looking forward to their big day. "Where's the wedding at? We haven't finished planning." She said and shook her head. They fell so behind and she didn't know how.

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"We'll have to go look at some places." He whispers to her before he kissed her again. Right now he was just great duo she didn't take her leave for good. His mother was a stubborn selfish person and he didn't want Bella around her if she was going to treat her that way. He was rather embarrassed by her behavior. "I'm so sorry for the things she said, she's crazy."
Bella looked at her fiancé and shook her head slightly. "It's fine love." She whispered before she kissed him once more. She loved him so much and was a bit nervous for their wedding. The day she can call him her husband and the day she will spend the rest of her life with. She loved him

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"No it's not but don't worry about her, you still have everyone else around here." He says with a smile. Leaning in he kissed her again. He felt guilty for his previous relationship but he would make everything right this time. He wasn't going to lose her.
Bella smiled into the kiss and then looked into her fiances eyes as she smiled. "I love you." She whispered. "I'm proud of you and how far you've come." She added truthfully. She meant it when she said that. She was proud of all his accomplishments he made.

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Nick smiled brightly towards her. That meant a lot to him, for a while he felt as if he would never be suffice for his mother or anyone else."I love you too, which is why I want you to know it's okay for you to accept the position, I was asked to move into the city for better exposure but i declined because I thought it was what was best for us but if it's what you want then that's what's best. We'll make it work." If it was what she really wanted then that's what. They would do. He didn't care where they lived as long as they both were content with the decision.
Isabella listened to her fiancé and shook her head as she sighed. "Id love to take the offer but we have a wedding to plan and I don't want to raise kids in the city in the future." Isabella exclaimed as she looked at her fiancé and smiled. "So I'm not taking the offer."

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Nick nodded understandingly and smiled at her mention of kids. She was accepting of the possibility, that was a relief to Nick. "Okay, but if you change your mind I'm open." He says kissing her cheek. At that he heard his niece run into the room and he went to pick her up. "What's up kiddo? What did Santa bring you?" He asked laughing softly at the excitement in her innocent eyes.
Bella smiled as she heard the little girl and sat up. "Show me and your uncle." She said as Skylar smiled and nodded. "Look it. I got a doll." She said and Bella laughed softly as she smiled and reached over for the build a bear she made the little one. "Here. This ones from us." She said and she gasped as dropped the doll and hugged the best close.

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Nick laughed at how quickly the four year old detached herself from the doll for the dear. "What do you say to Bella?" He asks setting her down.
"Wank you." Skylar said and then Isabella laughed softly and held her up in her arms. "You're welcome lovely." She said and kissed the four year olds cheek with a smile.

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Nick smiled at the two and turned to his sister when she walked in the room. "Come on Sky, time for bed," her mother calls. "Say goodnight to Bella and Uncle Nick." Holding out her hand for the little girl to take. However Skylar jumped from the bed and grabbed her uncle's hand and pulled him towards her excitedly. "What is it?" Nick asks crouching down to her level while she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Read to me!" She exclaims excitedly, she always loved when he did that. Nick smiled. "Ask mommy first." He says with a smile, he wasn't going to intrude on the routine Sarah made for her.
Bella watched as the little girl asked Nick to read to her. It was so perfect and she loved it. When the two left, Bella smiled at Sarah and let out a content sigh. "I don't even have an idea for a dress." She admitted with a soft laugh. She didn't know what to do and when Sarahs husband walked in, she smiled at him. "Any recommendations on where to have our wedding?"

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