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Love that's forbidden

It was for that reason Nick went to Rachel because he knew he could trust her. Letting out another sigh he shook his head and didn't say anything more knowing it was just her not being able to control herself. If he wasn't careful this secret was going to tear them apart and then everything he was trying to do would mean nothing.

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With the weeks that followed, Isabella learned to not be so jealous although it still bothered her. She sighed as she sat outside and red ink yet another draft from an old friend of hers. She felt terrible for the things she told Nick weeks back but he told her he was over it and that they'd be okay. She had an event tonight however, one where she sadly had to go alone. She wasn't looking forward to it because she had to dress up nice.
Nick on this day had a long day of classes ahead and when he walked through the door he smiled at the sight of her on the porch. Walking out to her he kissed her in greeting. "hey there," he says with a bright smile. He knew she had to get going soon but he had something to ask hit he wasn't sure how she would take it, hopefully she would agree to his wanting her to come along. "Rachel called today with the release date, it's best month. They want me to do an opening signing in New York, I was hoping you would come." If she rejected him like she had so many times before since he "dropped her." He would have to find a way to convince her to come along, this was majorly important to him and he needed her there for support. This was a big step and he didn't want her to miss it.

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"hey love" She whispered as she kissed him back softly and then smiled and listened to what he had to say. She sighed and shrugged. "I don't know." She said then went back to looking at her screen. "Wouldn't want to interfere with you business." she added but when she saw his face, she knew this was important to him and she needed to be there for him. She sighed and nodded. "I'll go. I'll just have to clear my schedule." She added then got up and kissed his cheek before she went to shower and went to get ready for tonight's event.
When she walked away from him he blinked. She really did just agree without a fight, he wasn't expecting that but he was glad. One less thing he had to worry about. While she showers he turned to the computer and started to grade some things. The event she was going to was formal, the kind he didn't like going to and neither did she based on the night they both left. When she walked out he looked to her with a smile and kissed her before she left. "Have fun," he calls teasingly, Rachel was going too so he knew she wouldn't be completely bored out of her mind.

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"Go with me please, you have the clothes." She told him when she sighed and began to look at her selection of dresses to wear. She hated this really and honestly didn't want to go. She wanted to just skip but she had to go today.

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"I can't, I don't want to interfere with your business," he says teasingly and laughed when she gave him a look. "Alright, I'll go but I'll have to meet you there, I need to finish this first." He has been meaning to grade these alignments for a few days now and needed to update grades,

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She sighed and nodded as she got dressed into a simple lavender dress again and left. She honestly hated these events and just wanted to skip so bad. Upon arriving, she smiled at the sight of Rachel and went to give her a hug then went and conversed with others. She was exhausted and when slow songs came on, she sat at a table by herself and watched everyone dance.

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Nick hated these events but for a different reason than Bella. He hated the atmosphere of people thinking they were better than the average person. Getting dressed he grabbed the keys and headed for the event. Spotting Bella at a table he smiled at the sight of her and rapped her shoulder and held out his hand for her to take. "What's a pretty lady like you doing here alone on the dance floor?"

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Isabella smiled as she looked at Nick and slowly stood up and took his hand. She was glad press wasn't allowed to this event. It meant she could be as close to her boyfriend as she wanted. When they made it to the dance floor, she held him close and smiled as they began to dance. She laid her head on his shoulder as her arms wrapped around his neck. "I love you."


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"I love you too." He whispers with a smile before he spun her around gently. She looked beautiful and the sound of her laugh was enough to make it worth coming. Even if press was here he would have given her this attention, he wasn't living in fear of the public, she was the only thing that mattered.

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She enjoyed this dance and laughed and laughed. She loved being alone with him and when they finished, she kissed him softly and that's when flashes went off. She didn't care anymore. She loved him and she had him, that's all that mattered in her world.

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Nick smiled against her lips and returned the kids before he took her hand and led her off the floor. "Does this mean we get real food after this?" He whispers with a laugh as they walked over to Rachel.

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Isabella couldn't help but laugh and nod as she smiled. "Yes of course." She said and laughed as she walked over at kissed his cheek again and walked off to go and talk with Rachel as they both enjoyed the night.

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Nick was glad they enjoyed their night and when they were leaving Rachel and him shares a smile. After dinner Nock drove the two home and laughed when he saw someone the pictures from earlier. "Well love, looks like your secret's out." He says with a laugh showing her the picture before he set the phone down and kissed her more roughly this time, "So how many authors have you fallen for?" He asks with a teasing smile before he kissed her agin.

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She laughed softly and when he kissed her roughly, she moaned into the kiss and kissed him back just as rough. "Only once. You're one of a kind Cambridge." She whispered and kissed him roughly again. She couldn't get enough of him and she loved their moments like this. "The secret was going to get out eventually anyways." She whispered with a laugh.

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"I know," he whispers in return before he picked her up and continued to kiss her as he felt her wrap herself around him he loved this woman and one day she was going to be his wife, with the right timing. He knew that in his heart she was the one he was meant to have a life with. He never would have guessed that walking into that cafe but life had its strange occurrences and he was more than glad it happened to him.

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Bella would have never thought helping this author would change her life but it did. She was glad however. She loved this man no matter what ups and downs they had. They were going to go somewhere in the future and she couldn't imagine a future with anyone else.

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With the New York trip fast approaching Nick was starting to become nervous but he kept it under control,. He left a day before her because of her work schedule but that gave him time to prepare himself for the upcoming events. When he saw Rachel at the hotel he smiled and hugged her as she handed him s hard copy of the book he opened it and smiled. He approved. "Just don't let her anywhere near it," he says with a nervous laugh he hoped everything went well, she could not agree with what he wrote at all and it could just fall apart.

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Bella arrived the next day and honestly, she was excited and ready for this signing because she knew it meant a lot to Nick. When they each went to the signing, she smiled as she watched him enjoy his time with his fans. This was a perfect moment to watch because he was doing what he wanted with his life. It made Bella happy.

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When the snow began to fall Nick felt his hands get numb but he didn't mind. Rubbing them together for warmth he finished the last of the meetings but kept everyone clustered together. He had one last thing for everyone to see. Running to Bella he took her hand and had her stand back beside him. He thanked everyone for their support and for coming out but then turned to Bella with a smile and motioned her forward. "I just have one more thing to show everyone." Taking a book from Rachel he handed it to Bella. "Ms. McClain can you read the last page in the newest book for us?" He asks with a bright smile. He laughed softly amused as everyone opened the books and followed along. The last page was his acknowledgements and it read, "To the editor who made a dream a reality, I thank you for everything you've done for me and my epic success story, I wouldn't be here without you, " and that's where everyone's print stopped but in the book he handed her there was something written in black sharpie underneath it. It read, "Marry me?" And as she read it allowed without comprehending what she just read he was beside her already on his knee waiting for her to notice as everyone else in the crowd gasped.

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Bella was confused at first with what she was asked to do but she obliged and read the last page like he asked her. She didn't comprehend a word but when she heard everyone gasp, she read the sharpie writing over and over again.

Marry me?

She gasped and when she looked at Nick, she cried and held the book to here chest. "Yes Nick. Of course." She whispered and hugged him close and kissed him as the crowd cheered. This was perfect and she absolutely loved this moment.

(Omg the feels[emoji24][emoji24][emoji24])

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(I told you [emoji87])

Nick smiled against her lips and kissed her softly in return as the snow continued to fall. Slipping the ring on her finger he smiled at her glossy eyes full of tears. Now she knew why he let Rachel take over, he didn't need her reading the last book because that's exactly how he ended it. He was more than ecstatic she agreed to his proposal, it only took a year of planning. "I love you," he whispers in her ear. He didn't need to edit any longer, as much as he didn't want to rush things he knew they were meant for one another, the love had had for her boots his feelings that he ever had for Amber out of the water and she brought him s sense of excitement and purpose he never felt before with anyone.

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(Too cute [emoji24][emoji24])

Bella honestly couldn't believe this was happening. She wouldn't want it to happen any other way honestly. "I love you more." She whispered as she smiled softly and then went to hug Rachel tight. It all made sense now and Bella loved the way he proposed. It was perfect. She then went back over to her fiancé and took pictures for the press. This was all she wanted in life and she was glad to be living the rest of her life with him.

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By the end of all the ecotement the crowd began to clear and Nick by this time couldn't feel his fingers. Sticking them into his coat pockets he walked with his fiancé to the car. Once inside and surrounded by warmth he kissed her again and laughed when she tried to pull away from his cold hands. He was glad that whole thing was over because he wasn't sure how much longer he could have kept it a secret. Hopefully she also liked the ring he had custom made for her, another reason he had to wait for so long,

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