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Love that's forbidden

Bella smiled at the kisses and continued to kiss him back. When she pulled away, she laughed softly. "I love you." She whispered and kissed him again. He was just so intoxicating she loved it. Honestly, she wanted to spend her whole life with this man here with her.

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"I love you too," he whispers in her ear brides he found himself spending the rest of the night right her. It really had been awhile and next morning when she tried to make him right Ned some kisses he groaned. Luckily he had no work today from either place. "What do you want woman?" He asks teasingly not opening his eyes. She had exhausted him but he didn't mind, he feeling of her lips still left an overwhelming feeling. Though he was far too near exhaustion to try anything with her with his lack of present energy, he still enjoyed her kisses against his lips when she didn't stop,

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She laughed softly to herself and then stopped and laid against his chest. "Nothing. Just wanted to bug you." She whispered with a laugh as she kissed his chest and close her eyes again. "Finally a day off from work. Let's just sleep all day." She whispered and slowly began to fall asleep again, though she actually wanted to go and do something today. She spent the whole night up with him and she wanted nothing more then to sleep right now.

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Nick nodded in agreement stil not opening his eyes and drifted back to his sleep. Last night was great but he bedded ha sleep. He has a full day of classes the next day and need the engel to make it through without question

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Isabella smiled as she watched Nick sleep for awhile and soon, she began to fall asleep again as well and when she woke up, it was already late and the sun had set. She yawned and shook her head as she stayed wrapped up next to her boyfriend. Boyfriend. Hopefully he would be something more. He was the only one she ever loved.

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Nick woke up shortly after with a yawn. Not letting her go he reached for his phone and saw a message from Rachel, his temporary editor. She texted to tell him he won two awards last night. With a sigh he set the phone back on the dresser. He was glad he stayed here with Bella.
"Good morning Prince Charming." Bella whispered with a laugh and leaned over to kiss him softly. "How'd you sleep?" She asked him as she stayed curled up against him. She was beyond exhausted but she was glad they spent the night together. They hadn't had a moment like that in awhile and she missed it.

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"I think it's way past morning love." He says with a light laugh vid ha was glad they spent the night together As well. Leaning over he took her into a hug. "I love you."
"I love you more." She whispered as she smiled and stayed wrapped up in his arms. She was exhausted and needed sleep but being with him alone made her happy. "Did you win any awards?" She asked him with a yawn. She was really happy for him and the progress he's made.

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"In fact I did Ms. McClain, two actually." He says with a smile before he kissed her again. "Thank you." He whispers with glimmering eyes. If it wasn't for her he would have given up his writing and none of this would have happened, he has had to thank for that.
When he thanked her, Isabella was confused. "Thank you for what?" She asked him with a soft smile and then kissed his chest again. She needed to get up and not be so lazy. She wanted Italian food. "I want Italian food and wine." She said with a laugh as she smiled innocently.

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Nick simply shook his head at her question, she would understand in time. He laughed at her want and smiled. "Let's go then," he says before he kissed her one last time before going to shower. Good sounded delicious right now. When they both finished getting ready he took her hand in his won and led her to the car.
She smiled as she felt his hand hold hers and she left with him to the car. Upon arriving at the restaurant, she sat in the back with him and enjoyed their time but she didn't notice a press member was there. She didn't care at this point but she really wanted her privacy still. "What are you ordering?" She asked him as she took a sip of her wine.

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Nick saw the press and he kept a close eye on them discreetly. They could say whatever but if things got to out of hand Nick would handle it himself. Turning to Bella he smiled and looked over the menu. "I was thinking some soup and pasta. How about you?" He asks setting the menu on the table still keeping an eye on the press member.
The press member saw Nick looking at him and he simply smiled as he took a picture of them and immediately began to post it. Soon more arrived and Isabella put her head down. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

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Nick sighed, he didn't intend to draw attention, they were normal people who deserved to do normal things without being bothered. He wasn't going to hide away from them, he wasn't going to change for them either. When he saw Bella out her head on ghetto table he told her to ignore them. If they caused too much of a disturbance the restaurant manager would for sure take care of it. It wasn't like their relationship was obvious right now, it was just two people at dinner. They could be friends and go out.
Isabella simply nodded and stayed with her head down. She honestly hated this. When the press was asked to leave, she looked up again and let out a sigh. "Good.

They're gone." She whispered with a smile. "How's your book coming along?"
Nick smiled to her with amused eyes and took s sip of his drink. "It's coming." He says as he stared at the liquid in the glass to avoid breaking a smile. He hadn't cracked yet and he wasn't planning on it. "Are you jealous?" He asks teasingly.
Isabella huffed and nodded. "Yes I am. I hate it." She admitted and took a drink of her wine again. "I hate you." She added and then sighed as she laughed. "I've been replaced. It's cool." Now she was teasing him.
"Oh stop, hate is a strong word you know." He says easing eyebrows and taking another sip of his own. "But you'll like it. I promise." Or at least he hoped she did. She was putting a lot of thought and planning into this and he would be crushed if she didn't like it. When their food cans he enjoyed his dinner with her but of course by the end his phone was blowing up from the mass amount of people become suspicious. Seeing it he simply ignored it and sighed softly. They would eventually have to clear the air but they just weren't ready yet, he likes the privacy and he knew this was the best way to keep it.
"Will I really?" Isabella asked as she rolled her eyes and began to finish up her dinner then took the last few sips from her glass of wine. "Who's your editor?" She asked him seriously. She didn't like being in the dark about his books and it bothered her that she was. When she finished her food and wine, she let out a content sigh and smiled. "you're a pain you know that?" She added with a soft laugh.
"Wow, this really bothers you doesn't it?" He asked with a laugh. She was acting like a little kid who wanted to know a secret and he found it amusing. "I know I am, I figured you caught on by now but I can't tell you, if I did you would probably go and hold them captive and tell them how to do their job." Really, the person she was curious about was under her nose the whole time.

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She rolled her eyes as she shook her head. "Yes it bothers you. Wouldn't you be bothered if I dropped you without telling you then have the press in your face asking you about it." She told him and sighed then stood up. "I'll be in the car." This really did bother her, she wanted to know and she wanted to know why. She was always bothered with this.
Nick sighed and paid for dinner before he headed to the car. This wasn't worth a fight. He would tell her what she needed to know for reassurance but that was it, hopefully Rachel could keep a secret. Getting in the car he sighed when she wouldn't look at him. "It's Rachel, and as I said before its nothing personal against you Bella, I wish I could tell you but I can't, it's business." That wasn't the whole truth either everyone who needed to know knew, it was a matter of keeping it from her for the time being.

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When she heard the phrase, "Its business." She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Oh yes right, it's business." She said and then shook her head when she realized it was Rachel. Why her? Yes Bella loved her like a sister and everything but the fact that he went to her upset her. "Sorry I wasn't good enough for you but hey, its just business right?" She asked, no longer being able to hold back because of the slight buzz she had thanks to the wine. She wasn't able to filter what she was saying.

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