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Love that's forbidden

"Nothing." He answers honestly, he wasn't hungry and just wanted to sleep. Today has been a long day and he has to do it again in the morning and then teach a class in the evening. He was really dreading it but it was something he was fortunate to have. He also had a meeting with another editor tomorrow but he didn't tell Bella that because he didn't want to upset her, but he had plans he didn't need her to know about.

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Bella nodded as she continued to look through the fridge and just made herself a sandwich. She was waiting for his third book so she could start editing it for him because she was bored with nothing to do. She had no books to red ink and that alone was terrible. She heard her table go off however, so she rushed over and received a letter with a draft attached. Perfect. Something to keep her entertained. This was from a 19 year old however. This was interesting. She decided to give it a look and see what all she could correct for him. The minute it loaded, she sat outside with her sandwich and water and began to red ink with her music playing.

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Nick shook his head at her and left her to her own work while he went to get ready for bed. He knew when she found out if his plans tomorrow she was going to be upset but she would understand his choice in the end. He tried staying up for her but he just couldn't. He quickly nodded off to sleep.

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That night, Isabella got no rest because this book was just so amazing. She couldn't believe a 19 year old wrote about his life but ended the book at his graduation day. This was amazing and she wanted to help him finalize it and publish it. It was perfect already though. When the sun rose, she sighed but smiled at the scenery. It was perfect and she went inside to take a shower and get ready for today.

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Nick was already showered and ready but he had places to be before his events today. When he saw Bells he smiled and kissed her as she headed to the shower, "I have to go, I'll meet you there okay?" He says setting her pass on the dresser.

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She was a little confused but she nodded and smiled softly. "Of course. Don't be late." She said with a smile and went to shower and after she finished up, she got dressed and went to the next event with security guarding her. She waited for Nick to show up but when she knew he was running late, she sighed. "I told him." She whispered but then saw a reporter come up to her. "Ms. McClain, how do you feel about Nicolas Cambridge getting a different editor for his third book?" He asked and at this, she blinked. What? She didn't say anything and merely left the event before the rest of the press got to her. One found him meeting with another editor and that alone made Isabella upset. She went back to the house and stayed outside as she had her headphones in and worked in the draft again. His new editor could go to his events now.

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Nick finished up his meeting with the success he had hoped for and headed for the signing. When he didn't see Bella he was confused but didn't have time to try and find her. After four hours of signing he headed for home. Walking through the door he set down the keys and saw her now standing in the kitchen with her arms crossed, she looked behind angry. "What is it?" He asks stepping towards her but looked at her confused when she backed away from him.

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"You know what it is. When were you planning on telling me you were switching editors? Do you know how stupid I looked with the press in my face telling me this?!" Bella said, her voice raising though she didn't intend for it too. "I mean, I don't care if you replace me but at least have the decency to tell me!" She added and shook her head as she walked past him to go get her tablet again. "Your new editor will be the one to go to your events so this means I'm staying here while you go to the awards. You were nominated this morning." She said and walked out back outside. She was angry. She was hurt.

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Nick felt bad that he upset her but he couldn't help but smile softly when she walked away from hi wiping the smile from his face he went after her. "Bella, I was going to tell you I just wanted to hear what they had to say first, I'm sorry." He says sympathetically sitting beside her. "I just know you have a lot on your plate right now and I didn't want to over whelm you, the draft is pretty long it's only temporary, you don't have to come with me but I would like you too." He was really hoping she would buy what he was telling because it wasn't particularly a lie just not the whole truth. "If it helps they said it won't be released for a year." Little did she know he planned it that way.

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"I could have had it released sooner." She remarked as she rolled her eyes and continued to read through the draft. "Like I said it's whatever but I'm not going to the awards with you. Take your new editor. That's who everyone's expecting anyways plus now that everyone knows I'm not your editor, they'll be expecting your new one. I'm not needed for anything anymore." She said and then out her headphones in to block him out. She would love to go with him but it wasn't that easy. Now that the press knew, if she went, it'd be suspicious and she wasn't exactly ready for the news about them to get out.

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At that he just let her be, as much as he wanted to break he just couldn't. It would ruin his epic planning. He let out a sigh and let her be, this was going to be a long year but hopefully it would be worth it. She would let it go in time or so he hoped.

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It had been six months since then and honestly, Isabella let it go but every now and then she had press asking her about what happened. She ignored it however. When she woke up, she got dressed and made sure it was good enough. She had to meet with Jacob, the 19 year old, and discuss if he was actually ready to publish this life story. She looked at Nick and smiled as he slept but left the pass next to him saying, "Don't forget carpet tonight. Have fun." Even if she wasn't his editor, she kept track of his calendar for him. She had to or he would forget.

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Nick woke shortly after and smiled at the note before wiping the sleep from his eyes. The secrets he was keeping for the most part were easy but every now and again he had to hold his tongue. It didn't help his "new editor." Was her friend and was in on this whole thing. She has tried to get him to release sooner but he refused. Though red carpet was indeed important it was no means how he wanted to spend his 25th birthday. Especially since he knew she wasn't coming with and that was rather depressing. Letting out an irritated groan he went to shower, she was probably going to be done most of the day, great, this was going to be a boring day.

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Isabella knew about his birthday so she ended things early and she knew Nick by now. She knew he wouldn't go to carpet so when se arrived back home, she shook her head and went to hug him from behind. "Happy Birthday but Mr. Cambridge, shouldn't you be at red carpet?" She asked him as she kissed his neck. "I mean if not I'm not complaining. Id love to spend the rest of the day with you." She whispered with a laugh.

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"I should be, but it's a shame I have no one to go with me." He says with a smile. He thought it was cute she remembered his birthday but it was nothing important. "Shouldn't you be at work?" He asks with raised eyebrows walking to the fridge for some water.

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"I finished early. Wanted to spend some time with you on your birthday." She said as she smiled and leaned over to kiss him. "But you need to be at red carpet. Sorry you're going solo but you need to go." She said with a laugh. This was another important event for him.

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Nick laughed. "You can't make me and I'm not going." He says before he kissed her cheek and walked passed her to their room. He wasn't in the mood for the public. They were always trying to pry into his personal life lately and it was annoying.

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Isabella sighed but ran after him and tackled him into the bed. She laughed and laughed and kissed him softly but then roughly after a point. "I love you." She whispered as she pulled away and kept him pinned to the bed. "Stay with me tonight?" She asked and kissed him again.

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"I don't think I can say no since you have me held captive." He says glancing over to his wrists she had pinned to the bed. With a laugh he kissed. Her back more roughly, when she released him his hands found her back and pulled her closer.

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She loved this so much and absolutely loved their moments together. "I love you." She whispered and kissed him again and again. This was something she missed. Something they hadn't had in awhile because of work. It was exhausting really.

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In response Nick just continued to kiss her, moving from her lips he found her neck and her collar bone, making a trail all the way back to here lips things became heated for the two rather fast, that electrifying feeling soon returned. The feeling leaving chills down his spine but he didn't deny it. She was perfect and he wouldn't have wanted to leave her for some public event.

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All in all, the night was a great night and Isabella was glad Nick didn't leave her for the red carpet. She stayed curled up against him as they were wrapped under the blankets. She laughed softly and smiled as she drew random circles around his chest. "Happy birthday, birthday boy." She whispered and handed him a card. It wasn't much but she still wanted him to have something from her. "Your mom called by the way." She whispered.

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The moment was perfect until she had to mention his mother. They hadn't really gotten along since she openly rejected Isabella in front of everyone. "Oh goodie, what she have to say?" He asks sarcastically setting down. The card for now and letting out a sigh. This mom's disapproval was hard to accept snd was something he could never love down. He never understood why she wanted him to be with someone that was nothing like him even after she tried to kill him, it didn't make sense. Didn't she want her son to be happy and secure?

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"That she wished you a happy birthday." She whispered with a sigh and then smiled softly. "I love you so much. Be happy she called. I may not like her but I'm happy she remembers you." She whispered and kissed his chest again.

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"I'm glad one of us is happy about her then." Leaving the subject at that he didn't want to talk about it anymore, instead he titled her chin and started kissing her again. Shan things got like this she was hard to ignore

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