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Love that's forbidden

She nodded and watched as he left. That's when she placed her hand on her stomach and sighed. "We love you. Even if we didn't get to hold you, we love you." She whispered to it and sighed. This wasn't supposed to happen. They lost their child.

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The nurse soon returned to replenish her pain medication. Nick came back shortly after with real food for her to try and eat. He still felt guilty about this whole situation. What did he get Bella into?
Isabella smiled at Nick and then leaned over and took the food. "Thanks." She whispered with a yawn as she began to eat it. She was beyond hungry but it hurt to move certain places. "So I'm moving in with you now." She said to try and lighten the mood.

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Nick smiled softly. "I'm glad," he whispers as he watched her eat. When she finished he cleaned the mess. Helping her lay back down he carefully took her in his arms and laid her gently down in the bed. "I'm sorry." He whispers again before he kissed her forehead again.
"It's okay my love. I told you it's fine." She whispered with a smile and then leaned over to kiss him softly. "So after this is it okay to take all my stuff to your house?" She asked with another laugh. She really was trying to lighten the mood.

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Nick laughed and nodded. "If you want too." He says with a laugh kissing her in return. It was unfortunate their unborn child had to pay the ultimate price but it was probably for the best. They were closer now than before but his family would have never accepted her so soon after what happened with Amber and while he wouldn't have cared he knew it would have been hard on her.
Isabella smiled softly at her boyfriend and nodded. "I think I will." She admitted with a laugh and kissed him again but then slowly began to fall asleep against him. She loved him so much, she would have gladly died to keep him safe.

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Nick smiled and watched her drift off into her sleep. "I love you." He whispers as he stroked her hair gently. Soon she would be safe, protected by him in every moment they were together, this was never going to happen again.
Isabella's father walked in and smiled at the two. He saw that smile on Isabella's face as she slept and he knew it was because of Nick. "Thank you for being in her life." He told Nick and held his daughters hand. "She needed happiness again."

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Nick smiled at her father but shook his head. He didn't want her father to get the wrong flattering impression of him. Nick was a good man but he had made some bad choices and now she was affected by them. "I don't deserve your daughter but I'm glad to make her happy."
"You're right, you don't." He said with a laugh but smiled. "But if you make her happy we all can make the exception." He added as he looked at Bella. "She lost her mother at a young age. She lost all hope and fell into a depression state. What pulled her out, we don't know but she's happy again with you so for that we thank you."

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Nick looked to her father confused but again, didn't want to pry. In time she would tell him what he needed to know when she was ready for him to know. "Don't thank me, she did it for herself but I'm happy to be here."
He smiled softly and nodded as he got up. "I have to go. Take care of work. I'll be back." He said and left and that's when Isabella woke up again but with a scream. She wanted her mom. It was her fault. It was all her fault her mother wasn't here.
When he heard her scream Nick quickly wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "It's okay, you're alright." He says in a whisper as she buried her face into his shoulder.

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She shook her head as she continued to cry. "It's my fault she died Nick." She whispered and sighed. "It's all my fault." She added.
"I doubt that, don't blame yourself." He whispers softly still holding her close. He didn't know what happened but he found it hard to believe a little girl would be the cause of her mother's death, her mom probably sacrificed herself in some way to protect her daughter and Bella always felt the guilt for it, but that's what a mother's love was, putting her children before herself.

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"I do. I always have." She said as she stayed up against her boyfriend. "She took the bullet. I should have died." She whispered and cried harder and harder. She honestly couldn't stand this.
"Shhh it's alright, she was just protecting you, it's not your fault." He says wiping the tears from her eyes. He couldn't imagine what it would have been like to experience something so traumatic at such a young age. A girl was supposed to grow up and have her mother not suffer from guilt and depression because she blamed herself for her loss. "She did the right thing Bella, any mother who loves their children would have done the same thing."

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"But I didn't want to lose her.." Bella said as she cried even more and leaned over to bury her face closer. She just wanted to stay in his arms for the rest of the day. She didn't want to move or anything. She would never get rid of this guilty feeling she had for the event that occurred. "Nobody from her side of the family ever looked at me the same." She added. That was the main reason behind her guiltiness. Everyone on that side of the family blamed her.
"Well, they're ridiculous for ever blaming you, you were just a little girl." He whispers before he pulled her closer. He knew she would never live that down but it really wasn't her fault. "I love you," he whispers

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"I love you more." She whispered to him and let out a content sigh. "I really do love you. No matter what my love." She whispered again and then began to yawn. She was beyond exhausted right now. "Promise me you will not leave." She whispered again. Being left alone was a terrible feeling.
"I promise." His lips meet here in the next instance and he smiled against them. Pulling away he ran his thumb along her cheek. "Get some rest." He knew she needed it and he wanted her out if this town that was now filled with fear as soon as humanly possible.
She nodded as she let out a content sigh and began to fall asleep again. She loved being in his arms and just loved being next to him. She wanted to move with him. Somewhere she knew that if they started a family, they would all be safe and so would Nick.
In the following days she was released and he quickly took her things and moved them with him. He was relieved she was in his close quarters. A few weeks later when she was fully healed he agreed to take her to his mom's so they could meet. That morning when he woke to the feeling of her lips he smiled and pulled her closer where he kissed her passionately. "Morning," he whispers when she pulled away. Today was a busy day, before dinner with his mom he had two signings today and by the looks of things he drew a huge crowd.
"Morning." She whispered with a smile as she yawned softly and then slowly sat up and stretched. "Well, we have a busy day ahead. First signing starts at noon. Up up." She said with a laugh and stood up to go shower and get ready. She loved going to his signings because it brought her utter happiness to see him happy with his work.

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