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Love that's forbidden

Nick sighed and quickly ran after her. That wasn't what he meant. When he caught up to her he wrapped his arms around her protectively as he always did. "I would be thrilled if you lived here with me," he whispers to her before he kissed her cheek and released her. "I just know you have your reasons for staying and I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you into staying here."
"You're not pressuring me into doing anything Nick. This is what u wanted to do." She whispered and sighed and continued to clean up the kitchen. "It's fine though. You're right. I have my reasons to stay so I may just stay at my house. Sorry for bringing it up." She whispered with a sigh.

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Nick was now upset with himself that he lost his chance to have her with him. "You're always welcome here and of course I want you to stay, if it's what you want too then we'll make it happen." This was his last shot at convincing her he wanted her to stay.. "But if you don't want to stay then I understand." He but his lip in hopes she would take his offer but it was probably already too late, he ruined his chance.
Bella sighed as she looked at Nick and kissed him softly. "Nick, I want to be with you and only you. Please don't push me away by thinking I'm better off away." She whispered as she hugged him close. "I love you Nick, and I want to be where you are." She added and smiled a softly smiled and kissed his chest.

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Nick took a deep breathe when he heard her say those words to him. She was perfect for him in every way so far and he wanted to embrace it but it would take some getting used to after the way he was treated by Amber, she only ever paid him any attention when she need or wanted something and she never talked to him in the loving way Bella did. "I love you too:" he whispers softly to her kissing her head. "Which is why I wanted you to be here for this," He says pulling away from her and walking over to the counter he reached for an envelope and opened it. He saw her confusion and handed her the papers while he grabbed a pen.
"What are you doing?" She asked him as she laughed playfully and walked over to him and saw the papers. She couldn't help but smile a bright smile. Divorce papers. "I love you so much." She whispered and kissed him softly with another laugh after. "Let's do it." She added and watched him.

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Nick nodded and kissed her in return. Nodding he took his pen and clicked it before he quickly and nearly signed the dotted line. "It's done." He says with a bright smile before he picked her up and spun her around before he kissed her.
Bella couldn't believe this moment and she hugged him close as he spun her around. She kissed him lovingly and laughed softly. "I love you so much." She whispered and kissed him again and again. She really did love this. He was now all hers.

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Nick laughed at the kisses he was receiving and kissed her in return. "I love you too." He whispers with admiration at her beauty. He wanted so much to have a future with her but he still was afraid to rush into things. "I love you more than anything." He whispers in her ear. While it was the truth he knew he didn't know very much about her, but it was a connection he felt from the beginning
Bella smiled softly as he kept her arms wrapped around him. She knew little to nothing about this man but she loved him dearly. He held her heart no matter what. "I love you too Nick. More then life itself." She whispered and gave his neck a light kiss before smiled against him. "How's that third book coming along?" She added with a laugh to lighten in the mood even more. She wanted nothing more then to marry this man but they couldn't rush into things.

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Nick laughed. "I made no promises of a third book Ms. McClain." He says before he kissed her again and set her back down. "Don't you have other authors to bug?" He asked teasingly. Really, her encouragement is what kept him going, she was the first person to believe in his abilities and he feed off of that, if it wasn't for her there would have never been any published books by Nick Cambridge and he would of just given up his silly little dream.
"Mmm. I do but honestly you're more fun to bug." Bella laughed as she smiled and leaned over to kiss him softly and when she pulled away, her smile never faded. "What are you thinking?" She asked him truthfully. She wanted to know what exactly he was thinking. She heard her phone go off and she sighed. "Hold on." She said and walked off to talk with the printing company who sadly, messed up one of her authors books. This meant they'd have to go and collect all the books before the stores out it out. "Do what you have to do. I don't expect to get charged anymore." She told them and she let out a groan as she hung up. She hated when the printing was messed up. So much work to fix it.b

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Nick approached her when she hung up the phone and hugged her from behind. Kissing her neck he smiled. "I'm thinking about you," he whispered against her skin. He found himself thinking a lot more about her lately. Who was this mysterious woman he couldn't pull himself away from?
Bella smiled softly at the kiss on her neck and she turned around to kiss her boyfriend softly. "Thinking about me? Why?" She asked him with a soft smile and a laugh. She loved him so much and he was the one she wanted for the rest of her life. "Stay mine forever?" She asked him with a laugh. She grew tense because of the printing. She really did hate when people messed up the prints.

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"Because, you're mysterious." He says with curiosity in his eyes. He was never going to pry things out of her but if they were going to become serious like he hoped then they would have to spend Tim getting to know each other better.

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This cause Bella to blink a bit. "What do you mean mysterious? I'm an open book Nick." She whispered with a smile and then leaned over to kiss him softly. "But I need to get to know you." She whispered and then smiled. "Who are you exactly?"

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Nick laughed softly and released her before taking her hand and leading her to the couch. "It depends on what you want to know, but you're far from an open book, I can see it in your eyes, we all have our secrets."

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That made Isabella tense slightly but she smiled. "We do but everything else is an open book." She told him and smiled again as she sat in the couch. "I want to know everything. You were a frat so let's start there. Why?" She asked with a small laugh. Nick had the looks to be a frat boy.

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Nick laughed in embarrassment as he had before. "I don't know honestly, " He answers honestly. "To party and be stupid I guess, it's not that much of an interesting story really." His college years weren't that interesting he blew them off mostly, he had his share of parties and hang overs but always managed to stay true to his English major. "Typical college boy."

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Bella couldn't help but laugh and then smiled. "I see. So a frat boy for college. What about high school? What were you like as a child? That kind of stuff." She asked him as she put her head against his shoulder and held his hand in hers. He was so perfect in her eyes.

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Nick obliged to her questions and told her everything he could think of that she would need to know, even going into detail about his failure of s marriage and how Amber fell out of love with him when she started her career and starred to treat him less important, only using him for her physical needs and of course he never hardly refused, hoping she would change back to the woman he thought he knew.

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"I love you Nick. All of you." She whispered to him as she smiled and held his hand tight. She hated knowing all Amber wanted in the end was her physical needs. "I won't ever leave you. I promise." She whispered and held out her pinky for him to take. "Until the end of time will that be the time we break apart.

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Nick shook his head and laughed. "Look whose being the sap." He says before taking her pinky in his own and taking her into a long passionate kiss as he cupped her face, the spark he felt with her was unlike anything else and he could never get enough of it. She was everything his wife was supposed to be like and he knew she meant what she said.

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"It's a gift." Isabella said with a soft giggle before feeling his lips against hers again. She loved this feeling and when she kissed back, that feeling in her stomach was back and she loved it. She meant every word she said. She wasn't leaving him. "I really do love you." She whispered again and kissed him once more before pulling away completely. "What's for dinner?"

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"Oh right," He says clearing his throat with a soft laugh "Whatever you want.," He had totally forgot about dinner, to distracted by her and their intimacy.

(Get married please thanks.)

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