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Love that's forbidden

She laughed softly and smiled. "Got anything I can cook?" She asked him with a yawn. She hasn't cooked anything for him yet and that was sad.

(I know right!)

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"Hmm, let's look," he says getting up from the couch and going to the kitchen to open the freezer, for the most part it was empty because of how busy he had become, pulling ogre the only thing left he handed it to her. "Chicken it is," he says with a laugh before he kissed her forehead. "I'm going to shower I'll be back," before he left he kissed her once more, this time on the lips. He could get used to her being her her with her everyday.

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Bella laughed softly and smiled as she noticed he had alfredo sauce and noddles so she made chicken Alfredo and actually loved how the results came out. It was perfect and luckily she found some Parmesan cheese. This was all so perfect. She was honestly happy with their dinner she made.

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Nick got out of the shower and brushed the water from his hair. He always felt so relieved when he undressed from his work clothes, they felt restricting at times. Picking up the clothes he set them in the hamper and headed for the kitchen. The smell of food overwhelmed him and suddenly his hunger became apparent all at once. "Something smells good in here.." He says with a smile.

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"Chicken Alfredo for dinner. I hope you like it." Bella called out as she laughed softly and served her and Nick some of the food in a bowl then put Parmesan in hers. She set them down at the table then got a glass of wine for herself. She was exhausted.

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Nick would be lying if he didn't admit his excitement over this meal. It had been months sense he had time to cook for himself and he was hungry. When he finished he took their bowls and smiled at her. "That was delicious thanks Hun."

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Bella laughed softly as she nodded and smiled. "Of course." She said and stood up as she walked over to clean up the mess she made and began to wash up the dishes. She obviously didn't like leaving a mess anywhere.

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Nick smiled and helped her and in the end it resulted in a dish soap war. Pulling her closer he smiled against her lips when he felt her fingers run though his soapy hair. Picking her up he kissed her neck and moved to her jaw. "I love you Isabella McClain." He whispers against her lips before his hands found her waist.

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Isabella couldn't help but squeal with the soap and when she brushed her fingers through his soapy hair, she smiled and then looked him in the eye. "I love you Nicolas Cambridge." She whispered and leaned up to kiss him ever so sweetly. She loved this man and didn't want to leave him again in another day or so.

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Isabella couldn't help but squeal with the soap and when she brushed her fingers through his soapy hair, she smiled and then looked him in the eye. "I love you Nicolas Cambridge." She whispered and leaned up to kiss him ever so sweetly. She loved this man and didn't want to leave him again in another day or so.

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After that no words were spoken from him. He his met hers and they stayed there. He knew this was his last night with her and he was going to law the most of it. These moments with her he treasured, he never got to spend enough time with her, the time was precious. Carrying her to his room he laid her in his led and continued to kiss her.

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Bella didn't want to leave but she had to so what better way to spend time together then this? She loved this man so much. She would never forgive herself for falling in love with a married man but now he was her and no one else's. He was finally divorced and hopefully, her and him could have a life of their own. That's all she wanted in life. Him and her together forever.

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The loved they shared that night was something electrifying. He has a feeling they would have a future together but in their moments of passion he couldn't control himself with her, she brought something out in him he never felt before, he felt it needed to be expressed to her. In these moments he felt security and belonging little did they know the same woman who tried to take the chance from him the first time would soon be coming back for a second chance.

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That was the perfect night for Bella with Nick. She never once imagined anything would be so electrifying like it was but thankfully, their last night was a great night. She leaned against him and slept in his arms until morning came and she had to leave. This was something she didn't want to come but she had to leave. Little did she know Nicks ex wife would be waiting for a chance to get back at him.

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Before she left him the two gave into temptation once more, he couldn't help it. She was too much to resist at times and as always they never knew when the next time they would see each other was. It had been about a month since their perfect weekend when he got the most terrifying call from the local police, they had called to inform him Amber was on the loose. His first thought was Bella more than himself. As soon as he hung up with the Sheriff he ran for the truck and called Bella, his heart was pounding and his stomach twisted into knots , he was praying for her to answer as he gripped the wheel.

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Thing was Bella didn't answer. She couldn't. She was unconsious and tied up. Her whole body aching from the fighting and struggling. When her phone went off however, Amber answered. "Well hello again Nick." She said with a sinister laugh. "You should have died when I tried to kill you." She added as she looked at the helpless Bella laying against a wall. This was so perfect. Nicks only weak spot was Bella and now Bella wouldn't even make it out of this. Amber would make sure of that.

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Nick immeadtly tensed when he head that voice and gritted his teeth. "You're messing with the wrong person Amber." If anyone could have seen him right now they would have seen the fury in his eyes and the vein popping out of his neck. "If anything happens to her I'll make sure they kill you for sure, painfully.." With that he hung up the phone and called the Sheriff back to let them know of her location while his foot hit the gas pedal all the way to the floor. Amber wasn't going to win this, it wasn't even a fair fight for her, she had no chance.

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Amber couldn't help but laugh as she looked at Bella and thought of what she would do to her. Something slow and painful. When Bella slowly came too, she felt pain running down her thigh. A great amount of pain because there was a knife in her thigh. "Does it hurt? Where should I put on next?" She asked as she looked at her. "Oh my gosh. You're pregnant aren't you?" She asked and laughed again. "Not for long sweetie. She said and stabbed her again, straight in the stomach. Bella gasped in pain and bit her lip as she fought back tears. The baby. She barley found out a few days ago. No. She couldn't believe this was happening.

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(Omg no! [emoji24])

Not long after the Sheriff along with a team of medics and Swat cams bursting through. Amber was sore gender and the medics took care of Bella. When Nkck arrived to the hospital he ran for the desk but they wouldn't let him in because he had no relation. He felt horribly guilty, she was completely innocent and didn't deserve this.

(someone pull some voodoo so they don't lose the baby.)

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(I know! [emoji24])

Bella was finally put in a room where anyone could go and visit her. Her father came over to Nick, he sighed and looked at him. "Son, she lost yalls child." He explained to him. He didn't know that Nick didn't know but he left Nick go in and check on her. She had bruises everywhere and stitches where she was stabbed. When she woke up, she sighed at the sight Nick. "Hey.."

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When her father came up to him and said those words he looked to him confused. He felt his stomach drop to his knees as he walked to her room and saw her. Stepping loser he felt the years emerge. Amber might have been back to where she belonged but she for sure won at testing Nick a part. Even though he didn't know until a few minutes ago he was wrecked, a child was the one thing Amber always denied him and now she purposely . Took the life of an innocent child. fury rose within but at the sight of Bells he broke. "I'm so sorry," he says high ring his lip. "This is my fault, I wasn't here to protect you." The tears now evident he didn't care, he felt extremely guilty and felt as though they had been robbed,

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"Hey. Hey come here. Don't cry." Bella whispered as she pulled him close and played with his hair as se let out a sigh and close her eyes. "It's not your fault. As far as out little blip, there's always other times. I'm sorry." She whispered and cupped his face. "We'll be okay. I know we'll have another child Nick. I'm just glad I didn't die too. I needed to stay alive for you." She whispered with a smile and kissed his forehead.

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Nick was embarrassed by his own behavior, he was supposed to be her for her right now after what she had been through but with a child in mind that changed everything for him, this wasn't the first child he had lost and Amber knew that. He knew that's why she did it because it's the one thing he wanted more than anything. He had lost two children now and he never fit to hold, or touch or see neither one of them. Nick composed himself and nodded. Amber would pay for this, even though the child wasn't born it still counted as murder.

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Bella sighed as she held Nick close and stayed in bed with him laying next to her. "I love you Nick. I'm glad you're here." She whispered and kissed him softly but felt a pain run down her leg. Her pain reliever was wearing off and all the pain was becoming evident.

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Nick felt her body tense up and slowly got up. "I'll be right back." He whispers before kissing her forehead and went to find a nurse to give her more pain medication.

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