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Love that's forbidden

"No promises." She said as she laughed softly and held his hands. "I really am going to miss you." She whispered again and leaned over to kiss him again. "I may or may not stop to visit you." She whispered. "Work on the third book though please!" She preyed with a laugh.

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"Hmmm I'll have to think about it," he says with a teasing smile before he kissed her one last time and grabbed his things. The moment he left he felt like he was leaving s part of himself behind but he had no choice for now.
Isabella sighed as he left and wen he was gone, she closed the door and smiled at the memories made in one day here. She loved it but she wished they could always be together. She was going to ask her father about moving. She knew he was all he had, that was the thing holding her back.

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(You up for a time skip?)

Nick left her with an overwhelming peculiar sense of gratitude towards Jace as much as he didn't want to admit it about the man he had the ultimate grudge towards he left like this was a turning point for him and Bella and he had Jace to thank for that.

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(Yes I am.)

Bella couldn't help but thank her brother for everything he did to help her and Nicks relationship. She honestly couldn't thank him enough.

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The fall semester was going well, Nick loved his job and he at least hoped the students found him approachable. He did try his hardest to make connections with them. At night he came home and stayed up late nights writing the final book of the series after he graded their last analysis papers before finals. Rubbing his face he released an exasperated yawn and put his face in his hands for a moment. He was exhausted and tense, working out the cramp in his neck he groaned at the crack, it was a relieving feeling. Taking a sip of the cold coffee he turned back to the papers and tried to focus while he held the pen in his mouth while gazing at the computer screen trying to grade the last of the papers

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Isabella walked into his house without him knowing because she found his house key. She walked behind him and wrapped her arms around him as she smiled. "You just going to work all night?" She asked him teasingly as se kissed his cheek and massaged out his neck and shoulders.

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Nick was at first startled by her voice not realizing who was behind him. When he saw her he smiled and jumped up. "What are you doing here?" He asked surprise and excitement, his exhaustion suddenly not that important.

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Bella laughed softly as she smiled. "I came for a visit. I missed you already. That and I needed a break from work." She said and laughed again as she leaned over and kissed him softly. "I love you."

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Nick smiles against her lips and kissed her in return. "Ditto Ms. McClain," He says with a smile that wouldn't fade before he kissed her again. However when he pulled away he yawned. "I'm sorry it's a mess, I wish I would have known you were coming."

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Bella laughed softly as she shook her head. "It's fine. Nothing I can't fix." She told him as she kissed him again then picked up all the papers and put them on his coffee table and picked up his clothes. "Gosh, you leave for one month and this place becomes a mess."

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Nick laughed embarrassed and nodded. ""I suppose you're right." Normally he wasn't so oblivious and kept things neat and tidy but he was so distracted between work and secretly finishing the series for her he let it go. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again I promise." He says with s laugh his exhaustion was evident but she was more important than his sleep, any time he got with her was precious, sleep could wait.

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Bella laughed softly as she walked over after locking up and then walked over and kissed him again. "It's fine I'm just glad you're okay. I heard about the shooting in this neighborhood." She whispered and smiled. "You're exhausted. Go get some sleep." She whispered.

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"Not unless you come with me," He says with a teasing smirk, interlocking their Ingres together he smiled at the feeling of her pressed against him. She drove him crazy but in a good way.

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Isabella laughed softly as she smiled and nodded. "Sure. I'll join you." She whispered and kissed him again and then led him to his room where she jumped in bed and waited for him go get in as well. She was exhausted and she wanted to just be against her boyfriend.

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Nick just let himself fall gently on top of her with a laugh, kissing her neck he moved to his side of the bed. Covering them both with the blankets he pulled her closer against his chest, wrapping his arms protectively around her before he easily fell asleep.

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Isabella watched him sleep for the longest time before she finally began to fall asleep as well. She was exhausted herself and when she woke up, she didn't see Nick. He probably left early but that was okay. She stayed in bed and hugged a pillow close to her as she slept again.

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He did leave, but only to go teach a class and she looked so peaceful he didn't want to disturb her. When he came back he went to check on her, finding her still asleep he kissed her awake.

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When Bella felt the lips, she began to wake up and smiled at him softly. "Hey there handsome."she whispered with a smile and then kissed him again. "How was your class?" She asked him as she stayed laying in bed lazily.

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Nick shrugged, "Same old, same old." He said with a small laugh before he kissed her again. "I would have rather been here with you. How long are you staying?" He asks curiously not wanting her to leave but knee she wouldn't.

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"A couple more days." She whispered as she smiled and then kissed him again. "I love you." She whispered and pulled him down with him and laid on his chest. "How have you been here?" She asked knowing she wanted to move here with him eventually.

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"It's gorgeous here, but it can be lonely at times in the mountains by yourself he admits as he slowed his breathing down to matched hers as she laid against his chest. There were nights where he wanted nothing more than her touch but he couldn't have it because she was as number of miles away.

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Bella smiled as she stayed against him and nodded. "Ah well I have news for you." She whispered and then kissed his chest ever so lightly. "I'm moving here in a few months." She whispered awaiting a reaction from him.

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Nick smiled at the news but he hoped he wasn't the one pushing her into making that decision. "You're more than welcome here if that's what you really want but I don't want you to feel it's something you have to do."

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At those words, Bella became quiet and then sighed. "I was doing it for us but it's fine Nick." She whispered and got up to go to the kitchen and clean just to take her mind off things. She wasn't expecting that and that made her feel like Nick didn't want her here. She should just stay where she is.

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