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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Alec hit his fist against his tattooed chest,in the way ancient packs used to do when complimenting their warriors. A playful smile marked his face,wrinkling the side of his eyes.

"I am sure me and the little warrior are going to get along rather well. Uncle Dante here is keeping Uncle Alec stuck to his table,and Uncle Alec can't complain because Uncle Dante saved his life."

KaalysBR said:
Alec hit his fist against his tattooed chest,in the way ancient packs used to do when complimenting their warriors. A playful smile marked his face,wrinkling the side of his eyes.
"I am sure me and the little warrior are going to get along rather well. Uncle Dante here is keeping Uncle Alec stuck to his table,and Uncle Alec can't complain because Uncle Dante saved his life."

Dante smiles and goes to organize his cabin. he also tries to get inventory set up for the next couple weeks. Meanwhile tyr is sitting on a rolling chair. Tyr looks at Alec and smile. "Alec Must listen to dante because dante is the best. Dante helped tyr feel better when he found him. Now tyr and dante live together like a happy family. Are you going to join My New family too?" Tyr ask with a curious look not even understanding the seriousness of his question. @KaalysBR
Alec smirked as he noticed the obvious admiration Tyr had for Dante.

"Agreed,Dante is very great. And very bossy,but I can accept that from the doc as long as he keeps needles away from me. I hate needles."

His smile diminished as the boy asked his question about family. Alec was already sure the pack leader wouldn't want a troublemaker like him in their pack. But he couldn't explain that to a child.

"I'm not sure yet,Tyr. I...hope so. If I do,we will get a chance to spar. I bet you can beat me already."

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Gabriel chuckled as he picked Inka back up, and walked back to Luna. "Perhaps we could shift, and take the girls for a walk?"
Luna bit her lip. "Gabriel they are only 2 days old. They can hardly walk. We would have to carry them."
Jasil said:
Luna bit her lip. "Gabriel they are only 2 days old. They can hardly walk. We would have to carry them."
Gabriel nodded. "We could find somewhere for them to just crawl around a bit. Learn to play, then take them home."
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel nodded. "We could find somewhere for them to just crawl around a bit. Learn to play, then take them home."
Luna finally nodded "Alright, I suppose that's fine."
Luna nodded, then helped Ella shift before changing herself. She gently picked her up by the scruff and waited for Gabriel
In the hollow, Valissa was curled against Nuuch, her head on his back- honestly if anyone looked into the hollow they would see a mass of white fur, not able to tell the two white wolves apart. but as sun began streaming into the small hollow under the tree one of Valissa's dark eyes opened- realizing it was dawn she carefully detangled herself and slipped out of the den. she shook her body, dropping more of her thick white fur- the warmer weather was coming closer she would be shedding a lot more. she sat down and curled her tail over her paws watching the water, she had enjoyed sleeping in the hollow with Nuuch- it reminded her of when she was young and played with the Alpha's pups...

Val! are you going to be an alpha too?

No... My mother isn't an Alpha.

But you can be an Alpha with me right? there has to be a male and a female, mom already told me I was chosen. you can be the other Alpha with me!

Really? but... I wasn't born of Alpha lineage.

yeah you were your grandparents right? you have just as much right as me! I promise you'll be alpha too, kay?

The memories flooded Valissa's mind as she watched fish drifting lazily in the water- her best friend when she was a pup- from the Alpha's litter that disappeared. she couldn't even recall what he looked like. @Nuuchi
Though nuuch slept calmly on the outside he was having a wild dream. He was running so fast, faster than he even thought possible, and everything was so clear he couldn't believe it. He heard muffles that sounded like voices, almost as if they were asking him questions but he wasn't really sure. Through the muffles he heard a loud angry 'no' get shouted like whomever said it was right next to him then everything went white, and it appeared he was in a room. He looked over toward the direction of where the shout came from but before he could see he had an immense paun shoot through the right side of his head, almost as if he had been hit with a baseball bat.

As that happened nuuch startles awake and looks around quick trying to recap what had just happened but could only recall smalls bits of his dream before catching scent of Valissa and forgetting all about it.

Nuuch walks out of the hollow with a big grumbling yawn. "Good morning" he says with another grinning yawn as he walks over and softly leans on Valissa "thanks for letting me stay with you last night, i dont exactly have a place of my own" he says sympathetically "i think that was the first decent night sleep i had sense i escaped"
Valissa is snapped out of memory lane, the sadness in her eyes at being unable to remember her old friend's face lingered in her eyes for a moment, but a smile spread over her muzzle as she looked at Nuuch, "No problem, you can stay with me however long you want." she nuzzled him briefly, then looked towards the faint scents of the rest of the pack, "i haven't seen Alpha Luna's pups yet, have you? would you like to go visit them with me?"
Luna trotted out to a small clearing a little ways from the cabins and set down Ella. She let her pup sniff around the grass.
Nuuch turns toward camp exitedly almost had forgotten about it with all thats been going on. "We totally should!" He says "i havent actually had a proper introduction with alpha luna, she was the first to come grab me in my injured state and i havent had the chance to thank her either"
Valissa nodded and trotted back towards the camp. She picked up her Alpha's scents and followed them to the clearing where they were playing with their daughters, she waited a moment for Nuuch to catch up before entering the clearing, she bowed her head low so her muzzle touched the earth, "Alpha Luna, Alpha Gabriel, We came t pay our respects to the new editions," her amber eyes glittered adoringly at the pups, "They're beautiful." @Nuuch @Jasil @DaManofWar
Luna smiled "Thank you Valissa, it's wonderful to see you both." Luna sat and rested her ears, deciding there was no threat
Nuuch trots in behind Valissa "theyre so cute!" He says, forgetting his manners. "Alpha luna i never did have the opportunity to thank you for saving my life" he says bowing his head "i dont know how i could ever repay you"
Gabriel nodding turned to them in greeting. He watched young Ella. "Let her have a snack. She'll throw up, but she will learn what she can't eat."
Jason looked around completely lost. He could still hear the voices of the poachers who were hunting birds, searching for him in his wolf form. Jason had stolen one of the birds from them as he hadn't been able to scavenge enough food from his usual sources, which were mainly trashcans. The poachers were planning to sell off Jason in his wolf cub form for 'extra cash' as one had stated earlier.

In an attempt to unwisely scare the approaching poachers. Jason attempted a deep growl which came out sounding more like a soft whine, which only served to alert the poachers to his hiding spot in the bushes. Rushing at the poachers, Jason jumped at one of their faces and bit at one's nose. Rather than being in pain of any kind, the man was startled then amused by Jason's actions.

Valissa watched the pups adoringly, keeping her head against the ground and lowing her body so she was laying on her belly. I wish I had pups.... she thought fondly. she shook her head sharply- no that was the Alpha's job- and she was too young anyway. she smiled, "What are their names?"

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