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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

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  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
She was obviously dreaming, but who could it hurt? The girl sat up. "How?"

DaManofWar said:
Gabriel groaned as he dissolved on contact. He spoke more. "Val....help me....and Luna....."
ThePumpkinQueen said:
She was obviously dreaming, but who could it hurt? The girl sat up. "How?"
"Luna is pregnant.....my mate has my child....and I'm stuck like this....starting to know why, too. Please, go find Luna. Go and be with her. Help her. I'll find a way to regain my true form. Please, Val."

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Jack suddenly got up, he wanted to run, now. He ran into the woods nearby far away from the town and changed into his wolf form, them he started to run, he ran swiftly, dodging branches and logs he then stopped and smelled the air, a faint scent of wolf lingered, he grunted, i should have thought about coming into these woods... Jack thought as he looked around, panting.
Kira left the hardware shop with what she needed without a hitch and toting everything she'd need to live comfortably in her cabin, the she-wolf made it to the edge of town before morphing into her canine form and bounding back into the woods.
Silently Faolin worked on his shelter over his hammock. He worked with wood hammer and nails. When he finished it was a rather beautiful structure neatly built and strong. It would shelter him from any element except a tornado which were rare in this area. He checked the roof and sealed it waterproofing it. Their perfect.
Kira arrived back in the clearing in her human form, the backpack once again heavy with supplies. She noted Faolin's new abode with a smile. "Staying out here with me?" Walking over to the panel cut out from the front, she screwed on heavy duty hinges and fastened it to the door, crocked, not entirely fitting, but functional all the same. It had a simple bar lock with two latches of wood inside and a 2x4 across if it needed to be closed. Heading inside her cabin, she began to hang large, thick swatches of a wool and leather quilt to further insulate the cabin. Done with that, she had an interior a caramel green from the leather and the entire place smelled of fresh rosemary. In no time at all, she had a rickety desk-like area and a stool to sit on it. Shelves were nailed to the walls and fastened into place, it looked like a worn, run-down version of the cabin she'd owned in her previous pack.

Heading back outside to the clearing, Kira quickly shifted into her wolf form and lunged at the bark-less tree, going through her practice routine.
Kira arrived back in the clearing in her human form, the backpack once again heavy with supplies. She noted Faolin's new abode with a smile. "Staying out here with me?" Walking over to the panel cut out from the front, she screwed on heavy duty hinges and fastened it to the door, crocked, not entirely fitting, but functional all the same. It had a simple bar lock with two latches of wood inside and a 2x4 across if it needed to be closed. Heading inside her cabin, she began to hang large, thick swatches of a wool and leather quilt to further insulate the cabin. Done with that, she had an interior a caramel green from the leather and the entire place smelled of fresh rosemary. In no time at all, she had a rickety desk-like area and a stool to sit on it. Shelves were nailed to the walls and fastened into place, it looked like a worn, run-down version of the cabin she'd owned in her previous pack.

Heading back outside to the clearing, Kira quickly shifted into her wolf form and lunged at the bark-less tree, going through her practice routine.
Silently Faolin nodded at Kira's question. He was staying that was for sure. He finished his work then smiled. A good job. Putting the supplies away he stretched his limbs and cracked his back. Silently he changed into a wolf and walked to Kira's training sight. He sat and watched her train silently analyzing her main fighting style. It was a very basic fighting style that created massive damage when done right and Kira did It perfectly.
Kira continued, heedless of Faolin's watch, and gouged at the tree before pushing away and landing faced away from it. "I used to be better at this..." Thinking back to when she fought her pack, the she-wolf shuddered and lowered on her haunches, adopting the cleverer fighting style she'd been taught when she was little. After building tension, she sprang forward faster than she had in a long time and made a quick, powerful jab at the tree's weakest point where its defense was thinnest from her bark-peeling practice. The tree groaned and a chunk of wood splintered off, scratching her cleanly across the cheek before spiraling away. Panting, she landed and raised a paw to wipe it away, satisfied that she hadn't lost her touch. "I've found there are two ways to fight. There's a difference between hacking away at an enemy and having intention to triumph."
Kira continued, heedless of Faolin's watch, and gouged at the tree before pushing away and landing faced away from it. "I used to be better at this..." Thinking back to when she fought her pack, the she-wolf shuddered and lowered on her haunches, adopting the cleverer fighting style she'd been taught when she was little. After building tension, she sprang forward faster than she had in a long time and made a quick, powerful jab at the tree's weakest point where its defense was thinnest from her bark-peeling practice. The tree groaned and a chunk of wood splintered off, scratching her cleanly across the cheek before spiraling away. Panting, she landed and raised a paw to wipe it away, satisfied that she hadn't lost her touch. "I've found there are two ways to fight. There's a difference between hacking away at an enemy and having intention to triumph."
Silently Faolin watched Kira. She was destroying the tree. Silently he watched her stance change. This fighting style was different. It was more cleaver. She build tension in her legs and sprang forward. Like a blur she hit the tree and a piece of the tree flew off scratching Kira's cheek. He said nothing. Her comment about hacking an enemy and intention to triumph. Actually their was hacking, stealth, trickery, flourishing, styled, complex and whole lot of others but her simple way of putting it was correct so he said nothing but nodded.
"I'm taking a nap..." Kira walked over to the large clover patch and laid down on her side, head resting against the ground. Amber eyes sliding closed, she curled up, tail over her paws, and fell into a light doze.
Watching her Faolin smiled. He shook his head. She was so beautiful. Most wolves wouldn't see her that way. He did. Her amber eyes. The way she held herself. Even her smile when you got her to smile was splendid. Silently he looked down at her. She trusted him. She had fallen asleep right in front of him. He would keep watch over her until she woke even though the chances of danger out here were slim.

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Juju said:
(sorry for being late, internet was down!
I'm not familiar with judo throws but I looked up a couple of pictures... I'm pretty sure I have it right.... just correct me if I missed something.)

This one was a fighter, the feline observed when the man crouched suddenly to avoid a strike to the arm. A surge of blood-thirst rushed through Guin`s limbs when she felt her claws dig into the flesh of his shoulder.

'This one was born to fight...I think I will feast on his heart.' she decided with a dark glint in her eye.

Guin felt a shift in her weight when the warrior attempted to use her body's momentum to his advantage. It might have worked swimmingly if not for the fact that cougars, unlike humans or wolves, had claws designed for gripping prey. Guinevere put these to good use and drove her claws deeper into his flesh so that when her weight began to fall to the ground, gravity and her mass dragged the man down into a bent over position.

The ground rose up to meet her and sent a jolt along her back. It didn't hurt half as much as her eye did when it was disturbed by the impact. A hiss escaped her jaws but she forced herself to keep an eye on that knife, which would be sailing towards her stomach any moment now.

Her ears flattened

It was her turn to throw.

Guinevere rolled on her back, placing her powerful hind paws along her foe's stomach and kicked off with all of her might in an attempt to throw him over her so he would land on his back behind her. She had accepted the fact that a slash from the knife may hit her in the process, but she was wagering that if the throw worked it wouldn't have time to go deep.

If it didn't work, well she wouldn't hesitate to use the moment the knife was in an attempt to reach a paw up and slash for the jugular. 'I won't die alone.' she growled mentally.

The throw was a success but incredibly painful, as the cougar dug her claws in deeper to his arm during the throw, causing him to grunt loudly in pain. With the claws hooked in, Crimson was forced to the ground with her but this was within his plans after all. As soon as the wolf made contact with the floor, Victor rose and dove for a killing blow to the cougar shifter's vitals. The blade was able to bite into the flesh but not pierce into the organs. The reason being the feline had rolled and used her powerful hind legs to toss him over her in a fashion similar to his own. The female over powered him due to her form so he had no way of stopping the incredible amount of force put into those hind legs. The warrior is sent sailing through the air a few feet away. Victor knew how to break his fall, of course, but with the sudden series of throws even Crimson's superhuman reflexes wouldn't be able to keep up with this. The wolf shifter lands into a roll, breaking his fall and coming to a crouched position on the recovery. The recovery was incredibly sloppy and he ended up using his dominant arm out of habit and sending bolts of pain through his body as he landed into the earth.

The sight of blood on his blade only brought a smile to his face, as he knew they had exchanged blows. Crimson was worse for wear and he knew that but he had complete faith in his tenacity. It would take a much longer fight to fatigue him.

At this point, Crimson knew he had to pull out all the stops in this fight. He couldn't afford to hold back and so he didn't. A loud, gutteral growl leaves the warriors throat as fur begins to sprout where there once was skin. His muscles bulk and shift, becoming stronger but more compact. His face starts to become wolflike as does the rest of his body but stops partially. Crimson partially transformed , giving him the strength and speed that he would need to defeat the cougar but the partial shift was risky, as it really took a toll upon his body . But as previously stated, Crimson needed to pull out all stops with this opponent. The blood trickles down Crimson's knife arm like a scarlet river breaking on the rocks but it stayed strong and Victor 's grip was stronger than ever now.

Marco coughed and shifted slightly, Waiting inside the cabin while they had a few minutes to speak

Well I was wondering if we could talk about..whatever is between us.

He looked at Dante slightly nervous as the "elephant" in the room was being addressed.



The plan had worked a little too well, Amora was scratched and beaten up fairly badly.

Luckily some wolves had stepped in to fight as they had planned.

Growling to herself as she limped forward, mentally cursing the cougar

If she leaves permanent scars I will skin that cat alive



The plan had worked a little too well, Amora was scratched and beaten up fairly badly.

Luckily some wolves had stepped in to fight as they had planned.

Growling to herself as she limped forward, mentally cursing the cougar

If she leaves permanent scars I will skin that cat alive


Dante looked at him a bit unsure of how to address this. "actually that was something i have been trying to figure out myself. I find myself feeling connected to you in a way i cant explain. it almost the same feeling i had when i found tyr and im not really sure what it mean." he wait for Marco to speak and share his feelings. he was hoping that talking this out will get them to some common ground.

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17617-haus-of-alaska/@Haus Of Alaska

Jack suddenly forgot about his clothes, he started to run to get them, when he arrived to get his clothes some people were still around, they pointed at jack and screamed. Jack quickly picked up his clothes in his jaws and ran into the forest, changed back into a human, and put his clothes on, he yawned, tired from running and driving all day he walked back to his apartment building and tried to shrug off the other wolf smell lingering on him.
Even now, Guinevere could almost hear the crowd roaring for blood as the knife bit into her side. It was what they wanted, after all, and it was what she would give them. The mountain lion emitted a pained growl through clenched teeth as the metal fang ripped once more out of her side, meaning she had kicked the man off of her.

She could hear her opponent hit the forest floor somewhere behind her with an audible thud. However she wasn't fool enough to think that this moment of respite would last, so she forced herself to scramble back onto her own paws. The tawny cat's head swiveled around so that her good eye was positioned to keep watch on the man, icy with hatred.

The fresh piney smell of the forest was tainted by a sudden coppery tang. Globules of red had begun to spatter onto the rotting leaves beneath the glowering beast, the fur of her underbelly plastered against her scarred side. Threads of pain burrowed deeper into the wound brought forth by the knife and stung with every ragged breath. When her eye caught a glimpse of the knife she noticed that it no longer had it's same glitter, which had been replaced by steaming red tendrils of the cougar's blood.

'Damn you, wolf.' she growled internally, her thoughts only betrayed by a slashing of her tail.

Guin's ears perked up suddenly when she heard faint crackling sounds, almost like joints being shifted in and out of place. She had heard this before... right before a claw had jabbed into her eye.


A yowl escaped the mountain lion's jaws as she flung her self onto the shifting man, both paws on course to slam into his chest in an attempt to knock him over. Rage seethed like sharpened ice in the depths of the cat's eye. One hybrid was one thing, but two in the same territory was unsettling. If more wolves had this unnatural ability than Guinevere would need to learn how to fight them.

If she was successful in knocking the half-wolf over, Guinevere was set on gripping the knife arm with two rows of claws and bringing it down upon the uneven rock, her weight pushed down. The idea was to either break the bone or to force him to lose his grip, which she would continue to smash the arm down until one of the outcomes ensued.

If her attempt to push him down only succeeded in making him stumble, the mountain lion would be forced to clamp her jaws onto his wrist as if it were a deer's neck waiting to be snapped.

She didn't know how long it took to fully transform, but she could not afford to wait.

Juju said:
Even now, Guinevere could almost hear the crowd roaring for blood as the knife bit into her side. It was what they wanted, after all, and it was what she would give them. The mountain lion emitted a pained growl through clenched teeth as the metal fang ripped once more out of her side, meaning she had kicked the man off of her.
She could hear her opponent hit the forest floor somewhere behind her with an audible thud. However she wasn't fool enough to think that this moment of respite would last, so she forced herself to scramble back onto her own paws. The tawny cat's head swiveled around so that her good eye was positioned to keep watch on the man, icy with hatred.

The fresh piney smell of the forest was tainted by a sudden coppery tang. Globules of red had begun to spatter onto the rotting leaves beneath the glowering beast, the fur of her underbelly plastered against her scarred side. Threads of pain burrowed deeper into the wound brought forth by the knife and stung with every ragged breath. When her eye caught a glimpse of the knife she noticed that it no longer had it's same glitter, which had been replaced by steaming red tendrils of the cougar's blood.

'Damn you, wolf.' she growled internally, her thoughts only betrayed by a slashing of her tail.

Guin's ears perked up suddenly when she heard faint crackling sounds, almost like joints being shifted in and out of place. She had heard this before... right before a claw had jabbed into her eye.


A yowl escaped the mountain lion's jaws as she flung her self onto the shifting man, both paws on course to slam into his chest in an attempt to knock him over. Rage seethed like sharpened ice in the depths of the cat's eye. One hybrid was one thing, but two in the same territory was unsettling. If more wolves had this unnatural ability than Guinevere would need to learn how to fight them.

If she was successful in knocking the half-wolf over, Guinevere was set on gripping the knife arm with two rows of claws and bringing it down upon the uneven rock, her weight pushed down. The idea was to either break the bone or to force him to lose his grip, which she would continue to smash the arm down until one of the outcomes ensued.

If her attempt to push him down only succeeded in making him stumble, the mountain lion would be forced to clamp her jaws onto his wrist as if it were a deer's neck waiting to be snapped.

She didn't know how long it took to fully transform, but she could not afford to wait.

Victor's people had always been capable of partially shifting their bodies to gain the innate strength and speed of the wolf while maintaining the dexterity of man. One thing that was different from their modern cousins is that their shifts between man and wolf were slower.....and they brought pain. Every single joint that moved, every bone that broke and reshaped into a proper wolf bone. Victor would feel everything and it would bring some unbearable pain.

The partial shift never took long though it did always hurt and he couldn't maintain it for very long. Apparently, it wouldn't matter because the cougar came to him. She was clearly enraged and had given up on tactics. Something he had done had pissed her off greatly. Victor had been focusing on shifting and the sudden charge had definetly taken him off guard. But things were different now. Crimson sheathed the knife in the blink of an eye and prepared for what came. If a bloody tooth and claw battle is what this cougar wanted then she would get note than she bargained for.

Crimson dropped low and jumped back to reduce the impact of the enraged charge, as it was all he could really do in such short time. As they flew back, Victor's breath partially left his body from the sheer weight and strength when they struck the ground once more. The wolfen warrior no longer needed his knife now and the wolfish smile was transparent on him. He was fully Prepared for a deathly and bloody exchange here. The warrior attempted to drive his claws into her exposed abdomen but kept his left hand free and tried to drive those razor sharp nails into the cougar's throat. If he couldn't do that he would at least keep her teeth away from his person.

Through the upcoming carnage, Victor spit out a few words with the cougar, "Listen Shifter! I have nothing to do with the pack you want to kill! I'm a lone wolf and....urghhh! I just want to live in peace! You can slaughter the pack if you want! I owe them nothing!" Through the blood and several gutteral growls Crimson keeps talking "Have them! I will leave you be and you leave me be. We can kill each other when you are at full strength. I was previously injured before this as well. Let's leave it be and reconvene at a later date. I won't hide shifter!"
Guin felt the impact of the blow ripple through her paws and up through her forearms as both she and the wolf crashed onto the ground. Her left eye glared down at her foe as she pinned him down, while fresh blood was beginning to well behind the right. Anger bubbled anew in her chest when she saw the appalling look on his face.

The tawny beast's teeth snapped loudly as her jaws clamped down on air, his arms preventing her from biting at his throat, and struggled against his defense in a fury. All of her weight was being put to use, aiming to make it difficult for him to free up an arm and still hold her back. His strength was impressive, she noted, though it still caused her to growl in frustration

Guenevere flattened her ears when he began to speak; she always hated the talkers... she liked it better when they would just accept their fate or at least whimper like mutts. Still, she had no choice but to hear what he had to say so long as she was locked in this struggle. He had a point, and the cougar could not deny that she should leave and take him out once she was at full strength.

"You wouldn't help them? You lie." she growled while struggling against an arm. "All wolves spew such words when they see death... you are pack creatures, no wolf is truly a loner."

It was at that moment that the mountain lion became aware of something; half drowned by blood and sweat, yet still clinging to the skin.

'She wolf.'

The mountain lion's good eye shifted to one of his crimson, a knowing glint appearing in the depths.


Marco listened to Dante as he explained how he felt. Marco nodded, knowing some of the feelings were not one sided.

I suppose the question is, what do we do with those feelings, because I don't think this is just friendship I think there is more

Marco looked nervous as he explained the depth that these feelings reached. With a breath he looked relaxed just being able to voice them.



Amora winced as she struggled on, she could hear the fight behind her but could not blow her cover.

If any of the wolves saw her attempt to help Guin their plan was finished.

With a groan she fell to her knees before struggling back up, one of those cursed wolves better find her and fast.
Juju said:
Guin felt the impact of the blow ripple through her paws and up through her forearms as both she and the wolf crashed onto the ground. Her left eye glared down at her foe as she pinned him down, while fresh blood was beginning to well behind the right. Anger bubbled anew in her chest when she saw the appalling look on his face.
The tawny beast's teeth snapped loudly as her jaws clamped down on air, his arms preventing her from biting at his throat, and struggled against his defense in a fury. All of her weight was being put to use, aiming to make it difficult for him to free up an arm and still hold her back. His strength was impressive, she noted, though it still caused her to growl in frustration

Guenevere flattened her ears when he began to speak; she always hated the talkers... she liked it better when they would just accept their fate or at least whimper like mutts. Still, she had no choice but to hear what he had to say so long as she was locked in this struggle. He had a point, and the cougar could not deny that she should leave and take him out once she was at full strength.

"You wouldn't help them? You lie." she growled while struggling against an arm. "All wolves spew such words when they see death... you are pack creatures, no wolf is truly a loner."

It was at that moment that the mountain lion became aware of something; half drowned by blood and sweat, yet still clinging to the skin.

'She wolf.'

The mountain lion's good eye shifted to one of his crimson, a knowing glint appearing in the depths.

"I have been alone for years now and I am not kind hearted cougar. Look me in the eyes. I'm a warrior of the tundras. I am strong and stalwart. I am stubborn and brutal and battle crazed. I am many things. But a liar I am not. I'll prove it you." The cougar's heavy paws found their mark a few times during the struggle, carving more wounds into his body but so did his own, though they weren't very deep due to the struggle both parties were putting up. The male used his free arm and slowly brought it up to his face, making sure it was in sight of the cougars vision. It was so she could see he wasn't trying anything. His scarlet eyes remained locked on hers and no amount of fear was reflected in them. Just pure will, truth, and excitement. "I'll prove it to you..." Victor said again softly.

The warrior took one razor sharp claw slowly dug into his face until it touched the skull, to ensure this wouldn't heal, just above the left brow. With a rapid, bloody motion, Victor carved a chasm of ripped flesh down directly downwards. He effectively blinded his left eye permanently. The wolf shook and growled against the pain but he uttered no cries of pain. His uninjured eye never losing its fervor against the cougar. Despite the pain, Crimson forced what seemed like a semi-crazed smile upon his face. It wasn't exactly forced. No sane person would do what he did for the reasons he was doing it. "We are even now shifter." He growled out through the mixed blood of both shifters. "Believe me I will fight you at a later date. Not only because we are both not at full strength but because I WANT to fight you.....you are the greatest adversary I have had yet and I don't intend on letting this come to a draw. I need to know who is stronger! Before I am a wolf. Before I am a man. I am a warrior. And what better way to die than at the hands of someone stronger than me......boh at full strength. No bars held back and to the death hahahaha! I couldnt ask for anything better." The glint that followed in his crimson eye was dangerous and full of malice but completely earnest. "I owe those wolves nothing. This is personal now. You can trust that cougar."


Amora winced as she struggled on, she could hear the fight behind her but could not blow her cover.

If any of the wolves saw her attempt to help Guin their plan was finished.

With a groan she fell to her knees before struggling back up, one of those cursed wolves better find her and fast.
dante looked at marco and shyly smiled at him. "I'm not very good with feelings so i want that out there first. secondly, i agree my feelings for you are more then just friendship. I really do feel a strong connection to you marco. I can see us being mates but considering i also have tyr i cant just rush into this. we are going to have to take this slower then normal because of the fact i have a pup." dante leaned in close to marco as he spoke his words. @Haus Of Alaska
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Marco nodded, he knew from experience that wolves who had pups before tended to be cautious when forming a bond with their mates.

Stepping into Dante's careful embrace, Marco rested his head on your shoulder and left out a deep sigh of contentment. His wolf finally relaxed in the presence of its mate.

Im happy to take our time with this, I want this to work out

Marco said softly as he could hear the steady beat of Dante's heart

Dante grin and hugged Marco right back. "well i'm glad little one. the moment i meet you, i couldn't really understand my feelings for you but im slowly really liking not knowing something for once. I guess it's fitting the pack's healer with a son would have a mate that's role is to watch pups. the Gods really know what there doing when they planned this out." he then back out a little but keep a hold of marco and plant a small kiss on his lips. he then gave him a giant smile and said "Im sure this will work out, no matter how slow we take it." @Haus Of Alaska
Guinevere could see it, she had the moment her eye had locked onto this one's oddly red hues. Such purpose and will power...this was a born warrior.

The mountain cat clenched her teeth when his hand rose up to his face, her grey eye observing him cautiously, but she made no movement.

"I'll prove it to you..."

And that he did.

A grey eye widened in surprise when the wolf-shifter brought his claw down in a crippling stroke that snuffed out the vision in his left eye and resulted in a bloody rent in his face. Her nose caught the scent of his blood, though by now it had been well mixed with her own, and for once Guinevere's hatred faltered. The cougar's good eye looked on at the wreckage of the wolf's eye which brought forth an awareness of her own eye, causing it to sting momentarily when she thought on it. You might even swear there was a hint of sympathy in the cold steel of her gaze.

'He does not curse me...' she reflected in bewilderment. 'but sees me as an equal warrior...'

The thought was strange, and left an uncomfortable irritation in the back of her mind. She had seen that half-crazed look many times, glaring up beneath the glassy surface of rivers and pools.

Guinevere then realized that she was no longer staring down at a flea-bitten mongrel but a worthy opponent, an equal warrior she would gladly accept as her end should he triumph.

Respect had been earned.

She sheathed her claws and suddenly her weight shifted off of the werewolf as the cougar gracefully stepped off of her equal. The hulking cat padded a few steps away before turning towards him again.

Ears flattened against her head when she turned her left shoulder towards him, exposing the reason why it was unscathed compared to her right side. Burnt deep into the flesh was a peculiar marking made by a brand, half hidden by the fur that had grown around it.

She drew a claw below the marking, as if underlining it in a thin line of red, before turning her gaze back to her opponent.

"Leave your mark and you will have whatever is left of my honor." Guin said before padding up closer to him.

Now that she was closer, another line of uneven flesh could be seen tracing across the mark already, though she didn't pay any mind to it. Her grey eye watched him as she waited, her neck exposed in the process.

The warrior would not know what this meant, but for the cougar it was the only thing left that she held at great value.

(for those who care)



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