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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Kira worked along, silently observing his presence. She tied loops in the rope and set them each other the four logs jutting out on the sides of her roof. Chucking the remainder of the rope with all her might, Kira smiled as it coiled over a sturdy tree branch and dropped down for her to grab. The logs were light wood and not very heavy so it was easy for her to hoist the panel and drop it onto the three-sided shape shoved against the rock face. Pulling the ropes down and off, she went and stood up on one of the rocks, shoving it properly into place. The logs fell into the notches she'd made on the panels and it slanted off the rocks only slightly lopsided. Chest heaving, Kira morphed into her wolf form and dropped down into the stream to cool off and get a long, clear drink of water.
Silently Faolin worked on the cabin. He was building it silently. He sighed as he lifted logs into place and other things. Smiling at Kira as she changed to cool down he continued working on her house. He decided not to stop until the house was finished. Silently he worked on the house. He began to waterproof the wood then continued building the structure making sure the house would stand up to wind and such disasters.
Kira shook herself off and returned to the cabin, climbing up onto the rock ledge and sliding down onto the roof with a hammer and the box of nails, beginning to pound things down and make sure everything would be secure. When that was done, she unrolled the waterproof top and hammered that down too.

Juju said:
(it's all good, I'm terribly busy as well)
Guinevere had guessed what the warrior had in mind as soon as she witnessed his feint attack. The slice was wide and cut though the air, but a quick glance brought his shifting stance to her attention.

Her bad eye was a weakness, she knew, and something she was not yet familiar with. A flare of fury blazed in the mountain lion's heart just at the reminder of it, remembering the feeling of the alpha's claw digging it's way into it...

She danced around in response to the crimson eyed man's movement, trying to keep him within her sight. However Guin had a limited amount of time, and her head turned to see one of the man's legs leave the ground.

The blow would have been worse if her reflexes didn't kick in, and the cougar managed to jerk her head to the side enough to feel the air shift through her whiskers. It was soon followed by a hard thud as his foot hit her shoulder instead. Pain raked into the recently healed flesh, the marks from a wolf bite still visible.

A growl sounded as the cat used the moment of slight imbalance as an attempt to strike her two-legged enemy. Guinevere shifted her wieght onto her hindquarters before rearing up and trying to slash at the man's knife arm with a heavy paw. If all went well she would be able to knock the knife away, or at least weaken his grip.

@shadowz1995 @Haus Of Alaska
The cat was much quicker than Victor had previously anticipated. As he shifted into her blind spot she quickly mirrored the movement and moved her head so that the blow only caught her the shoulder. The shoulder was previously injured but it was still packed with muscle and while Crimson is strong, he knows where a critical area is. The shoulder was certainly not it unless it was a joint strike. Off guard now, the cougar tries to take advantage of the situation immediately. The scarlet eyed warrior watches ever muscle in his opponent's body tense and release in one smooth motion. A lunge and her good eye was locked on his knife arm. The movement is to quick for him to defend properly so he does a tactic similar to what the cougar did.

Crimson drops his stance incredibly low and takes the heavy paw to his dominant shoulder. The claws dig deep into his deltoid and Victor can feel every agonizing centimeter. This does not deter the wolf from countering though. In this position, along with the fact the cat has lunged at him, Crimson attempts to roll his opponents weight over his shoulder and throw her to the ground. Similar to a Judo throw for humans only using the cougar's momentum as force to toss her to the ground.

In that instance, Victor didn't know whether or not this would work so he was prepared to try and stab into the cougar's abdomen if it didn't. If the plan worked out, Victor would most likely lunge after his target and try to finish her off quickly by driving the knife in between her ribs and attempting to puncture a lung.
Kira shook herself off and returned to the cabin, climbing up onto the rock ledge and sliding down onto the roof with a hammer and the box of nails, beginning to pound things down and make sure everything would be secure. When that was done, she unrolled the waterproof top and hammered that down too.
Silently Faolin looked at Kira and asked, "Need the wood sealer?" He looked up at her and smiled gently. He continued to work as he waited for her answer. Silently he smiled as he worked. This was very relaxing. His mind was clearing and making it easier to think. He smiled at the building so this was why Kira trained to relax and release stress.
"Nah, the tarp should keep rain out." Taking the nail box and hammer in hand, she slid off the roof and landed squarely on her feet. "I can fix up the rest of it, really. Thanks for helping with the nitty-gritty stuff, though." Kira smiled faintly and went over to her bag, taking it over to her makeshift cabin, her new home. She had a hammock with her which she set to stringing up, and hammered a series of nails into the wall for holding baskets, the lantern, her backpack, and other things. "Reminds me of my old pack. We all made our own cabins."

"Nah, the tarp should keep rain out." Taking the nail box and hammer in hand, she slid off the roof and landed squarely on her feet. "I can fix up the rest of it, really. Thanks for helping with the nitty-gritty stuff, though." Kira smiled faintly and went over to her bag, taking it over to her makeshift cabin, her new home. She had a hammock with her which she set to stringing up, and hammered a series of nails into the wall for holding baskets, the lantern, her backpack, and other things. "Reminds me of my old pack. We all made our own cabins."
Looking at her Faolin nodded. He stated, "Your welcome Kira I was glad to help." He rolled his shoulders as he closed his eyes. He felt his shoulders pop and he winced then sighed. He looked at Kira as she climbed into a hammock. He grinned then stated, "I think we might want to start making our own cabins maybe then we would have more sense of appreciation for our cabins. When you build something you feel proud about it and that boosts moral." He looked at her and asked, "Mind if I stay? For the first time in my life I feel..." He paused to think of the word then stated, "Peace and contentment." He sat crosslegged on the ground. This was the longest time he had spent in his human form mostly because he had needed to build the house now he was done and he wanted to stay human just to relax and live for a second as a human without any distractions. Well exept Kira.
"Um... I don't have a spare hammock but if you want to, feel free." She propped her head up on her hands and looked down at him, dark curly hair falling into her face. "Are we allowed to go to the nearest town or is Luna keeping us inside the territory? I need to get more supplies sooner or later." Swinging her legs off the hammock, she drew a box of matches from her back pocket and lit it before tossing the small wooden stick into the lantern. It cast a yellow flickering glow around the cabin from its place hanging in the center of the cabin. "I like this one more than the other. There wasn't anyone to help me with it so I kept getting snow in."

"Um... I don't have a spare hammock but if you want to, feel free." She propped her head up on her hands and looked down at him, dark curly hair falling into her face. "Are we allowed to go to the nearest town or is Luna keeping us inside the territory? I need to get more supplies sooner or later." Swinging her legs off the hammock, she drew a box of matches from her back pocket and lit it before tossing the small wooden stick into the lantern. It cast a yellow flickering glow around the cabin from its place hanging in the center of the cabin. "I like this one more than the other. There wasn't anyone to help me with it so I kept getting snow in."
Smiling at Kira about the comment about the hammock. He took one out of his backpack and set it up across from her tree not to far. He smiled then followed her as he watched her. She had looked so stunning when her hair slipped over her face. He grinned as he looked at her as he stated, "I am glad you like the cabin. As for can we go to town yes we can. We need to go together just to be safe though." He looked at her and smiled.
Kira nodded and took her backpack off its hook. Quickly checking her wallet, she zippered the pocket shut. "If Luna asks where I am I'm heading out. There was a hardware store I passed on the way. They should have what I need." Securing her backpack in a way she could keep it while in wolf form, Kira shifted and bounded out of the cabin and off through the woods before Faolin could catch her. "I'll be back before sunrise tomorrow," she called over her shoulder.

Luna looked at the wolves around her "Mind telling me who you are?" She stared at the male curiously, she looked to the strange female as well.

Kira nodded and took her backpack off its hook. Quickly checking her wallet, she zippered the pocket shut. "If Luna asks where I am I'm heading out. There was a hardware store I passed on the way. They should have what I need." Securing her backpack in a way she could keep it while in wolf form, Kira shifted and bounded out of the cabin and off through the woods before Faolin could catch her. "I'll be back before sunrise tomorrow," she called over her shoulder.
Looking at her Faolin smiled. He knew she was going to ditch him while she put her backpack on. She was talking about the hardware store then he sighed. He watched her as she ran towards the store as she promised to be back before sunrise tomorrow. He called, "See you then Kira." He smiled. So stubborn. He shook his head and then decided to set up his hammock. He was sleeping in it after all he needed to make sure he would be safe from rain and other weather by sheltering his hammock. Time to set to work. Maybe Kira would allow him to sleep in the cabin. Better to be safe then sorry though.
Nolan looked at the mist carefully not sure on if it was a threat or not. He look at fern as she touched it and he stared at her curious of what she was thinking. Though the mist where there he still watched the little kid as Fern spoke. Nolan then notice Luna and aldis and the girl. "Fern whats going on?" Nolan whispers.

@Jasil @xxbetaspiritxx @djinnamon
djinnamon said:
" I'm Amber , do you mind if we talk in private ? " Amber asked Luna. @Jasil
(I must sleep now , bye)
Luna eyed Amber. She flicked her head east and went a few yards away. Crossing her arms across her chest she waited. "What do you need to speak to me for?"

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(sorry for being late, internet was down!

I'm not familiar with judo throws but I looked up a couple of pictures... I'm pretty sure I have it right.... just correct me if I missed something.)

This one was a fighter, the feline observed when the man crouched suddenly to avoid a strike to the arm. A surge of blood-thirst rushed through Guin`s limbs when she felt her claws dig into the flesh of his shoulder.

'This one was born to fight...I think I will feast on his heart.' she decided with a dark glint in her eye.

Guin felt a shift in her weight when the warrior attempted to use her body's momentum to his advantage. It might have worked swimmingly if not for the fact that cougars, unlike humans or wolves, had claws designed for gripping prey. Guinevere put these to good use and drove her claws deeper into his flesh so that when her weight began to fall to the ground, gravity and her mass dragged the man down into a bent over position.

The ground rose up to meet her and sent a jolt along her back. It didn't hurt half as much as her eye did when it was disturbed by the impact. A hiss escaped her jaws but she forced herself to keep an eye on that knife, which would be sailing towards her stomach any moment now.

Her ears flattened

It was her turn to throw.

Guinevere rolled on her back, placing her powerful hind paws along her foe's stomach and kicked off with all of her might in an attempt to throw him over her so he would land on his back behind her. She had accepted the fact that a slash from the knife may hit her in the process, but she was wagering that if the throw worked it wouldn't have time to go deep.

If it didn't work, well she wouldn't hesitate to use the moment the knife was in an attempt to reach a paw up and slash for the jugular. 'I won't die alone.' she growled mentally.

jack drove into the apartment building parking lot and parked his old pickup truck, he then got out of the truck and looked around at the unfamiliar town,"Well, just another new town full of new opportunities..." Jack looked at the almost overflowing trunk of his truck,"Time to move this old junk inside."
ThePumpkinQueen said:
When Valkyrie woke up, Gabriel wa

Gabriel suddenly had an idea. Valkyrie. She could help him out.

Drifting away, he went back to find her still sleeping. Until she woke up. He was still in this mist form, and needed to get through to her that he needed her. He drifted down towards her.

Jack hurriedly unpacked his clothes and othen stuff in his apartment and then went to a local diner, ordering only coffee, he took out the newspaper and read up on the town he just moved into.
Valkyrie spun around. But there wasn't a soul to be found. She sighed and lied back down. The voice sounded familiar. It was Gabriel's.

DaManofWar said:
Gabriel suddenly had an idea. Valkyrie. She could help him out.
Drifting away, he went back to find her still sleeping. Until she woke up. He was still in this mist form, and needed to get through to her that he needed her. He drifted down towards her.

ThePumpkinQueen said:
Valkyrie spun around. But there wasn't a soul to be found. She sighed and lied back down. The voice sounded familiar. It was Gabriel's.
The mist moved in front of Val. He said her name again. This time, he tried to make himself resemble a wolf head. The image of one loosely appeared.
Jack walked down the sidewalk slowly, looking all around at the unfamiliar buildings around him,"Hmmm..." He stopped at a park then walked inside, he then sat on an old bench and looked around himself.
"What the hell." Despite her fear, she reached forward to touch the mist. "A wolf?"

DaManofWar said:
The mist moved in front of Val. He said her name again. This time, he tried to make himself resemble a wolf head. The image of one loosely appeared.
ThePumpkinQueen said:
"What the hell." Despite her fear, she reached forward to touch the mist. "A wolf?"
Gabriel groaned as he dissolved on contact. He spoke more. "Val....help me....and Luna....."

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