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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel was drifting in this strange mist form. He couldn't understand it. And of course, he had clues. Great. He saw two young wolves playing. He tried to drift towards them.
" Is for playing with my expensive mascara and concealer . " Amber hissed ashe continued to tickle the boy who was laughing and writhing around until he noticed mist drifting towards them . " Mommy , what is that. " The child asked
Fern was suddenly distracted by nearby giggling, and she cocked an eyebrow, instinctively padding towards the sound. A young wolf with what seemed to be his mother, well she had gathered by the child stating 'mommy'. Allowing a smile to tug at her lips, she grinned. "Hey, Nolan, come here, check this out," she softly whispered, turning to face him, then back at the two boys.

@DaRkBeTaWoLf @djinnamon
Nolan ears perked up at Fern. He walked up to her and seen what she was referring to. " Oh my God his hair i so love it " Nolan all but screams . He soon stop as he realize there was a kid he smirked slightly but if you looked close enough you could tell it was a hint of sadness there. " He so adorable " whispers Nolan as he continues to watch them.

@xxbetaspiritxx @djinnamon
(you wanna attack first or be defensive? Guin is going to attack next post if you want to stay put. Just thought I would ask so that you don't feel like I'm forcing you to attack me because I didn't just now xD )

Guinevere growled deep in her throat as she glared at her foe. Staring at her were two motes of fire, eager and burning with determination, whereas she had a shard of ice; cold and brooding with hatred.

On the other side was the scarred flesh concealing her damaged eye, sealed shut with clotted blood.

The mountain cat wanted nothing more than to see the leaves beneath her paws be drenched in wolf blood and to feel bones cracking beneath her teeth, the only thing stopping her was a sliver of shimmering metal. She needed to disarm the man.

'Hiding behind metallic teeth...' she thought, followed by an audible hiss.

Suddenly the hissing stopped and was replaced by an eerie silence as the tawny cat began circling around the man, trying to catch him off-guard or cause a stumble. Her good eye never left the eyes of her charge, even when she began to speed up her cycle around the armed werewolf. Setting up a defensive posture was one thing, but maintaining it was another... and Guinevere was a patient huntress.

Guinevere knew that the sweet wolf would have to think about his footing as well as keeping an eye on her. She could clearly see that he wanted this fight, which she was planning on using to her advantage.

'Wolves are the same...' she reflected bitterly.

Kira raised a paw to stop him. "Stand." Her eyes softened and the tension released from her shoulders. "I'm glad you came, Faolin." Morphing to her human form, she hopped back over the stream to where she was constructing her lean-to. Several panels of tied-together logs laid on the ground. "Help? I need nails, an axe, a hammer, some wood-sealant, tarp, rope, and a lantern." Nodding to the panels she said, "I'm making my own cabin out here. I think the pack has a shed where I can borrow construction supplies, right?" She took her backpack and started toward the cabins. "I'm done waiting for them to give me a place and I spend more time training here anyway... Besides, I need time to gather myself. I've only gotten us into this position because my emotions cracked in that one moment she bothered pay attention to me... and I've lost everything I had going. Building from scratch isn't the best, but then again, the right mixture can turn ash into concrete."
Looking at her Faolin nodded as he stated, "Yes their is a shed where you can borrow those materials. Starting from new that sounds good to me I am willing to help in any way I can." He walked along with her and headed ahead and opened the shed as he looked around he grabbed some things she needed. He looked at her then stated, "If you need time to gather yourself do you want me to go once I have helped you finished the cabin?" He looked at her silently then pulled a backpack grabbing all the tools she needed and hefted them onto his back. He looked at Kira and stated, "You just need to grab the Lantern and wood sealant now."
Kira nodded and scanned the shelves, not taking long to find herself a rustic oil lantern and a sealed bucket of wood finisher. "You can stay if you want. Most if it is just figuring out how I'm going to deal with Luna. I'm leaning towards passing off whatever she thought she saw as nothing more than a "moment of apprehension and what she mistook for excitement was indeed fear and that our lovely lady needn't fear of my loyalty." She sighed clipping the lantern to her belt and slinging the bucket into her backpack which was now stuffed with everything she'd need to build her proper home. "She's young for an alpha... too young. My main concern isn't how to seek an opportunity. The last thing I want is to see this pack fall to pieces because she can't keep her head on right."

Kira nodded and scanned the shelves, not taking long to find herself a rustic oil lantern and a sealed bucket of wood finisher. "You can stay if you want. Most if it is just figuring out how I'm going to deal with Luna. I'm leaning towards passing off whatever she thought she saw as nothing more than a "moment of apprehension and what she mistook for excitement was indeed fear and that our lovely lady needn't fear of my loyalty." She sighed clipping the lantern to her belt and slinging the bucket into her backpack which was now stuffed with everything she'd need to build her proper home. "She's young for an alpha... too young. My main concern isn't how to seek an opportunity. The last thing I want is to see this pack fall to pieces because she can't keep her head on right."
Looking at Kira Faolin nodded as he watched her. He was going to stay he said, "I will stay I have figured happiness is better then duty or power." Silently he looked at her and smiled. He listened to her. She said something about passing off what she saw as moment of apprehension and so on. Silently he looked at her for a second then stated, "She maybe young but as wisdom goes she's passed her time with wisdom." He looked at Kira as he stated, "Kira...Luna's pregnant." He hoped that wouldn't affect how she saw Luna or make her more angry or something worse. He sighed then walked towards her lean to waiting for her to reply.
Juju said:
(you wanna attack first or be defensive? Guin is going to attack next post if you want to stay put. Just thought I would ask so that you don't feel like I'm forcing you to attack me because I didn't just now xD )
Guinevere growled deep in her throat as she glared at her foe. Staring at her were two motes of fire, eager and burning with determination, whereas she had a shard of ice; cold and brooding with hatred.

On the other side was the scarred flesh concealing her damaged eye, sealed shut with clotted blood.

The mountain cat wanted nothing more than to see the leaves beneath her paws be drenched in wolf blood and to feel bones cracking beneath her teeth, the only thing stopping her was a sliver of shimmering metal. She needed to disarm the man.

'Hiding behind metallic teeth...' she thought, followed by an audible hiss.

Suddenly the hissing stopped and was replaced by an eerie silence as the tawny cat began circling around the man, trying to catch him off-guard or cause a stumble. Her good eye never left the eyes of her charge, even when she began to speed up her cycle around the armed werewolf. Setting up a defensive posture was one thing, but maintaining it was another... and Guinevere was a patient huntress.

Guinevere knew that the sweet wolf would have to think about his footing as well as keeping an eye on her. She could clearly see that he wanted this fight, which she was planning on using to her advantage.

'Wolves are the same...' she reflected bitterly.

"Fine then. If you want to play this game. Ill be happy to oblige." As she continues circling around him, the warrior chooses his moment and feints a strike in her direction, throwing a wide strike and taking a bold step in. It served as a way to twist into the cougar's blind spot. The injured eye. As soon as he enters it, Crimson throws a swift snap kick aiming to strike the cougar in the jaw and cause some kind of disorientation.

(Sorry Im real busy. Im reply on mobile and trying to get replies in)
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Fern was suddenly distracted by nearby giggling, and she cocked an eyebrow, instinctively padding towards the sound. A young wolf with what seemed to be his mother, well she had gathered by the child stating 'mommy'. Allowing a smile to tug at her lips, she grinned. "Hey, Nolan, come here, check this out," she softly whispered, turning to face him, then back at the two boys.
@DaRkBeTaWoLf @djinnamon
DaRkBeTaWoLf said:
Nolan ears perked up at Fern. He walked up to her and seen what she was referring to. " Oh my God his hair i so love it " Nolan all but screams . He soon stop as he realize there was a kid he smirked slightly but if you looked close enough you could tell it was a hint of sadness there. " He so adorable " whispers Nolan as he continues to watch them.
@xxbetaspiritxx @djinnamon
Amber looked at the two new comers with a smile and a wave while Aldis kept looking at the mist. When he heard the compliment a small blush came to his face , it wasn't everyday someone complimented his hair. " Thank you. " He called before he looked at the mist. " I'm not sure we should stay. " Amber said as he stood up and walked over to Fern and Nolan with a smile. " Hi , I'm Amber and this lil guy. " He paused to gesture to the little boy hugging his leg with a smile on his face. " Is Aldis , my adopted son. " Amber said.

" And who may you be. " Amber asked politely before he felt Aldis tug his pants to get his attention. " Can I play with them. " Aldis asked excitedly almost completely forgetting about the mist.

Gabriel slowly drifted around the small child. More memories were coming back to him. And in every single one, there was that bloody doctor. Just staring. Always.....staring......

In his mist form, he wafted gently around the boy's face. As if trying to talk to him.

(it's all good, I'm terribly busy as well)

Guinevere had guessed what the warrior had in mind as soon as she witnessed his feint attack. The slice was wide and cut though the air, but a quick glance brought his shifting stance to her attention.

Her bad eye was a weakness, she knew, and something she was not yet familiar with. A flare of fury blazed in the mountain lion's heart just at the reminder of it, remembering the feeling of the alpha's claw digging it's way into it...

She danced around in response to the crimson eyed man's movement, trying to keep him within her sight. However Guin had a limited amount of time, and her head turned to see one of the man's legs leave the ground.

The blow would have been worse if her reflexes didn't kick in, and the cougar managed to jerk her head to the side enough to feel the air shift through her whiskers. It was soon followed by a hard thud as his foot hit her shoulder instead. Pain raked into the recently healed flesh, the marks from a wolf bite still visible.

A growl sounded as the cat used the moment of slight imbalance as an attempt to strike her two-legged enemy. Guinevere shifted her wieght onto her hindquarters before rearing up and trying to slash at the man's knife arm with a heavy paw. If all went well she would be able to knock the knife away, or at least weaken his grip.

@shadowz1995 @Haus Of Alaska
Kira's gaze hardened to daggers and she bit back an insulting remark. "Good for her," she simply replied, beginning her march from the shed back toward the woods. "I pray this child doesn't come to bare the same attitude of its parents." If Faolin remained following her, she didn't notice and was soon back in her clearing setting to work. She began to unpack the box of nails she'd brought over and the hammer to bind together the wall pieces into one large cube with one side open. She began cutting away the logs to make a door-like shape on the outward facing wall and set those aside to shove it up against the rock face.
Kira's gaze hardened to daggers and she bit back an insulting remark. "Good for her," she simply replied, beginning her march from the shed back toward the woods. "I pray this child doesn't come to bare the same attitude of its parents." If Faolin remained following her, she didn't notice and was soon back in her clearing setting to work. She began to unpack the box of nails she'd brought over and the hammer to bind together the wall pieces into one large cube with one side open. She began cutting away the logs to make a door-like shape on the outward facing wall and set those aside to shove it up against the rock face.
Silently Faolin stopped and watched Kira. Was this the right thing to do? Yes. Without a shadow of a doubt. He followed her quickly. He had heard the comment about the child having the attitude of its parents and smiled. Well at least she could make some kind of sarcastic quip. Shaking his head he placed the things she needed on the ground. He went to work silently to help her build this.
Fern smiled, about to mumble her name, until her eyes caught the mist circling the child, and she bent down, running her fingers through it. Slightly, her lips parted as she concentrated on it, making her eyes hurt slightly. Then, she snapped out of her little trance. "Fern. And this is Nolan, I believe." She smiled, then peered down at the little boy. Poking the tip of his nose gently, her smile softened. "Well, hello Aldis. It's nice to meet you." After hearing what he said to his 'mommy', she smirked lightly.



Luna heard voices nearby, four. She approached them and saw three new faces, and then the one of the boy she met before.

"I thought I told you to stay in the community, it isn't safe out here!"She eyed the other two cautiously, but then her gaze fell upon the little boy. She couldn't help but smile

@djinnamon @DaManofWar @DaRkBeTaWoLf

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Kira worked along, silently observing his presence. She tied loops in the rope and set them each other the four logs jutting out on the sides of her roof. Chucking the remainder of the rope with all her might, Kira smiled as it coiled over a sturdy tree branch and dropped down for her to grab. The logs were light wood and not very heavy so it was easy for her to hoist the panel and drop it onto the three-sided shape shoved against the rock face. Pulling the ropes down and off, she went and stood up on one of the rocks, shoving it properly into place. The logs fell into the notches she'd made on the panels and it slanted off the rocks only slightly lopsided. Chest heaving, Kira morphed into her wolf form and dropped down into the stream to cool off and get a long, clear drink of water.

Gabriel swirled around, trying to find a way out of his current predicament. He couldn't. For now, at least. Instead, he drifted toward Luna, and gently touched her neck, trying to communicate to her. Somehow.

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Luna was suddenly cold and the air seemed hazy with mist. She shuddered and looked around at the weather, it was supposed to be nice today. Why is there mist?
Jasil said:
Luna was suddenly cold and the air seemed hazy with mist. She shuddered and looked around at the weather, it was supposed to be nice today. Why is there mist?
Gabriel tried to let her know it was him. He had to focus.

Part of him drifted across her scar, trying to let her know what this was. He felt how cold she was. Damn it! He didn't want to make her cold. He wanted her to know he was alive.

At least, he thought he was.

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DaManofWar said:
Gabriel tried to let her know it was him. He had to focus.
Part of him drifted across her scar, trying to let her know what this was. He felt how cold she was. Damn it! He didn't want to make her cold. He wanted her to know he was alive.

At least, he thought he was.

Luna rubbed the scar on her neck, covering it from the cold. Her other hand went and gently rested on her stomach as she looked at the little boy playing.
Jasil said:
Luna rubbed the scar on her neck, covering it from the cold. Her other hand went and gently rested on her stomach as she looked at the little boy playing.
Gabriel tried to speak. Get Luna's attention. Please, just let him speak to his mate.

He focused solely on speaking. Uttering a word. His own voice.


Amber seeming glared at the mist that surrounded his 'son' while Aldis giggled loudly before the mist moved to Luna and spoke." Hello lady , the mist is trying to talk you . Are you two friends. " Aldis said as he looked up at Luna , his eyes twinkling. Amber was stun into silence. ' He heard it also and what is that thing really. ' Amber thought as he stared at Aldis.

(Before anyone complains , Amber was paying attention to the mist )
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel tried to speak. Get Luna's attention. Please, just let him speak to his mate.
He focused solely on speaking. Uttering a word. His own voice.


Luna whipped and looked around wildly. She could've sworn she'd heard Gabriel.

"Your grief is getting to you Luna." She whispered to herself

"I swear to the Gods I cannot go crazy, I have to be strong for my baby."

She continued to repeat this in a voice so soft no wolves around her could hear.

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Luna sighed and squatted in front of the child "I'm sure it was nothing honey. Maybe it's just the wind."

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Gabriel now knew he was causing Luna stress. He was about to drift away when Luna mentioned her baby.

He stopped completely. Luna was pregnant. Wait...that means they had beaten the odds.....

He had a child.

With this in mind, he floated back to the cabins, and slid into Luna's. He stayed around, hovering, trying to find somewhere to get himself back together.

It occurred to him he would have to drop hints to Luna of his existence. Make her slowly believe he lived.

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