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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Nolan trotted through the forest enjoying the breeze that flowed freely through his crystal white fur. He was highly excited to meet new wolves but at the same time very nervous. The last time he encountered a wolf it was a beta from a pack, and the beta wanted him dead. Nolan was for sure he was going to die but the beta alpha came due to the beta howl of a intruder,but the alpha realize there wasn't much threat. So they let me go. Nolan neared the place the scent was leading him and his heart was hammering in his chest like a beating drum. He was sure the other wolves in the entire forest could hear it. He finally reaches the place and stops on the outskirts; he was not ready for this he thought but his instincts was screaming that he was so he kept walking hoping no one tried to kill him.

Open to Anyone!
Continuing to roam the new and beautiful forest, Fern grinned. It was by far the most beautiful forest she had seen. But now she needed to find a sturdy pack, and so followed the nearby strong smells of other wolves. Before long, she had met a river mouth, sending her into peels of whimpers. After her past, she wasn't too courageous when it came to even looking at rivers. Looking around, Fern checked for ways around the issue, there was no way she would let her flesh touch even the disgusting river bank. Dragging a soft hand through her dark hair, she sighed, biting on her bottom lip gently.
Silently Faolin nodded at Luna. He smiled. She had show her respect for his decision. He sighed. Walking forward he headed towards the one place where Kira might be. Her training area. If she was their then he would help her. Honestly he didn't know what he was doing and it scared him but he had to go. Kira was his friend his true friend. He hoped she still knew that. He approached the clearing slowly he was in human form with jeans and a white shirt. He was being venerable to her. Come in as a wolf he was coming in with danger as a human he was venerable he couldn't fight nothing he had decided on this form. His scent was blowing towards her. He hoped beyond hope that...well he didn't know what.

Reptilesandromance said:
Kate met his gaze, her amber eyes piercing the dim lighting as she focused on him. "I prefer to stay out of their way, I don't mind losing competition and in most cases a lone wolf or a pair of them is over looked, we aren't seen as a threat. If a confrontation occurres, I will not run, I'm telling you now. It's not an option." She defended warmly, having unwavering confidence in both herself and him
Victor stared at her for a few moments. Sizing up her determination and not finding a single faltering point in her gaze. A slow, warm smile makes its way onto his face and Crimson looks down for a moment. "Jesus Kate I think I am falling head over heels for you if you keep this up. Hahaha." The male said it in a light tone but he wasn't joking around. He was truly finding himself to care very deeply for this strong willed and stubborn she-wolf. Crimson has always been the type to say what's in his mind and that's what was happening right now. "Alright then Miss Kate. We will fight together."
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Continuing to roam the new and beautiful forest, Fern grinned. It was by far the most beautiful forest she had seen. But now she needed to find a sturdy pack, and so followed the nearby strong smells of other wolves. Before long, she had met a river mouth, sending her into peels of whimpers. After her past, she wasn't too courageous when it came to even looking at rivers. Looking around, Fern checked for ways around the issue, there was no way she would let her flesh touch even the disgusting river bank. Dragging a soft hand through her dark hair, she sighed, biting on her bottom lip gently.
(You have two potential parties to come across. The main pack or Victor and Kate)
DaRkBeTaWoLf said:
Nolan trotted through the forest enjoying the breeze that flowed freely through his crystal white fur. He was highly excited to meet new wolves but at the same time very nervous. The last time he encountered a wolf it was a beta from a pack, and the beta wanted him dead. Nolan was for sure he was going to die but the beta alpha came due to the beta howl of a intruder,but the alpha realize there wasn't much threat. So they let me go. Nolan neared the place the scent was leading him and his heart was hammering in his chest like a beating drum. He was sure the other wolves in the entire forest could hear it. He finally reaches the place and stops on the outskirts; he was not ready for this he thought but his instincts was screaming that he was so he kept walking hoping no one tried to kill him.
Open to Anyone!
(Same goes to you for my previous post.)
Luna nodded to Marco, "I'll give you time." She left the cabin and decided it was time for another walk, thinking it'd be good to clear her head from grief
Luna's eyes narrowed as she saw a young boy on the edge of the clearing, she approached "Can I help you?"

She stood in front of him and crossed her arms over her chest

Nolan looked at the woman in front of him critically trying to find something to say. He looks at the ground slightly" Im..um..im looking for a pack" Nolan replies after a while. He never looked her straight in her eyes but he felt her eyes on him like it was burning holes through him. He fumbled with his shirt as he awaited the rejection.

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Valkyrie tried to sleep, but it didn't come to her so easily. The girl gingerly touched a lock of Gabriel's hair before falling asleep in comfort.

DaManofWar said:
Gabriel just slowly drifted off to sleep, snoring softly.
(You can use this opportunity as well @xxbetaspiritxx, but I also suggest meeting Shadowz1995's character!)

A savage snarl escaped the cougar's jaws as the tawny beast scrabbled over the stones towards her prey.

In front of her was the two legged form of a human, her shirt torn and bloody where the mountain cat's claws had raked the soft flesh beneath. Ferns and low lying shrubs snapped beneath the human's feet as she ran in a futile effort to escape death, rushing between the trees in hopes of shaking the cat.

Claws tore at the leafy earth, carried forth by powerful limbs. The beast's eyes shone like chips of silver as it neared it's prey.

@Anyonewho wants to save a person

@Haus Of Alaska
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shadowz1995 said:
Victor stared at her for a few moments. Sizing up her determination and not finding a single faltering point in her gaze. A slow, warm smile makes its way onto his face and Crimson looks down for a moment. "Jesus Kate I think I am falling head over heels for you if you keep this up. Hahaha." The male said it in a light tone but he wasn't joking around. He was truly finding himself to care very deeply for this strong willed and stubborn she-wolf. Crimson has always been the type to say what's in his mind and that's what was happening right now. "Alright then Miss Kate. We will fight together."
"You know I try to care for you too but it's hard when you talk to me like I'm your mother," she teased, voice full of laughter, "it's Kate, not Miss, not ma'am."

Her cheeks burned lightly from his words, knowing he meant it. She'd never felt this before and reached a hand to her now red, blush-tinted cheek.
ThePumpkinQueen said:
Valkyrie tried to sleep, but it didn't come to her so easily. The girl gingerly touched a lock of Gabriel's hair before falling asleep in comfort.
Gabriel sighed, and suddenly found himself reaching for Val in his sleep.

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Juju said:
(You can use this opportunity as well @xxbetaspiritxx, but I also suggest meeting Shadowz1995's character!)
A savage snarl escaped the cougar's jaws as the tawny beast scrabbled over the stones towards her prey.

In front of her was the two legged form of a human, her shirt torn and bloody where the mountain cat's claws had raked the soft flesh beneath. Ferns and low lying shrubs snapped beneath the human's feet as she ran in a futile effort to escape death, rushing between the trees in hopes of shaking he cat.

Claws tore at the leafy earth, carried forth by powerful limbs. The beast's eyes shone like chips of silver as it neared it's prey.

@Anyone who wants to save a person

@Haus Of Alaska

The sound of a blood curdling scream followed by a powerful feline snarl found its way into Victor's ears and the warrior growled angrily for the first time since arriving here. "Dammit they are too close! Kate stay here you are in no condition to fight. I'm going to lead them away then circle back to you. Be ready for anything. Dammit this happened too soon! Mask your scent Kate and make sure to wrap up your leg as best you can. We can't have her track you through your blood." The warrior grabbed his thick leather/fur coat and yanked on at he ran out the den at full speed. He needed to lead them away from Kate's den and he was going to die doing it if he had to. The sight of Kate's blushing face just now fueled him. There was no way he was going to die when he had just possibly met the girl of his damn dreams. No way in hell.

The male rips his way through the forest and comes to a sliding halt in the cougar's path. The male quickly draws his hunting knife and drops into a stance. His right hand holds the knife, the left behind it open and loose to parry blows. His knees are bent and his weight is evenly distributed on both, allowing for split second defense and offense. Crimson was ready for anything. "Run woman! Get as far from here as you can!!" He bellows to the woman that was being chased by the cougar.

(I gotchu girl lmao)
DaRkBeTaWoLf said:
Nolan looked at the woman in front of him critically trying to find something to say. He looks at the ground slightly" Im..um..im looking for a pack" Nolan replies after a while. He never looked her straight in her eyes but he felt her eyes on him like it was burning holes through him. He fumbled with his shirt as he awaited the rejection.
She looked at the nervous boy "You are welcome to stay here child. I'm the Alpha, Luna... Forest"
Kira stood at attention, whirling around to approximately where she smelled Faolin. She was in her human form right now as well, intricate things like tying the beams together requiring fingers, but she was ready to shift in a moment. Resting her knife on a flat stone by the doorway of her lean-to, she hopped over the stream and landed in her wolf form.

Nolan looked up clearly surprised by her response " Thank you ma'am " Nolan mumbles as he stares at the ground. He looks up slightly" Do i have to umm. do anything.. for you in return?" Nolan asks as his legs start to wiggle his nervousness reaching a peak inside him.



Amora winced slightly and checked herself over, it looked convincing enough that she had been attacked.

Remember wait until they are in sight before leaving a decent mark on me

Nodding she took off running, making sure guin knew to give her a few minutes.

The dark look in the cougars eyes scared her but she made not mention of it.

She ran and as soon as she heard another yowl she knew what to do and let out a scream

Dante looked at Marco with a curious look. " of course! What is it they your need? I hope it isn't anything that's a problem?"
Kira stood at attention, whirling around to approximately where she smelled Faolin. She was in her human form right now as well, intricate things like tying the beams together requiring fingers, but she was ready to shift in a moment. Resting her knife on a flat stone by the doorway of her lean-to, she hopped over the stream and landed in her wolf form.
Silently Faolin walked along slowly head down in thought. He was thinking deeply. What should he say when he would first see her correction she might jump him. Sighing he looked up and walked to the stream and looked down as he asked, "What are you doing Faolin? Do you really think you can help her? Especially when she may not want it?" He sighed then stated, "Well you have to she's your friend and she needs help so your going to go over their and ask how to help. I hope she doesn't yell at me." He wasn't really watching his surroundings he was to busy thinking and talking to himself to notice Kira. He jumped over the stream then dusted himself off as he asked, "Should I wait here or go?" He scratched his head.
DaRkBeTaWoLf said:
Nolan looked up clearly surprised by her response " Thank you ma'am " Nolan mumbles as he stares at the ground. He looks up slightly" Do i have to umm. do anything.. for you in return?" Nolan asks as his legs start to wiggle his nervousness reaching a peak inside him.
"Of course not dear, all I need you to do is stay in the community, we have a cat problem in the woods lately."

She gestured to her cabin "If anyone won't let you stay with them you're welcome to come stay with me, I have a guest room."
At the sound of a scream, Fern turned immediately, and followed it, chasing it down until she met a man and cougar. "What the hell?..." Her eyes widened as she stared at the beast with bewildered eyes. Defensively, her hands clenched to her sides, and she was pretty sure that soon enough her wolf would take over. In a matter of seconds, she had ran over to the opposite side of the man, now in her wolf form. It was too quick for the average werewolf. Baring her teeth, she growled at the cougar, swiping her paws across the dirt in disgust. Shaking her thick pelt, she stood closer, then sharply backed away, repeating the process in an attempt to confuse the cougar.

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Luna then, not really paying attention, glanced to the lake and saw two forms laying on the beach. The wind carried their scents to her and she felt her stomach drop. The nude girl from before, and.... Gabriel
Nolan nods slightly as he walks towards the cabin. He sits in front of it and rests his head in his lap. His stomach was growling at him and he was really getting tired so he closes his eyes and rested there. Not paying any attention to nothing but the beating of his own heart which was finally calm over the last couple days.

Guinevere had closed in on her prey and was prepared to make the final leap when a man stepped in front of her path. A fine spray of loose dirt, pebbles and decaying leaves filled the gap between the two as the huntress came to a sudden halt.

The dappled light streaming through the trees caught on the edge of the knife, causing a golden ember to rest just above the feline's mangled right eye.


The enormous cat lowered her head and brought back her lips into a snarl, yellowed teeth bared in malicious intent. 'At least some of these wolves have some common sense.' she thought. Ferns fluttered behind her as her thick tail lashed from side to side in annoyance. Behind the man she could see the woman receding down the forest path.

Grey eyes flickered at the man, observing the thick coat, the knife and the way he held his pose. 'hmph, does he really think I would blindly attack him like this?' she thought in amusement, yet noticed the comfort and ease in which he wielded his weapon.

When a second wolf appeared the cougar flattened her ears and let out a threatening hiss. The odd 'dance' did in fact confuse her, though she was trying to phantom what on earth the she-wolf was trying to accomplish.

She waited patiently, watching the rhythm in which the wolf neared her and backed away. The feline backed away, muscles tense as if in fear. The wolf neared again...

With a growl the cougar smashed her shoulder into the wolf, causing her to tumble into the man. During this precious moment of chaos the cougar then bolted to the side and charged after the fleeing woman.

'you can keep your knife, but you lose your speed.' the cougar growled internally.

A quick pounce was all it took to bring the woman crashing down.

@Haus Of Alaska @shadowz1995 @xxbetaspiritxx
Luna slowly walked towards the two, her breathing ragged. "Gabriel?" She chocked out it a hoarse whisper. She stood by them and fell to her knees next to Gabriel "Y-you're alive?" Luna reached out her hand to touch his face, her fingers shaking

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