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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

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  • Gabriel

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  • Pia

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  • Jasmine

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  • Marco

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  • Daisy

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  • Sam

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  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Luna walked immediately to Dantes cabin and wrapped her arms around herself. "Thank you for speaking with me."
Jasil said:
Luna walked immediately to Dantes cabin and wrapped her arms around herself. "Thank you for speaking with me."
dante looked at he carefully and nodded. "No problem at all. now what seems to be the problem?" that when he remember that macro should be in the cabin as well. "I hope you dont mind but Marco should be in here some where?" @Jasil @Haus Of Alaska

Marco had fallen asleep with the pup but sprung awake when his name was called.

Lifting the sleepy but awake pup he stepped out to the room half asleep.

Whats going on?

He asked as he walked straight to Dante and rested against him, Still mostly asleep with Tyr in his arms who was quickly becoming active since waking


loyalwolf said:
he grinned at the sight of both tyr and marco together. "well good morning sleeping beauty. as you can see we have company, in the form of the alpha." he couldnt help but think how cute Marco look and even cuter with tyr in his arms.
Luna eyed the males with a slight grin, she could see what was happening very plainly. She realized it was time to tell Dante "By some amazing miracle of the Gods.... Dante I'm pregnant."

One hand instinctively moved to her bare stomach, her eyes felt slightly misty

@loyalwolf @Haus Of Alaska
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Marco sighed and gave a soft yawn

Thats nice

Before abruptly waking up at the news that Luna was here. He knew from his old life that an alpha usually meant business when they called around.

Even Tyr was submissive with Luna in the immediate area. Going quiet he waited for news, not knowing anything that happened since arriving back at the cabin.

But in his stomach was a sense of dread. His free hand lightly grasped Dantes.

Jasil said:
Luna eyed the males with a slight grin, she could see what was happening very plainly. She realized it was time to tell Dante "By some amazing miracle of the Gods.... Dante I'm pregnant."
One hand instinctively moved to her bare stomach, her eyes felt slightly misty

@loyalwolf @Haus Of Alaska
Dante beamed with astonishment and pride. "Congrats Luna! This such huge news." That when it hit Dante he need to make sure Luna is prepare and healthy for a baby. He got really excited and nervous starting to ramble. "Ok we need to get you start on prenatal vitamins, also we need to get you some rest and limate your duties, we have Marco make sure to keep an eye on you, you need plenty on water and food, we also need to set up an ultrasound at some..." He then stopped to catch his breathe.
Luna stopped him, "Dante breathe. I am just as happy but today is still unfortunate." She looked down at her bare feet. "I've lost a mate and gained a child all in the same day."

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It also dawned on her "I cannot just abandon my duties as Alpha because I'm pregnant, there will be chaos, and it seems Kira isn't happy with the current situation for Alpha." She became nervous for her pack

@loyalwolf @Haus Of Alaska
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Silently Faolin nodded to Dante. He looked at Luna for a second. Something was their exactly what he didn't know. It hit him like a thunderbolt. He gasped. They were gone thankfully. He sat as he stated, "Oh my." He looked at Kira and smiled. He would wait until Luna told her. He had figured out why he had sensed something. Luna was pregnant. How he hadn't noticed it before he didn't know perhaps he had been to busy thinking. He smiled then shook his head and walked towards Dante's house slowly. He had no wish to intrude. He knocked on his door and waited.

@Jasil @loyalwolf @Haus Of Alaska
Luna jumped at the sudden knock, she went and cracked the door open "Faolin? Can I help you Beta." She hid her body behind the door, suddenly shy.

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Fern roamed the unfamiliar woods in her delicate human form. She began to hum a little tune under her breath, twirling in a sudden patch of sunlight that pierced through the forests canopy. Her bare feet softly caressed the soil as her speckled eyes darted around eagerly. She could most definitely smell other wolves, and that intrigued her, but as long as she was in human form, she wasn't prepared to investigate. Being only 5'3 didn't cause any problems to duck under branches and avoid large shrubs. Her smile was infinite as she continued to twirl across the dirt like a confused ballerina. The sun scorched her tanned skin, and she stopped momentarily to inhale the strong and earthy scent the woods had provided.
Luna jumped at the sudden knock, she went and cracked the door open "Faolin? Can I help you Beta." She hid her body behind the door, suddenly shy.
Looking at Luna Faolin smiled. He stated, "Well Dante told me to come over so I could see Tyr. Plus I wanted to congratulate you . I figured out why you wanted to talk to Dante alone so no need to tell me. Can I come in our do you prefer that I wait?" He looked at Luna and smiled courteously.
Her mouth gaped, then she shut it and opened the door for Faolin "Come on in." She silently went into the living room and sat on the couch. Holding a pillow to her chest for comfort and somewhat decently covering herself

@Lighthouse8477 @loyalwolf @Haus Of Alaska
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Kira flicked her ears in annoyance, mostly anger at herself that in a flicker of her emotions becoming easy to read, she lost whatever trust she'd gained among the pack. As they all walked their directions, not a word to her, she flicked her tail and made back for the forest. She had no reason to be at the cabins anyway, she didn't have one. They might as well admit it. I'm not really part of this pack. I don't have a home, I don't have any trust or friends... She lost track of where she was going and after jolting from her thoughts and correcting her path, the she-wolf eventually arrived at her training grounds. She might as well clean up a bit, she reflected, and morphed into her human form, thankfully fully clothed in her warm sweater and jeans. Walking over to her backpack, Kira picked up a double-edged knife, one for cutting and the other side serrated for sawing. She'd make herself a proper home out here, probably a lean-to as those were easiest. Collecting her things, Kira walked over to an area of her climbing rock-face and found a large crawlspace created by three boulders leaned against the rock face, leaving a large area sheltered and half the space open to the clearing. Surveying small trees, ivy vines, and wood she could use, the werewolf began constructing her own cabin as best she could.
Her mouth gaped, then she shut it and opened the door for Faolin "Come on in." She silently went into the living room and sat on the couch. Holding a pillow to her chest for comfort and somewhat decently covering herself
Looking at Luna Faolin smiled gently. He walked in and looked around. He silently watched the walls then sighed. Softly he stated, "Luna I am torn between two decisions. One decision leads down a path uncertain with great rewards the other is certain yet I probably won't be happy which path should I take?" He looked at her.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at Luna Faolin smiled gently. He walked in and looked around. He silently watched the walls then sighed. Softly he stated, "Luna I am torn between two decisions. One decision leads down a path uncertain with great rewards the other is certain yet I probably won't be happy which path should I take?" He looked at her.
Luna gave him a quizzical look "I don't quite understand, but I'll tell you this. What is more important, happiness or duty?" She raised a brow at him "This is about Kira."
Luna gave him a quizzical look "I don't quite understand, but I'll tell you this. What is more important, happiness or duty?" She raised a brow at him "This is about Kira."
Looking at her Faolin stated, "I've stopped trying to hide things so yes it's about her and which is more important I don't honestly know anymore. Happiness is important but so is duty and I always seem to make the wrong decision. I know which one I want to make but I am not sure if it's the right one to make. It's like one way I burn bridges and the other I am walking on fire." He sighed and stated, "Life's never easy. I hate making decisions because I always fear I will make a wrong one. Once it's made its done and I can't reverse it." He closed his eyes and looked at the ceiling not at Luna so she could keep her composure. He didn't want to stare at her.
Juju said:
The mountain lion's grey eyes sparked with a dark fire when the plan was finished.
She padded behind the woman and looked at the area of flesh on her shoulder blades. 'I would have had to loose my grip...or she ripped out of my grasp." she thought, noting that the fabric of her shirt could be to blame.

The great cat then sat down on her hind paws and jabbed her talons into Amora's shoulders. Pale flesh parted easily, but the hard part was not inflicting grievous wounds. Still, she dragged her claws to the side, as if a sudden impact occurred, and began thinning out the wound and tearing more of the shirt. When she was done there were red lines extending from the woman's shoulders and down to her lower back, though they were shallow near the end. Her shoulders would cause the most pain, but the cougar thought that the woman could tough it through.

When it was done the mountain lowered herself back onto all fours and circled around to face her ally. It wasn't hard for Guin to fake attacking someone, and within a few moments the great cat had her teeth bared and a growl rumbling in her chest.

@Haus Of Alaska
@Haus Of Alaska
She sighed "Faolin, I know I've put you in a tough place with your position. But you must understand. This doesn't have to be a choice, there is always a third option. Our very nature rests upon our mates, they are meant to be our other halves that change and help us grow. You must do this with Kira, if you can help her then you could both stay. But truly if your decision is to run away with her, go. I am not forcing you to stay. Dante can take your place as beta."
She sighed "Faolin, I know I've put you in a tough place with your position. But you must understand. This doesn't have to be a choice, there is always a third option. Our very nature rests upon our mates, they are meant to be our other halves that change and help us grow. You must do this with Kira, if you can help her then you could both stay. But truly if your decision is to run away with her, go. I am not forcing you to stay. Dante can take your place as beta."
Softly Faolin stated, "I wish it were that simple. Unfortunately it isn't. If I run away with Kira theirs no guarantee she will ever love me she has this brick wall around her emotions that I had almost broken through. I don't know if I can help Kira because she isn't that close to me and I doubt she will listen either." He closed his eyes then stated, "Making a decision right now is best to do." He looked at Luna and sighed. Silently he stood up and looked at Luna he stated, "I am going to try to help Kira if I don't come back with her in foud days consider me gone and put Dante in charge." He walked towards the door and stated, "Wish me luck I am going to need it."
Luna stood and nodded to her beta, respecting his decision. As a parting gesture, and to show her respect she very slightly exposed her neck before straightening it again "Good luck."

May the Gods be with you

Marco was overjoyed at the news and as Dante said, he was eager to help.

Tyr was now in someone elses arms and he placed his hands on Dantes arms and spoke with a chuckle

Breathe and relax your getting too excited

Smiling at the news he decided to take his chance

Dante can we speak alone for a minute



Amora winced slightly and checked herself over, it looked convincing enough that she had been attacked.

Remember wait until they are in sight before leaving a decent mark on me

Nodding she took off running, making sure guin knew to give her a few minutes.

The dark look in the cougars eyes scared her but she made not mention of it.

She ran and as soon as she heard another yowl she knew what to do and let out a scream


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