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Fantasy ) Life of a Werewolf

Who do you think should be Alpha?

  • Luna

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gabriel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jasmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Daisy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Starsky

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Logan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Emilan

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Gabriel continued to listen, his misty body flickering about. He knew who was responsible for his current condition. He needed to find him. But how....

And then there was the matter of Luna's pregnancy. He could not leave her at all.
Jasil said:
Luna sat and shook her head "no clue, I wasn't around. Crimson suspected hunters who just got lucky." She tangled and untangled her fingers.
DaManofWar said:
Gabriel continued to listen, his misty body flickering about. He knew who was responsible for his current condition. He needed to find him. But how....
And then there was the matter of Luna's pregnancy. He could not leave her at all.
" It couldn't have just been normal hunters if the mist spoke and it sounded like him , maybe he somehow got turned into mist. It isn't impossible considering the fact we are living breathing werewolves but we need to find out who took him cause they might have answers. " Amber said thoughtfully. " I need to talk to that Crimson guy you were talking about. " He said.
djinnamon said:
" It couldn't have just been normal hunters if the mist spoke and it sounded like him , maybe he somehow got turned into mist. It isn't impossible considering the fact we are living breathing werewolves but we need to find out who took him cause they might have answers. " Amber said thoughtfully. " I need to talk to that Crimson guy you were talking about. " He said.
Luna shook her head vigorously "That's not a good idea, we haven't always had the best of run ins with him."

She considered the danger, and if she should give these wolves her protection
Gabriel was agitated. He knew his mate needed him. But he couldn't let her see him like this. It could ruin her.....

It sighed out loud.
Luna looked around the room at the sudden noise. "Did you hear that? I think someone is in here, but, I don't... Smell anything."
Jasil said:
Luna looked around the room at the sudden noise. "Did you hear that? I think someone is in here, but, I don't... Smell anything."
Gabriel tensed suddenly. He remained still, aside from his misty body acting like mist does. He was prepared to run if he came to it.

Kira awoke some time later to the calming sounds of the running stream and lifted her head, casting a smile to her new cabin. It was nice, blended in with the woods quite easily, and would no doubt prove comfortable. Today she'd be making a permanent fire pit for cooking. Morphing to her human form, she went over to the lose stones at the bottom of the small rock face, picking up the few that would become a base.
Silently Faolin watched her in his wolf form. She was picking up rocks for a fire pit. Silently he changed and helped her get the right stones for the fire pit. No need to burn down the forest. Silently he began building the circle with her. He smiled at her then continued helping her.
Grey and red eyes met yet again as Guinevere watched Victor pick himself off of the ground and onto a knee. She still could not believe that he so willingly destroyed half of his vision just to prove his honesty. It was a courageous action, one that the cougar found herself admiring yet couldn't quite understand.

The left eye.

'He chose his left...' She observed while returning his gaze.

It was a strange feeling, as if she was looking at a wolfish reflection of herself. Like the gods thought it would be amusing to create an opposite version of her to see which one would tear the other apart first. Her ears flattened against her head in discomfort when she saw the grin spreading across his face. Why would he smile at the one who would have ripped out his throat a few moments ago? Does he wish to mock me?

When he commented on her honor she tore her gaze away and glared at a moss covered rock poking it's head above the dark soil.

'What does he know about my honor...' She thought bitterly.

Her eye flicked back to Victor when he mentioned her hatred. It was easy to tell that Guinevere had an immense anger towards wolf-kind, yet the look he was giving her spoke that he could tell more than that.

Guinevere listened to what he had to say, standing so still that she might have been carved out of rock. Her ear flicked when she learned his name. 'Victor... a suiting name for a warrior...' She didn't even flinch when his claw cut through the flesh of her shoulder, yet when he placed his hand near the mark the cougar became tense. Old habits died hard, and she found it difficult to resist the instinct to lash out with a paw. The only sign of this internal struggle, however, was the twitch of muscle in her arm.

When he got back up to his feet, Guin padded forward with her back to him in a way that almost made it look like she was ignoring his words, though her ears were pinned back to listen to every sentence. Now that she was moving she could feel the extent of her pain; blood oozed from her side wound and her tawny pelt was well spotted by slashes of red where Victor's claw had made it's mark. Pain seared through her limbs with every movement, though this time it did not evoke a venomous rage in her heart, but reminded her that she had met her equal... perhaps even her death. Somehow that knowledge granted her a sliver of peace.

She was about to leave when something made her stop and turn back. It was only fair...

"Guinevere." she stated curtly, her cool grey eye regarding his newly widowed red.

(any last words? xD )

Kira smiled faintly as the last stone was firmly put in place and straightened, brushing her hands off on her jeans. "There we are. Cooked food whenever we need. I also picked up a water purifier so we can use what this lovely stream gives us. We've got a camping cookware set... I think we're good to go." Shaking her head, she sighed and sat down on a rock ledge. "Funny how officially we're in the pack and half the time off who knows where... and no one seems to care." Her expression soured. "Luna's probably too busy worrying over the death of Gabriel, dear Gabriel, our passed alpha and caretaker. Ha- she hates me yet we've barely had a full conversation since I got here. One look in my eye in a moment of "what the hell is happening? The alpha's dead?" and she instantly decides she doesn't like me? Is there something wrong with a twinge of ambition?" Kira was standing now, at the last part almost shouting, fist clenched against her sides. She wasn't mad at Faolin, but she was turned toward him. She wasn't all that mad either, just frustrated that she was shut out so quickly just by one mistaken expression. Kira wanted to be alpha but she'd rather have a friend, she'd rather get to know the werewolf who agreed to take her in rather than claw her face and leave her to go find another pack. "She thinks I'm an idiot and a hotheaded ambition-driven werewolf. Dante think's I'm an idiot and a hotheaded trouble-seeking werewolf who is all too eager to prove myself... Faolin, looking at me, what do you see in me? 'Cus I don't get it, I don't get why people see me the ways they do."

Kira smiled faintly as the last stone was firmly put in place and straightened, brushing her hands off on her jeans. "There we are. Cooked food whenever we need. I also picked up a water purifier so we can use what this lovely stream gives us. We've got a camping cookware set... I think we're good to go." Shaking her head, she sighed and sat down on a rock ledge. "Funny how officially we're in the pack and half the time off who knows where... and no one seems to care." Her expression soured. "Luna's probably too busy worrying over the death of Gabriel, dear Gabriel, our passed alpha and caretaker. Ha- she hates me yet we've barely had a full conversation since I got here. One look in my eye in a moment of "what the hell is happening? The alpha's dead?" and she instantly decides she doesn't like me? Is there something wrong with a twinge of ambition?" Kira was standing now, at the last part almost shouting, fist clenched against her sides. She wasn't mad at Faolin, but she was turned toward him. She wasn't all that mad either, just frustrated that she was shut out so quickly just by one mistaken expression. Kira wanted to be alpha but she'd rather have a friend, she'd rather get to know the werewolf who agreed to take her in rather than claw her face and leave her to go find another pack. "She thinks I'm an idiot and a hotheaded ambition-driven werewolf. Dante think's I'm an idiot and a hotheaded trouble-seeking werewolf who is all too eager to prove myself... Faolin, looking at me, what do you see in me? 'Cus I don't get it, I don't get why people see me the ways they do."
Silently Faolin listened to Kira. She began to shout then rant on about their Alpha's. He listened to her words intently. Sitting down he watched her facial expression. Fist clenched at her sides she was mad not at him even though she was looking at him then she wasn't mad just frustrated. She looked at everywhere now as she was thinking something. He looked at her talking about herself as an idiot. He shook his head then noted the ambition-driven thing then she talked about. Dante's view of her which was accurate enough then she asked his opinion. Silently he looked at her for a long second without speaking then he replied, "Kira. I see you as a smart wolf. One who isn't afraid to go into battles and fight one who is misunderstood. You do have a little bit of ambition which shows up at the worst times. Gabriel's death for example. However I don't see you as driven by ambition. Ambition is healthy sometimes its just you seem ambitious at the wrong times. You are wise when you chose to be and kind when you want to be. I think Luna doesn't actually hate you it's just when she sees you she thinks of that horrible episode with Gabriel and you and well it does nothing to help her feelings. As for Dante well I am not sure what to say about his view or mine for that matter. I know you are a good wolf at heart yet sometimes it seems like it's no longer Kira I am watching and speaking to like someone else has taken over I think that is why other wolves see you as they do. However since I love you and I accepted you as you are I try to see you as I know you to be. Sometimes you could react better to certain situations but how you react is your character." He looked at her as he stated, "I hope I didn't burry myself with that explanation."

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Kate was a worried sick mess, though she was doing her best to listen to Victor and stay in the den. She knew something was wrong and she whimpered in the dark, Unable to lay still she had began pacing, her injured paw now bleeding under the bandage from the added stress. Her ears flicked back and forth on her skull, trying to catch any sound as her nose tore the air in search of any lead on what was happening. She didn't like this, she hated it, it was worse than being alone to her and made her feel sick, the spaces between her paw pads sweaty with her growing anxiety. @shadowz1995
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Juju said:
Grey and red eyes met yet again as Guinevere watched Victor pick himself off of the ground and onto a knee. She still could not believe that he so willingly destroyed half of his vision just to prove his honesty. It was a courageous action, one that the cougar found herself admiring yet couldn't quite understand.
The left eye.

'He chose his left...' She observed while returning his gaze.

It was a strange feeling, as if she was looking at a wolfish reflection of herself. Like the gods thought it would be amusing to create an opposite version of her to see which one would tear the other apart first. Her ears flattened against her head in discomfort when she saw the grin spreading across his face. Why would he smile at the one who would have ripped out his throat a few moments ago? Does he wish to mock me?

When he commented on her honor she tore her gaze away and glared at a moss covered rock poking it's head above the dark soil.

'What does he know about my honor...' She thought bitterly.

Her eye flicked back to Victor when he mentioned her hatred. It was easy to tell that Guinevere had an immense anger towards wolf-kind, yet the look he was giving her spoke that he could tell more than that.

Guinevere listened to what he had to say, standing so still that she might have been carved out of rock. Her ear flicked when she learned his name. 'Victor... a suiting name for a warrior...' She didn't even flinch when his claw cut through the flesh of her shoulder, yet when he placed his hand near the mark the cougar became tense. Old habits died hard, and she found it difficult to resist the instinct to lash out with a paw. The only sign of this internal struggle, however, was the twitch of muscle in her arm.

When he got back up to his feet, Guin padded forward with her back to him in a way that almost made it look like she was ignoring his words, though her ears were pinned back to listen to every sentence. Now that she was moving she could feel the extent of her pain; blood oozed from her side wound and her tawny pelt was well spotted by slashes of red where Victor's claw had made it's mark. Pain seared through her limbs with every movement, though this time it did not evoke a venomous rage in her heart, but reminded her that she had met her equal... perhaps even her death. Somehow that knowledge granted her a sliver of peace.

She was about to leave when something made her stop and turn back. It was only fair...

"Guinevere." she stated curtly, her cool grey eye regarding his newly widowed red.

(any last words? xD )

"Guinevere...." The male echoed. It was a graceful name, Victor had to admit. Though he didn't think it suited her as she is now. Maybe....in a time in the past it suited her better. Crimson was far worse off in the exchange excluding the fact that he was no missing an eye due to his own need for a worthy opponent. He thought it was well worth it though.

As the cougar locked eyes with him once more, Argen gave her a genuine smile. A smile that showed exactly how looking forward to this he was. A challenging smirk. "Good luck Guinevere. Don't die before we meet again. I fully intend to be the one to deal the final blow." He jokingly taunted. He honestly had no idea if he would win the date with death but he knew it was going to be the greatest battle of his life. The warrior relished the thought. With those final words, Crimson turns and walks away from the cougar, leaving a thick trail of cougar and wolf blood in his wake.


Kate was probably going to be able to smell him much before she heard or saw him. He smelled of blood and death at its finest. The mixture of earth, sweat and blood from both combatants, on top of open flesh wounds littered across his entire upper torso and his missing eye now spelled a disaster. Despite the agonizing pain he felt as he approached Kate's den he couldn't help but feel happy he was going to be able to see her again. The she-wolf he was literally fighting for. Never had he fought for someone else so hard except his younger sisters. This lovely wolfette was anything but a sister to Victor though. As he previously stated, he genuinely felt as if he was falling for her. "Kate.....I've returned to you my princess...." He choked out in a weak voice. The tone was teasing and sarcasting but heavily laced with exhaustion and agonizing pain. Deep, rends painted red in his flesh like a mad painters brush strokes. If Kate had a fit before with the deer, he couldn't wait to see what she did now.

(I think that's good enough hahaha. We shall convene upon a later date!)

Marco nodded and gave Dante a small kiss.

Life works in mysterious ways I suppose

Smiling he rested his hands on Dante's shoulders.

He knew then that they would be ok, the feelings were addressed and they knew where they stood.

They could begin to function as a complete pair now.

Luna stood from her spot and slowly took graceful steps around the room. Bending around and looking, she searched for the source of the noise. Soft growls echoed from her throat
shadowz1995 said:
"Guinevere...." The male echoed. It was a graceful name, Victor had to admit. Though he didn't think it suited her as she is now. Maybe....in a time in the past it suited her better. Crimson was far worse off in the exchange excluding the fact that he was no missing an eye due to his own need for a worthy opponent. He thought it was well worth it though.
As the cougar locked eyes with him once more, Argen gave her a genuine smile. A smile that showed exactly how looking forward to this he was. A challenging smirk. "Good luck Guinevere. Don't die before we meet again. I fully intend to be the one to deal the final blow." He jokingly taunted. He honestly had no idea if he would win the date with death but he knew it was going to be the greatest battle of his life. The warrior relished the thought. With those final words, Crimson turns and walks away from the cougar, leaving a thick trail of cougar and wolf blood in his wake.


Kate was probably going to be able to smell him much before she heard or saw him. He smelled of blood and death at its finest. The mixture of earth, sweat and blood from both combatants, on top of open flesh wounds littered across his entire upper torso and his missing eye now spelled a disaster. Despite the agonizing pain he felt as he approached Kate's den he couldn't help but feel happy he was going to be able to see her again. The she-wolf he was literally fighting for. Never had he fought for someone else so hard except his younger sisters. This lovely wolfette was anything but a sister to Victor though. As he previously stated, he genuinely felt as if he was falling for her. "Kate.....I've returned to you my princess...." He choked out in a weak voice. The tone was teasing and sarcasting but heavily laced with exhaustion and agonizing pain. Deep, rends painted red in his flesh like a mad painters brush strokes. If Kate had a fit before with the deer, he couldn't wait to see what she did now.

(I think that's good enough hahaha. We shall convene upon a later date!)
Kate caught the smell of him before he ever came close, cougar and blood, lots of it, was all that reached her nose. She heard him come close and rushed out of the narrow den opening, ignoring the pain in her paw. She saw it was not the cougar and he was not dead an absolutely lost it..though this time it wasn't a fit of anger. She whimpered and her tail lashed at a mile a minute, no more patient swaying, she knocked him over gently and slipped behind him, catching all of his weight and bringing him down to the ground gently. Her tail steadily abusing the ground in her exitement and worry. The whimper turned to a whine and she frantically licked him over, still holding gentleness a mother would be jealous of, trying to rid as much blood and pain as she could. She reached the deep cut that had stolen his eye and froze stiff, fur prickling as her nose twitched centimeters away. Her amber gaze caught his and fixated in anger as the whine turned to a growl and her lips pulled back in a snarl. Just like that, she knew what'd he'd done, somehow knew it wasn't the cougar. "Shes still out there." Kate spoke more to herself than him and set to getting back to her feet, she would finish this, now. @shadowz1995
Reptilesandromance said:
Kate caught the smell of him before he ever came close, cougar and blood, lots of it, was all that reached her nose. She heard him come close and rushed out of the narrow den opening, ignoring the pain in her paw. She saw it was not the cougar and he was not dead an absolutely lost it..though this time it wasn't a fit of anger. She whimpered and her tail lashed at a mile a minute, no more patient swaying, she knocked him over gently and slipped behind him, catching all of his weight and bringing him down to the ground gently. Her tail steadily abusing the ground in her exitement and worry. The whimper turned to a whine and she frantically licked him over, still holding gentleness a mother would be jealous of, trying to rid as much blood and pain as she could. She reached the deep cut that had stolen his eye and froze stiff, fur prickling as her nose twitched centimeters away. Her amber gaze caught his and fixated in anger as the whine turned to a growl and her lips pulled back in a snarl. Just like that, she knew what'd he'd done, somehow knew it wasn't the cougar. "Shes still out there." Kate spoke more to herself than him and set to getting back to her feet, she would finish this, now. @shadowz1995
"Easy easy, Kate I'm alive that's what counts right now." Victor said through gritted teeth as she prodded him over in licks and attempts to heal him. They would help of course but he still required medical aid. Or at least time to heal. When Kate's whines turned into growls and the words left her throat, the warrior reached up behind himself and touched her face for a moment without looking at her. He actually couldn't but she didn't need to know that, "Kate easy. I've just secured our survival. The cougar will leave us alone and I did a number on her as well. Well.....I've secured your survival at least. They will leave us alone. But me and the feline reached a draw. When we were deadlocked we agreed to a rematch when when we were at full strength. I honestly don't know if I can take her down 100%. But from what I saw neither does she. But...regardless. You are safe Kate. You're home has been guaranteed. I can rest easy knowing that." His single crimson eye looked up now and rested on her features for a longing moment. "Yep, definetly falling." He muttered to himself.
shadowz1995 said:
"Easy easy, Kate I'm alive that's what counts right now." Victor said through gritted teeth as she prodded him over in licks and attempts to heal him. They would help of course but he still required medical aid. Or at least time to heal. When Kate's whines turned into growls and the words left her throat, the warrior reached up behind himself and touched her face for a moment without looking at her. He actually couldn't but she didn't need to know that, "Kate easy. I've just secured our survival. The cougar will leave us alone and I did a number on her as well. Well.....I've secured your survival at least. They will leave us alone. But me and the feline reached a draw. When we were deadlocked we agreed to a rematch when when we were at full strength. I honestly don't know if I can take her down 100%. But from what I saw neither does she. But...regardless. You are safe Kate. You're home has been guaranteed. I can rest easy knowing that." His single crimson eye looked up now and rested on her features for a longing moment. "Yep, definetly falling." He muttered to himself.
Kate nipped his fingers halfheartedly as he spoke, though her teeth were no longer bared and her pelt lay flat again. Her ears were lashed back flat and her tail flicked irritably in the dust. "You're an idiot. This could have been ended tonight but no I had to stay like a good dog while you went and gouged your own fucking eye out. Good job superman. Who's to say she's not going to follow you back here? Pick us off while we're sleeping?" She pushed him back on his feet, being less gentle than she had been prior before stalking past him and shoving into the den. There was a deep line of smeared gooey blood on the ground where she had paced until the wound reopened and then still continued. She shifted, her human expression worse than what the wolffish side of her let show. She felt hurt, betrayed and seen as unequal and still was scrambling to leave somewhere with him to seek help. Though it was silent the den echoed the tense feeling as she jumped into a pair of blue jeans and shoved a sweatshirt on, pushing her feet into muddy black sneakers and tying them with a vacant look, her mind elsewhere. @shadowz1995
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Jasil said:
Luna stood from her spot and slowly took graceful steps around the room. Bending around and looking, she searched for the source of the noise. Soft growls echoed from her throat
Gabriel tensed. On instinct, he growled back. He was ready to bolt if need be. But all the same....if he could just see her.....one last time.....before he arrived.

@djinnamon @Jasil
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DaManofWar said:
Gabriel tensed. On instinct, he growled back. He was ready to bolt if need be. But all the same....if he could just see her.....one last time.....before he arrived.
@djinnamon @Jasil
Luna crouched down and started slowly crawling around the side of the bed. Before reaching the other side she paused, waiting for movement
Jasil said:
Luna crouched down and started slowly crawling around the side of the bed. Before reaching the other side she paused, waiting for movement
Gabriel remained absolutely still. However, his body still moved like mist, dissolving and what not around the edges. As he remained, he hoped the other male wouldn't try anything.

Luna finally let out a breath and peeked airing the edge of the bed. Her breath caught in her throat and she stifled her gasp. Slowly backing up she moved away
Jasil said:
Luna finally let out a breath and peeked airing the edge of the bed. Her breath caught in her throat and she stifled her gasp. Slowly backing up she moved away
Gabriel tensed completely. His eyes were two yellow orbs, bright and staring. He breathed softly, but was now very agited. He had to leave now. Maybe she would leave. But she had seen him.


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