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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb felt both of Carlos' hands on his cheeks and felt his head turn so they were looking at each other. The fear of losing the man he'd just met, this man he shouldn't have taken out of the zone, was evident in his eyes. They were shiny with unshed tears. He just looked at him for a moment. Processing what he said first. No bites. Not bitten. Safe. Here. Then he let out a chuckle. "I believe you, I don't need to check you out." Kaleb said, taking a deep breath in and out as he focused, looking at Carlos' face to help him.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Those eyes full of tears were heart-shattering. There were no little voices of the girls yelling at him that he was a FEDRA officer. There were no rules that were threatening to bring hell down on either or both of them. He would do anything to take that fear away. “Mmmm, that’s a shame,” he all but purred with a deeper, raspier voice. He loved that little laugh. The relief was beautiful. It felt like the warmth of color splashed across a page. He needed to find a notebook or something as they traveled. He was going to miss art, and it would also be a shame to waste such vibrant inspiration he planned to keep the rest of his days. If only he could take that pain that still sat in there away. With his hands still holding him tight, he gently kissed the edges of Kaleb’s eyes. Who was going to stop him? Kaleb? He could try, but that was not what he wanted, even if he didn’t know that yet. Carlos would fight for this.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb felt a shiver run down his spine at the words, no it was more the voice and how deep it was. He wanted to look away, hide that pink flush across his face. But he couldn't. His eyes watched the man in front of him. What he wasn't expecting was the kiss on the edges of his eyes. It was so gentle, and the emotions that had once been nerves and panic was replaced with fear, he didn't want to get close to him, not when he could lose him so easily. One bite and this would be gone. He shut his eyes.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

What a gorgeous pink that spread across his face. He was his own art piece, and Carlos wanted to know it intrinsically. He wanted to draw it. Paint it. If they were back at the QZ, he would try to replicate it on one of the walls. The way it was like Carlos had reached in and painted it over cheeks was perfect. Then he closed his eyes. “Don’t hide those beautiful eyes.” He had not meant to say it out loud, but the request was so strong in his mind that he couldn’t help but say it. Ask it. Plead it. “Don’t shut me out.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb's eyes flew open at that. He blinked his eyes a few times before he sighed. "Just leave me. I'll be out in a minute." He was doing exactly what Carlos didn't want him too, he was shutting him out. Kaleb didn't like this, well he did, but he didn't at the same time. He wanted to be alone for a moment, collect his thoughts. He didn't want to be this close to Carlos. That was a lie. But internal lies were easier to conceal, easier to keep to himself.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Carlos smiled at those eyes. Had he ever seen anything so captivating? No. Never. In all his years, after getting to know so many people so intimately, he never knew anything like this. This was why he was out here in the unknown. This was why he left the comfort of something stable. This was why he left those paints he would mourn. He left for those eyes. He shook his head. “I don’t think so, love.” He let his hands drop as well as his bottom, and he made himself comfortable as he sat and waited. “I will be right here until you’re ready.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb sighed low, this was impossible. He had to stop this, stop the attachment before it gets bad. Before it gets to be too much. Kaleb couldn’t lose anyone else. Not in his life. The last one had killed him inside, and he didn’t want to go through that again. “Why can’t you understand that I don’t want you?!” Kaleb snapped, his eyes narrowed in a glare, voice hard like he’d been trained. Kaleb had seen him sit down and said he’d wait. “I’ll never be ready so you can wait all you want.” He added, getting to his feet and moving quickly out of the building.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Power number one was his amazing strength. Power number two was his unbelievably good looks. And power number three was his patience. He exercised a lot of patience in the QZ. Many challenges that hit him required a whole lot more patience than he was prepared to have, but he did it anyway. He did it, because it was necessary. Kaleb was going to require patience. And also tenacity. Would that be his fourth power then? He refused to give in. That voice was not Kaleb’s. Not kind Blue Eyes’. That voice belonged to the guards. Who gave you that kind of hate, sweet one? He stood as well and followed him out. “Because that would be accepting your feeble lie,” he answered as though this were a perfectly calm conversation. Carlos already knew that he wasn’t ready, and that was okay. He could wait.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb twisted his head to glare at Carlos. He didn’t want this, this whatever. He wanted to be alone. To live without hurting people. To be his own person. Himself and no one else. He didn’t want anyone else. If only Carlos could understand that Kaleb can’t handle anymore loss. He didn’t have it in him. “Leave me alone!” Kaleb just wanted a few minutes alone with his thoughts. A few minutes to just breathe and realize what he was doing.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Should he be upset? Probably. Was he? Not in the slightest. If he got upset every time someone yelled at him or told him to leave them alone, he would never be happy again. Or wouldn’t have been once upon a time when he still lives in a world where that was an option. As it was now, the only other person in the world was Kaleb, and that was exactly how Carlos wanted it. Patient and tenacious. He kept that cool smile even with that harsh tone. Even with that nasty glare. To be honest, the glare was doing it for him way more than it should, so this was a win regardless. “Sure. I could do that. I could even turn around and crawl back inside that QZ probably without much hassle and without anyone but my trio to notice.” He walked right in the middle of the street, talking the whole time. He had not quite learned that noise was a big no no when it came to infected. That was a thing he knew but didn’t really know yet. Of course, he was also up for another fist fight if that was what it took to keep Kaleb around. Maybe that was what he needed. Take out all that confusion somewhere. He was more than willing to play punching bad. “Or I could just keep walking down this street. Au revoir, petite ville.” he planned on doing neither of those things. He ambled, allowing Kaleb to take a far lead.

Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb heard him talking, loudly, in the middle of the street. He whipped around and looked at him. “Will you stop talking?” He asked, narrowed eyes and hand on his hip. Uh-oh. Too late. The screeching sound of runners and the clicking of clickers and they were moving up the street beside them, heading right for the pair. “Run!” Kaleb yelled. There were too many for them to take on. He knew it. “Carlos!” He pulled his pistol from his pack and fired at a runner who’d gotten just a little too close. The aim true, hitting the runner in the head and downing it.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Initially, he thought this was a reaction that was more of all that frustration coming out on the easy and only target. Carlos was not going to blame Kaleb for being confused. In fact, Carlos was wildly confused about very many things right now and choosing to ignore them. Actually, no that wasn’t quite right. He was choosing to overpower them with things he did know. He did know that they were somewhere new and that was exciting. Exciting and terrifying but exciting was the better choice. He did know that he liked Kaleb a lot. He had only a small idea of why but the big answer was unknown which was also scary, but he knew that he did and that was the answer. He also knew that they were walking out into the wilderness where beasts live. Beasts and monsters.

Oh, like those. “Is that what you were actually trying to say? Have you ever considered being more direct?” There was no reason to be quiet now that everyone came running. All sorts of fun friends wanted to come out and play. Okay, that was way more than the one runner. Great, cool, love that, time to run. “Nice shot!” He called as one runner fell. He ducked into the nearest store and pulled out the pipe. Searching for supplies was what they came here to do, right? Right, he could do that. He didn’t know what he needed, but he was looking. Oh a dead guy. Love that. Wait, actually, what’s in your hand, friend? Ooh, now that could be useful. As he turned around, his eyes grew wide as a very ugly friend grabbed at him. “You are much worse than that other guy.” He kicked at it until he could duck and move away. He twirled around and smacked it with the pipe. It did not like that. He swung the pipe again, dodging what could have probably been terrible just to trip on what appeared to be a runner as he fell over. He rammed the pipe up and into the runner’s face before shoving it into the clicker, which did buy him enough time to run. And run he did.

Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb clenched his fists and ground his teeth as he watched Carlos duck into a store. Now was not the time to scavenge, now was the time to run. He looked around and fired at each infected that came close. He wasn't going to leave Carlos behind, no matter what he'd told him. He'd used up the first clip and was digging in for his second one, reloading the pistol when he saw Carlos run out of the store. Kaleb immediately ran that way. "We have to leave, no time to scavenge." Kaleb told him. He shot at two more that had come just a little too close for comfort. He needed to get them away, now. "Move it!" Kaleb told him. He backed up away from the infected. "I'll buy you a chance to get away, and meet up with you just outside of town!" Kaleb told him, facing the infected, pistol up and ready.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Carlos ran out of the store laughing. He should have been afraid, but he was not. He was having the time of his life. Running from guards was nothing. This was so much better. Why was everyone so afraid of these guys anyway? Why was Kaleb freaking out so bad? This wasn’t so bad. There were a whole lot of them yes, but significantly less now. Granted, he did not have his piper anymore, but that was okay. So many more down at the hands of military man. Beautiful! So he made a decision. He grabbed a runner wrapped a strong arm around its neck and used him to swivel around as he broke its neck and tossed the body into the clicker who was for sure on his tail. “I don’t think so, Blue Eyes!” He ran to the side of the street where he took a breath behind a car. “I’ve got a plan so you better run over here.” He picked up a brick and threw it. Then as the swarm of infected moved that way, he held up his find from before. Who didn’t like a nice bomb? This was great. “I’m about to make art!” Then it lobbed it over the side and into the middle of the congregation.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb wasn't sure what he'd been expecting, but hearing the man laughing as he ran out of the store was not it. He focused on the infected but he looked over to see him wrap a strong arm around a runners neck and broke it, before tossing the thing into a clicker. Kaleb wrenched his head back around, firing at a clicker who'd gotten much closer than he wanted. Kaleb heard him, before he noticed what Carlos had. Was that a bomb? Kaleb, bless his quick reaction time, ran, tucked and rolled behind the car, coming to a halt beside Carlos just as the man threw the bomb. "Okay, you're crazy. While they are distracted can we leave?" He asked, wanting nothing more than to leave this infected, infested town alone.
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Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Explosives were very cool. Explosives are loud, volatile, and beautiful. Look at it rain with all that shrapnel. If he could paint that moment with all the sharps in the sky, it would be beautiful. If he could capture the dust covering the air, it could have been some of his most evocative work. When he found something to create art with, that was going to be one of the first things to draw and paint. “No, love, I’m not crazy. I am exactly what we need for this!” He popped up and began jogging backwards. He beckoned Kaleb towards him with little wiggles of fingers before twisting around and running.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb hated explosives. It reminded him of when the Fireflies were still bombing Denver when he was still in training. He never could get over them. His gaze was drawn from the explosion to look at Carlos. He shook his head before watching him jog backwards, beckoning Kaleb towards him, before he turned and ran. Kaleb muttered to himself. "He's crazy" Before getting up and running after Carlos, hopefully to leave this town behind. No map here to know where they were or were they could head.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Carlos ran for a good moment then looked back over his shoulder to make sure that Kaleb was following and also to check on the aftermath of his explosion. Many dead infected. One lost looking guy turning in circles. He almost felt bad for him had he not been a soulless monster. He might have actually felt bad if that were still a person. He slowed his run to a jog, pretty sure that they were out of that danger but Cranky Pants would want to leave for good. He was going to just leave but then he got distracted. “I won’t be long I’m going just right there.” He sped up to a run to get to the store front, reach down into the window, and pulled out the ax. Oh this was great. He could get so much done. He ran back to Kaleb and then kept going.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb looked at Carlos and was about to tell him to keep going, when the man sped up, went to a store front and grabbed an ax. Kaleb rolled his eyes as Carlos ran back to him. "That was stupidly risky" Kaleb told him as they kept going. He could see the edge of town, and beyond that a road that led into the open country. Kaleb didn't stop, he just kept going. He had to.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Carlos shrugged, feeling that he was completely justified in his actions. If they were going to come upon additional friends, then he was going to need more than his hands, as wonderful as they were. The clickers needed an additional weapon. Having not yet gotten one of those, he spent the rest of the run to the edge of the town determining what it would take. Well, other than explosives. “I wouldn’t say it was stupidly risky. This is your average amount of risk. How else are we going to survive, my cutest defector?”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb looked over at Carlos and rolled his eyes. He looked behind them to see that the horde had dispersed the further they'd gotten away. "You just got lucky." Kaleb told him as they neared the town line. He had heard the comment about being his cutest defector and Kaleb had chosen to ignore it. Kaleb decided that quiet was a good thing. At least until they made it far enough away from the town so he could actually say what he wanted to say, at the preferred volume and tone that he wanted to say it in.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Carlos agreed though he was not sure how he would say as such. This was not a challenge of being right and winning and more of a challenge of making someone else understand. Of course it was lucky. Carlos was a lucky kind of guy. If he weren’t lucky, this would have never happened. He would still be stuck in a boring QZ trying to survive a life with no purpose and endlessly fighting an unwinnable battle. As it was now, he was living the best dream. A dangerous, scary dream, but still the best dream. “Thank you,” he said flippantly but relatively quietly as he jogged past the buildings and out of those town.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb huffed out a sigh as he heard him. He kept up the jog and left the town. He slowed down to a walk once they were away from the town and stopped. “Next town we go to, you are to be silent. Do you know how many resources we couldn’t get because of that horde? Taking one or two on at a time is one thing. A whole horde is another, especially with how little we’ve got now. This is why I’d rather be alone.” He said, hand on his hip and a hard stare. “Just go back to the QZ. I don’t want you here!” Kaleb snapped, eyes narrowed. “Furthermore, we are not friends. If you insist on being here then you listen to me.” He added, before he started walking again.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Carlos slowed with Kaleb and stopped as he stopped. He stood there, smiling at the world as Kaleb began the same type of speech any good soldier would give. In fact, he zoned out briefly as he would when No Fun would tell him to get his act together because he was causing more trouble than he was worth, yada yada etcetera. Actually, no, this was a little different. Instead of zoning out and thinking about other things like he would with No Fun, he got really distracted by Kaleb. His serious face was so adorable it made Carlos want to smile. So he did. When his voice got so stern, he made his whole chest get all squiggly. He liked that. He liked that a lot. He should not have found ordering him around as so appealing, especially since he never took stock in it when anyone else did. Oh, but this was so good. He could listen to that for ages. He was no longer listening to the actual words and instead was paying attention to such a passionate body language. Those hands on the hip. Those narrowed eyes. Mm, those blue eyes. Once Kaleb kept walking, Carlos pulled himself back together only enough to follow after him. “I absolutely love a man who thinks he’s in charge. Mm mm mmm.” He shook his head a moment before looking over at Kaleb, same little grin, and said, “But I think maybe you should reconsider who you are. I thought you left your Officer side behind.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb looked at that smile on Carlos' face and he somehow knew that he wasn't listening to him at all. His eyebrow arched as he listened to Carlos once he was done talking. "I don't think I'm in charge, I am in charge. If you were in charge we'd probably been killed by that horde. And I did leave it behind but sometimes these things are needed." Kaleb told him. He kept walking, his gaze straight ahead and refusing to think about the man beside him. The one who left the QZ for him, and the same one who'd alerted the entire infected population in the town and prevented them from getting resources that he needed.

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