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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb looked over at Carlos who bowed and gestured to the door. Okay. Weird. Kaleb opened it, looked in and then held the door for Carlos to go through, once he did, the door would shut behind them. Kaleb made his way carefully down the stairs and opened the bottom door, again checking. Nothing, all clear. He held the door for Carlos again, and then it was time for a new building.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

This time he allowed himself to move through the door first and now his head to the gentleman who held it for him and blowing a kiss as thanks afterwards. As they moved to the next building, he pulled out the notebook having thought of something brilliant. No drawing while they were moving- he was sure that would be illegal for now. He just needed to write the idea down before it disappeared forever. He scrawled it quickly in the margins of the page right before he started then stuffed it back in the pack. He took just enough time to make it to the next building. This one didn’t have boarded up windows because they were smashed in. He peered inside, intrigued.

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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb rolled his eyes at the kiss blown at him. Once they headed to the next building, the smashed in windows only drew his curiosity. Could've been from looters or anything else. Not bothering with the front door, he quietly vaulted into the building through the window. Kaleb looked around, this one was a single story business, probably had a basement too. That he'd want to avoid. Kaleb moved through towards the back rooms and bathrooms. Not much around, not even supplies in the back rooms. He looked around more but came back to the front of the store with absolutely nothing of worth, shaking his head.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos decided not to be distracted by Kaleb’s flawless agility and followed in after him like the good boy thinking about business and nothing else. He wandered the other direction, searching for anything of use. It did not help that he didn’t know much of what was and was not of use. What he did know was that this place was not full of much of anything. Sad. What a wasted opportunity. He came to a set of doors and opened them just to find the stairs going down. Oh, a below? Interesting. He moved back to the front where he pointed towards the door and then pointed down with a question. He assumed that Kaleb would have waited at them if he found them and was curious. Why don’t we go down?
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb looked over at Carlos when he pulled open a set of doors. The entrance to the basement. He looked at him pointing at the doors and Kaleb shook his head. No. He thought for a minute on how to further explain himself. He took his hand and ran a thumb over his throat. We could die, infected possible. Then he shook his head again before tipping it towards the windows they’d come in. The basement may have supplies but it wasn’t worth them possibly dying to Kaleb. Not in a city where they could find supplies in a safer way.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

So he was right. They don’t go down below. That was interesting, and he wanted to know why. Oh, death? Death is below. Color him wildly curious. His attention slid back to the door, and he considered. No, he did not consider going but he did consider what could possibly be down there that might be death. Wildly curious. He turned back to Kaleb and nodded, moving through the broken glass to the streets again. See, he was a good boy. He would, however, be asking later. He was too curious not to. When they found a place to stop, and he was allowed to talk again, he would inquire. He should make a list of everything he wanted to know.
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb watched as Carlos looked back at the stairs. If he’d decided to venture down anyway, Kaleb would’ve gone with him. He was grateful to see the nod and watched him go back to the windows. Kaleb made his way over to the windows and climbed over, stepping onto the street again. The building that was next was at least a few stories tall. Could be a hotel or apartments, he wasn’t sure. Kaleb made his way to the front door, pulled. Locked. Okay. He walked along the buildings side. There must be another way in. The sun was getting low in the sky and getting in here would be a safe place to search for bit before finding a room to rest.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos followed to the next building. Locked front door meant harder to get it. Could break a window, but would that draw out infected in the same way that his talking had? Kaleb would be so upset if he did that. There was bound to be something around the side. Or not. What was it with these terrible buildings? Okay, back wall. Back door? He pulled out it. Locked. Locked but possibly less secure as the front door? He wiggled it. Pushed on the door. Oh the door itself was falling apart. Yeah he could open that. Would it make a lot of sound? He put a hand on each side of the frame, lifted a leg, and pressed his foot gently into the door. Testing. That would give no problem. The bottom of the door was already splintered and soft. Was that mold? Not sure. Breaking the rule he whispered, “I got this,” and kicked the door. The bottom half broke inward bending up and splintering. It wasn’t the prettiest thing, but he was going for minimal sound. “Let me check since I made all the sound.” Without waiting, he crouched and moved inside. Listened. His ears were very good. Nothing immediately there. He waited. Still nothing. Nothing was alerted at least. He popped his head out and gestured inside.
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb watched as Carlos put both hands on the frame of the door. His foot pressed on the door. He heard that whisper and then Carlos kicked the bottom of it and it broke inwards. Kaleb nodded impressed, and watched as Carlos crouched and walked inside and he waited until Carlos told him it was okay with a gesture. Kaleb crouched and went inside. There wasn’t a lot of light so he grabbed his flashlight and just in case. He gestured to follow him down the hall by the front desk.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos did not have a flashlight. He normally did actually. As he was often creating art in the night so as not to be caught, he had a small flashlight that Salim’s people were able to get him. He, of course, left that with the rest of everything else he left. He was moving very quickly when he left. He brought his worn blanket, the smallest of his clothes that he could shove in there, as many rations as he had around, and whatever little things that might be useful from around the room. Not a lot. If he had time, he could have planned this better. He could have brought the flashlight. So, instead, he stuck to Kaleb’s side. Not right on top of him as much as he might have liked to. He stayed close. Well, for a moment. Then he veered off, because he was easily sidetracked. He needlessly hopped over the front desk before beginning to search through the drawers. With it being dark, he was going by feel. Scissors? Yes, scissors. Nice. Nothing in that drawer. Nothing in this cabinet. Oh, something? More bullets. Darn, that was entirely unhelpful for him. Though, he was amassing a stash for Kaleb later.
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb could tell that Carlos kept close. It made him wonder if he hadn’t had a flashlight. Another thing they’d have to find. As he walked past the front desk, he clicked the flashlight on, moving silently down the hall. It was at that point that Kaleb was on his own. He pushed open the first door he saw and slipped inside. He listened closely but didn’t hear anything. No infected, nothing. He looked around the small apartment. The kitchen was set to the left and further in was the living room and a hall to the right was the bathroom and the bedroom. Kaleb moved into the kitchen, searching the cabinets. Beans, a couple cans of beans. Great. He took those, two spoons he found, some rags, alcohol and some busted scissors. So far this apartment wasn’t a bad find.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

With his light most definitely gone, he moved his way from around the front desk and down the hall to the second door since the first was open and therefore probably already had Kaleb. He moved through it slowly, slower than he would have liked due to the blindness, but eventually found his way to the kitchen that was not too far oof the front door. Searching cabinets, he found a can of… well a can. He could check it later. Fabric that was probably a rag? Who knew if it was any good. Another can of hopefully food? A bottle of something? That was it for that. The tiny living room had a whole lot of not a lot and the bathroom was also pretty empty. The bedroom on the other hand had some nice clothes. Huh? Anything interesting? Yes. Look at this jacket. Did it fit? It sure did. Wonderful find, Carlos. He made his way back to the hall.
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb made his way through the living room, finding a few more rags as well as some ammo for his pistol. Kaleb searched the bedroom and found some bottles, alcohol, and in the bathroom he found some more medical items like pills and even larger rags that could be used as a bandage wrap. He searched around some more but found nothing else important. He left that apartment and entered the hall, the light flooding it. He figured they could search this hall, and pick one of the apartments that looked the nicest to rest in. He moved down the hall and then took another look at Carlos. He pointed at the jacket and nodded. Nice find. And then continued onto the next door, slowly opening it to listen for infected. Clear. He stepped inside and looked around again to be sure. Still clear, not a sound. Well. Wait. Kaleb stepped into the living room when a hand clawed at his leg, and he pulled back with a gasp. A stalker. He'd heard of these, they were usually quiet and this one had been hiding and managed to grab his leg. Kaleb grabbed his knife and sliced at it, dropping the stalker but his leg was clawed up, blood dripping down it. Kaleb grunted at the pain, stepping backward out of the room, tripping over his feet and falling down in the hall, the flashlight hitting the ground and rolling away, shining in a circle in the hallway as it rolled.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos smiled at the nod of approval of his new jacket. He liked it a lot actually. It felt like him. Cool patchwork and embroidery. Black to be kind of sleek. As long as the jacket lasted, it was going to be his. As Kaleb moved to the next apartment, he went on to another. Pretty average room from what he could tell. He found some indeterminable things since he was mostly blind, but they felt like a handful of parts and gears or something? Probably useful. Tape. Some empty bottles. He could use one of those for smacking something with maybe. Or possibly drawing attention away from him? That seemed reasonable. He was moving into the living area when he heard the sounds of a something fall. He turned and made his way back to the door when he heard another. Kaleb? Kaleb! He ran across the hall, hopping over the light and to him. Forget this silent nonsense, that was loud. He was about to ask him if he was okay when he caught sight of the shining red. Ooh. Leg. He crouched down. Near Kaleb’s front first. “How is the rest of you?” He wrapped one arm around Kaleb’s back as he dropped his pack and started snaking it through. He couldn’t see anything. He stretched and reached for the flashlight so that he could actually find things like the rags and alcohol. He could clean a wound too.
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb wasn't expecting to hear something beside him, the sound of footsteps and he looked over to see Carlos crouched down beside him. "I'm fine, its just my leg." He said, his face scrunched in pain as he looked at the leg. He felt an arm around his back and Kaleb leaned into it. He didn't know how deep the claw marks were, or how bad it really was. The blood on his leg was preventing him from seeing how bad it was. "Here, let me hold that" He gestured for the flashlight. He could hold it with one hand as long as he had one to keep him propped up. He could feel pain spreading up his leg but it was all centered around the claw wounds. Fortunately he pulled away before he got bit.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos handed him the flashlight because that was the best idea, but didn’t like the part where he was about to have to let Kaleb go in order to deal with his leg. Sure, he could probably hold himself up, but what if he couldn’t? “Don’t resist,” he grinned as he chose to scoop him instead. He had lots of practice scooping unsuspecting people. It was primarily the three he was used to but they needed a lot of scooping. They were always getting into stupid trouble and hurting themselves. He shoved an arm under those legs, firmly gripped around his back with the other arm, and lifted him enough to move him to the wall. That way he did not have to hold himself up. “See, you can’t.” And he winked. He moved down to the leg for a moment before starting a good clean. “Now, if you wanted my explicit attention so badly, you should have just asked. I would have obliged without you having to go and almost sever a foot.” It was not that bad. After cleaning it, it was bad but not losing a limb bad. He pulled out more of the supplied and started a wrap. He had to wrap plenty of his own and their injuries. First aid was a handy skill to have.
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb was about to ask what he'd be resisting when he gasped at the fact that he'd just gotten picked up. He had to admit to himself that he didn't mind it. It wasn't the worst thing he'd ever experienced, and probably wouldn't resist if it happened again. All too soon, he was set down up against the wall. He leaned back on the wall, flashlight aimed at his leg. The light shining off the red on his leg and he winced the moment he start cleaning it. "I didn't do it for your attention. Don't think so.." He paused as a gasp of pain slipped out. "Think so highly of yourself" He finished as Carlos worked to wrap his leg up. "But thank you." He said.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

With every gasp, Carlos looked back at him to make sure it was just the usual pain and nothing particularly bad. He laughed at Kaleb’s response, hoping to keep it going. “That’s what they all say,” he joked as he placed all the supplies back on his pack and made his way back to Kaleb. He sat down beside him, placing his arm around his back because he could. Even though Kaleb had that wall. Even though he should be fine. He put himself too close. But he wanted the contact, and he had been such a good boy for so long. “How does it feel?” He asked.
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb rolled his eyes at that. As long as there were no more infected on this floor, the laugh was fine. Kaleb didn't hear anything so he could only go with it was safe to talk. "I bet that's what they all say." He responded, watching as Carlos put away his supplies. He wasn't expecting the man to sit beside him, nor for him to place an arm around his back. He was close, too close for Kaleb. But instead of pushing him away, he just tilted his head back against the wall with a sigh. "It feels like I got clawed by a cat with nine inch nails. But.." He paused with another sigh. "It feels better now thank you." He finished, his eyes looking up at the ceiling. They should find a room to rest in, he wasn't going to make it much further tonight.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

This was a bad idea. This was a very bad idea. Plopping himself right there with him meant that he was going to have significantly less control over himself than he did when they were rooms apart, and though he personally had no problems with his control issues, he wanted this to be right for Kaleb. Kaleb needed time to adjust. He needed time to learn how to let the officer go and just be Kaleb. Carlos was trying harder than he ever had before not to act on every whim. But now, with Kaleb right there, though beautiful blue eyes singing a song of sadness, how was Carlos supposed to say no to that? “Can you walk?” He asked, a dangerous grin across his face. “Because I will carry you. I’ll kick in doors. Take down infected with my powerful thighs.” He laughed at himself. “And find us a nice, cozy corner to snuggle up in. You can’t deny me, because we’re going to need warmth, and who’s warmer than me?”
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb looked over when he heard the question. "With help. I can walk with help." He said at first, with a small sigh. His eyes widened as he looked at Carlos with his next sentence. "Just help me to my feet. We can stay in the first room I found back there. And no, you are not snuggling with me." Kaleb said, that last part rather adamant that they'd be sleeping alone. Kaleb had grabbed his blanket when he'd left so he didn't need anything else. In fact, he placed one hand on the floor of the hallway, brought his good leg up and pushed up and back. Bracing himself against the wall, Kaleb managed to get to his feet. He couldn't put a lot of weight on his bad leg, so he would use the wall to walk back to the apartment. "Let's go."
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Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos smiled watching this adamant display of independence and capability. He was so capable always. It was adorable really. Carlos stood behind him, spotting in case it went poorly. “Well see,” he answered with a grin knowing that one day, he would have his snuggles. They could be tonight. Maybe. It would depend on how much he could get Kaleb to drop his guard. Don’t be the officer. Just be Kaleb. He followed to the first room, keep a hand on his back. There was no stopping him. Why would you shake away support? He liked the contact. Kaleb probably did too even if he refused to allow it.
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb could feel Carlos behind him, the hand on his back. He didn't have the energy in him to care. His hand moved along the wall as a support, barely using his hurt leg at all. He'd be fine with some rest, and he knew that. Kaleb wasn't about to ask for help, he already was trying to ignore the man behind him. He pushed the door open, and stepped inside. Still quiet, still empty. Good. He leaned against the wall by the door to allow Carlos in so he could lock the door behind him.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos stepped inside and looked around. Plenty of floor space. That was good. He pulled out his blanket he managed to remember and also the jacket he had on before this new one. He rolled it up as a makeshift pillow. “Alright tall, dark, and handsome, you lay down and I will take watch. I know it will make you feel better.” He plopped down on his blanket and patted beside him even though he knew Kaleb would resist. For now. “And I promise to get you up if anything too exciting happens.”
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Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb had been in this apartment, he knew what was in the bedroom. "You lay on the floor and keep watch. I'm going to lay on the bed back here." Kaleb said. He made his way slowly, carefully, into the bedroom. A hand on the mattress, pulled the sheets back, and he managed to pull himself on it. It would work for tonight. And he was far enough away from him. Kaleb had seen him pat the blanket beside him, and had fought back the blush at the compliments. He wasn't looking for anything right now.

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