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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

One of the things Carlos loved most about being him was making people the kind of uncomfortable that came with being repressed. Someone innocent who never had the chance of living life had the most appealing vibes. He relished in watching someone’s cheeks grow hot with embarrassment as he said or did something that would have been deemed inappropriate for whatever reason. He lived for the moments when he could be the reason that something new was awakened inside of someone else. He liked to think of this as a power of his. It was working on Kaleb. Slowly. He did like a challenge, and this man’s hard exterior was going to be a challenge. So he let the silence sit between them for a while. Just a while. If he gave Kaleb too long, he might sink back into whatever nonsense they forced on him.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb remained quiet as they traveled. It was peaceful the silence, but it was also suffocating. He could feel the feelings he'd kept trapped try and push through the barrier he'd put them in. He wasn't an officer anymore, he'd left that behind but the mindset they drilled in at the training school was a lot harder to overcome than he'd expected it to be. Kaleb glanced over at his new traveling companion, unsure if he should talk or not. Was there really anything to say? He had basically said he didn't want to talk, so he should be okay with this silence, but he wasn't.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Carlos chose not to look at Kaleb. It was not so much that he specifically chose not to and was more like his easily distracted brain was definitely distracted. He stared out at the new, expansive world, and smiled. He smiled because it was just as beautiful as he thought it would be. Well, okay, probably not. It was dark, FEDRA was not exactly taking care of everything outside the QZ, and they could be murdered at any moment by soldiers or infected alike. At the same time, he was embarking on a whole new journey with his very favorite ex-officer with dazzling blue eyes and a serious identity crisis happening. What could ever be more beautiful? “I’ve never been outside the walls,” he breathed, the words intermingled with the amazement he felt for everything that was new.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb looked around at the landscape. It was clear that FEDRA wasn't doing what they'd said when they said they were taking care of things outside the QZ. Kaleb wasn't surprised honestly. He looked around before his attention once again was drawn to Carlos. "I've been once, and I almost didn't make it back." Kaleb had been young at the time, 18, and he'd been dared to spend time outside the fence, about an hour and he did. And almost got killed by an infected that hadn't been killed by the officers yet. He'd barely made it back inside the QZ that time.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Carlos turned his attention to Kaleb, concern striking like a slap across his face. Almost didn’t make it back? There was a chance that those blue eyes were going to be lost out here forever before Carlos even had a chance to love them? That seemed highly unfair. “What happened?” He wanted to know. No, he needed to know. Desperately, deep in his core, needed to know all the details. All the gory, Kaleb’s almost death details.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb looked at him with a shrug. "I was young and stupid. I was 18 and it was the eve before our graduation from the training school. I was dared by one of my group to spend an hour outside the fence. The same spot we just went through actually, and I got attacked by an infected that hadn't been killed yet. I had just made it through the fence and rolled it down as the infected was close to attacking me." Kaleb explained. "If I hadn't rolled the fence down and jumped away, I probably wouldn't be here talking to you." He added.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Young and stupid. Well, weren’t they all? Once upon a time, Carlos was 18. He never did that, but he did plenty of other stupid things. Honestly, he was probably still young and stupid. He did after all just run away from the only safety and home he ever knew to follow a man who was practically a stranger. Did they count as strangers if they knew each other’s names, they spoke cryptically a handful of times, and shared a mildly intense kiss? Nah, that seemed to check out just find to Carlos. Going outside the QZ on a dare was in fact stupid and something that Carlos would have done right then, and it had been a good number of years since he was 18. To be young and stupid was to live life at its fullest. The fact that Kaleb was like that once gave him hope. “I’m glad you made it back before your imminent demise. I would be awfully sad at such a waste of beauty.”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb could still remember the fear in his heart and how fast it had been racing. Ever since then he'd stayed as far from the outside as he could. Well, until now. He looked at Carlos with a slightly shocked expression. He bit his lip and looked away. "I'm glad I made it back." That last sentence forced Kaleb to keep looking away, so he didn't show the fact that his face was bright red.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

“My life has never been that kind of exciting. I wish I could have done that with you. The adrenaline must have been amazing as it pumped through your body.” Carlos lived a relatively boring life aside from the constant troublemaking and illegal art. That part was exciting, but there was only so much punishment they could do to him. Make him starve? Eh, he would be fine. He lived on nothing for a long time. “We could have taken him if we were together.” Not that Carlos had ever been in a fight with infected. He wouldn’t have the first clue how to deal with them. He would learn though. He was spry and tenacious. Ex-Officer Price could teach him how to be useful.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb looked at Carlos for a long moment before turning away. "I think it was the adrenaline that kept me alive. I froze at first." Kaleb admitted. "It wasn't until the thing was close that I realized I needed to run." Kaleb shivered at the memory. He still had his pistol strapped to his pack, he wasn't leaving that behind and he also wasn't the scared 18 year old he'd been back then. "We'll have to work on your survival skills. What weapons or things have you been taught or know about?" He asked.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Carlos shrugged. “Since I have only ever had to survive inside a quarantine zone where I have been quarantined and no one messes with me because I am the leader of an infamous pack of miscreants and Trouble with a capital T, I am going to go with survival is questionable. Do I know how to survive on little to no food, no shelter, and running for my life? Absolutely. Do I know how to deal with infected who want to eat me for lunch? Can’t be much different than the girls a couple of doors down.” He laughed at his own joke. “I’m delectable,” he added. “You’ll learn that. But as for weapons. How many weapons do you think they gave us in there? That thing,” he pointed to the pistol, “I have never used. But I have used many, many tools. But my greatest weapons are these.” He raised an arm and pointed to the muscles that were currently covered in jackets. He would move the sleeves, but that didn’t seem necessary. He tapped his arm a couple of times. Mr. Repressed would see that soon enough too.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb listened carefully as they walked. He should've known that, he was an officer there. He also knew that some civilians knew more about weapons or other more explosive things than they should. His face went white at the comment about infected wanting to eat him and the girls. That was not what he wanted to hear. Nor the delectable part. Though Kaleb would come to find out that not only was Carlos a huge flirt but he'd find it funny and adorable. He did glance over when he saw him raise an arm and point to it. "You are ridiculous. Besides, you need to learn how to use my pistol, and we'll work on the rest of the stuff as we go." Kaleb said.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Carlos shook his head. “You misunderstand me, cutie. I don’t just mean that my arms are my most attractive feature, and they are so don’t think that’s what I am saying-“ he may have been biased due to his own fascination with muscled arms, “but they are also literally my most powerful weapon. I know I told you that I didn’t do that fight earlier. I didn’t. I was busy painting something beautiful that they won’t even appreciate now that the only two people with a good eye have left.” He paused to dramatically sigh before continuing. “I don’t get into fights too much. They aren’t interesting or worth my time when I could be using said time to do meaningful things like plot how I am going to get your attention next, and Jade and Basira absolutely love a good fight, which means I can spend time doing said plotting, but,” he took a breath after all that meandering, “I can fight. I can tear down walls without breaking a sweat. I can take down men who think it’s okay to treat their women poorly. I can probably take some vicious creatures out here, especially with a handheld weapon.” He held his arms out like he was holding something like a bat and swung into the nothingness around them. “But anyway, yes, I look forward to our private pistol lessons.” Cue mischievous smile, his best smile if he did say so himself.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb listened to Carlos. Interesting enough information. Carlos was a brute force, give him a crowbar or a bat and he'd probably be just as deadly as if he used Kaleb's pistol. He had actually found the conversation pleasant, until he heard the last sentence. "Did you have to word it like that?" He asked, rolling his eyes as they walked on. He could see a small town up ahead. A good place to check for supplies. The sun was starting to come out now, bathing the Colorado landscape. He hoped they'd have a map in this town so he could at least get an idea of where they were heading or where they were. He wanted to avoid other QZ's and avoiding turning around and ending up back in Denver.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

He held back a laugh only because they were nearing a town, and though he never left the QZ, he was aware of the etiquette from the talk around the zone. He knew himself well enough to know that his laughs could get pretty loud. “Yes,” he answered as though that were the most obvious answer in the world. “Yes, I absolutely did.” He was feeling so much more himself now that he was not being held back by unrealistic expectations and also horrible treatment. Did he miss it? No. Did he miss his crew of miscreants? Not as much as he thought he should. Did he miss his art? Yes. That he already missed and would likely miss for the rest of his days. No worries. He was sure that he would be able to find more ways to let inspiration strike as they traveled. “Is this the part where we pilfer like long lost pirates in a sea-faring war?” He nodded to the upcoming buildings. He knew the talk. He could learn quickly.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

As they drew closer to the town, Kaleb was starting to regret this. He'd only seen infected that one time. He'd never fought them before. His attention was drawn when he heard the response from Carlos. "You are crazy for one, and two, where did you hear that? We're going to search and make our way through." Kaleb said, voice soft as they came to the first building. "Here goes nothing" Kaleb moved along the buildings wall and looked around. The street looked empty. "Clear" Kaleb whispered and moved forward. He didn't have honed instincts with infected yet, so he was relying on sight more than anything else.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Yes, he had been told that he was crazy many times. It was a nice compliment really. To be normal was to be boring. At least Carlos was never going to be boring. That was nice. “Officer or General or something… I have no idea what his name was. I called him Eyebrows.” Part of him wished he paid better attention, but the man had some serious eyebrows. “Reminds me a lot of Scowl actually.” He shrugged as they neared the wall. “Anyway, he liked to brag.” He probably would have kept talking of Kaleb hadn’t said clear. Clear? As in nothing there? That would make sense. Also, now we’re whispering? Was that because of the infected? Think Carlos. What did they say about everything? He really should have been paying more attention to that. Okay, he could treat this like a stealth mission. Be silent, move around quickly and unnoticed, and steal the supplies you need. That was not so different than his normal life.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb looked behind him. "Quiet" He said, before he walked down beside the building. He checked the first one, no infected and some rags, alcohol and sharps. Kaleb stuffed those in his pack before exiting the small building. "Let's move on" He whispered, moving across the street to the next building, peeking his head in, he looked around and it was clear as well. Hmm. Either there were no infected left here or they were gathered somewhere else. Kaleb wasn't sure which he'd prefer if he were being honest.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

So cranky and serious. Carlos found that equally intoxicating as the rest of him. He was so gosh darn adorable and all he did was say things like ‘Clear,’ and quickly move through buildings picking up supplies. He moved so methodically that Carlos could almost believe that this was something this man did relatively often. He moved like one of them. What is your story, Blue Eyes? He wanted to know him inside and out. What made him tick? Who was he when he was not hiding from the strange new world of outside this QZ? Carlos followed Kaleb’s lead. During the first building, he watched how he moved. How he looked around corners and cautiously examined what was around him. He observed how he searched for supplies. What was worth picking up and taking? He took it all in and began to copy it. He used his skills in sneaking and moving around without being seen to do the same. He still wasn’t sure what he was meant to pick up but he thought he was getting it. Like this. He was so quick to leave that he didn’t bring anything he could potentially fight with. This would do. This was a large enough pipe. He shoved it into his pack and kept going.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb had moved out of that building and walked further down, silently. He should've stopped by the armory and grabbed a silencer for his pistol, that and some more ammo. He only had two clips worth, one clip in the pistol and the other tucked in his pack. Kaleb's eyes swept the area like a guard more than someone making sure there were no infected. He ducked into the next building and immediately crouched behind a counter. Runner. He felt that same fear that crashed over him at eighteen. Kaleb had flattened his back against the wood, eyes wide and his breathing at slowed way down. Kaleb had move, pull his pistol but alert whatever else was in this town, but he couldn't move.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Carlos fell behind a little as he found and inspected the pipe. He moved quickly out and towards the next one where he assumed Kaleb went. It seemed that they were not the stick together type. Carlos didn’t mind that. He so frequently wandered that this was probably the best. As he moved into the next building, he did not notice his crouched companion yet. Having had zero experience with infected, he was not at all sure what to expect when he went in. “Oh, you’re a nasty guy, aren’t you?” The runner snapped his head up, and with all the screeching of an angry toddler, ran straight at him. “Oop, hello there-“ He had enough time to lift his arms as the runner rammed into him. “You know,” he held against the strangely large amount of strength, “that was very forward of you,” gathered all his strength, “to be so up close and personal,” and shoved the runner away long enough to pull his arm back, with someone you only just met,” and ram it into the thing’s face. “I am flattered, of course.” He grabbed the sides of its face, “Perhaps we should have started off,” and shoved his knee up its chin, “with introductions first?” With that leg already up, he kicked the runner forward and down, “Hi, I’m Carlos,” and smashed his boot into the runner’s head. “Pleased to make your acquaintance.” The thing did not move. He put his hands on his hips and looked around. “Now, where did my ex-officer go?”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb heard the screech cut through his mind and he actually shook a little. He heard Carlos talking, and he heard fighting. Kaleb didn't want to look, a heavy weight in his stomach that he'd just lost his traveling companion. There was no way he didn't get bit fighting an infected hands on. Kaleb pulled his legs to his chest. What was he thinking? Leaving the QZ? He couldn't even kill a single runner. He lost his new traveling companion and he was going to be next. With Kaleb's luck he'd end up bitten within a week and live the rest of his life shambling around some town or joining a horde and traveling that way.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

With no immediate signs of Kaleb, he swiveled around. He had come into this building, right? Or did he skip this one? He wandered back towards the beginning and moved around the counter. “Ah, there you are.” But something was wrong. Something felt off about him. This was not confident and kind Blue Eyes. This looked more like Basira after a particularly hard day working with the rest of those horrible men. He crouched in front of him, the kind of in front that would have been practically sitting in his lap if those legs weren’t in his way, with a gentle smile on his face. “Hey there. You okay?” He put a hand on Kaleb’s cheek. He knit his brows in worry now that he could look him over. He looked terrified. “Did he get you before I came in?” He ran the hand down to Kaleb’s arms as he searched for signs of physical damage.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; Colorado

Kaleb heard Carlos, though it was faint compared to his rushing thoughts. The biggest one was that he'd gotten Carlos infected and he'd have to.. have to. Nope. Don't go there. Kaleb felt the hand on his cheek but he pulled his head away. Don't get close, can't really lose them if you aren't close. He felt the hand down his arms, and shook his head barely. He hadn't even alerted the runner. He finally lifted his eyes to look at Carlos. "D- Did he bite you?"
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; Colorado

Sad and despondent Kaleb was exactly the kind of Kaleb he did not want to have in his life. Those downright melancholy eyes he could glimpse right before Kaleb took his head away made Carlos himself want to cry. Don’t bring us down, Blue Eyes. Tell me what’s wrong. So no, the runner did not get him. Then what happened? Was this about Carlos almost getting bit? Or maybe the time when he was young and stupid at 18? Or maybe both? He put both of his hands on Kaleb’s cheeks with gentle touches but a firm grip as he slowly moved his head to be in line with Carlos’ own. He needed to catch that gaze. He wanted to see those beautiful blue eyes. “Of course not,” he answered with a grin. “Why would I do something stupid like that? I told you my arms are my best feature. Though, I guess my powerful legs my be what win today.” He cut off a laugh, his teeth catching his lower lip. “But you can check if you want. My body is your canvas.”

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