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Fantasy Land of the Gears

The woman turns around before she leaves the room, "You can find me at the Airship Dock, I tend to travel often." She says as she leaves the scene entirely to leave the man to his own preparation. Inside the envelope...

Name - Liam Burke the Second.

Age - Unknown

Ties- The Del Mont Family Unknown

Safety of Target- Unknown

According to theories about where we suggest this man's actions will entail, we suppose this man will either go directly to the Palace or attempt to find a relative of a Del Mont kinship. If he is to do the latter, his whereabouts are going to be unknown unless you can find the Del Monts, which is often proved difficult. If he has went to the Palace, then we suggest the Jailhouse. His contraption's been known to have difficulty in tight spaces, so he's more than likely in custody of the Royal Guard.

Fester took a small sip from his cranberry brew from the straw. "I have had a few missions pertaining to the palace grounds before," he stirred the straw in his drink as he continued,"Give me a few days and you'll have his face Jack. Dead, alive, terrified, or whatever you like. No issue by me." stated Fester to the two men. He knew well of the dangers he would face but if he were a man to run tail between legs he wouldn't be where he was now. He took another long sip of his drink with any sign of expression hidden by his mask. His expression plastic with the each mans face reflected by the eye pieces of his mask. The room without its lively atmosphere now had a quite demeanor, just perfect for Fester. "Now how will you have him gentlemen?" he said ears open.

The guard puts an arm over the back of his chair, answering the question as Jack watches over the conversation, "Alive is the goal, if this man is who we think he is, then we have a literal ace up our sleeves." Jack nods, as the guard continues, "We have little knowledge of this man or his group, but this is a lead that can only be summed as one that can make a specific alchemist very wealthy. Money rules, seeing how Jack's here and paying for our drinks, I can assume he has money sav-" Jack cuts off the smiling guard, "2000 sols for the man alive. If you can't get him out then confirm who he is and we will pay regardless." Jack takes a bag out of his pocket and tosses it onto the table, "I'm paying upfront for materials potentially needed, but the chance of you dying is relatively higher than it was earlier. Though with us asking for non-lethal entry and to get a target, it's really worthy of me breaking my own rules." Jack says with a serious expression to the masked man.
He considered taking the pouch of sols, but instead grabbed out only two gold sols. He slid the remaining back, "You'll find most of my materials are home grown. I think two gold will supply any other needs." stated Fester calmly. "As for my true price I'll be gaining it by completing this objective." he took another sip of his drink before looking back up "Now in order to increase my chance of survival I'll need two things to occur. Firstly once my plan has been set ensure all guards within the jailhouse you are affiliated with have gas masks on the ready. Secondly, feed whatever details you know about this Valkyrie and his contraption to me over the next few days." he looked over then men allowing them to absorb what he said.

The guard sighs, "Thing is that my guards aren't going to be here, my guards are stationed on the walls for this month. So there should be little problem on my end." Lucy speaks up, asking the guard directly as she peers through the heavy mining mask, "I thought your guards were handling the central district? Wouldn't one still be at the Jailhouse?" The guard chuckles slightly, "Yea, but this guy showed so I had to take a month swap with one of the Knights. You know the one tha... eh... maybe you don't." Jack pitches in the second part of the demands, overshadowing Lucy and the guards conversation, "Difficulty with working with Valkyries is that their information is far and few, mostly as they run almost entirely on their own outside the walls. My knowledge is the best we can offer you, but it's mostly theories and ideas." Lucy starts writing a note on a clean page as Jack continues speaking, "I suspect this man to be a Burke, and presumably the grandson as the son of Liam would be easily dead by now. This contraption is the one that Liam used with his expedition group, which was when the Valkyries weren't made up of exiles. We have no real knowledge of what it does, but it's more advanced through the descriptions from one of the Del Mont's journals." Jack says as Lucy finishes writing a letter on the table.
"So I'm looking for the heir to the dethroner, that's a new one." Wasn't Elliot supposed to be on the Burke's side, strictly speaking? Morals and hogwash like that doesn't really bother the man, as money is money and for once, it looked like an interesting job. Besides, who said he's doing anything contradicting? If the man was truly in the Royal Guard's custody, he had good reason to seek him out. Erodel.... He's been to the walled city before, but only in passing. Elliot packs a small luggage of essentials, making himself look more presentable for the coming voyage. Just incase, Elliot hooked the separated components of his special rifle in another suitcase, folding it neatly into its inconspicuous container. She said not to kill the man, but complications could arise. Better safe, than sorry. "Emerys, watch the shop while I'm gone, girl? Someone will be in to feed you, I promise." Pocketing the fare, Elliot bids his cat goodbye, locking the shop on his way out. Best to check the Jailhouse first.

Fester considered Jack's words, "Well I would certainly like to hear all I can provide on the Valkyries." he stated. Tilting his head down he drank the last few sips of his beverage. He already had schematics of how the royal estate was constructed from previous missions. A simple visit to a bookstore could provide insight of the mythical Valkyries. The pieces were slowly falling into place in Fester's mind. "Now if this contraption is truly the work of art by those people I wouldn't want to test my waters on the day of if you understand what I mean." he said in a serious tone. He set his eyes on the young maiden again, "Another round if you would ma'am."

The guard leans in, "If your suggesting you using the contraption, I would say that may not be a good idea. If it helped them outside the walls, I can say it's not an automatic washboard." Lucy chuckles at his statement, Jack takes the finished note and holds it out to Fester, "It's a location if you need to hold out for a day, if this man is a major target then the streets will be covered with guards of all ranks looking for this man." The guard looks around, returning his gaze to Jack, "You think their going to send the Elite guard after him? It's a Valkyrie, what's the-" Jack stops the guard, "Sorry, but if we don't assume then we can never be sure." Leaning back in the chair, "Anymore questions, or are you ready to set off for this guy?" Jack says as the waitress brings another drink.

Fester leans in and takes the note, "Thank you Lucy. I'll use this when needed." stated Fester as he slides the note away into his leather coat. "I think I'm ready I get going then. I have things to attend to. Beyond that I'll keep you updated with the details of my plan as it takes shape." Fester grabs the cranberry beverage in front of him and takes in a sip. "Now do you have questions for me before I am off?" asks Fester. The Jailhouse was a place Fester had not directly step foot in for many years. While he was situated in a Jailhouse in his youth for a murder it wasn't a high security one that he would be invading.

Arriving at the large city late into the day, you arrive nearly a block away from the highly protected Jailhouse. The streets are loud with chatter of some failed attempts to break in, presumably all to meet this person.


Jack looks over to the guard as he speaks, "Nope, I don't think there's anything." The guard says as he finishes off his last mug and gets up from his seat, "Though, it's best I get to the wall before the shitshow starts at the Jailhouse and calls for all guards to run to it." Jack nods as the guard runs off, returning his attention to Fester, "I suggest you hurry yourself, I doubt we are the only ones who are aware of the Valkyries presence." He says as he takes another drink himself, "I have no more questions, but feel free to return if you need to. I know we aren't the only ones with this knowledge, so keep that in mind." Jack says.

The press crushed the two molds together with such force that the molten steel inside was cooled enough into a number of small, stable balls. They were perfectly round and spherical. The rolled of the mold as it was tilted to an angle where they fell to a giant vat of water. The balls quickly quickly cool off even further. Steam rose from the vats into the rusting catwalks above and towards the roof of the factory. Therikos watched this all with a dull and almost lifeless look on his face.

He watched the steam vapors rise through the small holes in the roof. He kept his eyes on the small holes where sunlight shone through the steel sheets that were bolted on together haphazardly. He didn't need to see his work. His hands pressed all the buttons and pulled all the levers at the right time. He worked in this miserable hellhole for years now and his body had adapted. No longer was he human, he was part of the machinery now. He's soul was wrenched from him and now he is a lifeless automaton without any purpose but to work. This city had broken him more then any actions the mob at the Forge could have ever done. Therikos wished he would have just stayed there and accepted whatever punishment was handed down to him. Anything would have been better then the current life he was living now.

'Oh to be free.' He thought to himself. 'Oh to be free.'

Therikos then turned his attention back towards his work. His passing fantasy now out of his mind. Therikos knew that he didn't have much time left so he would do anything to make up for his past. If only his past would allow it. He was trapped on his own living hell and who knew what horrors awaited him in the next. Nothing as dreadful as the ones he faced now he hoped.
A man working on a machine adjacent, couldn't be any younger than twenty, speaks to Therikos, "It's not a good choice to break concentration, I knew plenty-a-men who lost a limb that way." He says as a loud clunk from his press drops another metal sphere, the man chuckles, "Ever question where the hell these go? I always assumed that these were for those new airships, but I can't figure out where they'd go." He says as he prepares another press, as he flinches from the heated water that splashed onto his handle.

@Delightful Phantom

*I presume this is Waterfront?*
Fester stood up from the table and gave a polite bow. "I'll keep my eye out then." were his last words to the group as he exited back into the embrace of the cool night air. He walked up to the ally he sent Jo'Jon into. With a simple snap of his fingers Jo'Jon emerged from the darkness that cloaked his large figure. "You look like you jumped out of a rat's den. Clean yourself up when we return home. Understood?" ordered Fester. Jo'Jon who just came out the ally way was sweating from the moisture built in the ally. He gave off a grunt in response to Fester's order. With that Fester turned around and headed to his home in the Central District. Mugging, brutality, death, and desecration were not exactly uncommon during the night in the Lower District. Perhaps it was the way Fester walked confidently through the decayed street that kept attackers at bay, though the armored brute that followed him was the more likely answer to that. With that in mind he was able to walk nonchalantly through the Lower District streets allowing himself to attend to other thoughts. To catch a Valkyrie being the main thought. The Jailhouse he was supposed to be held inside of was an impressive feat in construction. He started to reenter the central district that was bare of life bar rats, feral cats, and insects. Certainly an air attack was possible, but he had no means to that unless he got a hold of an Airship. To this thought Fester considered it in all seriousness. Fester at that point started to relive how broad a statement it was to say the Valkyrie was in the Jailhouse. "What floor could he be on? What section of that floor?" thought Fester to himself. He could only assume the highest security area.

He unlocked his door and walked into the faintly lit hallway. "Remember the directive I told you." stated Fester as he waited for Jo'Jon to squeeze through the door frame. Fester wasted no time heading to the third door again besides to hanging up his coat. "I'm sorry you had to wait so long my lovelies." he walked over to one of his tables to change his gloves out. The species of fungus he had used to cultivate the new strain was a mixed breed meant to implode organs though this one had a tendency to hit the kidneys hard. The subjected pigs and birds died of poisoning since their kidneys simply shut down causing toxic waste to build up. He walked over to his small fridge and gentle slid out the nutrient dish that held the organism. He walked over to another table. On it was prepared slices of tissue from pig. Fine slices of heart, liver, lung, stomach, kidney, brain, epidermis, and pancreases sat in their own respective metal plates. "Oh, well lets see which you prefer to feast on." stated Fester lovingly as he pinched off a bit of the blue fungi and dabbed it on a slice of heart. He proceed to follow up with this for each slice of internals. Once he was done he washed off his gloves in the chemical brew that he used before. He wasn't to leave his samples to easily was he enjoyed watching them grow but bigger business called. "I'll most certainly be back my children." he said as he closed the swollen door. He proceeded to middle door that opened up with general ease as it was not festering with fungal growth. The room was more dimly lit then either the hallway or his lab. It carried the scent of dust and chalk from its wall. A lone desk with dying candle, scattered pages, and a book sat in the room with a well prepared bed, that hadn't seen use. "How utterly unreliable." thought Fester as he moved to the desk he snuffed out the candle. Not enough wax and string was left to support its flame. From the drawer in the desk he grabbed out its replacement and lit it up so that he could begin. Planning would be of the up most importance, he started to write out information and items he would need to pull of such a scheme.

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Therikos couldn't help but smile at the young man's warning. It was a small and fragile smile. This was perhaps one of the few times he smiled or shown his emotions. If Therikos did lose one of his limbs, he'd be thrown out on the streets. He was old and he wouldn't serve any other function. The gang that owned the works he was in would throw him out. A limb for freedom he thought. He entertained the thought for a good minute or so before moving on to the young man's next question.

"Don't really know what happens to them. Gets shipped out by the end of the day. Must be brought everywhere. Where ever they might be needed. Not our concern."

He pressed down on the lever again. The molds pressed down hard against one another. Therikos observed as the young lad next to him burns his hand.

"Find a way to get gloves too." Therikos advised the kid. "If you can't get one, take them from the pit bosses. They wont use it. Take it when they sleep."

Lucretzia turns her gaze to the man leaning across the table, she held eye contact steadily even though her pupils had constricted slightly. As she hears the offer rise up, her eyebrows do as well."2000 sols? You've made it almost too easy, I don't feel anything except for the taste of that vile drink. You'd think there'd be something in it to mask the taste at least slightly. A bit of rock sugar never hurt anyone," she says, giving her neck a loud crack from side to side."Has anyone started timing me? I'm sure I'll amaze." She seems alert enough, if not more confident. But that was probably just the high wager making her antsy.

The young man shakes his head, "Nah, while I appreciate the idea, I don't care for gloves." The man says as he drops another ball from the press into the water, of which he takes a few out and places them into a box and moves them to a pile, "Gloves make things take longer" He says as he returns to his press, dropping the balls that were being made as he left, "I'd rather burn myself than stay in here longer." Saying as he looks at the catwalk and waves to a woman who walks by, presumably the operator of the machine that moves the molten metal into the young mans press. The man yells up, "Denise, you going to the place tonight?" The woman, who is equally youthful to the man, nods as she continues walking down the catwalk, The man looks over, "You can come too if you'd want, it's a small place I know that sells food. It's not a bar or anything, they get to loud for conversations sometimes." He says as he drops two more metal balls. "When we finish our shifts, I can take you there." He says as he

@Delightful Phantom

The man across the table straightens himself as he shakes his head, as you start to notice the crowd's size and volume are changing rapidly. The man starts to speak in a voice that you recall wasn't in the same tone as before, It seems more like a woman's voice than a mans, "Are you alright?" He says as he leans back, "I hope your effects are starting to hold off, but if you show signs, I might have to move on to another person", A voice says that sounds like the mans, but you hear the crowd cheering as the man waves to the crowd.

Fester gave off a yawn as he walked bristly through the Central District that fine morning. The streets ways had yet to become bustling with activity as Fester headed to the bookstore. He had visited it a few times before, always for tactical reasons. He had spent the better part of the night deciding on what to do about the Valkyrie in the Jailhouse. While he had a general plan he couldn't well presume the thought process of a Valkyrie adding an unneeded layer of danger. The bookstore was only his first stop for today, but was certainly of importance. He walked into the store, Jo'Jon stayed outside, and gave off a nod to the store keeper. An aging man by any standards, but he made up for it in spirit. "Ah Fester. Where have been? I have not seen that delightful mask in too long." stated the bookkeeper who followed up with a hearty chuckle. Fester had no time to waste, "Well I'm here on business as usual my good man." he walked up to the counter as he continued, "I'm looking for historical data of the Valkyrie organization.". The bookkeeper squinted his eyes at the mention of the group, "You shouldn't listen to such rumors my friend." he stated as he moved around the counter. "Still I can't say no to a customer's demand." he softly output as he headed to a corner of the store. Fester watched his actions carefully, "Ah here we are. The best you'll find since most data on them is merely fictional." he stated giving Fester a glance of understanding. The two individuals had an understanding of each other, but that is how far it extended. "I'll take any books you have on the subject." stated Fester firmly. The bookkeeper gave an understanding nod of his head as he grabbed specific books off the shelf. "There are only six in my shelves. Come to counter with me so I prepare them for departure from my shop." he moved slowly to his counter space. As he calculated the price he uttered, "I'd imagine you'll compare the data from the books to find the similarities they share." Fester's mask didn't display an emotion and neither did his words, "There is a possibility for everything."

As he headed to his next destination, the Airship Dock, the streets around him became stuffed with busy people. His hands were behind his back as he moved forward, getting the occasional stare from people. As he neared the Airship Dock it was clear it was on a voyage from the empty landing dock. He looked around and found an individual guard keeping check of people from entering the landing zone. "Oh, good sir do you know the route and schedule of this particular Airship?" he asked as he neared.

The guard looks around, then at the man, "Oh... probably around mid-day. Can't tell as these airships are at the whims of the winds. Some times wind can make the ship take an extra two hours to show." He says as he returns his glare back to those who were leaving the landing zone. He points to an enclosed area that has a woman standing within it, presumably the booth that handles the passenger sign-up itself. "She is the one you want to talk to." He says as he tries to shoo away this masked man.

Fester gave the agitated guard a slight bow. "You were most helpful. I thank you." he stated as he soon moved through the bustling crowd arriving to where the identified women was. He waved his hand for Jo'Jon to crouch down to make for a less intimidating meeting. "Ah, hello ma'am I was informed that you were the person to ask questions about the Airship docks." he stated to catch her attention. He gave a humble bow. "Do have the time to talk might I be as bold as to ask?" he stated calmly. While he spoke calmly he didn't have a fondness for Airships after hearing rumors that few bullets can bring down the floating giants. He looked to the lady awaiting an answer.

The woman, moving around papers hastily, looks up for a moment to see the man ask the question, "Um, well... no... there isn't too much time that I can offer. Depends on the question." She tiredly sighs as she continues sorting papers around, muttering obscenities to herself. Most pages are seemingly sorted from the looks of them are that of manifestos and documents relating to future shipments.

Lucrezia blinks rapidly, giving her head a shake to dispell the effects. The shift of the man's tone threw her, and pushed her to properly steel herself against the side effects o the drink."You kidding? Child's play," she responds with a haughty little flick of her head. She sure is acting big game for someone who's getting brief moments of hallucinations

Slowly, the room and the scene before you are starting to blend together and become a street to a large city. As an airship goes overhead, you are now seated in middle of the street as you hear the man start to laugh, "If it's child's play, tell me how many fingers I'm holding up." the voice of the man jokingly says as a loud crowd is seen before you. This crowd is yelling at something just out of your view, but you hear a jumble of words that are difficult to pinpoint.

Lucrezia narrows her eyes, pinching her thigh to try bringing herself back to reality as she squints at the man, then at the audience behind him. She begins tapping her foot against the ground as she says,"Four," without hesitation. She turns quickly to see what's behind her.

The voice laughs, "I held nothing up, but good attempt. Four is my lucky number, so it probably would've been that." You hear jingling metal from a man who walks by, but you hear a slam as the man's voice speaks up which breaks the vision for a minute, "Your falling into this drink, but you held off longer and are giving me hope. I have 1000 sols, which is half of the offered total." As the voice drifts off, entirely enveloped in the scene before you.

You hear the crowd's protest becomes more realistic, as a older man yells from the distance, "There is nothing happening, go home." As you hear the words, "Go Home" echo around you. As the echo goes away, you start to see more into the scene with men wearing metal armor standing behind a mechanical box which is pointed at the crowd.

Fester simply nods, "Well I won't take up to much of your time as I have my own objectives today as well, today." He pauses momentarily as she stacks some papers. "Well I was wondering if you could provide me with the estimated time frame of the Airship's schedule. I know it isn't a precise schedule, but there is certainly one." he hears the guard yell at some child who ran around on the landing station, "Beyond that if you could provide me the name of this air vessel and maybe a little on its mechanics. I'm a bit nut on this stuff if you couldn't tell." he said in a practiced happy tone. In all honesty he was willing to sit out here all day to just to record the Airship's landings and take offs. He simply desired to save time.


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