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Fantasy Land of the Gears

The woman tilts her head as she looks around the papers before her, looking up at the docked airship, "Mechanical parts are something I'm good at." She says as she starts rambling what she knows. "Mechanics of most airships rely on engines that push the airship in the way it needs to go, and the big canvas-looking-thing that you see from miles away that hold a new element that was figured at the University. Supposedly those are reinforced to withstand stormy weather, but no one will explain how to me." She says as she returns her view to the documents, "If I were to guess on their arrival times, I guess it maybe around..." Looking out the door to her room, "Aside from now there is another one that is said to show near noon, then another at midnight, with another in the morning." Saying as she shrugs, "It's really the only times I notice ones here, but if the weather gets bad they can take almost hours to show." Explaining as she continues her sorting.

She seemed knowledgeable as much as she was stressed. The mechanics she described he kept in mind as well as the University she made mention of. "Well it seems rather orderly, so you must be expecting one soon I presume. Would you mind if I inquiry on to what University you made mention of?" he stated with a hint of genuine curiosity. He would wait for the Airship if time was on his side. Getting the Captain around his finger was something he needed. Beyond that the will of mother nature was something he couldn't bend, only hope on. Bad weather would serve to limit the Valkyrie's flying machine, but also the planned Airship.
The woman nods to answer the first question, proceeding to sigh as the man continues "The University, the one in the Upper District that handles all these stupidly simple constructs, but get the funding from the Nobles to show it's possible." She says with a hint of irritation at the sake of the mentioning of the place, "Sorry, but it's something me and my siblings have had some angst against." Tossing a couple of pages behind her onto the floor, which is also covered in various pages that she has carelessly thrown to the side.

*The University is another one of those local things that I mention... but... I can't ever remember to write the better explanation anywhere. Rough gist is that it's a place in the Upper District that handles most discoveries, it being the supposed place of which the greatest minds meet from around the Known Fault. It's large and heavily guarded by staffed guards, entering isn't possible aside from rare occasions and being accepted is even more complicated. Surprisingly, there are many who also decline acceptance for various reasons.

The fact that it's called the University is the fact that there is no other thing of which to call it. Most other cities have specialists who just don't pay any mind to joining as they have their reasons. It's also a place that those in power like to watch the experiments to see what humanity can benefit from, and that can be interpreted how you wish.

I can't write ahead worth shit when it comes to locations. I'll be spending some time on that tonight, just for the sake I forget things.*
Fester nods in understanding, "Well I'm sure the canvas like structure is metal reinforced and meant for improved turning. The simplest things can improve our lives." he stated thinking about some of his personal weaponry. She studied how she carelessly worked with her files, ironically creating more work for herself. He bent down and grabbed some of the papers off the floor, slightly straightening them out. In public he had a positive image to maintain, plus getting on her good side could serve him well. "Do all your siblings work in the Airship business?" he asked as he handed her the straightened papers.

Shaking her head to the papers, "Don't need them and it's easier to throw them on the floor." Saying as she answers the question, "My sister isn't, she's apparently wants to follow our ancestor's into being an Inventor and create something major like he did. I have a brother who's a guard, but he's been far away at Bastion...." She says as she tosses a couple more pages on the floor behind her. Looking at the almost completed stack, "...And I work here as it pays two sols per day, mostly as no one says yes to working here." She says to the masked man. "So, judging by the mask you are either without a family connection or you hide it well." Saying as she takes the completed stack to the back and sits on a chair in the booth.

"No family in the traditional sense ma'am." he throws the papers to the floor, "Though you could say the big fellow behind comes as close as anything." he looks at her starting to relax on the chair. He maintains a strict standing pose, like that of a guard, "Quite a lot of papers. Must be pressure on you from the higher order people I'd imagine." He was curious about the information locked away on the papers.

She looks around, putting her arms on the back of the chair, "It's papers that handle basic transportation of materials, and if there was a machine sent apparently. We don't hold much of anything else though, or at least I don't." Saying as she looks around the room, "Not doing this wouldn't harm anyone, but it's more of the fact that there's a chance I can take the course for pilot certification without the bullshit parts asking what it takes to be a pilot." Tilting her head back in the chair as she looks at the ceiling, "Though I could just take the test and do things like everyone else." looking back at the man, showing her bored expression, "So, is there any reason specifically you are still talking to me?"

Fester was a bit off put by her bluntness, "Well I'm waiting for the Airship. You seem to be the proper person to discuss such concerns with. From talking with you I can see you are quite knowledgeable indeed." he stated nodding his head slightly. "It seems you do know what it takes to be a pilot from your experience here. Maybe the test will serve to be easier for you then others." he said in an honest tone. As a man always striving to improve his own techniques whether in the art of fungi culturing or killing. To see others strive for high goals was something he found subtle respect in. Better then rotting in the bottom caste system.

The woman looks back to the ceiling, "If your waiting for the Airship, then the one that's here is 30 sols to get on board. Flattery doesn't work when your boss checks the income daily for someone getting a cheaper flight." Saying as she spins her odd-looking brass chair, grabbing onto the back as she picks up a little bit of speed as she spins, "Catch is I have to stay in this hotbox and sell tickets. If I leave then the guards tell my boss and my boss fires me." Saying as she stops her chair, looking back at the man, "If you want a ticket. We have ships going from here to Bastion and The Forge." Saying as she points to the ship that is docked nearby. Waiting for the man to respond.

Again this women is quick to her word, "Well." Fester grabs a gold sol from his leather pocket flashing it in the sunshine before continuing, "I don't have any real need for cheap flattery mis." he states firmly as he slides the coin back in his pocket. "If you are payed a compliment you shouldn't fling it back so swiftly." Certainly flattering others has gotten him to achieve certain goals so his words were slightly baited. "Anyways more to the point I'm here simply to speak to the fine Captain of the Airship. That is my goal ma'am." he states watching her roll around in the brass chair.

Chuckling as she waves to the guard, who was watching the conversation, "I may know about the Captain, but I don't control who sees him. The Captain controls who sees the Captain, that and his crewmates and mistresses." As the guard arrives near the two, "Ron, Yell to the ship if it's okay to let this guy on to talk to Cap'n Shale." Looking back to the masked man as the guard nods, eying the man as he runs to the Airship. The woman sits back in her chair, "If he comes back and says yes, then follow him. Aside from that, that's all I can do from here." Saying as she leans back in the seat, the padded metal start to go along with her.

The guard shows back up, nodding to the masked man, "He says he can give you enough time for some questions." He says as he keeps his hand on his holstered gun, nodding to follow him. The woman puts her hands on her chest, "It was nice talking to you, Stranger. Have a great time on board the Kings Airships." Saying as she returns to her light spinning.

"I certainly will. You have been most helpful with my questions ma'am. Furthermore, I wish you much luck in your endeavors." he states as he gives a humble bow before her. With that he waves his hand skyward to indicate for Jo'Jon to stand. Jo'Jon, with a general grunt, stands as his armor clatters with from colliding pieces starling a few in the crowd who didn't see the crouched giant. "No worries. He is as harmless as a pup." he states slightly loud to get his point across, especially to the guard who already seemed suspicious of him. As he follows the guard he makes a quick turn of heel to direct him self toward the women, "Also my name is Fester Qaud. We may meet again." he firmly states as he fades into the crowd. He looks to the guard, "So, Ron how has your day progressed?" he states as he follows him through the crowd to the large vessel.

The woman returns to something out of view as the guard responds in a gruff manner, "Taking someone to the ship is the highlight, but if you attempt anything then I will have to shoot you on the spot." He says as they approach the boardwalk to the ship, as a pilot waves to the guard to allow them to continue. "Mr. Qaud, if you speak to Mr. Shale, you have to remember that he has a busy schedule. This ship will be leaving later today, keep this in mind when you speak your mind." He says as they enter the ship. As they walk down a hallway, the guard stands outside the door and knocks, "Captain Shale, A man wishes to speak with you. Is it alri-" The man is cut off by yelling, "IF YOU WANT TO ENTER JUST BLOODY ENTER.", Ron sighs, he opens the door.
"Everyone one seems tight on time here." thought Fester as he entered the room. The room carried the slight sent of wood rot and profuse gas. "Smells like Serpula lacrymans..." thought Fester from the scent of wood decay. He looked over to the Captain and gave a bow before grabbing a wooden chair from the side wall to sit on. He looks to Jo'Jon, "Please let me and the good Captain talk, Jo." he ordered. Jo'Jon eyed the Captain menacingly before squeezing through the door leaving the two men to talk. He wasted little time, "I know you don't have much time to devote to me so I'll be quick with you Captain Shale." he stated firmly. He looks out the door wondering if the guard was still inspecting their conversation.

The young looking captain chuckles, "It's good to know that Ronald here is still toting a weapon I specifically asked him to refrain from carrying." He says as he looks at the guard walking into the room beside him, "Now, before you start, do you have a name? It's better to understand both sides of a conversation." Saying as he takes out a glass bottle, pouring two small cups and sets on onto the table, "Take it or leave it." He says as he sits back in his chair. Looking at the guard, "I doubt I need your assistance, but please get something with a little less gunpowder." Addressing to the, now annoyed, guard, who nods and walks into the hallway.

Now that the two men were truly alone Fester found himself settling down in the seat. "My name is Fester T. Quad good sir. I must say this being my first time on an Airship I find it quite...interesting." he states calmly. As the captain slides the glass over to him he catches it with his gloved hand. He studied the young man, who seemed slightly aged from stress, but maintained a positive complexion. He wondered of the difficulty of becoming a Captain at such an age, or if connections blessed him with his position. His formal method of speech seemed to indicate the latter. Sliding the zoom gear on his lens he looked at the finer details of his attire. Quite a fine material it was made of. "For a 30 sol ride on this fine vessel how much could you make with a full boarding?" he asked as if it was but a casual question. As he awaited the answer he circled the glass in his hands making the liquid spin in a circle.

The Captain replies, "Richard Shale, You know what I do, so formalities can now be put to rest."Stopping himself as he answers the question, "It's roughly 600 sols per trip, but with some taxes and fees on my part, I see only about a third of that." Leaning over the side of his chair, "I'll bet that this isn't the reason you hopped aboard, is it?" Staring at the masked man as he awaits his response, taking a sip of his drink all the while.

Fester nods at the man's intelligent remark, "Certainly. I didn't come here to question you on something I could have asked the helpful lady outside." he states firmly. "So, 20 people not including staff." thought Fester. As a merchant he made a humble amount of money, but since as an assassin he had an ample amount to toss around. "Lets say I can provide you with 800 sols. The extra 200 sols being a trust fund of sorts." Fester puts down his drink and leans in close, "By booking out your fine vessel could I have your assistance with with a a goal of mine." he states his voice fading to a whisper, "Before I go on tell me your...thoughts about this offer."

The captain laughs at the offer, "I can't do such a thing. I personally don't own this ship, The ships that fly around are all under the control of the crown. If I were to do that I would literally be a giant traitor in a flammable box." He says as he finishes off his drink, "If you want to continue talking about the problems with this, you'd have to best have information from the Royal Palace itself. I work under them, I have no say in the matter of what goes on aside from functionality of the ship." Saying as he awaits the man's continuing remarks.

Fester chuckles a bit at the flaming box reference. Fester felt slighty disgruntled about being turned down, but being set a blaze was a good reason of refusal. "Well no one needs to know that this was an occurrence." he states calmly. "With the camouflage of the cloud banks you could get me to my location and perhaps even help further down the line while hidden." he pauses momentarily, "Once all is said and done the crown would suspect an Airship was involved, but they could never be sure which one as they would think you were headed to your destination." he states. He leans back in the chair, "You can have a full load of people if needed to show you were at full capacity. All I really need is for you to fly above a certain location, at minimal." he states firmly.

The captain leans back, "That's all well and good, but what is your goal? No matter how high we fly, we can never break cloud cover. The science makes little sense to me, but the entire Ballast will literally ignore anything we could do to it." He says as he reaches to a desk and grabs a bottle placed on the corner and drinks from the bottle directly, Returning his gaze to the man, "Difficulty is that I have to know exactly what you want to do." Saying as he puts his arms over the chair. Awaiting a response, he looks at a clock within the room and looks back at the man.

He watches as the Captain drinks out the bottle with vigor. "I'll be blunt with you. I'm sure you heard of rumors of a Valkyrie within the city." he looked to the man for his reaction. "I have plans to capture said person in the location he has been predicted to be situated in." he states firmly. "Either way the sols I'm offering are still yours for keeping if I make a fool of myself chasing legends." he folds his hands on the table still inspecting his actions. "Could you not stage a false event that made it seem like you had to fly low? The place he is located in is not far from here. Having an aerial approach to the structure would make it an in-out mission hopefully." he states though he knows this is unlikely to be the case.

The captain waves his arms in understanding, "I see now, you heard the rumor as well. I figured that from the start, but assumptions are rather terrible in my line of work." He says as he drinks from the bottle a second time, "Luckily, I can fib a couple of things in a report. Airships are still new so the knowledge of them is minimal at best, and my boss thinks I'm a drunk. Which is right I suppose." He says as he gets up and walks back to his desk, "I can say that a tether that connects parts of the elevators broke, It's happened before and we dropped altitude fast, which is all they know about that. It's jarring when it happens, but I can make it seem like it happened again." He says, still showing signs of being cautious of him aiding the individual. Sitting down behind the desk, waiting to see how he responds.

Fester looked over to the man, "How interesting. What gave it away that I wanted to hunt down a Valkyrie?" he asked with genuine curiosity. Now that he has gotten through what he assumed would be the hardest selling point he relaxed in the chair. "I'm sure you already know he is likely in the Jailhouse, the objective location. A night flight would serve to be the best, but I can work with the day of course." he looks at the young man drinking away, his reflection in his eyes pieces. "Tell me. What made you accept what most would assume to be a ridiculous and dangerous. The sols or something more personal?"

The captain leans in the desk chair, which has wider legs to compensate for the ship's potential rocking as it moves. "I figured the Valkyrie as I hear chatter through the floor boards. My quarters and the passenger bay are difficult to hear into, but every other part of the ship you can hear everything clearly on purpose. I heard of transactions taking place to meet this man." He says as he takes another drink, responding to the last question, "I accepted as I heard some facts. I heard that the man is the Valkyrie of question, and I heard that the man is dangerous to the Crown. Ron can vouch for me here", he says as he looks to the door, which closes all the way.

Leaning in as he continues his explanation, "Look, this really isn't as dangerous on my part, but I have to figure that you aren't attempting something that is a direct attack on my employers. I've been offered things you wouldn't believe for me to fly over nobleman's homes and even the palace." He takes another drink, "If I were to fly over the Jailhouse, then we'd be fine as the place is mostly a box with bars on the windows. If a guard were to see us there, then it'd make more sense than the damned palace." Taking another drink as he looks at his schedule, which is written on a page on top of his desk, "I have a time at dusk, but you have only a minute to jump out. Any more and we will have to take off on our usual trip." He says as he takes another drink.


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