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Fantasy Land of the Gears

As the scene changes violently, Lucrezia clasps her hands against her ears and drops to the ground with an ear-splitting scream. The booming keeps repeating and her initial scream tapers off into a whimper. Zia has always hated loud sounds, as a child the sound of explosions meant people died. The big sister she never knew died in one of those. The explosive was misplaced, angling the explosion outwards towards the miners instead of at the intended rubble.

And then the sound is gone and Lucrezia peeks up around her and is hit by a sudden dizzy spell as she stares at the box and things start dulling in front of her very eyes.

As you awaken, you notice you are in an entirely different room, presumably the resting quarters of someones home. A younger woman, of whom was standing outside the crowd earlier, is watching over nervously. As she notices you awaken, she leans in, "You alright, Miss?" She asks as she continues talking, "I take it your a miner?" She asks, showing an expression of realization, "Sorry for the lack of introductions, I'm Alyson Eriksson." The woman says as she laughs, "I'm sorry for the indiscretion of my brother's. He's a little irresponsible when it comes to problem solving." The woman says with an apologetic tone, As she holds out a bottle of clear water, "Water's known to be the only way to flush the system of that drink."

Lucrezia cracks open her eyes slightly, gaze unfocused as she tries to register the blurry room before her."Whazzat?" She asks, before then realizing where she was. Zia sits up quickly and feels a lurch in her stomach and stops. "Oh dear Fault and below," she groans and moves one hand to grasp her stomach and the other on her head. She lets go of her head and takes the water with the soft acknowledgment of,"Zia, Lucrezia Holt. It feels like my head's imploded." She spoke softly so as not to disturb her migraine. She hesitantly takes a drink so as not to feel sicker, but then drops the caution and tosses back the heavenly liquid. "You must know your plants. Never encountered that before. And... Who was your brother?" Her head still felt a little fuzzy and the night's events were hard to come by.

Fester offers his thanks to the man as he heads off to the indicated place. The streets here were much less busy so he made his way quite easily around the left bend. Just as indicated a humble building sat with a layer of dust brushed against the ancient wood. "Come Jo do not linger." he orders as he brushes up to the wooden door. A faint smell clings to the inside of the mask as he enters the store. It isn't the chalky scent of dust or the gripping smell of decay. No, it was a faint humble smell that spilled from all the well made leather. A scent that could come only from the hide of beasts. Curious he looked around seeing leather in tinges of brown or black as night. Fester came upon a well made pig hide chest piece. Having one strapped to his own chest he wondered over this one's quality. He gripped the armor piece looking for its stitching work. Being slight distracted he quickly turned his head to the side to see who came upon him while he was looking over the craftsmanship of the piece.

The woman starts to laugh, "I don't know anything about plants, my brother's the one who was funding that game of his and told me to take care of the one who had the best results. He had some goal to get it figured out if there's an immunity to the drink. He's Sebastian Eriksson, by the way." She says hoping that the name sinks in, but figuring that the figuring of it all maybe too much of a problem with her headache. Alyson looks around the eloquent, but cluttered, room, of which is filled with scrap metal and a singular machine that looks seemingly advanced and out of place, the machine keeps grabbing her attention with a saddened expression as she returns her gaze to the girl, seemingly nervous, "Um... I'll be in the kitchen if you are feeling better." Smiling as she bows, leaving the room.


An older man chuckles, "It's good quality, ain't it?" He says as he looks at Jo'Jon, wondering if this man's going to be buying for that man, "That's a recently finished one, but can I ask of why you are here?" The elder says as he hears a younger man, presumably his son from the looks, yell from the back, "Hey, What ya want done with dis one?" The older man responds with an irritated response, "Just... Just put it up front, I may have a use for it." He says as he returns his attention to the masked man, awaiting the response, "Sorry, son's new to dis business." He says.

Fester quickly straightens his pose, "Yes, it seems to be of a high quality. The one I presently own is in fine condition, but I can always use one of a more defined structure such as this." he states firmly. He pauses as the man yells out to his son. "Well I'm sure he'll do you well. At least he didn't toss the piece just anywhere, right?" he looks over the old man. Age had chiseled his face with deep wrinkles and his hair has grown a ghastly white, yet his eyes seemed to rebel this by gleaming brightly with energy. "Well I have recently acquired some leather armor, a whole suit. It is composed of several layers, the top being scaled. Seems a swine is what provided the hide for its construction. To the point I need some proper oils to maintain it condition in the future."

The man nods, wondering what the hell a man would want that for, but he seemed the type of shady of asking would be a bad option. "I have oils, 'bout 20 sols for a bottle. It's made from a plant out near Baston, Dey seem to know what they are doing when it comes to it." He says as he disregards the man's comment."Seen to many masterpieces turn to dust, 'cause a man's too lazy." The elder says as he walks to a cupboard, taking out a bottle and sets it on a counter, "Make sure you follow the instructions, the Bastion company that makes this is generous to provide explanation dat'd better than what I can tell you." The man says as he closes the cupboard, "A little goes along way, they don't tell you that tho." Saying as he hands the bottle to the man.

Fester grasps the bottle in one hand and with the other placed two silver coins on the counter top. "I'm not new to this sir. I'll be sure to treat the armor with respect." he turns towards the door ready to make his leave. "I'll be sure to return for more of this oil I'm sure." he states as exits back into the streets. As he makes his way to his next destination he reads the instructions to see if it is different from the common brand he uses. "I'll tell you Jo. You would think my leather mask and jacket would provide an indication that I'm use to working with leather." he utters. Jo'Jon provides an obligatory grunt in response as he trots under the weight of his shield and armor. From inspection it seems the application of this oil is different, he would keep this in mind. Through his venture he had gained the means to break in, the means to secure his target, and now he needed the means to escape. Fester knew exactly who would throw him a bone for this goal. The sun had begone to associate with the clouds resting on the horizon as he reached the Lucky Iron Bar. "Jo. Stay outside." he ordered as he headed in looking for a familiar face.

From the loud evening crowd of the Lucky Iron, the place makes it rather difficult to pick out the man in the spot from earlier. Jack puts his hand up, signifying where to find him. As he leans into the table he's at and leans in, saying something to Lucy. The other seats are empty this time, but scattered around the room are Leo and the two men from the first encounter.

"The pit bosses wouldn't allow it." Therikos answered. "They keep close watch. Wouldn't want their worker to disappear. Kept here day and night to make sure slave doesn't escape."

Therikos kept about his duties. He didn't need to see which controls his hands was on. His muscle memory was enough to keep him going. Lower the left lever. Crank the shaft upwards. Wait for two seconds and then push the right lever up. Repeat. It has become a routine for him. Therikos didn't need to think about his actions and the mob didn't keep him around to think either.

"Wouldn't want to put a young lad like you in trouble. Leave old timer here. Bring back some grub instead."

Therikos dropped another batch of balls into the water. The 64th batch this day his counted. Another 46 batch to go before he could take his rest.

Fester studies over the surrounding drunken crowd. A clear hand waves above the chaos like a beacon. As shifts through the crowd he looks around at the intoxicated fools to ensure no one is going for his mask like last time. "Oh, Jack what a pleasant surprise. I assumed you to be a busy man so me catching is quite to my fancy," Fester grabs a chair and sits, "Now tell me which one of your...allies were keeping track of me today?" he states in a slight sarcastic tone as he leans down on the table in a calm composure.

The man starts to laugh as he forces up another lever on the machine, "Yea, but if the pit bosses rule your life then everything will be the same." He says as he wipes his hands on his woolen clothing, "Let me tell you a story of a friend of mine in the Forge who used to be a grunt like you." He says as he cocks his head, "Sorry for the crude word usage." Saying as he continues, "He told me the same thing you did, being a slave and all." The man says as he forces a lever to the side, talking over the loud sound as steam escapes his machine. "One day, a six year old me told him that it was stupid to do what someone says if you gain nothing and he gains something." He says as he looks at the older man.

"He started to take what I said to heart and I think he started to seek his way out." Saying as he takes a quick look at his machine as he continues, returning his gaze to the older man once again. "Shortly after, he met an exile. This man was the example he needed to see, he was strong and smart in the same person. He was a rather dangerous mixture, but kind to him, his sister, and mostly everyone he met. This man supposedly disliked unequal power, and as rumor has it he threw my friends supervisor over the railings after confronting him, of which was caused by the supervisors anger. The men associated with the man thrown over the rails were observing this, but fled after seeing his fate." He says as he finishes the story, forcing up a lever. "My friend and his sister were given money to buy the company by the exile, which later went to my friend on his own. You probably heard of Everlast, and if you haven't then you probably need to read the crates in the backroom." Saying as he looks at the old man.

@Delightful Phantom

Jack starts to chuckle, "I don't tell those about who I send, but I can see your humor in play here." Saying as he takes a drink, Keeping the glass to his mouth as he speaks, "I already caught wind from you making contact with Shale, of which I already assume your plan involved. You made connection with your family as well." Saying as he takes a second drink, setting the mug on the table, "So, what's your purpose for being here? I can see a couple reasons, but saying yes to half of them are rather ignorant and redundant."

Fester leaned back in his seat and provide a nod to Jack, "Yes, all my visits today pertained to the plan. My visit her just as much as I assure you I didn't come here for rum and crackers." he said. His hand slides into his jacket, "Now let me start my request with a simple question." Fester grabs out a blank piece of wrinkled paper and places it on the table under the candle light, "You have people from your group within the Jailhouse I can safely assume. When will they be working on the bottom around dusk?" he states as he folds his hands on the table. "As for the paper I'll have the specifics on it soon enough."


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