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Fantasy Land of the Gears

"A man for his business it seems." thought Fester. Now knowing that the guard was listening in he lowered his voice again, "Well this little venture will work out well for us both it seems. You'll be able to get me close and I'll have to find another method in which to exit. Still as soon as I land I suggest you quickly make your leave. I'll be making a forced entrance once I approximate his relative room." he states looking over at the back door. Something the young man said perturbed him, "You said you heard of someone trying to meet the Valkyrie. May I hear more on this?" he utters. He knew very well there would be others around the Valkyrie at his time of assault, but he didn't think of the fact that folks more dangerous then the guard were also on the hunt. His find started to fumble around this variable and how it could alter desired results.

The man puts the bottle up to his mouth as he responds, "A woman supposedly heard the Valkyrie was going to go to the Palace, so judging by that it could mean anything." He says as he sets the bottle on the desk, "I heard her talk about it as if he heard about it from a friend, either this person is a guard or someone worse." Saying as he leans forward, looking at the masked man with a tired expression, "Personally, I think it's rather ignorant to enter a place to get a man who maybe something he isn't, but that's just me." He says as he takes the bottle, "Aside from that, I can only say what I heard as I saw nothing but the ground beneath us." Saying before he takes a long drink.


(It turns out that this somehow didn't go through)
Fester thought back to his own experience and what the iron legged man said. "Most of the time it is just a false case when a supposed Valkyrie is around, but in this particular stance there are facts mounting up supporting this individuals case." he pauses waiting for him to put down the bottle, "Still you are a good man to accept my crazed offer. This will certainly work out for us both." he stands up from his seat ready to leave, his goal complete. "Just one important fact make sure your men in the lower decks have gas masks." he states very firmly to the man.

The man starts to laugh, "Men on all decks wear masks during flight, apparently the gas spreads around the empty parts of the ship and makes men higher than the ship itself." Saying as he puts his legs on the desk, "If you'd like to take off sooner, I suggest talking to the girl in the booth. Say that you want to know about her father's friend." He says smiling widely at the masked man, "If your leaving, then be sure to travel with the Royal Airships." Taking the bottle and having another drink, using a cork to close the bottle afterwards.

He nodded his head in understanding, "That little tidbit of information will prove very helpful I feel." he states as he turn to walk out the door, "Thank you for your assistance. Have a good day." he states as walks back out into the dusty air that whips up against him. He looks over to Jo'Jon who had been waiting as ordered. "Jo we are going to see home. Understood?" he states coldly. Jo'Jon looks down at the little masked man knowing what he meant by home. The odd pair walk through the dusty lanes leaving the Air Docks behind. "Seems my first assumption was wrong." thought Fester after seeing the Captain's drunken, yet intelligent behavior. After some time getting through the crowd they came upon a distraught little shop very much near the intersection where Merchants, such as himself, try to be. Most would think this to be bad for any business but never so for here. Walking into the Tailor Shop you would think it was night outside as the lack of windows made the cheap hanging electric light the main source of radiance, with only a few sun rays bursting through the cracks in the infrastructure. A man with a wrinkled face yet contradictory smooth attire shot him a glance as he entered. After catching sight of Fester's distinctive mask he shot his sights back down to his needle work on some cotton grade shirt. Most likely for the young peasant fumbling his thumbs in the corner impatiently. As quickly as the youngster shot a glance up at the new comers he looked back down to the dusty floor boards. It was likely he didn't own such a fine material shirt naturally. Fester walked up to the counter placing his gloved hands firmly on the wooden top looking at the aged man.

The man looks directly at Fester, knowing full well who he was, "Yes, may I help you sir? I don't think we have an order to go out for you." He says with a sarcastic tone, keeping up with an act, "The owner of this shop has a problem with those who have no business being here, so might I inquire why you are here?" The tailor says as he sets the shirt on the counter. The man says as he sets his items to the side, making sure they don't fall as he stands up. As he walks to the counter, "If your here for company business, then I need to ask where the hell is my cotton shipment." He says as he leans into the Masked Man and looks him up and down, then leans back after a few moments of assessment of the man.

"Always the one to make a show." thought Fester. Crossing his arms he fashions his tone of voice into something harsh, "Oh, your cotton shipments? Well if I remember it was just last week we delivered to you A quality cotton." he walks up to the old man playing along leaning down close, "What have you been wasting it on?" he shoots a look to the kid in the corner who already seems stirred, "Oh, have you been wasting it on rift raft like that? Again of all things." he barks. He gently rubs the old man's bald scalp as he continues his act, enjoying taunting his old ally. "Now I have been patient." Fester snaps his fingers causing Jo'Jon to stand salute, "Pin." he states pointing at the boy. In a quick stride Jo'Jon grabs the young man by the collar of his shirt slamming and holding him against the wall. The youngster seems terrified as he squirms under Jo'Jon's iron grip. "Now." he holds up two fingers, "A, I can get rid of the rat issue for you." he brings down one finger, "Or B, you can make better choices and not abuse my kindness." He looked down at the old man as he brings down his last finger waiting for his comeback. Only the young man was out of the loop, panicking wildly but not finding the will to scream.

The old man starts to laugh, "Boy, you like messing with us don't you." He says as he grabs an odd looking rifle with a box on the side, "If your deciding to fight, then I best get ready on my side." Setting the rifle on the table, he looks at the masked man, "So what the hell are you doing here Fester. You know the man upstairs hates it when people show up without reasoning." Saying as he looks at Jo'Jon, "I also doubt he'd like a new member being thrashed about by a mindless brute." Saying as he returns his look to the masked man.

"This scruff is a new recruit?" thought Fester over looking the boy. "Well pardon my rude behavior..." he states walking over to where the youth as he snaps his fingers, "Release." he barks out. Jo'Jon shoots a misdirected glare at Fester that quickly degrades as he drops the boy, who crashes into the dusty flooring. Fester with a calm stride moves in front the boy, his shadow enveloping his fallen figure. "You'll have to pardon me. I have not seen a new comer in quite...some time. Usually I just pleasure myself messing with the garbage that rolls in the store, seems I accidentally have mistaken you for such." he states coldly to the shivering youth on the floor. Fester studies the boys pupils widened with shock or fear perhaps? "Scuff doesn't last long.." thought Fester as he moved his attention back to the old man. "I'm here on official business today. I recently picked up a mission involving a guarded area. My normal utility won't suffice." he states firmly.

The older man looks at the masked man, "If I recall, you weren't all that big when you first came into this tailor." He says as he looks at the boy, then at Fester, "Well, to be honest he acts like you, but with more tact. He has a different outlook on life, which I guess changes quite a bit." Saying as he leans over the counter, "Specify more about your mission, I may have tools available as of right now." Saying as he picks up the rifle, "If you need to enter this guarded area with violence, then we have these new repeating rifles. They don't use a lever-action like most, but the action is automatically put back into place and allows the rifle to be shot again without cocking the gun." Saying as he aims the rifle, starting to mutter that the sight's off center.

Fester maintained his sights on the old man, slightly baffled at his statement. "Certainly I did come in as small as him, but not with such a shallow mind." he crossed his arms as the man started talking about the repeating rifle, "You know I prefer the up close method. Besides the specifics of my mission state I can not kill the target. At best I'm limited to terror tactics, which I have handled. What would serve me best are titanium tip arrows, light explosives, and that package I ordered not long ago." eh states firmly. The package in question was about refined leather composed of several layers, the top folding over itself in a scale like fashion. "Has it arrived? The promise they stated on it being bullet and arrow proof seem most tactical." he adds. Fester looks back to the kid who quickly averts his gave from him. "Anyways you are the expert so here are more specifics on the mission. I'm breaking into the Jailhouse. Top floor through the roof." he states in a matter of fact tone.


(OOC: The armor I speak of is based off modern clavier armor and ancient paper armor. A fusion between the two in essence. The bottom layers are like clavier, halting most bullets from breaking into the skin. Though the impact force will cause black and blues, a few broken ribs perhaps depending on the bullet. The top layer in akin to paper armor which has been proven to stop arrows from getting through at all. Best of all both armor variants are light weight.)
The older man nods to the statement, "That maybe, but his shallow mind is more useful in this circle of people." Saying as he leans the rifle on the wall near the counter, listening to the masked individual continue, "I should have the arrows and the explosives, your armor I finished recently. I was going to call over to someone else in Bastion to finish it, but business was stressed with some of these workers getting paid less and I had idle hands," He says as he lifts a couple of coats and gowns, revealing an odd set of leather armor. Taking it out from under the pile, carefully as to not knock the other clothes off. Setting it onto the counter, "I have the rest in a backroom, but I need to know the amount of arrows you request. I would loath to give less than needed." Saying as he awaits the mans response.

Fester walks to the counter scanning the surface of the chest piece for his new armor. He gently rubs his gloved finger over the scaled chest piece, the black leather scales were all placed with such precision about each other. "Gorgeous..." he mumbled to himself inspecting the grooves. Fester moves his hand to the back of the chest piece feeling its surface finding it smooth yet firm, like a new skin. "You may have idle hands but they belong to a master that is certain. The time I waited was most certainly worth it." he looked to the old fellow, "As for your question I think around twenty arrows will meet my needs." he states. "I have to say you put much care into this. Once you get back with the supplies I have a few more questions to pester you with my friend."

The old man accepts the complement with a nod, walks off to a backroom. As he closes the door, you hear sounds of metal parts being knocked over and shifted. Shortly after the sounds end, the man emerges with a quiver and a brown, canvas sack. "While its surprisingly not odd to get a quiver from a tailor, but... well, I have this bag that I wish have no wish to keep. I got some black powder charges about six moons ago, about six petards that I am sure can be used to suit any need." The man says as he sets them on the table, grabbing a stool to sit on as he looks at the masked man with a blank expression, "What's the question, now?"

*Petard: a small bomb made of a metal or wooden box filled with powder, used to blast down a door or to make a hole in a wall.*

(The more you know!)

Fester gently grabs the canvas sack fumbling through its dangerous contents wondering if it should be knocking the contents around. He looks up to the old man relaxing on his wooden stool. "Ah, I had a few questions over the construction of the suit." he places the sack onto the ground before continuing, "It is composed of several fine leather layers I noted. From what species were the leather gathered from? Also, do you have the proper leather oil so that I can maintain their condition? Furthermore do I need to heat stress any particular layer of this?" he asked firmly. He recalled tending to his first leather armor years ago noting how it became rough and decayed due to his lack of knowledge


(OOC: Through not so proud means I learned a bit about what it takes to maintain leather articles of clothing. It is pretty interesting.)
The man leans against the wall as he answers the questions, "Surprisingly, it's basic hides you can find anywhere else. It's difficult to get enough money for Garm hides. It's even harder to find hides from some of those beasts that some expedition ledgers talk about." Saying as he continues, "Same rules apply, probably should follow similar rules. I suggest finding my hide supplier for the oils needed, I don't carry them as I have no where to put them that isn't in public view. The backroom is still cluttered and I'm waiting till the boss finds a new place to hide it all. If you want I can write it down for you, he's somewhere in the Middle District, but it's a family business that's reliable." He says as he coughs, looking at the masked man. "Is there any more you need?" Saying as he puts an arm on the counter.

Fester wondered over how the leather was gifted with the ability to resist bullet damage when only metal was thought to do so. Perhaps it was how the leather was pieced together relative to the other layers of leather, like the front part. "Well you aren't an official leather smith so I guess I shouldn't expect those materials to be laying about." he states when he truthfully thought it would come with the package. Fester waits for him to stop coughing, "Can you give the Family name so that I can find this business?" he pauses thinking, "Also when I come in again, whenever that may be, I'll have something for that cough of yours." he says. He had known this fellow for the better or worse part of his life. It was the least he could do for a man in those considerations. He sets his sights back to the kid in the corner, "Does he know how to write or speak?"

The old man nods, answering both questions, "Forsythe's Tannery. It's down the road from the Church and my cough is fine, it's just the dust in the back is terrible." The man says as he looks at the boy, saying with a quiet tone, "Sadly, I doubt it. He was one of those kids that went around stealing food and lived on the streets. It turns out that he was with a group of them, the older ones got upset and took it out on him. He was bloodied when I found him, he's been here ever since. I treated him for his wounds, but I can't fix broken minds." He says as he looks at Jo'Jon, "To be honest, I would've done it on him if I could." Saying as he looks back at the boy, then back at Fester, "Trust me, he isn't a one-and-done deal. Your entering here won't be a problem."

"So, he'll go through alteration it seems." thought Fester as he looked to Jo'Jon. It was hard to imagine the brute looking like the kid in the corner once upon a time. He stands up ready to make his way, "So, what are your plans for this youth then?" he states firmly. "Also be sure to keep the suit dry, all parts of it. I'll be getting it later tonight." he says. When Fester showed up here he certainly seemed like a pile of rags but his time with a rich family, butler or not, blessed him with learning the basics of linguistics and writing. Most were never so fortunate, then again his mind always ticked in an off fashion. From what the old man has said his new destination was to be Forsythe's Tannery. Fester snapped is fingers to get Jo'Jon back to him as he waited for a response.

The old man rolls his head, "I don't really know, perhaps teach him basic firearm usage. Let him decide what to do then, it'd be rather hypocritical if I forced him to do something more." Saying as he scratches his chin, nodding to his request, "No problem, if we had water flowing in this room, then I'd worry." The man says as he gets up from his seat, Taking the armor and sets it on the seat, of which is out of sight from anyone who would approach the counter, then proceeds to sit back into the chair of which he worked from earlier,, "If you need more, ask now. I'll be keeping my ear out for you." He says, insinuating the task of mention from earlier.

"No, that'll be all as I only have so much time within a day." he states as he heads to the door. "Just be sure have all the pieces ready to be picked up." were his last words to the man as he reentered the bustle of the crowd outside. Fester's thoughts danced around the various serums he could suit his armor busting arrows with. A slumber inducing or seizure inducing chemical agent would prove best for him in this mission. Soon he had escaped the stuffy crowd and the prattling of merchants to a dust road leading towards the Middle District. He wasn't a frequenter of this District so only the family name Forsythe gave him a sense of what he was hunting for. He set his gave around the people who were of a different distinction then those of the crowd he left. They were more trimmed and prepped, as were most of the buildings. Certainly his fine cotton shirt and properly wrapped vest would make him fade in. Only his mask and guard giving him distinction. Fester walked over to a lady in a flowing dress holding a copper shaft umbrella, most likely to block out the sun overhead. "Hello ma'am I am Fester. If you don't mind my mind picking do you know where the Forsythe family tanner is?" he states as he offers a humble bow.

The woman, of whom acknowledges your presence, "Um... n-no." She says as she starts to walk away from the strange man, a man from across the street waves to the Masked Man. The man, who is now laughing, yells to Fester, "Seems like she doesn't want to help the common folk," He says as the woman starts to pick-up pace, "I can point you the way to go, come here for a minute." He says as he makes hand gestures to come closer.

*I feel like your forcing me to create new characters on purpose. (Of which I have no problem).*

Fester sighs loudly as he over looks himself. His fine white shirt was browned from dirt and dust strewn in the air. "How unprofessional.." thought Fester as he threw his gave over to the man across the street calling him over. "Who is this joker." thought Fester as he headed towards him, "I'm sure it was my lovely looks that sent her on her heels." he offers out his to shake, "I'm Fester if the wind didn't that whisper that to already. You said you can offer me assistance, correct?"

*I'm not trying to force you persay. Just wanted to get a vibe of the Middle District...also I had no idea where that Tannery is...

Lucrezia's head darts back and forth as the hallucinations waver."I am quite good at what I do, even if I don't know what I'm doing,"she says simply, pupils constricted tightly as she struggles to keep her head above the effects of the drink. "I am not acting insane, am I not?" She asks the crowd, raising her voice and gesturing at the metal-clad men as if they were the jeering crowd.

As the illusion begins gaining force against her, her pupils begin dilating slightly."Somebody hit me," she demands suddenly, standing up and eyeing every person in sight. Including the odd box. She was sure if somebody knocked back on her she'd regain some of her fluctuating sanity.

The man shakes his hand, points down the street, "It's not too far that way. If you take a left, you'll fine a place with stained windows that read the name." He says as he lets go, "If your wanting Old Man Forscythe, you'd best hurry." He says as he looks at the sky, "It's getting late for him." He says as loud whistles sound off, sighing as he starts to walk back into the building next to him, "My works going to be starting as 3rd shift's letting off, hope you find it, stranger."


(I swear I press send on these.)

The scene before you violently changes, inducing a loud scream and repeated *booming* sound that echos as the repeated sound goes off, you see nothing more of people as the sound finishes. The guards stay as smoke rises from the metal box, the crowd is gone with a red trail leading beyond you down an angled road. The guards start to disappear, leaving the box in it's place as everything starts to blackout.


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