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Fantasy Land of the Gears

He pause looking at the gentle flame as swayed left to right in hope of spreading. Festers ponders over what he has heard."Well before I say anything allow me to apologize formally. I didn't mean to suggest you couldn't do it. You simple sent me to do it as a test." he says sincerely. He looks over that the man in gas mask that caries its origin from the one of the still used mines. "Still to say you are dishonored is a lie," he looks over the men surrounding him. "These gentleman here honor you and would put their respective lives on the line for you. Willingly so as well." he utters looking back at Jo'Jon standing solemnly. He looks back at Jack. "I care little for these people in this city, their death or life. I seek to meet my goal to grow and improve. Your goal as noble as it may be means little to me. I mean no disrespect by this as little interests me. Still I'll serve those very ends if they mean something, to me." Fester mentioned. The lady came back after keeping the glass from spilling from moving through the chaotic crowd. Fester grabbed the glass with its dark contents and placed it on the table. "I must say I find it amazing what you do to reach your goals. How far you stretch." he stated. "Still you won't be treated as half a man by mere strangers if you didn't act so imposing. Still most treat me as a half a man due to this mask I endow myself with." he stated. He leaned back on the table, "You are on guard of me. What do you have fear from a cripple? Are we not having an enjoyable talk. Learning about each other?" he stated as he loosened a part of his mask. A slot in his mask opened revealing nothing of his face. "Well I'm still wondering what of me interests you good sir? Surely there are better more dignified choices." he questioned. He placed the straw in slot to get a sip of the dark drink

(@Cap )
The two men who repaired the door starts laughing violently at the, "Gentlemen" statement, proceeding to get individually kicked by the masked person. Jack looks over to the masked person, "You can just accept that you don't seem very womanly with that mask on, Lucy." The masked, now acknowledged, woman kicks the laughing men from under the table. Pointing to one who is laughing violently, "Your a real jackass, you know why I wore this. It's for the fact I work in the damn mines to keep your sorry ass out of a place 'cause you are scared of the closeness of the caverns. You say you have an allergy problem, but you are just a lazy t-" A man between them puts a hand up, "You both realize we have a guest. It's best that I don't have to throw you both over the walls to get eaten by a Garm." Taking a sip from his drink with a rather bleak expression, possibly from lack of sleep.

Jack diverts his attention to the conversation at hand, "You think that they too weren't dishonored? We here were dishonored by the crown, and are now considered an enemy to humanity." Taking another drink as he holds the mug straight up, along with another man at the table. Talking with the mug up, "You see, I have been an enemy to humanity since before the Emergance. I haven't been around that long, but other Darceys have been. The others here have been dishonored for various reasons, but each with more purpose and equal want than the next to redeem and punish." Saying as a woman walks up to the two mugs and takes them back, returning with full mugs.

Chuckling to the half-man and cripple statements, pulling back a pant leg of his to show the mechanical parts that make up some form of an odd looking prosthetic, "I'm a cripple and have been since I was ten. Most people tend to figure it out when you spend a couple minutes walking with me, as it does make some sounds. That clunking you heard before when I walked to your table wasn't just me jingling coins, it was gears in motion." Saying as he knocks onto the upper part of his leg.

Jack continues to respond to Fester, "I chose you due to you have a past, and I have a way for you to do what you wish with those that are more deserving. We aren't asking you to kill innocent people, but kill more deserving of people. Corrupted are a plague, and the only cure is something equally as deadly; that's a theory of an alchemist, is it not? The guards won't directly engage you as you are helping. It's either this or we let you go till we feel you are about to do something vile again." He says insinuating what he would do.
He continues to sip his drink. Fester always preferred drinks with more flavor per sip rather then flavor per gulp. He pulled away, "Oh so literal a half-man. I suppose we are not close enough for me to question how that took shape. Still it is best to not act like half a man. Understand?" he suggested calmly. Fester pulled back his left shit sleeve. The flesh of his arm was a yellow tinge that appeared dry as a desert. It was covered in odd furred growths randomly scattered, his veins bulging from the skin like rives of blue. "You could say a large part of me has gone missing as well sadly." he said with a proceeding chuckle. He looked around at the many faces most of them seeming perturbed about his being there.

"I care little for labels. To me you are a man caught in some internal struggle. I can only say I'm interested in you for your skills and sincerity. You...no your organization is of interest to me." he announced. He shakes his head and stand up quickly making his chair fall back. Fester didn't enjoy being threatened. He considered taking being treated like a chess piece or showing he was the on playing chess. He choose the latter.

He moved over to Jo'Jon and whispered a silent order. "Now look everyone," said Fester spreading his arm as if demonstrating a product. Jo'Jon took action moving quickly like a starved dog taking to the hunt of rats. He removed the shield from his back and swung knocking back a large portion of the crowd from its removal. Jo'Jon went into stance position with the shield hiding most of his large figure. Fester took refuge behind it easily. It all occurred in a second. Fester spoke from behind his coverage. "You brought me here to make me an offer yet it seems more like a threat. I say yes and everything is good but if I say no I'm threatened to be killed." he shook his head at this. "Look if I were to join I simple ask for your respect as you give to every other member." he suggested.

He grabbed out something he brought from home. The Rat Buster. He knew very well that everyone here knew his arsenal he made sure he was ready for a threat. Predicated or not this packs a punch "I offer you a suggestion now. You let us continue our talk with respect between comrades or I fire a round into the crowd making sure to collapse the building." he offered as he loaded in a round built to explode and release spores into the air. "We can agree that such bloodshed is not needed at all. All these innocent people trying to drink away their stresses. What of their families? I can either be an unpredictable bullet or one with directed aim." Fester offered with it aimed at the center of the crowd. "Your choice Jack!" he screamed. "Friend or unneeded enemy?"

(@Cap )
Jack says as he points to the seat, "Sit down please, I wasn't saying we'd kill you for not joining. No, we were going to kill you for if you become what you were in the past. You killed people, many of which were innocent and brought all guards to your attention, and you would do it again for little reason. You were lucky before and we want your good luck to not be used for a second chance at the gallows." The masked woman and the three other men are putting their hands on something off the table view, presumably weapons. Jack shakes his head to the others as he looks at Fester, keeping calm in the situation at hand, "I wasn't intending to make a misunderstanding, I apologize. You can entirely leave and live a peaceful life as an apothecary, but if you leave and become a mass murderer again, then we would kill you." Saying as he leans in to the screaming man, "We are entirely aware of your past and it's just difficult to say that history never repeats itself. We are simply taking a precaution in a method that may prove beneficial for everyone that is wishing a good future. Do you understand?" Saying calmly as he nods to the others as he nods to the seat again.
He thought it over for a moment. He usually never got hired to kill the innocent even though they often became befallen anyways. Still with these people he could learn new tactics. "Keep your shield ready, understand Jo?" he ordered more then questioned. Jo'Jon still eyeing Jack and his men gave off a snarl in response. He lifted up the chair ready to sit down to talk. The bar had lost its festive feeling as people started down at the conversion knowing one slip up could mean spilled blood. "That is similar to threatening to kill me since my organization is neutral as far as spilled blood is concerned." he uttered as he sat down with the Rat Buster still in grip. "Still upon joining you festive organization it will allow this to change with a snap of the fingers. I'll be your tool for what ever goal your scrounge up. It would be for both of our benefits. Just note I'm not used I'm bartered." he noted. "I simple ask that I have a certain amount of respect and not be laughed at." Fester said looking the two men who laughed after fixing the door. "What are your respective terms upon joining?" he questioned as if he was entered.
Watching Festers gaze as he spoke, responding to the mans demands, "We have no wants to ever just go on singular ideals alone, we are a group for the people. If I were to kill a man, we were to decide it among ourselves and those effected. If those who are effected are traumatized, we will assess the situation with a secondary source. If you aren't fine with a task, we would only want to know why. If you do something that would negatively effect us, we would put you down the same way as any of us would to each other." Saying as he shakes his head again to the other four.

Looking at the two that laughed before, then returning his look to Fester, answering the question asked about joining terms, taking another drink, "You are asked to just respect tasks at hand and listen for anything out of the ordinary. If you are asked to eliminate a man, we have methods to remove them from the area. If we are in need of assistance or a place to stay, we help each other. If someone on the street needs help, you at least attempt to help." Saying as he points to a window, "If the problem is over your head, you can just yell for someone. Trust me when I say this, there is normally someone there." Explaining as he looks into the drink, then back at Fester, "It's rather simple when you look at it directly."
Fester nods at hearing the answer playing his gloved finger around the rim of his drink. "Group work it seems. It has certainly been a while since I have indulged in such work." he said reminiscently. "Truly a group for the lower people. Still I won't question that the people in high seats are still people." he said tautly. "Also please understand I can't simple cut my ties with my organization. That would be dangerous for me and my non-lethal dealings as you know. What should I do about that hmm?" he questioned.

"Also I'll be sure to not spill blood though I'll make sure to not grow rusty" He nudges he head to the group behind him. "Tell me of your soldiers of justice here." he asked.
Answering Festers Question, as he looks around at the room for someone, waving to the bar lady, "Cutting ties from a group is hard, but if they understand that you don't ever have to implicitly go after them. We would never ask for their names as for your own safety. If your group respects you, then this shouldn't be a problem. If they don't respect you, you then would need to leave per your own safety regardless if you join them anyway." Looking over to the lady, who is weary of the situation, "If you could get everyone drinks, I will pay for them." Saying to the people in the room, "Sorry for the trouble, it was a misunderstanding."

Looking back to Fester as he questions about the group, "Well.... We have our masked miner, Lucy. There's the Blacksmith, Leo, then we have the two factory workers, David and Gil." Holding a hand up to the masked person from before, Then the serious man, lastly individually among the loud repairmen from before, one having darker hair and a slight beard as the other wears goggles and has no hair. As Jacks hand passes, they each nod. Jack continues his explanation, "We all live normal lives, but we also listen and assist others. Most of us have a past, some of ours are criminal, but we all now have a common goal."
He turns to Jo'Jon. "Be a doll and and gather some drinks for the people we disturbed today. Go ahead an use your shield as a method of serving them in bulk. The nice lady at the bar will help. Say its on me." he told Jo'Jon. Jo'Jon scrunched his face up as if the order was difficult to understand but proceeded to the lady. "Naturally my organization respects me after a few select missions. A certain incident is what brought me to them. There are some personal bonds I have that make separating more difficult. They would find it odd and naturally inspect as to why I would leave. They know how I am." he stated. He looked over the group. "Hopefully we can come to positive terms with each other yes?" he questioned.
"Yep 200 sols!" Brais grabbed the bag of coins and shoved it into his day bag. Knowing how he gets at the pub more likely or not he was going to blow all of it one way of the next. Oh how he loved that place. He ran to this door on the far end of the workshop and opened it, it led to a staircase and Brias yelled up it. "Hey ma! Im going out to the pub with a stranger do you want anything while im out?" A voice hollered back down to him. "Just the usual!" "Ok ma, 20 pounds of meat it is!" Brais closed and locked the door before running back to the man and his car. He put on his day jacket and bag that was nearby. He then put the small bag of sols inside his bigger bag. He shuffled around in it and felt his hand touch the handle of his ballistic knife. He didn't pull it out, wouldn't want to scare away a customer for the fifth time this week. "Oh quickly before we go." Brias went right outside his workshop and kicked the "two days or its free" sign before getting in. "Ok ready."

@Cap (Hes in the car)
Lucrezia Holt has just finished her day in the mines and is glad for it. She was sore and tired and really wanted a drink. She was tempted to search out the bar that has the drink that can put any man under the table. Zia was never the brightest when it came to being ridiculously competitive. The shadows were long and the woman was in the mood for a drink before having to hunker down on the shipment of ore heading to Erodel with a few others.

It was an insurance policy of sorts, "we take some workers so if the ore is lost you'll be losing something too. When our profits are made we send them back". Zia has been one of these insurance workers a few times, visiting whichever city her shipment is brought to for the week as everything is moved and made official before being sent back down into The Forge. Sure, it was uncomfortable and she has to cook her own food, but she's given meat that doesn't taste faintly of chemicals made to keep meat fresh longer and also a nice bonus. Before her childhood sweetheart had been killed in the "mysterious" mining accident, the two had volunteered so they could explore the different cities and experience new things. However now, Zia just takes what she can get to keep her home and generous spending habits afloat.

With her gloved hand resting lightly on the iron hammer head against her hip, Zia peers around the streets. She was one of the many citizens who were filthy from the mines, no one minded. Her one pet peeve about the bigger cities were that no one liked seeing people running around covered in filth.
Jack puts his mug on the table, half empty, "If they kill you for leaving then you never had respect, let alone freedom. Though that's saying that your going to be leaving them. In reality, you could ask the group for information. You would ask them regardless about their knowledge about specific tasks as you can't do what you do without the prior knowledge." Explaining as he looks over to the others.

Lucy speaks up first among the others, "You have my word that nothing will go wrong, but that's only for my knowledge of how these three give trust. Jack here doesn't really trust anyone." Pointing to the man as she puts her head on the table. Leo speaks takes a long drink then leans in, "Kill a blacksmith and you will be the enemy of the city. If a blacksmith kills you, then you were an enemy of the city anyway." Saying seriously as Gil starts laughing, "Don't worry 'bout that guy. He's really just a guy who likes his molds too much." Saying as Leo stares at him, then returns to a blank stare into nothing specific.

(@TheMadIceCreamMan )

The man nods as he drives forward, going down the rough roads that weren't meant for automobiles. Looking at the boy, "You said a pub specifically, I assume the one down near the factory." He says as he looks over with an unknowing glance, "I'm not from the city, but I do know the guy that owns the place. He was once an old buddy of mine years ago, but he was a drunk. Ironic he would turn pub owner, probably due to his own drunken nature." Saying as he points to the place, keeping one hand on the wheel."If that's where you wanted to go, I will drop you off there." Saying as they near the place of mention.

(@Rantos )

On a walkway, you notice a crowd forming around what would be assumed to be a bar. It's on an inverted side so no one can walk out the front doors into the cavern below. The name is Wall Rat Tavern, and there seems to be a loud commotion inside. A woman who looks like some metal worker herself seemingly is standing in the back with her arms crossed, suggesting she is starting to get impatient. Shortly after, the crowd opens up to show two miner-looking men being pulled out. They seem to be lucid, but it's hard to tell for certain.

(@WantYourSoul )
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Fester had rolled the dice and luckily it wasn't snake eyes. Still this left him with his own organization to deal with. He looked at the people that he would come to know. He stood up and bowed. "Well thank you for having me today." he said in a calm tone. He stood up firmly. "Jack I have much in the way to think about for the future. I'll be sure to prove as a useful cog in your organization." Fester said. He looked over Jo'Jon who was balancing his shield with at least thirteen drinks balanced on it. The crowd seemed to be drinking up as the old mood grew back into the air. He hid his Rat Buster back in his leather jacket. He looked back to the group "Is there anything else that requires addressing if not please tell me where I can join you or specially one of your fellows here again." he said in fashion that seemed like an order. He did have a lot to think about. He hoped he wouldn't have to eliminate his whole organization.
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Jack puts his hands on his chest, "I can't see anything else that I need to explain. I hope you make an ethical choice for your future if you were to say no after thinking it." Pulling out a watch from his pocket, looks at the time, then responds, "I will say there is always someone here, but I can never confirm that I will be here." Saying as he puts his hand up dismissively, "If you are ever in need of drinks, Lucky Iron is always open." Pointing to the bar, turning his attention to the others as he keeps his hand up, "We will meet again, I am sure of it." Saying with a smirk.
"Yes of course you are a busy no doubt about that." Fester snapped his fingers. "Jo we will be leaving soon okay?" He looked over the group and thought about how this is not what he expected from the legends. It perplexed him in a fine fashion. Jo responded with a general grunt as his make shift platter was emptied of drinks. "Indeed we will meet again. During that time I'll be sure to have a nice gift in store for you." With that he dusted himself off a bit and headed to the gaping hole that once held a door. Jo'Jon soon took to following him with Fester directing him on how to exit. The cold air and the silence it brought was something Fester invited after everything. It let him think. He took down the misshapen trail. The moon was in full power and dankness was now temporally the master. In his mind he was scheming how to depart himself from his old organization.

He soon found himself in the Central District again with its flat trails of dirt with dust brewing here and there. He couldn't help but feel he was being watched.

He grabbed a key from his coat upon reaching his house. His house was humble and simple in its design like every house. To call it a house was wrong since there were few ally ways separating homes as they were all connected as one large structure with dividing internal walls. The smell that leaked from the house upon opening the door was best to be called that of death. You wouldn't be wrong since he had fungi cultivating in some stored animal tissue he got from a butcher. By the time he looked the door he had a plan set out for what will need to be done in the next few days.
Brais beemed with happyness as soon as the car started moving with forward motion. His dad may have been a master car macanic but his family never owned a real car. In his life in total he has been in a car 5 times, 6 counting this time. He found it amazing to be in one. His job doesnt give him the time to work on a lage scale project like that, but making a real car has been a dream for a while. Brais looked at the man once he started speaking. "Ummm, just take me to the one im not banned from... wait thats too unspacfic... ok take me to that one were the owner doesnt hate me... wait thats like 3/4 of all the pubs in waterfront... you know that one that if you sing for everyone there they give you a free drink? No wait that was the first I got banned from... you know what the pub near the factory is fine, im sure im still welcome in that one." Brais lisstend to the mans story about how he was new to the city and that the pub owner was a friend. "If your new to the city then feel free to drop by if you need anything. I have been living in this city my whole life, every day is some kind of new adventure." As they neared the place Brais looked at the man once more before leaving. "Really though, feel free anytime to drop by for a little how do ya do, and thank you for the ride."

Alana walked through the crowd on her way home from the factory. She cradeled a mangled left arm, which had gotten caught in a machine earlier today at the factory where she worked. A small girl ran up to her. "Hello there miss I saw your arm and I got something to help it." She shoved an arm full of bandages and various bottles into her hand. She stared up at Alana expectantly. Alana sighed then pulled out a coin from the bag on her belt. "Here ya go honey, don't waste it" The little girl motioned to someone behind her and went running off. Alana whipped around just in time to see a little boy in rags run off with her purse. "Goddamn street urchins. This city's over run with rats and starving children." She continued walking down the street turing into the familiar alley way. She stopped suddenly seeing an unfamiliar man who looked like a government offical. He had his back turned to her. He's going to arrest everyone in the camp. Just what I needed, especially today. She turned on her heels hoping to be quiet but ended up making a fairly loud noise as her boots scraped the street. She winced hoping he hadn't noticed.
Jack nods to Fester as he returns his look to the group beside him. "Whatever it is, I'd be interested to see what is." Smirking as he takes his mug again and continues drinking. The others each wave their send offs, still not entirely sure on the situation at hand or what Jacks intentions even are. Continuing where they left off before Fester's arrival.

(@TheMadIceCreamMan )

The man waves to the younger man, "It's good that you got an affinity toward other humans, but I don't need help here." Saying as he points to the place, "I will probably go back to you for repairs, but people person I am not." The older man looks around, "But I recommend keeping your head down with those protests. It's a bad time for some people out here, even if you know them. Good day to you." Saying as he drives off, leaving the man behind him.

(@Rantos )

Brias waved to the man as he drove away. "I look forward to fixing your car again!" He yelled after him. Brias turned to face the pub, as he walked towards it he began to speak to himself. "I know when to keep my head down. Living here as long as I have you learn some things. Like how to fake the innocents you no longer have." Brais pushed open the pub doors and took a big smell of the air. Man did he love the smell of alcohol after a long day. He loved listening to the sound of the drunk citizens of Waterfront and the live music. A pub was lively and Brias absolutely loved that. He sat himself down at the bar and knocked on the table. "My good man I would like two of something that will get me drunk. Anything, but not too strong, my poor body can't handle too much. And while we are at it... anything new?" Brais dropped the bag of 200 sols down onto the table. "Any passing whispers?" Brias looked up at the barkeeper with a sly smile and a hand on the bag.

While the normal hub of The Forge was loud, the commotion coming from the tavern was easily noticeable. Lucrezia peers over the edge of the stone walkway to see what all the fuss was about. She catches two men -miners, from the looks of them- being dragged away. She didn't recognize anyone in the crowd but that bar was like a calling card from heaven. She was just thinking about getting a drink when there is suddenly one right there. Zia can't help but smile to herself as she finds energy in her weary body to put a slight bounce in her step.

The walkway down to the bar was steep and it seems like there were more than one patron who had stumbled up this pathway and vomited up their drinks. Disgusting. She was pretty certain that at least three people had listed right off the edge and to the floor below. Zia had made good time down to the tavern and was eager to see what all the fuss was about, and possibly learn what those two men were on.
She began to run away from the man as she her self had commited many a crime, with the penalty being death. She ran on, the coins she kept in her boots jangling. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going, slamming into many a drunken man as she neared the tavern by her factory. She barreled inside, skidded to a stop, put her hand on the wall and crouched down breathing heavily. As she caught her breath she realized that this really wasn't the best place to go when one was trying to escape being arrested as many a drunkard was there. She looked around, then decided to go up and try her first taste of alcohol.
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Fester closed the door with solid slam and yanked a bolt in place to keep the door closed. He motioned the key back into his leather jacket before starting to pull it off, "Well Jo go ahead to the training room for the night." Jo'Jon grunted and moved to the left door. There were only three rooms in the house with each door near each other on the same stone wall. Jo'Jon opened the left door and had to crouch down to fit through its frame. The hallways itself was dark and had a rather short roof. Even in these times of renovation the areas of living were almost at the quality of those in the Lower District. When Fester gained ownership of the house it didn't come with lights so he had a table near the entrance in which large candle sat that faintly glowed which barely gave much perception of what was around you. Fester walked over to the farthest door to the right and hanged his coat on a piece of metal sticking out of the bricks. He felt the surface of the old wood door. It was encrusted with fungus growth in its various cracks and felt swollen as the fungi fed from within in the wood. "I'll need to the replace this old thing." he though to himself. He turned the handle and and with some force made the door give him entrance. The air was thick and musty with the smell of chemical decomposition. He felt the hair rise on his neck as he whiffed in the scent. "My...my its seems the children have matured!" he said exuberantly with his arms raised high. The room just like the thin hallway was dimly lit. The room consisted of a bed with ragged sheets, a small freezer that required regular salted ice to freeze its contents, and many tables holding a variety of tools and trays that produced the retched smell.

He walked over to one of these tables. On its surface was a dim candle, metallic cylinders, syringes, a spiked small stick, a dissecting knife, nutrient petri dishes, and a large shallow square box. On the bottom of the box was a layer of salt in which a pig kidney sat. Blooming from the kidney's surface were long blue sporangiophores with a large navy blue sporangium supported at their tips. The kidney seemed swollen and likely was with the internal rhizoid of the fungi feeding within. Fester ever so softy pet the surface of the organ to prevent the sporangium from popping. "You are such a gorgeous creature. Yes indeed." he whispered to it. He started to whisper a familiar tune as he grabbed the dissecting knife. He was about the place the knife against the pressurized surface of the kidney but stopped. He placed the knife down and headed over to another table where he picked up some gloves. Fester removed his present gloves and slid on the new ones which stretched back to almost past his elbow. He made sure to fasten his mask properly, "The last thing I need is for my kidneys to implode. It would be a crying shame." he uttered.

He headed back the table with the blue fungus in full growth. "Such a gem you are. Lets hope you each reach your glorious potential." he said in high hopes.
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The Bartender looks around and at the sols, saying rather agreesively as he takes the sols and takes a mug out. "No, son. I don't give information, this isn't that type of bar to where I give a single shit about anyone's chit-chat about the protests. If you really want to know something, just look around and you can figure it out." Finishing off the mug of ale from a keg behind him, obviously patched up from some form of damage to them.

The Bartender looks at the woman who walks up, who obviously looks a little bit on the fearful side, "Hey, doll? You got some ghosts followin' you or something?" Saying as he yells off obscenities to someone you could suppose is a regular here.

(@ashlynn *I assumed you were in the same tavern*)

As the crowd around the tavern start to deteriorate as the drunkards start to head back to either the mines or their assigned bunks, they start to uncover the entrance for the Tavern. You notice on the inside another crowd around presumably a table, with the same woman from before frantically attempting to see into the center. Yelling from the center as another man is pulled from the crowd and a larger man starts to speak, "He couldn't handle piss if you gave it to him, I'll up the ante to 1000 sols for anyone that can overcome this." As the crowd cheers on the man, but the view is broken from the massive crowd around him.

(@WantYourSoul *I'm curious to see what you decide to do.*)

There is a sound from beyond the front door, as well as faint knocking sounds. This sound is like someone is urgently wanting Fester's attention. Shortly after, there is a note forced beneath the door that reads:

If you wish for contact for a third time, The masked miner and the man with the steel legs are awaiting you at the place of mention. We are terribly sorry for this inconvenience if you are not expecting to return.

~Masked Miner
(@TheMadIceCreamMan )
Fester worked diligently humming a tune of a time best forgotten. He uses the scalpel to pluck off the mature sporangium of its stalk and transported it to a separate small shallow metal tray. He steadily proceeds to repeat this process filling the metal tray with the small balls of spores no bigger then crumbs. "Oh I have to be so gentle. You are all so ripe and ready to pop." he states as one of the of the sporangium burst from a simple tap. He grabs a vial of water to fill the tray when he hears rather persistent knocking. No one ever knocks on his door, "Must be one of them..." Fester couldn't leave to answer the door directly without having a chance of infecting the general area outside his house along with the person. This leaves him dismayed as he doesn't want to be rude. Before he could decide on the best course of action the knocking stops. He starts to fill the metal tray with a enough water to submerge the sporangiums. "I'll simply get them ready for storage." thought Fester. He starts to stir the mixture with the rear end of the scalpel. Fester does this to release the spores from the sporangiums. He pours the liquid slosh into a nutrient gradient tray big enough to fit in your hand to influence the growth of the spores for later tests. After waiting a bit he grabs the nutrient tray and slides it into the fridge with some other experimental sub-species. "I'll get back to you my children soon enough." he utters to the fungal spores.

He moves back to one of the tables and places his gloved hands in bucket filled with chemical solution. While it does clean away all biological matter it also decays the gloves a bit each time. He shakes his hands off a bit and removes the gloves replacing them with the original pair. He dabs the tip of these gloves in the chemical solution. He moves to the door while patting his mask to try and decontaminate it slightly. "Well only a few people. What does it matter." he thinks to himself. He opens the door and securely seals it with some force persuasion. He looks to the front door where the knocking echoed from. Shown faintly by the candle light is a folded paper. "Hmm they have an affinity for notes." joked Fester. He picked it and read its contents. He could see a certain amount of urgency in it. "Jo we are going walking come!" yelled Fester. He heard a crashing sound as Jo'Jon squeezed through the frame of his door. He sighed, "Grab your shield please just in case okay?" he ordered. As Jo'Jon went back to retrieve it Fester wrapped himself back in his leather jacket and slid the Rat Buster in place along with a few rounds.

Fester had locked the front door and had the note in hand as he rather quickly went through the dusty trails. "Such a shame we must rush and not enjoy the fine air right Jo?" he questioned not looking back. Jo'Jon still dazed from just waking up responded with the expected grunt. "Indeed" mummered Fester. He was closing in on the Lucky Iron again that fine night unknowing of anything due to the vague letter.
"I can respect that answer." Brias said in response. "I'm not telling you how to love but keeping one ear to the ground and the other to the whispers of the world is a nice way to live. But in this world it's also hard to live without a finger on the trigger. Sorry for my rambling. Thanks for the drinks." Brias gulped down his first drink without stopping to take a breath until the cup was empty. He slammed it down on the table dramatically then froze. After a few seconds of not moving Brais's whole body shook, he looked up with a drunken smile at the bar tender. "Aaaaand there it is~ stuff hits hard, but I looooooove it." He started slurring and it already looked like he was going to pass out. His attention was pulled the the girl that just entered the bar. "You whooooooooo! Come sit over here lady." Brais patted and rubbed the seat next to him making the the best "come hither" look he could make. He ended up making a face that resembled a man without control over half his face. It looked funny in an odd 'wow you look dumb way'. "I knew I bought two drinks for a reason."


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