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Fantasy Land of Destiny

Jeremy woke to something licking his face. He pushed Netro's head away and said, "Alright I'm up! I'm up!" Jeremy rose up and looked around. Where was he again? Oh yeah Pops rusty old house. Jeremy stood up and stretched. "That couch was surprisingly comfty. Best night of my life.", he said as he went to the front door. He opened it and yelled, "HEY POPS! ARE WE GONNA BE SERVED BREAKFAST?!" Runny landed on Jeremy's shoulder and shook his head.

Spiffy jumped to Aantum's other shoulder to get a better view of the circle. After a minute of examining it, he heard someone yelling. Spiffy turned to see Jeremy looking like an idiot. Spiffy sighed and shook his head. He looked up at Aantum.
Aantum was quite far away, but still heard that idiot like it was in his ear. He calmly summoned a Stag Beetle potion, which increased strength and drank it, then tossed a dagger at Jeremy's head. It went at an insane speed. Intending to miss, it hit the wood right beside his face. Attached to the dagger was a note.

"Shut the hell up, you idiot. Disturbing what's going on will cause the death of every soul on this property. Fix your own damn food, and don't come out until near noon. Eat too much of my food, and you'll be charged."
Jeremy turned to the dagger and stared at it. He pulled the dagger out and read the note. "Blah blah blah.... Whatever.", he said as he headed back inside. Jeremy walked into the kitchen and looked around. "Ok let's start."
You were aroused by the boy's yelling. Thinking it a bit inconsiderate, you ruffled your hair and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. Your put on your overcoat, which you had been using as a blanket, and walk downstairs, veiwing Aantum drawing a magical circle. You frowned a bit, and thought this a bit troublesome. Not only if he were to fail, but you weren't sure what kind of circle he was working on. While your knowledge of magical circles was limited, you knew they had different effects than what was intended on demons. You weren't sure how half demons would work either. However upon second review, Caith was subtly editing the circle via actual magic from a cranny on the roof. You would tell Aantum not to disturb him, but you really couldn't disturb either now.
That cat was messing up the circle. As if it weren't shady enough..........

Aantum summoned a note to Taren.

"I don't know what the hell your pet is doing, but you better figure it out and stop it quick."
You called out to Aantum

"I don't know what he's doing, but I'm sure it'll be fine. He's casting and not drawing, so he's at got some knowledge at least. And besides, if he flukes he dies too."
"You are joking, right?" He then pulled out a knife and stopped his rune drawing. He then approached the pet. "Control your cat or I will, I take live more seriously than a passing matter, he said using his voice in the commanding matter of Elves, bringing himself tall and his robe slightly swaying in the wind behind him.

(Sorry I would type more, but I don't really have much to work on)
Caith then looked down from the roof at the rather imposing elf.

"Don't mind me, I'm making a few adjustments. Your current circle would do more harm than help against Taren, and I'm just adding my purrsonal touch, a subtle adjustment on your current one. The end product will only vary slightly."

"I never said anyone's lives were folly, I merely meant that I trust my feline friend with my life, and that stopping him could go terribly wrong at this point."
(Circle is 98% complete and Aantum is finished with his part. Approaching Noon due to set-backs.)

"Jugger!" The crows flew to Aantum's will, and carried him to the sky. He looked down at his property, at the huge magic circle. "Ah." He saw what the cat was altering. The spell's real name was Bane of the Undead. Either this cat or Taren was undead to some degree. So this cat was doing this to protect itself or Taren. The cat was changing the Holy Circle to another healing circle. It turned into an Advanced Healing Ring. No need to worry then

Aantum landed the crows and stepped off. "Everything's fine, Ye old Arrogant One." He then approached Taren. "I don't care how much you trust that cat of yours, your life isn't the only thing at stake. I don't trust any of you to the level of putting my life in your hands. Next time that cat tries something like that, we'd better be warned first."
His work complete, Caith jumped off the roof.

"To elaborate a bit more, its a circle that manipulates time. At every fifteen minute interval, everything inside the circle is rewound through time at a physical level. Although it only goes back about fourteen minutes, it should serve its purrpose."
(Noon now)

"You're quite advanced, cat, to put time magic into a healing circle. I still don't trust you enough to go around doing stuff like that without warning."

Aantum's general past showed in his eyes. "Noon time! Everyone gather up!" He yelled with unwavering confidence and peerless authority.




@Andrea Logan
You hear Aantum call, and walk over, but not before stepping inside to grab your sword. As you attach you scabbard to your overcoat, and rub the last bits of sleep from your eyes, you step outside and make your way to Aantum.
Spiffy turned to the edge of the forest and noticed a small figure walking over. Spiffy jumped off Aantum's shoulder and ran over to Caterina. He jumped onto her shoulder and started chittering. "No I am not late, Spiffy.", she said as she saw everyone around a circle. She walked up to Aantum and asked, "So what's going on."

Jeremy walked out of the house finishing his sandwhich. "You finally ready, Pops?"
Marcos finished feeding (and getting bitten by) Eri just in time before Aantum called everyone to gather up. He stored all of his belongings on the bag of the horse's saddle and only took his bow and arrows with him to join those who had already gathered.
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Gaven Deliure was doing his daily inspections of procedures when a messenger reached him. Hmph, female. Lately his subordinates have learned to send only people with pain fetish's when delivering news that would strike him as negative.

"Get on with it, I haven't got all day."

"Sir, several of our summoned spirits have been destroyed, including the golem 'The Messenger'"

A rather pointless acheivement. The girl was virtually indestructible, and spirits came and went with ease. However, such actions were not to be tolerated. He gave the lacky a swift backhand with one of his gloves, as ritual demanded.

"Now, obviously I must take matters into my own hands. Call The Seer to me, and do not delay."

"At once sir"

And with that, she ran off to call the seer. Inside that box was an object of utmost importance, as well as in the town. Gaven had already killed the collector, and had attempted to bring the boy to a spacial connection to his current location, this however, was undone by the meddling potion maker. He clenched his staff tightly and lashed out at a nearby column. His assistant simply stood patiently, waiting for him to calm. The project he had been working on for the last 27 years was coming to fruition, and he would not be stopped by an alchemist and his crows. With this, he summoned one of his higher leveled spirits, a trenchcoat wearing individual with a mask made of fine leather and silver. He ordered the spirit to retrieve the package at once. However, he would have to arrive by his own means. He required all accessible resources to bring his plan to life. The seer walked in.

"What is it you require master?"

"Keep constant contact on the alchemists shack. But first, give me an update on the pregnant woman's condition."

This was an incredibly important part of his plan. The child was to have an enormous amount of anima, which he would require to bring the god into

His world. However, he would need the child alive for the anima draining process, so he would have to wait a week after birth. It was horrendous, having what he wanted so within his reach, yet to wait for it. He hated it. He swung the staff at another column. At least he would have some semblance of relief, once those pests were eradicated. The spirit exited, and ran at a blindingly fast pace towards Aantum's shop. It would at least take a day, however, with thus distance. He grinned deviantly at the thought of eradication.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/4eb62a746da20a688b1fdc22c3d05b69-d45xjma.jpg.4583d566de42382d13e20a5870c6b9df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49832" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/4eb62a746da20a688b1fdc22c3d05b69-d45xjma.jpg.4583d566de42382d13e20a5870c6b9df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Summoning Halls & Spacial Gates:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/The_Warp_Room_by_Raphael_Lacoste.jpg.1dfece68c6434e6ba32c34b4b2e296b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/The_Warp_Room_by_Raphael_Lacoste.jpg.1dfece68c6434e6ba32c34b4b2e296b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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This morning, the Queen had an early awakening. Alyson sure had a lot to worry about. Not only Politics, but her Eldest Daughter was pregnant. She was still curious of the Child's Paternity, but Luciana hasn't really elaborated on that. Alyson didn't want her Princess to become a Single Mother, because that seemed miserable. As she entered Lucy's Room, Alyson sat by her as she lay sleeping on her bed. When Luciana woke up, she saw her Mother, which made her happy. She stretched out her arms as she yawned. Luciana had been sleeping in quite a bit, but Alyson could understand since pregnancy can take its toll on her. "Good Afternoon, Lucy. You sleep well?"

"Yes, Mother, I slept well." Luciana replied, smiling. "That's good. And the child?" Alyson asked, glancing down at the mound that was Luciana's swollen belly. "It grows." Luciana replied happily, holding her belly. "Midwives have predicted a Boy. So you will be likely having a Grandson." The Queen seemed very cheerful. Even though she would prefer a Granddaughter, she would settle for a Grandson. At this moment, Luciana's pet Chameleon crawled onto her belly, which made her laugh. "Hey little guy, what's your plan for today?" The Chameleon blinked before grumbling a bit. "Awww, okay. Well, hopefully you don't get eaten." She replied. It was almost as if she could understand Axel, but no one can really tell. She's had the Chameleon for about a year now. Soon, it crawled off of her belly and onto her Nightstand. "Mind helping me up, Mom?" She stuck her arms out. Without question her Mother helped her up, walking over to the Wardrobe. "So what would you like to wear today?"

Looking through her Dresses, the Expecting Princess chose a White one, since it was her favorite color when it came to clothes. After putting it on, her Mother helped her with her hair, which wasn't that much of an issue. Bed Hair wasn't a very pleasant thing. Afterwards, Alyson went to look for her other Daughter, Catarina. Probably snuck out again. However, the girl was sixteen, she could look after herself. After Luciana got something to eat, Alyson decided to go out for a walk with Luciana. It was miserable seeing her all coped up in the Castle. "Let's go out for a walk, maybe look for your sister." Before leaving, the Queen decided to strap on her Armor and grab her Sword. When the Guards offered to accompany them, Alyson declined. "Your Services are not required. I can handle myself. Make sure no one gets in or out while me and the Princess are away." Afterwards, Princess Luciana and Queen Alyson started on their Mother-Daughter Walk. With her Daughter in such a delicate condition, the Queen was only more protective, sometimes aggressive.
Sudennly, a thought crept into your mind.

"Aantum, what happened to the false middleman?"

It took Aantum a while to even remember you were out there, or something along the lines of that. It likely being that he wasn't fully occupied with the elven intruder, she must of had done something at the very least. And since you never saw her, corpse or not, either she escaped, which was unlikely, or she's dead, and Aantum played cleanup with his magic.

@Leuffteria @Kylesar1 )
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During their walk, both Lucy and Alyson noticed a gathering around a Circle. Because she started feeling a lot of mystical energy, the Princess just started holding her belly in a protective matter, prompting her Mother to stay close. They saw Caterina talking to a Merchant. They decided to go take a closer look. Lucy soon interlocked her hands underneath her stomach, to get some of the strain off of her back. "I wonder what's going on." The Queen expressed her Curiosity.

@Kylesar1 @Andrea Logan @Leuffteria
Alice rode into the clearing on top of Utem, the large bay horse had been restless in his stall and needed to streach his legs. As for Alice, she was in a foul mood due to a lack of sleep and the events of the previous night that had caused her lack of sleep "is everything prepared?" She asked Aantum, trying her best to keep her voice as neutral as she posibally could. Unlike Alice, Utem seemed to be in a particularly good mood and quite well rested.
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Taren asked him about the false middleman. "The woman escaped. She had a magic gem, which allows for a single spell. My Spirit Sight Potion had worn off and I couldn't sense the magic radiating from it, because it doesn't give off much. Even though she was paralyzed, she activated the spell and escaped. We'd have delayed this if I still had her captured."

Back to the subject at hand. "Oi! We're all here. Allow me to activate this circle so we can begin." He sensed the Queen walk onto his property. The hell? Didn't the Queen have better things to do than taking afternoon walks? It was hot anyways

She approached him and spoke, and he bowed and responded "There were a lot of spirits in town last night, when it was at its most defenseless. Had they attacked, they'd have conquered this entire town overnight.

"These travelers here offered their blades to find the threat and eliminate it. I've made a magic circle on the scale of this entire 35 acre property. Needing to know all our abilities to patch up and weaknesses within our team, this Advanced Healing Ring will allow us to see full on our abilities. You're free to stay and watch, Your Highness. The princess came to watch also."

While talking, Aantum summoned notes to all the travelers behind him, bar Caterina. "This is the queen." it read. "Watch your tongue and introduce yourselves. She's not the type to take bullshit. She's royalty, so treat her as such." The one he sent to Gerus had a little add-on. "Especially you, Sir Arrogance. Remember the mother tree before using that razor blade tongue of yours."

He summoned a potion to his hand. This one was different from all the others. It was a green liquid with red orbs floating around inside it. "This is a Spirit Healing Potion. This will activate the circle. Don't look down, lest you want to go blind." He poured it on the ground and the magic circle activated. It flashed a blinding blue light that turned white. A huge white light erupted from the ground, engulfing them all. After the procedure was over, the circle glowed a white light that was nearly unseeable in the afternoon sun. "Let's get started, shall we."

@Shimakage Thunder

Franq still existed, and was delighted by that fact. He just loved existing. He had no idea what was happening. He broke into song. It was probably something fancy, but he couldn't move his mouth so it didn't really matter.
Perhaps a lot happened last night when she was sleeping. When Aantum bowed to her, Alyson stayed calm, as she wasn't the type to be all self-absorbed all because she is a Noble. Even though she is considered a Noble, the Queen saw herself as more of a Warrior. "I suppose I can stick around. I'm not really in a rush and I have nothing important to attend to today." The Queen showed interest in what Aantum and his group had to say and what they were about to do. When he warned the Travelers to be respectful, the Queen did feel a little flattered.

As everyone gathered and the circle began glowing, Lucy got a little closer to her Mother and rested her head on her shoulder, despite it being uncomfortable because of the material the armor was made out of. She was still holding her belly. The Queen looked down at her daughter, then down at the belly. "Are you alright, dear?" The Queen showed concern as she turned her attention to the Mystical Event going on.
Aantum heard the guy from last night. He was still paralyzed. Aantum walked up to him and dragged him to the group. "I have the legal right to kill you for trespassing. Why are you here? Watch that tongue of yours, and I may just cure you. When you feel like talking, just speak to Jugger here, whom you pissed off."

He turned to the travelers. "As for you travelers, I'd like to see how you all fight, both in hand-to hand, and against magic. You'll fight me in close combat 1v1, and Sir Arrogance in magic, since he's far better at it. With that in mind, though, Sir Arrogance (@Hunnyhelp) fights me first. We'll fight to the death. No worries though, since this circle won't let you die."

"This circle won't let you die, but you'll still feel all the pain until the wound heals."

"And you, Your Highness. If you feel the desire to fight, you're free to join in."

"Any questions?!"
Alice looked at the strang man who seemed to be attempting to sing with narrow eyes. He seriously confused her, he was mostly paralyzed but still seemed cheerful and was trying to sing of all things, not to mention the fact that he was throwing silverware at the house earlier "I have one" she said "what's the utensil chucker here for?"
"Yes Mother, I'm fine. Its just a little...tough to walk and stand." Lucy replied. She sounded exhausted. "Is the baby getting heavy?" The Queen asked. "Yes, actually. That's probably why its so tough to walk and stand for extended periods of time." She took a deep breath as they watched everything.

When asked if she wanted to participate in fighting, the Queen declined. "I'll pass. Thank you." Without her Shield, Alyson didn't feel comfortable with fighting, because it made up for the lack of durability that her Armor has. She then placed a hand on Lucy's stomach. The baby kicked at the Queen's touch. "Awww, that's adorable." She wrapped her other arm around Lucy. For a battle-hardened warrior, Alyson was very gentle when it came to being a Mother.

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