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Fantasy Land of Destiny

"Woah there. No need to resort to violence just yet. If she just doesn't talk, then I know as well how to break her."

Aantum held out his hand and a vial of black liquid appeared in his hand. "Black poisons are the deadliest I can make. I turn them black specifically so they're distinguished from the others. This one here is called the Ultimatum. It's basically a torture poison. It kills in 60 minutes, and only an antidote I know how to make. When it gets into the blood stream, it activates after the 1st minute. After that, there will be non-stop agonizing pain until the 60th minute, where it kills instantly. It keeps them from falling into unconsciousness, so they don't miss a thing. It hasn't failed in getting the results I desire."

The woman spoke, and her remark made him laugh. This woman was far from a threat. "Look around you. There are nothing but poisonous bombs around you. If you do manage to cause trouble, all I have to do is detonate them, and everything in this room dies but me. With that in mind, though........" Aantum threw Resist Potions to all the travelers "Drink this, so you don't die by my poisons."

Another dagger appeared in Aantum's hand. He threw it at the woman. Like the dagger earlier, it cut her before impaling into the floor, where it disappeared after. "I suppose you can feel a weakening sensation right about now. That's a Magic Drain Poison. You did a nice job of suppressing yourself while trespassing on my property, but no more. You can't cast magic, and you can't move. Tell me, what do you need with that case? You're not the middleman, nor are you the Collector"
Caterina walked up the steps following Jugger. Spiffy decided to stay and help Aantum. After they left the house Caterina looked around the village and noticed where most of the village was still out partying. She smiled as they walked around the back and to the servant's entrance. Caterina turned toward Jugger and said, "Thank you, Jugger. Also, tell Aantum thank you too." Caterina slipped into the entrance and up to her room.

Jeremy sighed and sat on one of the tables. He looked at the woman and said, "Why not use one of those truth potions? Or did you forget how to make 'em, Pops?" Sniffy sighed with disappointment and hopped onto a table.
Aantum sighed. Once again, Jeremy was doubting his competence. "I can give her a truth potion, but it doesn't force her to talk. All she'd have to do is not talk, and I've just wasted a potion. I have to give her one along with a black poison, to prevent her from telling me lies. I know how to get info, Jeremy. Your doubt is one of the reasons I always refuse to make you my apprentice."
Jeremy petted Netro's head and said, "Who said I wanted to be your apprentice? I rather be in that magnificent palace with Old man Lar then in this shabby house." Jeremy pushed Runny off his shoulder and went up to the woman. He leaned down and said to her, "Now sweetie. I suggest you tell us what we need to know, if I were you I would. Because that's one of the most deadliest posions." Spiffy shook his head and started sniffing different potions.
Rather unfortunately, the woman began dissipating into black smoke as soon as the magic drain poison was applied. The smoke was harmless, and seemed to be blown away by the wind as soon as it was created. As all the smoke disappeared, a gem in appearance similar to an amethyst was left, shattering into miniscule shards, and floated off alongside the smoke.

Throughout this, Caith said nothing, twin tails waving hypnotically.
"What?!" Shouted Clara angrily as the woman dissapeared, she obviously knew something but now she she was gone. Clara kicked the leg of a table in frustration, it stayed put but rattled to contents on the table top "damn it!" She growled in frustration.
Caith decided to do something a bit more productive than watch this bunch cavort, and decided to head out and "rescue" the most likely incredibly lost Taren
Jeremy stepped back and crossed his arms. "Annoying." He looked at Aantum and asked, "What do we do now that our lead is gone?"

Spiffy held onto the table with his claws as the table shook. He looked at Alice and growled. He looked at the chair the girl was in and hopped over. He sniffed it and watched the shadow leave.
Aantum stroked his beard through the woman disappearing, not saying a word. He wasn't expecting that to happen, but he wasn't really surprised. Their lead was gone, and it was now past midnight. Most the town was sleeping, and the guards were now on duty again. It's against the law for them to drink late, so they had to be sober now. "Calm down everybody. Since when was a good lead ever that easy to obtain? I don't think they're attacking tonight. Their best opportunity has passed. The guards are sober now, and they have magic weaponry. They won't destroy the spirits, but they'll damn sure keep them from destroying this city."

"My Spirit Sight Potion wore out. Amethyst can be infused with magic. I'd have destroyed it had Spirit Sight still been in effect. That was just bad timing for her to show up."

A thought crossed his mind. "Taren is still in the forest. Crows! Go grab the man in the forest. Don't engage." They flew off. Taren was in that forest for hours. What the hell was keeping him? Was he lost? That Paralyze Poison had long since worn off. Taren hadn't crossed his mind throughout all this crap that just happened, so he had no idea that he was still there.

"There's nothing to do with our lead gone. I do have some propositions to make though. We're all here, but we know nothing of each others' abilities. Tomorrow morning, we should show each other how we all operate in battle. Frankly, we have no idea how we all fight, and I don't know how you will fight a spirit, since apparently neither of you have encountered one on your travels. Since we're all working together here, and we'll definitely be fighting some time soon, we should be able to gauge and patch up any weaknesses we may have, because Wizards are clever. They'll expose a common weakness and destroy us all."
"Wait a second. Before you continue I would like to inform you that I am a hunter, not a fighter. I can be a supporter in battle at best." Marcos said.

If he was going to stay and help, he knew he should at least make sure they knew his limits. The most powerful enemies he had faced were wild animals and while he was skilled in archery he had led a peaceful life up to now, avoiding battles and any other kind of dangerous situation.

"And since you brought us all the way here, I believe you can at least let us stay for the night."
Aantum cut off Marcos with a wave of his hand. "We will learn all our strengths and weaknesses tomorrow. Simply telling me you're a hunter doesn't give me your strengths and weaknesses. We need specifics, so we can figure out a way to either patch it or work around it."

These travelers didn't strike him as the type to fight in hardcore situations, but the fact that they haven't left yet meant something. Their lives up to now were irrelevant. They were all a team, despite what they all thought. Lone wolves would die in these fights to come. Even him, the fearsome, dead-eyed marksman general, who fended off an entire brigade with nothing but Toxic Bombs and a couple of arrows, couldn't handle this situation alone. They had to work as a team.

He looked at all the travelers gathered in his house/shop. "Meet me in the forest tomorrow by noon. I'll test all your skills then. Since you're all assisting me, I'll provide room and board. I was planning on doing that anyways. As for weaponry, your skill will determine how much you'll have to pay for magic weaponry or soul gems to fight the spirits. The wizards are weak in close range, and they don't wear good armor, so fighting them off won't really be a problem. I'd give them to you for free, but I don't specialize in magic weaponry. All I have are arrows and light weapons, enchanted and not."

He was ready to end the night. "The crows will show you to the rooms. Rooms are first-come, first-serve, but there are enough for all of you. If you start fighting, you'll have to leave, and if you destroy my house, I'll have to kill you. You all seem to have some civility though, so I don't expect any problems."

The crows were at the ready to show them rooms. Natalie, who was done making potions, sighed and said to them. "Hope you all succeed. If Pops dies, I'll have to take a job as a waitress. This job pays well, and I get a free bed at night........so don't die, or I'll kill you."
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Jeremy looked at Netro and Runny and shrugged. He looked at Pops and said, "Can I just sleep on your couch?" Spiffy jumped onto Jeremy's shoulder and started chittering. Jeremy sighed and asked, "Also Spiffy wants Caterina to be there at noon also. He thinks since she hung out with 'us'," he said in quotations "that she might be targeted. So he wants her to learn how to fight or something." Spiffy hissed and jumped to Aantum's shoulder, now disgusted with Jeremy.
Aantum really didn't want Jeremy to stay here, especially after he called his house shabby. He had no choice though. "Ok. Don't mess up my stuff, or you'll be tasting my Torture Poison tonight."

As for the princess coming tomorrow..........to do or not to do? It's not like she could hear whether or not she can come tomorrow, unless Spiffy can communicate with her somehow. Spiffy jumped onto his shoulders. "It'll be logical to teach her how to fight, but she'll have to use archery. There's no way she's going to the front lines. My head comes off if she does. Since she has no special abilities to speak of, I'll teach her the ways of Sword Fighting, Archery, and what I call Potion Fighting"

Aantum walked off. He spoke to Spiffy who was still on his shoulders while going to his room. "You're free to sleep where you want, Spiffy."

He spoke to the travelers who were all still in the room, not bothering to look at them as he went up the stairs. "Find any room and sleep in it. Dismissed!"
Jeremy grinned when Aantum agreed with his decision. Jeremy went to the bottom of the stairs and turned. He bowed to every one and said, "It was nice to meet all of you. And if I were you I would go to bed early and be prepared, Pops likes to train hard." With that Jeremy ran.up the stairs and plopped onto the couch. Runny sat on a arm rest and stared at Jeremy. Jeremy closed his eyes and said in a serious tone, "Runny go around town and try to hear any thing about these spirits. Netro stay guard outside tonight, in case someone comes." Netro jumped out a open window and Runny followed. Jeremy layed his head down and slowly fell asleep.

Spiffy nodded, thanking Aantum for the offer but then shook his head. He motioned toward the castle, showing that he wanted to stay with Caterina tonight. Spiffy hopped off Aantum and through a hole in the wall. He found him self out behind the house and sighed. After walking through the streets for quite awhile, he ended up at the castle. He climbed up the walls and through Caterina's window.
A cloaked figure went up to the door of the leader, knocking fiercely before dropping his cloak and reveling a perfect Elven face. Seeing as the door was not to be opened, the Elf resulted to spreading his hands as a vines flew from them and into the lock, jamming the mechanism inside, before breaking it into two pieces, silently. He then put his cloak back up before sneaking inside and closing the door neatly behind him, his magic healing the broken door. He quickly hid behind the chair and grasped his knife, as he sneaked his way into the rooms.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21c577bd_Med-EvilHuntingKnife.jpg.d064864f57e6d7f070cf7d56da96ba8b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48660" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21c577bd_Med-EvilHuntingKnife.jpg.d064864f57e6d7f070cf7d56da96ba8b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21c5abc6_CloakedElf.jpg.8b2c16af0a6a29c8dbbf51d5a2fbb4da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21c5abc6_CloakedElf.jpg.8b2c16af0a6a29c8dbbf51d5a2fbb4da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jeremy turned to hear a silent click. He got up from the couch and looked ahead at the door. "Hey buddy just come on out. I heard you so....", he said in a tierd voice. He yawned and stretched. Jeremy looked up to see Spiffy leave and sighed. He turned back to the door and then asked, "You gonna introduce yourself or not?"
Aantum laughed from his bed as the elf walked in. "He must have a death wish to break into MY house. Nothing that happens around my shop goes unnoticed." He noticed the elf the entire time he walked up to his shop through the forest. Aantum didn't even have to get up to deal with this traveler. The person was an elf, and used plants to bust his lock. The first room the elf was headed into was his front shop.

Using SIA from his bed, He got 3 Toxic Bombs from the shelf and threw them at the elf. Right after they went through the opening, he closed and locked the doors. They all exploded. The first was a Wither Bomb, whose gas is extremely deadly to plants. The next was a Weakening Bomb, which would immobolize him, and the last was a Magic Drain Bomb. With those door being locked again, that elf was trapped in a room with no escape, as the plants would die before doing a thing, weakening physically, and magic being drained.

"Jugger! I need you to go deal with the intruder." Aantum applied the Torture Poison to Jugger's claws, and the claws of a bunch of crows that flew in on que. One scratch, and the elf would die after 60 minutes of mind-numbing, earth-shattering pain. They all flew off, and Aantum walked down to the room the elf was trapped in. He stood near the door, crows at the ready. Jeremy was in the room on the couch. He called to the intruder, but didn't get very far before the door slammed shut. "You can hold your breath, but for how long, elf?" he called. Without his magic, he was helpless. "I literally control everything, and can see everything in and around my shop. I'm practically a god on my property. There's literally nothing you can do at the moment, but breathe in the gas and hope I don't kill you for breaking in my house. Whatever you do, I can see as long as you remain on my property."

Aantum was normally a calm guy, but the easiest way to piss him off is to mess with his shop............ especially if he had guests he was obligated to protect.
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"Before you talk to anyone" Alice snapped threateningly at him (well as threatening as a five foot blonde girl could be) "You're gonna tell us why the hell you are here and why the hell you decided to break in" Alice had woke when the door was unlocked and had rushed over when she heard the commotion. She stroked the hilt of the sword at her side almost instinctively, she had no wish to draw it at the moment but that was where her hand always seemed to fall during stressful situations. Alice dropped her hand from the blade to look slightly less hostile stared the elf dead in the eye and waited for an answer, or maybe even an attack.
Aantum looked at the elf in the room. Jeremy was in the room with him, and was probably weak and paralyzed. Oh well. Aantum drank up a Godspeed Potion, Steel Wall Potion, which raises his flesh's resistance to tear (aka increases defense) and coated his dagger with a Nullify Poison, which cut off all 5 senses. He dashed in at a blinding speed at the elf and slashed at him with the dagger, aiming for his torso.
Gerus quickly adverted the dagger at the same speed it had come at him. Of course the new human potions effected him, but potion making was in his blood, and he had built up quite an immunity, only the 'Toxic Bombs' were affecting him, and they were on a very low level. Although that low level did effect him, so he quickly capped off a small High Elven Potion, just to counter the effects the human's measly attempts. Although this particular human is not what we was searching for, nothing would stop him from reaching and destroying his target.

(sorry if it's OP I promise it will not happen again)
Aantum turned around swiftly with a roundhouse kick aiming for the stomach, driven by the Godspeed Potion. Above the elf, he summoned another dagger in a magic circle, and shot it at him, with a strong nullify poison

In his hand, he summoned another Toxic Bomb.
The knife soon went flying the other way, nearly hitting the head of the magician, and burying itself into one of the wood fixtures. "You may be strong human," he said still recovering from the kick, "but I am stronger." The nullify poison exploded before the Elf and spread around him. "Now where may I find one of your well-known nature potions, I was hoping to steal one, but it seems you are very powerful. Now I do have coin, and I need that potion desperately."
You were carrying Caith on your back when a flock of crows abruptly and all too graciously picked you up and began flying you to Aantums place. At least that’s what you assumed. Not ten minutes before, Caith had caught up to you, telling you that you were going an incredibly wrong direction, and that you almost managed to lose him. You were more lost than you thought apparently. Anyhow, even before that, the crows stole away your middle”woman”. Or, more so, the mysterious female who likely had less to do with the collector and more so with her own personal gain, or something of the sort. After a bit of interesting crow-flying, you were dropped off at Aantums place. Although now it was very late, and the doorhandle was broken. Likely an intruder. You rest your hand on the hilt of your sword, and step inside, finding Aantum in conflict with some intruder, and a person or two less in the room.

“I hope I’m not intruding on anything” You say as you make a less than grand entrance into the room were the two were engaging.
Aantum looked at the elf standing within the nullify gas. "Stop deluding yourself elf. You can never beat me in hand to hand. Your only hope is magic."

"As for this Potion, I don't usually care about why clients want my merchandise, but since you've obviously given me a reason, why the hell do you want a Nature Potion?"

Taren stepped into the house cautiously. "Hey Taren" Aantum said "Quite the late one. This intruder apparently wanted to steal one of my better potions, one that I deal to elves specifically."

Aantum took another Wither Bomb and a Magic Drain Bomb and blew it up. He wasn't going to risk this elf using magic.

(Seriously, elves are known to be physically weaker than humans)
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A man in the finest of clothes walked by, amazed at his surroundings, as if he had just discovered the sky. "Splendid! This is just as I remember! This is how the common-folk live!" He looked at all that was happening through a window, almost singing his words. His voice was as loud as it could be without him yelling. "It's as if I never left! Maybe I should get inside!" He then threw spoons, forks, and knives at the window, attempting to crack them. It only made a lot of noise. His efforts continued.

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