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Fantasy Land of Destiny

(I never said anything about him being strong).

Gerus grunted as the human threw yet an other potion. "Your going to run out of potions and not have any to give me!" He would take one of his Elven potions, but he didn't need to use his magic, he just needed that potion. "I need it more for reasons your futile human mind would not comprehend," he then paused thinking a bit, "The mother tree has been poisoned, one of the keepers has been killed, and their blood was spilled from a member of our race, I need the potion so it can live and our homeland will be safe from it's," he shudders pronouncing it almost as it hurts,"original inhabitant."
Aantum sighed. Did this elf know who he was or how desperate his situation truly was? "Look elf." Aantum snapped his fingers, and everything in the house completely disappeared from the house. It was empty, as if just moving in. He snapped again and they all reappeared. "My abilities allow me to summon things from any property I own and control every aspect of said property. You've seen me do it. I can see and hear everything that happens on my property. Don't you get it? It's literally impossible to steal from me. I don't know who sent you, but whoever it was obvious has no idea who I am. I'm not your average stupid human."

"If you grab a potion from my shop, I'll just make it disappear. Until you leave this property with stolen goods, which is 35 acres by the way for every shop I own in the world, everything is under my control. I own shops, trade caravans, and houses all around the world. I have more Potions and more money than your elvish mind could possibly imagine." He paused and sighed. "Elvish Potions are different than your average potion. Elvish Potions are poisonous to humans. Aantum let out a big laugh at the desperate elf. "I control your fate right now. The closest city is 5 days journey on horseback. You're free to keep provoking me if you want, but you'll hold that arrogant-ass tongue of yours if you care about your mother tree. I'll sure as hell leave you scrambling for the next city."


A guy walked onto his property while he was fighting the elf. He paid the guy no mind, as he didn't use any magic the entire time he was walking. After the engagement with the elf, the guy finally made it to the house and started throwing eating utensils at his house. What. The. Actual. Hell?! This guy couldn't be drunk. He was on something else. This legitimately threw Aantum off. "Jugger!" The crow flew onto his shoulder. "Go bring that man into this house. Feel free to rough him up. Bastard is scratching my windows." Jugger and his pack of crows flew out as Aantum opened the door to attack the man. They attacked him mercilessly in a fury of talons and beaks, but didn't intend to kill him.

Alice sighed and stood back, but still watched the conflict all the same. This wasn't her fight and she wasn't even marginally interested with making it her fight, besides Aantum seemed to have the situation under control so there was no real need for her to step in. And as for the fellow throwing utensils at the window, Aantum seemed to have that under control as well.
"Oi. Alice, you're free to go to bed. I got all this under control." Aantum said to her "See you in the forest at noon."
"Fine with me" The girl snorted "just try to keep the noise down" this Alice said jokingly before walking back to the room and flopping back into bed.
Marcos couldn't sleep because of the commotion, but having witnessed Aantum's power, he doubted any form of action would be required of him. He stood at the hallway out of his room and saw Alice returning to her room "I'm surprised you can go back to sleep with all this commotion going on." he said and sighed.
Alice stopped and turned when she saw that Marcos was awake as well as her, but laughed at him "I just thought I might as well try to get a little bit of rest" she then sight "but I would be surprised to if I actually did" Alice yawned, she had to admit that she was very tired, but sleep was something that she doubted would be given to her this night.
"Hello, Little Birdies! Do you know the way in? The standard method of entry isn't working!" His loud, melodic voice made the birds simultaneously irritated and confused. Who was this ponce and why did he talk like this? He then noticed that the door was probably where the birds came from. He ran to it and started knocking loudly, as he talk-sung "Hello! It is I! François Q. Reginald Featherblazer III Esquire! I have not been to this town since the uprising! And I like your birds!"
Aantum walked to the door of the guy knocking. Opening it, he summoned a dagger. He cut the guy knocking the door. The dagger was coated with a Paralyzing Poison.

He'd drop from paralysis. "I should get Jugger to kill you." Aantum said
"I believe we can unite against this idiot," the Elf said as the pounding continued,"I need that potion for my people, but I have heard from my ears (they are quite large) that you seem to be on a quest. Because my people survive and trade, and don't have the currency of the current empire, and I have a few months before the mother tree finally gives out, so are you willing to accept the deal for my sword," he said sticking his hand out to the old (and most likely weaker than normal) man.
"You break into my house, make me burn some potions fighting you, and insult me and you want help............." Aantum sighed. "At the price I'd have to sell to you to cover all that, plus the naturally high price of a potion like that, you'll never afford it, so I guess I have no choice."

He took the elf's hand (whose hand is probably the same strength as his) "You help us kill this threat and you get this potion. You don't get a thing until then, so you're on a month timer." He let go of the hand. "Watch your tongue too. That'll be the death of you, elf."
"It hasn't been for hundreds of years," he said starting to grin. He then pulled out one of his specially crafted Counter-Potions and felt as a sort of magic dam broke and he was once again returned to the world of heightened scenes, weaker muscles, and animal talking. It wouldn't be long before the drunken looking human was welcomed, by a pair of hunting claws. He also called his horse, although fast, this one would take much longer, most likely because he was wandering somewhere in the Elven Settlements (capital of races of the Nature Alliance, where any Elf (who's royalty has agreed to the alliance) can come together and act as one, much as humans are doing more and more).
(Isn't a counter potion the same thing as a simple Cure or Antidote?)

Aantum sighed. He definitely didn't trust that elf, but he couldn't be stolen from, so if he cared about the mother tree, he had 0 choice but to cooperate.

He picked up the defenseless and noisy guy and threw him out the door. He locked the door. Snapping his fingers, the windows flashed white. For the next 6 hours they wouldn't be damaged by any physical attack, but would be shattered by magic.

Aantum yawned. It was about 1:30. He went up to his room and went to sleep.

(Sorry this all took so long. Ready for the time skip.)

(Here's the time skip)

Waking up at about 6, Aantum got up and left the house. He snapped his fingers and all the trees disappeared from his property. He walked all the way to the edge of his humongous property and started drawing a huge circle. He was extremely knowledgeable in the arcane arts, but he was far too weak in magic to use his knowledge. He had to literally draw the circle out for the spell and use a spirit potion/poison to stimulate enough magic energy. The more powerful the spell, the more components to the circle. The spell in question was insanely powerful, but important, so he had to draw. He summoned his circle blueprints and copied them, using his entire property as the circle scale


The process took him a total of 6 hours. He worked diligently. It was around 11 when he was done. The travelers were to be up and running by then. They had until 12 to meet him near the forest



@Andrea Logan


Despite being paralyzed AND poisoned, Franq kept a cheerful attitude. He hummed a happy tune, laying on the porch.

He hasn't had this much fun since his servant Gilbert told him the dirtiest joke possible! He looked at the old man drawing the circle. He would ask him if his mouth weren't paralyzed.


(was he also teleported?)
(Don't we all have to agree to time-skip)

Gerus woke up from his sleeping bag in the man's front lawn, he followed him and watched as he drew his arcane circle. "Tampering in magic aren't we?" He then smiled as he picked up some soil. "Lucky for you I have High Elven in my blood, would you like some help, one mess up and you could incinerate everybody on your property, including yourself, no matter how powerful you are on your property.
Marcos wasn't feeling as rested as he would have liked to and the only reason he didn't regret not sleeping in the forest was the danger lurking outside. He got out of bed early and walked out of the house, only to find a man laying on the porch, humming cheerfully as if he was drunk. The elf's eyes widened and he searched the area for Aantum.

The old man was drawing what appeared to be a magic circle on an area that should have been full of trees - at least it was the previous night.

"Who is that guy?" Marcos asked, pointing at the man lying on the porch. He then noticed someone else standing near Aantum. Another elf.
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Aantum bothered not to be distracted by the elf. He spoke while writing "If you know the dangers, then why the hell are you disturbing me? If I can be killed easily on my property, then you'll be killed long before then. I'm making a Regeneration Circle, so we can fight all out and not die. Showing each other all our abilities is impossible if we fear killing each other. I'm sure you know the spell for this? You're useless otherwise"

(Aantum finishes the circle at 11, so it can't be 11 yet. What time is it?)
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Spiffy jumped through the window and landed on the armrest of the couch. He turned to a snoring Jeremy and shook his head. He looked out the window and saw Aantum. He jumped back out and walked to him. He jumped onto his shoulder and examined his work that he drew.
(I would say 10)

"Of course I do, it's 10% of my bloodline, and Elves are known for regeneration." He then turned to the Elf which had also walked up. "You might be able to help us too, do you have regeneration magic in your blood sir," he said smiling as his familiar (Heart) flew unto him and landed on his shoulder.
"I don't think I have any sort of magic in my blood... sir." the word sounded kind of funny coming from Marcos himself. He had spend so much time far from other elves that he had forgotten how different them and humans were in some ways. He turned and focused at what Aantum was doing. He was curious but he didn't bother asking what this magic circle was about, he doubted he would get a straight answer anyway.
(At 10, starting from 6, the circle is roughly 80% complete)

"Ok. This circle isn't complete yet. Head to the incomplete part and cast some magic to complete the circle. Don't activate it though. It'll be active only in the time slot planned, so an early activation puts us all at risk during actual training." He pointed at the part not drawn yet. "I'm casting it over my entire property. If you mess up, everything on this property dies at noon."

He turned to Marcos. "As for you, Marcos, if you have no magic, then stand back. Curiosity will kill every cat on this property."

Spiffy landed on his shoulder. "Good morning, Spiffy." Aantum said, petting him. "Something important's going down, so don't disturb the arrogant one until he's done. Dying is after the last thing on my to-do list." This really was a dangerous procedure, which is why he got up early to start it, so as to limit distractions like this
Spiffy stood up on Aantum's shoulder and sniffed. He smelled something but he couldn't tell what it was. He lowered back down and stared at the drawing. Spiffy glanced at the forest and looked for Caterina. Caterina told him before he left, that she would be over there at around noon. He returned back to watching Aantum draw.
You thought it best to sleep well, and deeply. Truth be told something was coming up tommorow that you weren't fully informed of, so you thought it best to be well rested at the least. Aantum had almost deity-like powers in his own territory, and you knew there wasn't a whole lot anyone could do inside it. And as well you believed Aantum had no malicious intentions, and even if he did, there was very little you could do on his property. So you would sleep a bit past ten, unaware of the current events. Lolling composedly on the sofa in a back right room.
Alice stood in the group half asleep as Aantum did his thing. She had gotten no sleep at all the previous night and was exhausted. Alice decided not to say anything, because when she didn't sleep her mood became even worse than usual.

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