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Fantasy Land of Destiny

"Fine then," he said pulling out two Gold coated swords from his back. "Thank goodness the isolated humans have taught me a few in their art." He then smiled in his arrogance. He didn't need this human, of course it would be more troublesome, it would certainly be more fun to bring the Queen and her children (and maybe grandchildren) to the Elven Land, but he will play along to this human, let him believe that he holds actual power.
Aantum walked away from Marcos, and summoned his bow. "Take a look at this, elf." He summoned a poison to hand. This one was different from the others, as it had red orbs floating around in it, similar to the one he used to activate the magic circle. A spirit poison. "This poison here is much different from the average poison, as it hits the soul instead of the blood. Your elf blood may be resistant, but it's impossible to make your soul immune. You're no different from a normal person against my poisons. Come at me, Arrogant Ass!" Spirit poisons are hard to make, but are very powerful for that very reason. He didn't have many, but didn't need many

He calmly shot a single arrow at the elf, not intending to do any damage. This elf had no chance in a physical battle. This elf thinks he's something, but it's time to put him in his place.
"Isn't potions what you would consider magic," he said swiftly dodging the arrow as his robes swayed. "No matter, I will just use my own."He smiled and then pulled out a special little glowy own. "You see this, you ignorant human general?" He then took time to uncap his special concoction. "This will kill me in an instant, but it will keep my soul alive. Perhaps you don't know that no healing ring on Earth can heal the spirit? So, before you try to destroy an immortal Elf, I will drink this potion and kill myself, long before you can."
Aantum let out a huge laugh. "Kill yourself? Go ahead. You'd be doing us all a favor. Who are you supposed to be threatening? Do it! It'll save me the potions and spirit potions fighting you." Aantum didn't give a damn about this elf. Who was he kidding?

"Potions react with the body to induce different effects. It's a human art called science. Your magic-bound elf brain would never understand it. It takes special skills and genes to cast magic. Weapon and potion training can be trained by anybody." Aantum was quite passionate about his art. No silly elf was going to twist it around. "Potions don't need magic circles or incantations. Poisons don't cast silly vines or fireballs out of thin air. Potions are bound by logic and physics, and made by hand, using natural materials. Potions don't backfire unless made wrong."

Aantum spoke menacingly to the elf. "Just get your weak-ass out of my sight.......... or kill yourself. I don't care. Either way, I have bigger matters to attend to. You said you'd have to journey to the High Elves in the Far West to get that potion if not from me. Just go. You'll never be able to afford my potion, and it's too hard to make to just give it to you. You don't need 'pathetic humans' like us."

Even if Aantum allowed the use of magic, he's still one strike with spirit poison from being incapacitated or killed. He really didn't want to use a spirit poison in training, but this elf doesn't really need their help, so Aantum had no reason to keep him here. He was literally intruding for the hell of it at this point.

Tired of all the fighting, Queen Alyson stepped in. "That is ENOUGH! Both of you!" She plunged her sword into the ground. "Both of you are fighting like children. There are more important things at stake then you and him!" She shouted at the Elf. "And taking your own life will not solve anything! And if you don't want to solve things on your own, let others help you. Don't push them away." After shouting at the Elf, she turned to the Old Man. "And you, not everything has to be perfect. There is no need to be so closed minded!" At this point, the Queen was just losing her Temper and speaking her Mind. "Why use the whole "My Way or the Highway" Bullshit? Everyone is skilled in their own way." She was still losing it. "The fighting needs to stop. The point is, there are more important things at stake. Save your anger for the enemy...Don't use it on each other..." At that point, she was just trying to catch her breath.


The queen obviously had no experience in the field. If she did, it definitely wasn't war. This was motherly advice coming in a situation that far from needs it.

"Acknowledged, Your Highness. However, you want to know why it's 'my way or the highway' with this elf? Allow me to explain. You're free to offer a rebuttal, if you can get one" He snapped his fingers and a tree shot up from the ground under him, which he sat on casually:

1) "This elf broke into my house last night with the intent to both steal my merchandise and harm my quests. He then turns to ask for help, but challenges everything I do. I don't do this shit for no reason, nor do I need to help his ass. I have better things to do, plus I have the legal right to kill him where he stands since he's damaged my shit and he hasn't paid up for the damages."

2) "I don't call this my land for nothing. Do you want to know why I can do literally anything I want on this land? This land isn't technically a part of this kingdom. My word holds power over even the king's on this land. The only reason it's considered a part of the kingdom is because it's surrounded on all 4 sides by this kingdom, so it'll be stupid to call it separate. When I bought this land, I paid an extra fortune to cut the king's power over this land. It's a money amount that can't be ignored. I do it with all my property around the world. Only if I commit a crime will the King's, and only King's, jurisdiction hold over mine."

3) "If you recall earlier, he said if you couldn't give him a contact to get a potion, he'd have to journey to High Elves, located in the Far West. He's a leader of his people. As a leader, he should have no trouble getting the potion he needs. He doesn't need human help, so why the hell is he here? He's here fucking stuff up for the hell of it."

"So as you can see, this elf literally has no authority to question my motives. That's why I grabbed a spirit potion, which he won't heal off if damaged by. He wants to play games when we have more important shit to do. Him dropping dead will stop the pain I've been feeling in my ass since last night. We still have to find another lead to whoever summons those spirits. He can: 1) follow the rules, like everyone else here, 2) pay the fortune he doesn't have for the potion he needs, or 3) take his arrogant ass to High Elves.............or kill himself." Non-Negotiable. This elf has given Aantum -3 reasons to even attempt negotiations.

Aantum's stomach growled. Lunch Time. He snapped his fingers and his gold pouch appeared in his hand. "I'm headed to the tavern for food. Anyone who wants to came, it's all on me. The least I can do for your cooperation." He bothered not for a response from either the queen or the travelers as he started walking away. "Oh. Taren and Jeremy. If you still want your fight, it'll have to wait until a little later. Food calls." He casually waved as he walked away, letting out a huge laugh. His army general was starting to fade, replacing itself with the merchant

@Shimakage Thunder
"And he calls me the arrogant bastard," he said chuckling to himself. "All that wish to go on an actual adventure and go see the Elven Land follow me, obliviously this man does not know of people's ways and considers himself God. Why should I even waste my people's fortune on a potion I can get for free. Now, I don't mean to offend any one, but I just want to know who would like to go on a magical adventure and get paid lucrative salaries." The Elf then looked to the queen and smiled. "I can be a bit irritating, I know, but I will be willing to wait for your grandchild if you wish to go." He turned towards the circle and drew a giant X above the humans attempt at magic, and watched happily as the circle collapsed in on itself. "Now I must go before the ALL POWERFUL human comes after me," he said dropping a few golden coins on the ground and striding to the entrance of the man's land, just like the royalty he was...
Aantum wasn't quite off his property yet, and heard everything the elf said. He waited until the elf left his property, who collapsed his magic circle..........or so-called collapsed. All he did was collapse the magic in the circle. Aantum made the circle with a non-magic dagger, on non-magic ground. When not using magic, the magic circle was nothing more than a simple, harmless, non-magic dirt circle. You can't do a thing with a harmless dirt circle. Aantum summoned another potion and poured it on the ground, activating the magic circle again.

Aantum cut notes to everyone but the elf, who was far off his property at his point.

"I pray you don't believe this elf. He's spouting 100% bullshit. He's a leader of his people. He needs to get a potion to save the mother tree. All you travelers can attest to that, as you were in the house when he said it. Now he's talking about running around doing mercenary work, when he's on a 1 month timer before the mother tree dies.............or so he said. The elf is obviously lying at some point. If he isn't, he's by far the worst leader on earth."

"What kind of leader breaks into people's houses in the middle of the night? What kind of leader tries to steal what he needs when it's vital for survival, when all he needs to do is buy it? What kind of leader does mercenary work? What kind of leader tries to take the queen of a kingdom to another land just to do mercenary work? The elf is insulting human intelligence by feeding constant lies and saying you'll get paid. If you want to join me in stopping the cultist and the spirits and saving your homeland, meet me in the tavern. If you want to go around doing petty mercenary work for money that'll mean nothing when the cultist takes over, go ahead to the elf."
Gaven had been veiwing the entire spectacle with a wry smile. He knew some of Aantum's tricks now, not that it'd help the spirit he sent. And besides, the conflict with the elf and the old man was entertaining to say the least. On the matter of the spirit, it had arrived much earlier than expected, and ran towards the elf, who was not to far off the property. It gave a rapid leap toward the elf, flinging two daggers, one aimed towards the throat, and one at the Achilles tendon, while whipping out two more to use for hand in hand.

You had a sort of game plan worked out for your battle with Aantum. Quite frankly, you were looking forwards to it. But time had passed and you were rather hungry. You stand up and brush yourself off.

"Oh, Aantum, I don't mean to pick sides or revive dead arguments, but wouldn't your ability to summon items technically a manic of sorts?"
Jeremy bit his lip. So food was more important then him huh? Whatever. Jeremy looked over at Caterina and asked, "Wanna go search for Spiffy?" Caterina must have been daydreaming because when she heard the name Spiffy, she stepped back and asked, "What?" Jeremy sighed and grabbed her wrist. He pulled her to the forest and called out, "Oi Pops! Me and her highness are going to look for the weasel!" Caterina frowned. She didn't like people touching her that much. Jeremy looked back at her and grinned. "Wanna find out why I called Spiffy a cat?", he asked. Caterina looked back at the others as they continued to walk and replied quietly, "No." Jeremy laughed and a few minutes later they were in town walking down a street. "Hey after we find Spiffy, I know this great place to eat. Way better then some old nasty tavern.", he said. Caterina pulled her hood over her face more and nodded. Jeremy frowned and said, "God your boring. Can't you even talk? I'm not gonna bite, I only do that on Sundays." He smirks. Caterina sighed and heared a hiss. She pulled Jeremy by his sleeve and said, "I think that's Spiffy!" When they reached the end of an ally way, Jeremy's jaw dropped. Standing in front of them was Jeremy's old arch enemy, Matt. Matt looks up and smiles. "Hey if it isn't Jeremy.", Matt says. Caterina looks at Jeremy then Matt. "Do you know him?", she asks. Jeremy narrows his eyes and answers, "Yea he used to be Old Man Lar's apprentice, before he quit." Matt laughs and holds out Spiffy and drops Spiffy to the ground. "Eh he ran out of stuff to teach me. But now I have a better master.", Matt says. Spiffy hisses at Matt and runs to Caterina. Caterina places Spiffy on her shoulder gently and looks at Jeremy, who seemed pissed.
Gaven couldn't help but grin at the boy. He had hears about Jeremy, but Matt was a far more impressive specimen. While he most certainly was talented, he wouldn't stand a chance at Aantum's experience at battle. But Gaven welcomed the reinforcements, as it made the likely hood of him ruining his opposition all the greater.
The Elf saw the spirit long before it was able to attack him, and was able to jump in the air and do a cartwheel by the time the actual knife, briefly grazed his shoulder. "Do you always greet people," he said pulling out his short sword as it brilliantly flashed in the light and the flowers seemed to glow. "Now I would go flying back to your master, before I plunge my special little soul sword into your heart..."

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Aantum felt a cold breeze of air pass him. It was blazing hot today. He summoned a Spirit Sight Potion and drank it. In a flash of white light, magic trails became visible. Aantum looked around and noticed the elf being attacked by a spirit. He recognized the spirit immediately.

The spirit was of an old warrior, one who was great in hand to hand. His weapon of choice were daggers. He chose to use daggers, as it let him get close to his opponents, driven by his fast movement. He was well respected in the army. Aantum saw the elf's fancy acrobatics, and knew he stood no chance. All that spirit had to do was throw his dagger mid-cartwheel, and he couldn't dodge. Moves like that would get one killed on the battlefield. There was training in the army just to stop moves like that. He saw the spirit a mile away, so all he had to do was side-step.

It'd take great power to raise a spirit like that, and maintain it like that. When the spirit leaped again, Aantum calmly pulled out his bow and shot the spirit in the temple with deadly accuracy. The arrow was enchanted, to capture spirits with. The spirit screamed an ear-piercing scream while being sucked into the arrow. He wanted the elf to be put into his place, but this spirit would give them a nice little lead, and that sword seemed like it would banish the spirit. Since it was captured, it wouldn't be disappearing like their first lead was.

Aantum walked over and grabbed the arrow, instead of making it appear to him like he'd usually do. He closed his eyes out of respect for his fallen comrade, and continued walking to the tavern.
Matt narrowed his eyes when he heard the spirit's scream. Jeremy and Caterina couldn't hear it, but Matt could because he had a special gift. Matt looked past the two and sighed. "You two are in my way. Jeremy I suppose your here because of the little spirit incident?", Matt asked. Caterina looked up at Jeremy, who was giving a cold stare to Matt. Matt snapped his finger and a white female lion appeared. "Let's play tag. My friend here will be 'it'. You have 5 seconds.", Matt said. When Matt started counting, Jeremy grabbed Caterina's wrist and pulled her out of the alley. He pulled her along and ran. Four seconds later Matt clapped his hands and the white lion chased after Jeremy and Caterina. "Who was he Jeremiah?", she asked. Jeremy ignored her and jumped over a box, pulling her along. Spiffy hissed at the lion, but it made the animal even more agitated.
"HOW DARE YOU," Gerus shouted at the old man while he walked away. "I had that cursed spirit you scum. I WILL KILL YOU," he shouted even louder, all of his anger and hate for the world coursing through his veins. He took a step back as a giant spruce tree shot through the ground and reached for the old man, squeezing hard. "Not so powerful off your property now old man," he said pulling out his sword, hoping it will end soon, as his emerald green eyes were already starting to wain.
Aantum was grabbed by the tree. The grab was painful, but he didn't give the elf the satisfaction of a pained response. "Hmm." He said. He summoned a Wither Poison above himself upside down and it poured on the tree. The tree instantly shrunk back and let him go. He landed perfectly on his feet, dusting off his clothes.

Aantum yawned. Those battles made him sleepy. "During the training session, I didn't use any skill on my property I can't use off my property. It would've been unfair to the others. Every skill you saw in battle were the same skills I used in the army. The property just made it stronger. On that spirit, it provides a nice little lead to the Lone Summoner or the cult. We have to save this town. You just want to banish it."

He turned and was about to walk away, but stopped. He spoke without looking at the elf. "What is it you REALLY want? You hate humans, yet you're still here for some reason. Was the mother tree thing a lie? Or was the mercenary work a lie? Why is it you want to lead humans to Elven Land, knowing we'd be killed?"

He blink twice in surprise. The elf had some serious fervor. He called out to his assistant.

"Tell the messenger to bring the elf here. I'd like to have a word with him. After he's dealt with the alchemist of course."

The messenger was a pseudo-life form creature he had made twelve years ago. She was one of his living experiments, alongside The Seer and his Golem. The seer can see anywhere in the current time, and seconds into the past and future. The messenger was capable of constantly regenerating and self spacial-displacement, both, however, were incapable of using magic, other than handheld pre-made stones. Both had little personality, other than unwavering trust and loyalty in him of course. His Golem, however, was an entirely different case. She was a project he attempted at creating a powerful entity with personality and personal needs. He succeeded. She was powerful, as well as kind, with a deep love of Gaven. While Gaven tried his best to stay neutral, he found himself living for her almost, his only desire alternate to his current objective. And while Golems were generally a-not-so-uncommon practice, Golems tended to be stupid brutes. However, with Gavens skill, he created a full-blown intelligent creature, who practices a previously undiscovered magic, known as reconstruction magic, that can take apart and rearrange any matter. But no matter how much Gaven pressed, she refused to take apart any living thing, with a solid set of ethics and ever-present kindness. The contrasting light to Gaven.

The Messenger

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The Seer

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"Because there is no potions in the Elven land, dimshit," Gerus curtly replied pulling his sword back to make it align with his arm, a special technique he liked to call Slicing And Dicing. "Take your all-powerful bullshit somewhere else, mortal, 'cause your about to get a lesson in the art of Elven hand and hand." He then jumped in the air and landed in front of the old man, traces of his near-exhaustion now non-existent.
Aantum gave a big laugh. "Is the powerful Elven leader so broken that he resorts to using petty vulgarities?!" He quickly summoned a Godspeed Potion. As he tipped his head back to drink, he noticed the elf jumping. Driven by Godspeed, he quickly moved back, the gap between them doubling the distance as before. Before moving back, however, he dropped a dagger where he was. While it was dropping, a magic circle appeared on it, and it began to corkscrew."Using unnecessary acrobatics will never give you a win against me. Elves may be better mages or archers, but Elves will never beat Humans in hand-to-hand! Take the lessons from your fallen comrades!"

As soon as the elf landed, the dagger shot out at a high speed. Aantum timed it to immediately when he landed, so he wouldn't be able to get his bearings back to even attempt another move. His only option right now was magic. He summoned his bow immediately, and drained another potion, an Eagle Potion. this one raised his eyesight and his reflexes to great levels. His eyes were already some of the best the humans had to offer, but it was this potion that had him rivaling even the best shots in the Elven land. His aim was infallible now. It was his favorite potion to use

With this distance between them, and Godspeed on his side, this elf would never close the gap
"At least I don't need potions to fight," Gerus said, pulling a root from the ground to block the arrow. "And I think you will learn, potions will not do you any good." At that he pulled out his bow and a special arrow, just for this. With his impossible-to-miss Elven eyes he quickly aimed and shot before the human could react, make a cloud of smoke. Not even the sharpest of Godspeed potions could escape it. "Not so tough now, pretty boy," he said as he felt the lingering effects of his High Elven Potion drain out of him, just like every potion did in the cloud. It was specially designed for combat and containment of other Elves, and was able to seemingly suck the effects of potions right out.
"Potions make humans do what other creatures can do at their level." With the Eagle Potion in effect, his reflexes were crazy high. Time seemed to slow as the elf shot the bow. Aantum jumped in the air right before he shot his bow, dodging the arrow with ease. No aim was infallible against the Eagle Potion. Both Archers and Field Rogues used them in the war, archers to be able to shoot it out with the elves, and rogues to take down their bigger warriors, their small stature and high speed mixed with the Eagle Potion making hitting them nearly impossible. The cloud then came and drained the Eagle Potion. Aantum wasn't phased. He bowed. "Pretty boy? Why thank you. Too bad I can't say the same about your 200+ year, war-scarred mug."

Aantum drank down the same 2 potions again, this time in Spirit Potion form. "You think that's the first time I've seen that?! It was used in the war to counter my potions. I started making Spirit Potions to counter that cloud. Just like Spirit Poisons can't be cured, Spirit Potions can't be dispelled. You can't drain the soul, just like you can't cure it." That's why they were so expensive. The elf could do nothing but wait until the effects stopped. He must not have anticipated Spirit Potions. A shame since he was so ready to kill himself in the face of the incurable Spirit Poison. Now he just shot himself in the foot. It was Elf Sight vs. Elf Sight, Super Speed, and Fast Reactive.

He drained a Spirit Detect Life, reaching his max, and shot the bow multiple times, aiming for the elf's illuminated head. His eyes glowed blue and a magic circle appeared in the arrow's flight path in the smoke. A Speed circle. The arrow's speed doubled mid-flight as they went through the circle. The first few arrows in the flurry were enchanted with Spirit Wither Poison, to take care of any plants he try to defend with, while the others were with Spirit Paralysis. One scratch and he was paralyzed for a long time.

Aantum sensed that this fight may just end up in a stalemate. He was making 0 progress against him, but the elf wouldn't be touching him anytime soon with Spirit Eagle and Spirit Speed in full effect. Smoke was to his advantage under Spirit Detect Life.
(I AM DONE!!!)

The Elf smiled as he used his fancy acrobatics to jump high into the air, dodging the rapid secession of arrows (that he was able to hear), sadly the human did not seem to know he already had Elven Sight, Elven Speed, and Elven Reflexes. No matter, he smiled as he heard the cry of his familiar."I take my leave," he said as the sound of his Elven Horse approached. He then jumped up quickly the brought up several trees to confused the man's vision until he was far away. His specially trained horse was able to be right under Gerus when he landed, offering the fastest escape possible. "Toodaloo," he said as he quickly left the man's reduced field of vision (due to the Eagle and Detect life potion after-effects.

(Also, the cloud continues to suck the potion effects out of someone, until the cloud is dissipated entirely)
Aantum summoned a magic wind circle to dispel the smoke. He wasn't chasing after the elf. He headed back to the house. The fight was invigorating, but when the spirit potions wore off, he was hit full force, his older age amplifying the effects. The biggest hindrance was his blurred vision, which he cured by summoning and putting on his glasses Jugger came flying with another message.

A king wanted to recruit him as a private potion-maker for their army. The pay was insane, and he could still travel in peaceful times. His work was done here. He sent Jugger to the king of this kingdom, alerting him of the spirit problem. He'd send some of his best warriors to deal with the problem. He sent another crow telling the other king he accepted the offer. He was on no one's side after retiring from the army. If the travelers needed help, he'll help them, but travels call. His eyes glowed red as he commanded the crows to him.

He made it back to his property and summoned a huge rock mound to take him to the back, with his horse. He released the horse "Oi, Ashka. Ready to travel again, girl?" he said, feeding her. After she had ate, he summoned his trade caravan. He then rolled off his property and away from the city. "Good luck fighting the spirits. If things take a turn for the worse, then I'll be back here in a hurry. The king will send his own warriors to help you out." he said as he passed by the travelers. He snapped his fingers, and his entire house disappeared, as well as the magic circle and all the trees on his property.

He was on the road again, off the front-lines of battle, where he belonged. He hummed a tune as the after-effects of the spirit potions wore off.

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