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Fantasy Land of Destiny

"Nah. I got potions for this. Only a flesh wound" Another potion appeared in his hand. This time it was a Regeneration Potion and he chugged it down. "We're still waiting on the elf and the other woman." He pulled out the now shining Soul Gems. "I just needed to catch a couple of those spirits to make more spirit potions and poisons. However, gauging their strength, they're far more powerful than they usually are, so fighting them again is illogical. Whoever summoned them is very much competent in summoning magic."

Some crows started to appear. Must be Jugger. He usually came when he was in danger. Sure enough, Jugger perched on his shoulder, and crows started flying around in the air above the city, and perching on some of the houses. There were loads of them. "This here is Jugger, my pet crow." He pointed out around the city. "These are his friends. I actually have control over them, but eh, a power like this is usually seen as black magic."
"Bye boy" Alice kissed the large horse on the top of his nose and walked out of the stable. She began to walk towards Anatum who was talking with another man and woman. She quietly approached him and stopped "where is Marcos?" She thought.
You nod at his statement. You decide this is as best a time for introductions as any.

“My name’s Taren by the way. I don’t have an official job, but I take almost any request.”
Caterina was kinda shocked how the man could move so fast just with one potion, but she never really left the kingdom so she guessed this happened all the time. When Aantum called her, his niece, and didn't tell them she was the princess, she was very thankful. But as soon as the crows came, all of a sudden Spiffy went into crazy mode and hid in her hood. "Ow. Spiffy please they won't... OW! Hurt you!" Caterina grabbed Spiffy and held him tight against her chest. She smiled and said to Aantum, "I'm sorry. For some reason Spiffy has a fear of birds." Caterina put a shacking Spiffy who calmed down a bit on her shoulder. Caterina smiled at the new man and said, "Nice to meet you Taren. Also, thank you for offering but after seeing 'this'. I may head back home." Spiffy nodded approving of the decision.
Alice looked at the two strangers who were with Anatum carefully, she had seen the man earlier in the tavern with the strange cat, but she had never seen the girl before "So who are your friends?" She asked Anatum, gesturing to the strangers. She brushed off the dirt and hay that had collected on her trousers when she was in the stable and thought to herself "I wonder if they have any intel about the spirits?"
You nod again.

“Excellent decision.” You turn to Aantum “I don’t think I caught your name. I suppose you should escort your niece home first though. We’ll wait here for the last man.” You face Alice “Spirit? Could you elaborate? I might have had an encounter when I was following our friend here to the middleman.”
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She looked at him realizing that she had once again thought outloud "I'm not surprised that you've had an encounter with one, I'm really no expert on spirits but this land seems to be teeming with them" Alice looked down and frowned as she still tried to search her mind for an answer "all I know is that it would have taken a very powerful sorcerer to summon them all here, but like I said before I'm no expert"
"I'm pretty much the only one here with intel on spirits. I'll tell you what I know.........as soon as we get to the shop. I also have quite a few books on them, if you're interested."

He stroked his beard for a second. He accessed SIA and 2 Spirit Sight Potions appeared in his hands, and he held them out to Taren and the woman. "Name's Aantum. Drink these. You'll get the full gist of the situation when you do. There are more spirits than you think. Try not to engage. They'll tear you a new one real quick"

Looking up, the night was still pretty young, being just before pitch black. The crows were getting hard to see. "Jugger" he said. "I need you to disperse your friends for a moment. You tend to strike fear with your very presence." Just as he said it, the crows started to fly away. Jugger was a very intimidating bird, the big boss of the flock. No wonder Spiffy got all crazy. Aantum was lucky to control such a deadly bird and his friends...............not to mention that his talon were coated with deadly poisons.

He turned to the princess. "Oi. You can either come with us, go into the tavern, or head home."
You take a swig of the potion, only to take a step back and reach for your black longsword. There were many spirits, an incredulous amount. You recall the damage they had done to Aantum before.

“I saw how much damage they did to you, are they all that strong?”

This could be seriously bad, but suddenly, you realize something.

“Wait, why is it that I was capable of seeing one before, but all these ones were all but invisible?”

You think it was likely it could be something to do with strength, either that one was particularly weak, or much stronger. It seemed to be the latter.
He looked to Taren, who was about to draw his sword. They'd all be killed if these spirits got agitated again. Hell, he barely survived the last encounter.

"Spirits are unstable when summoned, and their strength varying. These spirits are deliberately suppressed. Those that are too powerful for the suppression are visible regardless. In terms of durability, some of them dropped easily. Others were practically juggernauts. The same goes for the power of their spells, and their movement speed." Aantum eyed his sword. "That sword of yours. If it's not magic enchanted, they're immune. They're not active at the moment, so engaging them is illogical anyways. No need for unnecessary fighting."

Aantum couldn't sense any magic on the sword, but then again, it may be one of those swords where magic can be cast on it. The presense of these spirits were like a weight on his shoulder, there were so many. Can one person really control this amount? "The person controlling these spirits must be somewhere in this city, or very close to it. There's no way anyone could control this many from afar."
Caterina looked at Spiffy and smiled. Spiffy made a low rumble in his throat. She looked at Aantum and shrugged. "I guess I'll go with you guys with you guys. I would feel safer if I know what was going on." Spiffy crawled from one shoulder to the other. Spiffy glared at Aantum thinking it was his fault. Caterina looked at the spirits. They kind of creeped her out, and where they could attack her at any moment creeped her out even more.
You rub your chin with the hand you lifted off your sword.

“No, it isn’t enchanted, although after I finish this job I suppose that’ll be the first thing I do then.”

A quick glance around revealed that these wore no masks, or at least less intricate ones. But one thing you did notice was that they seemed to be attracted to whatever was in the case, clinging to it like moths. You find this a bit unnerving. Some of the spirits would get uncomfortably close, seemingly sniffing you, but never coming close enough to touch, although some attempted to touch you, only to recoil their appendage before touching you.
Aantum looked at the spirits touching on the case in Taren's hands

"Marco's taking too long. We may just have to go without him. These spirits are getting dangerously comfortable here. Anyone here for waiting?"

Aantum hated leaving behind someone he's supposed to take, but they're literally in the middle of all these spirits. If the summoner ordered them to attack, they'd have about 5 seconds before they're ripped clean to shreds. Especially with the princess here, it's the worst place to be at that moment.
"Well I do not know who this Marco is but I do feel bad if we left him." Caterina looked nervously at the spirit closest to Taren and continued, "But if we do wait any longer we may be killed so..." Spiffy jumped down and circled Caterina, eyeing the spirits with his beady black eyes.
Caith strode to the group, the spirits seem to be visably more cautious around him. You found that interesting, that cat surely had secrets.

“I feel as if we should at least leave a note of some sort, I would hate to just leave him, especially in these conditions.” A spirit brushed against your shoulder. It was eerily cold. “But I do agree that it’s urgent we leave.”

With this said, the spirits became more comfortable with touching you, but you held yourself calm, knowing there wasn’t anything you could do against them.
Asha and her camel were rounding their way through the city, dreadfully lost, when they stumbled upon the party. Asha thought about passing by, but overheard talk of spirits, and of magic.

"Do you all need any help?"
Aantum looked to Jugger. "I need you to stay out here until Marco comes out here, then I need you to give him this message." He tied a note to Jugger's foot, then Jugger went and perched in a tree, watching the tavern for Marco.

Another traveler popped in, asking did they need help. Aantum looked at her, and got her a Spirit Sight Potion from SIA. "See for yourself. Just drink this." This woman. He knew this woman. She was also a merchant, under the great Ibn al-Madwani. "You're Asha, right? Ibn al-Madwani's apprentance. No merchant gets pass this old man's memory. We used to deal together, until our paths split. I don't believe we've met formally, but all that came out of Madwani's mouth during our travels together was your name, and I have seen your face a couple of times. You're compotent with numbers I've heard. The name's Aantum."

"About these spirits. You're free to join us. We're about to head to my shop to discuss how to rid the town of these things." He suddenly got cold. The more powerful a spirit, the cooler the air around it around it. This one was crazy strong. The town was obliviously partying. Ignorance is bliss. If word got out about these spirits, it'll become panic.

"Let's head out."
"After you" Alice nodded. She once again looked around at the group of travellers wondering what she was even doing here. Never in her life had she even interacted with this many people at once. Alice traveled alone and that was how she was comfortable, just her, Utem and the open road. Even with her lack of social skills and manners she still decided to go along with them, she was to curious about the spirits to just leave.
You tuck the case under your arm and follow the group. The case itself was a metallic gray, with a built in lock. It was slightly rectangular in shape, about a hand and a half in area size. If you shook it, no rumbling could be heard, so whatever was inside had a snug fit. That certainly made your job easier. The spirits themselves didn’t seem to pay any special attention to the box, but that didn’t necessarily mean that whatever was in it wasn’t related to them.
Aantum started towards his shop, avoiding touching the spirits and bringing Ashka with him. The walk wasn't all that far, but his shop was kind of hard to see, especially with the lights out. The walk would take a minute, and took them through a lightly wooded area, on a wood trail. He turned the lights on via SIA to make it easier to see, and it lit up the woods. Aantum silently ordered the crows following them to keep watch.

All of a sudden, he paused. He may as well bring the middleman over to his shop. A crow perched on Aantum's shoulder. Bringing a scroll to hand via SIA, Aantum tied it to the crow's foot, and it flew off. He then kept walking to the building. "Taren, we'll complete your little business at the shop as well. No need to stay out here, when the middleman can come to the door."

After a while, they came upon one of the very few buildings in the city that were lit. His shop/home. "Here we are."


"This house functions nicely as both a shop and a home." Aantum said as he stepped up to the front door. It was hard to see, but one only had to look at the lit windows to see how big it was. "Sometimes homeless orphans would come here, and I'd take them in for the night. In a place like this city and the surroundings, death isn't uncommon. Especially these days, with a lot of unrest and violence lately, not just in this city, but a lot of places these days." Aantum brought his keys to hand via SIA, and unlocked the door. "Head on in. I have to take Ashka to the stables in the back."



Caterina stepped in first and dropped her hood. Spiffy climbed up her dress and went onto her head. Caterina untied her cloak and hung it up. She smiled as she observed the house and said, "What a beautiful little home." She then realized what she said and quickly added, "Well I knew it was beautiful before." She turned toward Taren and Alice and asked to change the subject, "Don't you two think so?" Spiffy let out a sigh and jumped onto Taren's shoulder and sniffed him. "Spiffy please! I'm sorry Spiffy doesn't know you that well so he usually does this to new people." Spiffy looked at Caterina and let out some sort of squeak. After Spiffy was finished with Taren, he hopped onto Alice's shoulder.
“It is rather nice.” You set the case down on a nearby table, prop your sword up in one of the corners, and take a seat on one of the nearby couches. Another question ran through your mind. Although it was likely that Aantum would be the likeliest to know the answer, it being about his house. Caith hops onto the couch alongside you.
Alice steped in through the doorway of Anatum's "shop" and looked around almost dazed. The place was huge and the interior of the house was very fine "he calls this a shop" Alice said half to herself but still loud enough for the others to hear "he wasn't kidding when he said he was rich" she stroked Spiffy as he perched on her shoulder.
Spiffy purred as she stroked him. Caterina glanced at Spiffy and asked, "Spiffy are you purring? I thought your a weasel not a cat." Spiffy shot up and stared at Caterina. He then hopped off Alice and to a hole in the wall. He disappeared. "What? Spiffy where are you going?"

(Also @Fearlesslygeek. You might not have gotten a notification, but I made a second character is he accepted?)

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