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Fantasy Knights of The Old Order (Always Accepting)

She really wanted help but something told her that he was not telling the truth about something.

"I would love help but.....I can't let anyone touch my moms book I am sorry I just made that one promise with her before she....never mind about that."She told the boy. @Salty

"I... am a local. I live in the town." Orpheus seemed thoroughly puzzled, raising his eyebrows as he turned to look at Artie. "I came to get herbs to make tea with." He slowly turned to Artie, the basket full of herbs obviously in the meister's line of vision. The hotblooded young man was asking very irrational questions, despite the fact that he didn't know the whole story. "There's nothing to really snoop around on, either." Orpheus informed him, befuddled at his behavior. "It's a forest. Not much happens here. And don't call me an enemy... You didn't even let me answer in the first place." The short forest visit was causing more trouble than it was worth. It was obvious that the youth was either too thick-headed or too irrational to consider everything he was asking. Orpheus spoke slowly, as to get his point across.

"Did you even ask me why I was here?" Orpheus was further confused. Artie was making accusations, but he had never asked any questions in the first place. Orpheus tipped his head, but was very wary and sure to be vigilant, in case Artie actually did lose control. Wisp seemed to be the one causing the aggressor to hold back. Orpheus could clearly see the rage seeping through Artie's demeanor, and chose to handle the situation carefully. He knew that being reckless could cause unnecessary trouble. He eyed Artie with interest. The savage seemed to be looking for excuses to attack, rather than taking measures to not fight physically. It seemed that he could not actually handle civilized discussion...

"Oh! That's fine." Orpheus nodded at Wisp. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to." He spoke in a warmer voice, trying to reassure the young girl.​
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Isabelle looked up from the book she was reading.

"All of it looks absolutely delicious." It had been a while since she had eaten good food like this. She was looking forward to it. She grabbed a couple of plates, silverware, and glasses from a cabinet and set them on the table.
Artie grinned, he had the man right where he wanted him.

"You know, I don't recall you needing herbs to cast a spell... yeah, I heard that, you two talking about your spells..."

He chuckled a bit,

"This also seems pretty late at night to be, well, collecting herbs."

He took a step closer,

"It's also very strange when two witches try to cover up who they actually are..."

He laughs again, shaking his head.

"If you want to lie to someone, maybe you shouldn't be such a loud-mouth with your conversations."

He took one final step closer, stand at about 10 feet from the man.

"Especially against someone like me, one who's very protective of their land and its inhabitants... You might be calling me strange or blowing this out of proportion; but no suspicious activity gets by this town without me knowing about it."
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"Can you all shut up please.like really it is all just stupid."she told the 2 idiots standing In front of her.

"Like are you both looking to get in a fight?Like come on!"she said she was annoyed now that they were acting like she was weak.she was done.

"If you want to fight just don't bother holding back because I'm here because I am leaving."she said as she turned to the forest and ran into it.
"Herbs to make tea with." Orpheus corrected him with a smile. "You didn't hear me correctly." Artie seemed to think he was very cunning... But in truth, he was a bumbling idiot. "Also, the forest doesn't belong to you. You seem to keep forgetting that." Orpheus opted to remind him helpfully. When Wisp fled, he didn't stop her, and instead smiled. He was glad that she was out of harm's way. "Ah... we've irritated her." He hummed, not looking the least bit troubled by Artie's behavior. "Goodnight." He told Artie, turning to leave. Of course, he had something prepared in case the savage bothered attacking him. So, he strode away, not the least bit interested in speaking with Artie anymore. It took a weak person to attack someone with their back turned, after all.

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After a long while on the computer I get a idea, I knock Jinx's door. "Hey I have a great idea. We can take down a gang and get about thirty souls for our effort. We will need to go to a town about fifty minutes from here." I then head back into the kitchen and get a glass of water while I wait for her to get up. I knew this was taking a chance, killing thirty corrupted people at once would be difficult. I didnt know if my brother had ever done it, but I was determined.
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"Just the basic stuff," Isabelle shrugs. "Number of siblings, what you usually do for work, favorite color." She takes a bite of the food and her eyes widen. "This is amazing. How did you do it?"
She stopped running about half way into the forest.once she got half way into the forest she leaned against a tree trunk and sang.


Obviously this kind of mellow, well-fleshed behavior wouldn't slip passed Artie. And Artie was never one to play dirty.


Artie said before bolting in front of the stranger, honestly he couldn't underestimate his foe physically, but he wants to try his strength on a mental level...

"You know, physical abuse goes nowhere, but talking could very well bring together the world into peace... or destroy it. However you want to view it."

Ardon's clever grin has sunk to a look of pure deadpan, no expression, like a statue through a boutique store glass.

"We both know you're a witch, and spells doesn't sound anything like tea. Don't play me off as the fool you might think I am, because what I am is a man who has fought off men equal to you in strength and magic many times in my life. Your willpower, your strength to continue in a daily life of separate agony is quite admirable. Being a witch must be hard, if anyone finds out about you, you're going to get the torches and pitchforks at your door. But I won't be the courier of some twisted message making you a public enemy; but I will be the man who had personally put you on that stake and set it ablaze."

Ardon sat down on a nearby stump, still looking at the man,

"The life of a witch must be crazy interesting, but that girl? She had the right idea. She ran away, she kept her mouth shut, she didn't play off the humanistic high and noble act of shrugging off danger like it were nothing. Me? I don't do it to be high and noble, I do it to push my limits. If you don't push your limits, they become harder to reach, but passed that guise you wear to pass yourself off as common folk, you've never had the chance to test your limits, your strengths, your power. You've been too afraid. And by walking away from this proves that that is more true than I had first thought."

His face was still dead-pan, looking straight into the man's eyes as if trying to see his soul in them. His psychological warfare had always worked on past victims too stubborn to fight or die, but he wanted to see what this stranger could offer up.

"You... are very good at jabbering on about nothing in particular." Orpheus hummed with a soft smile, looking at Artie tenderly. "Do you want me to kiss you?" Orpheus didn't really care about what Artie thought of him. Orpheus was much too in love with himself to even do such a thing. He had been in plenty of battles. Artie was making blatant assumptions. Orpheus, knowing that there was no way Artie could know about his past, remained untouched by the "psychological warfare" that the young man was attempting to inflict upon him. "I want to go home." Orpheus continued walking, ignoring Artie sitting on the stump. Artie was below him now, mentally as well. A very cute young man, Orpheus had to say himself.

Orpheus wasn't afraid. He was too arrogant to waste his time. Artie's spouted gibberish was making him tired. There was really no need for them to fight, as Orpheus saw it. He didn't turn back to look at Artie, as he walked along, once again humming a discordant tune. He had nothing to prove to Artie. He was better. Mentally stronger than a common, savage forest dweller. Much more refined and sophisticated.​
Wyatt said:
After a long while on the computer I get a idea, I knock Jinx's door. "Hey I have a great idea. We can take down a gang and get about thirty souls for our effort. We will need to go to a town about fifty minutes from here." I then head back into the kitchen and get a glass of water while I wait for her to get up. I knew this was taking a chance, killing thirty corrupted people at once would be difficult. I didnt know if my brother had ever done it, but I was determined.
"ok.....in a sec"i sit up and rub my eye's,i open my door and go into the kitchen,"ok....now...one more time....all i got thirty souls and we need to go to a town about fifty minutes away...either that's all you said or i was still half asleep"i grab a cup and get some juice from the fridge.
Sherelyn Arshen

Sherry was starting to get hungry when she spotted a diner close by. She calmly approached the diner and opened the door. Soon after entering the diner, she sat down and called for a waiter and then she spotted a book with the title "Demon Weapons Origin Story" that a woman was reading. She rushed towards the table and she said not so quietly "May I take a look at that book you are reading?" and without waiting for the woman's response she took the book from her hand. Then she became so intrigued by the book that she lost all sense of her surroundings.

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Isabelle watched as her new partner ate plate after plate of food. Where does he put all of it? I can barely eat a normal serving without gaining 10 pounds....

"I was an only child. I work as a house keeper sometimes, just to keep myself afloat. My favorite color is blue, followed by orange, then pink, then green."
Once she finished signing she sank to the ground then pulled her legs up to her chest.she felt tears roll down her cheeks. That was the luaby that her mom sang to her every night when she was a kid.her heart hert so much.

"Mom what do I do?"she asked the sky.a gust of wind came by and she swears she heard it say listen to your heart the fear is in your mind.

Ok mom I will." She gasped.she wiped away her tears and ran back to the place she had just came from. @Lekar
I finish my glass of watwr and put it in the sink, "you got the jist of it, there s a gang of corrupted humans, I would say there are about thirty of them. They are located in a smile town about thirty milesfrom here." I go into the laundry room and get a change of clothes, "do you need to get anything before you. I am going to take shower before we leave."
Sigrid Albrecht


Sigi stared at the intruder in bewilderment. The purple haired girl had practically come out of nowhere before swiping the book out of her hand with the inhuman swiftness of a clear maniac. Either of books or of demon weapons or just a maniac of old things. Whatever the reason was, Sigi didn't care. The girl had just taken her book. Out of nowhere. Where are the manners?

'Wait for an answer. Geez.'

Frowning slightly in irritation, Sigi swiped the old book back and cleared her throat to get the girl out of her daze. "You know when you ask for something, you're supposed to WAIT for the answer first, right?"

The black haired demon weapon slid a napkin into her book before closing it to hold it with a better grip. Watching the shorter girl warily, Sigi added. "Besides, I only lend books to friends. This was hard to get you know."

Tagged: @DolceLieb
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Nano said:
It was dark. Where was he?

Lin tried to look around but found that he couldn't move. Suddenly, he heard something crack and shatter and felt a searing pain. Oddly familiar looking metallic shards appeared in his line of sight and the small boy nearly screamed, but not a single sound came out of his mouth. Then, everything became pitch black again and he heard laughter. It was a chilling laugh. It was his own laugh.

Finally opening his eyes, Lin realized that he had fallen asleep in the room and had sat up sometime during his sleep. His bright red eyes faded back into their usual dull red color. What was that dream?
Michi came into hos room "Hey.... Ready to eat?" She asked ((Srry went put to eat with my fam))
Sherelyn Arshen

Sherry was upset since the woman took the book back, but when the woman said that she only let friends borrow her books, Sherry took a hold of the woman's hand and said very loudly, "Let me be your friend!"

Sherry did not care whether or not she was disturbing the people in the diner. At the moment, she only wanted to finished that book about the Origin of the Demon Weapons. The excitement nearly made her eyes gleam in anticipation. Even though she had to beg this stranger to become her friend, Sherry was determined in achieving her goal, which at the moment was to finish that book without any other care.

Sigrid Albrecht

She blinked at her slowly. This girl was all kinds of weird. And obsessed. "...Why exactly do you want to read this so badly? Are you a meister or a demon weapon or something?"

It wasn't like this book was 100 percent accurate either. It was more history and origins than theory and application. Which is what most general public find useful. Or "heroic" tales of demon weapons and their meisters. Plus this book wasn't in the most...modern English. It makes Shakespearean poetry seem like modern teenage angsty romance novels.

Tagged: @DolceLieb
Nano said:
Lin slowly lifted his face to look at Michi. He wasn't really very hungry in particular as he didn't really eat much in the first place, but having some food might clear up his thoughts and uncertainty about his dream.

The small boy nodded and leaped off of the bed to follow Michi out of the room.

@The Unamed Character
Michi went into the kitchen. "I cleared you a spot at the table."
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Wyatt said:
I finish my glass of watwr and put it in the sink, "you got the jist of it, there s a gang of corrupted humans, I would say there are about thirty of them. They are located in a smile town about thirty milesfrom here." I go into the laundry room and get a change of clothes, "do you need to get anything before you. I am going to take shower before we leave."
"oh that sounds delishis ...and i don't think i need anything except my music"i go back in my room and grab my music and wait for Erik to finish getting ready.
I quickly take a shower and put on the clean set of clothes, I then head to my room to gather items that might protect us while we are fighting. I had doubts about taking on such a large number at one time, even if they were human they were still dangerous. I leave my room and find Jinx waiting for me, "you ready to go?"
Wyatt said:
I quickly take a shower and put on the clean set of clothes, I then head to my room to gather items that might protect us while we are fighting. I had doubts about taking on such a large number at one time, even if they were human they were still dangerous. I leave my room and find Jinx waiting for me, "you ready to go?"
"yes i am....you take a long time...you take longer than any other girl on the planet"i laugh jokingly and walk out the door with him.

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