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Fantasy Knights of The Old Order (Always Accepting)

Nano said:

Lin blinked as Michi giggled. For someone who couldn't even smile properly, it was a wonder to him on how others appeared so expressive.

The small boy breathed out sharply as he stepped out of the forest for the first time. So this was what the outside looked like...

@The Unamed Character
"Here we are...." Michi said as they reached the cottage "We are just on the edge of the forest...." She said as they got to it "There are some potions and stuff around the place but I can clean them up.... I have a couple extra rooms down the hall so go ahead and choose one" she said as she held the door open
"yes i cant wait im going to be the best death scythe i can"i smile and continue making breakfast.after i'm done i give a bowl to Erik and sit at the counter,"i cant wait wait to get started again".!
I enjoy the breakfast, it was very flavorful. I begin to think out a strategy for how we were going to train Jinx up. "I don't think we should stay in death city there are far to many miesters, I don't think that we would find very many corrupted humans here." After we finish eating I take the dishes not allowing Jinx to clean up, "there are some left overs from diner last, in the fridge. It was stir fir." I go into the computer room and begin to do some research to figure out where we need to go in order to hunt corrupted humans.
"ok...tell me if you need any help"i go into my room and lay on my bed,"i'm just going to..."i fall asleep before i could get up.
Nano said:
Lin nimbly moved about the maze of miscellaneous objects, in a fashion that almost made him appear as if he were dancing, and inspected each and every object in the house. They were all strange and things that he had never seen before.

He continued to walk down the corridor until he got to a set of several doors. Hesitantly, Lin opened one door and peered into the room. So this was what a room was supposed to look like.

@The Unamed Character
Michi goes into the kitchen to start cooking
Humans are such silly little creatures and he's fond of them.

Orpheus wasn't a fool. He knew how widely-prosecuted witches were. Weapons and meisters hunted them relentlessly. It also wasn't often that male witches came into existence, either. Orpheus considered him a rarity, a term which only served to inflate his already over-sized ego. He was much too fond of himself for his own good. Thoughts buzzed around the young witch's thoughts, as he bustled through the forest. Small twigs and branches were crushed underneath his platform shoes, and he hummed a discordant tune as he made his way through the area. He had ventured put in order to get some herbs for potions and whatnot. He really had nothing else on his plate for the time being, so a trip to the forest wouldn't really hurt him. He hated nothing more than boredom. The forest was also a splendid place... It was alive and breathing. The ecosystem seemed as though one being.

The one-eyed witch carried the small pouch full of herbs, and reasoned that he was close to his home. He knew the area very well, anyways. There was a small cabin, most likely belonging to a young human. But he never bothered her, as long as she didn't bother him. Her aura seemed rather petty... But recently, he had noted a disturbance within the forest. A young, childlike weapon had emerged from god-knows-where. Orpheus had made sure to stay away from the destructive child. Orpheus wasn't looking for a fight, no matter how bored he was... At times it couldn't be help. And it wasn't like Orpheus despised violence. He was becoming more and more volatile as time went on, even though he would never admit that he was flawed in any way possible. Humming, the male witch noted that he was close to exiting the forest and returning to the town...

winter was sitting on a rock next to the forest holding her moms spell book she was trying to cast a smoke spell.

"lila oyay to to?"she said a puff of smoke came out of her hand but nothing else.

"really!"she yelled at the sky "i have been trying to do this spell for 2 days with no luck.ughhh.why did mom have such hard to say spells it is crazy."she said as she slammed the book shut and looked into the forest.

"mom i know you were a good witch in all but why give me shuch a hard book."she said.no answer.

"and why did you not give me a spell so i can yell at you." she huffed as she looked into the forest.
(I'd suggest learning how to properly capitalize your words...)


Orpheus was mildly caught off guard at the sudden, outrageous yelling. Not many people were out in the forest at this time of year. Nevertheless, he continued forward. The source of the screaming was also in the direction of the town. So he might as well satisfy his curiosity and see what terrible creature was making such awful sounds. The ebony-haired witch weaved through the tree trunks and underbrush, until he saw the white-haired young woman sitting upon a rock. From the looks of it, she was perhaps a witch attempting a spell? Mild amusement caused him to give a quiet chuckle, as he gracefully swept into the clearing, so Winter could properly gaze upon him.

"Meisters hunt witches, you know." He stated quietly to the frustrated witch. His eyes were amused, and his face was set in a gentle smile. "I wouldn't want you getting caught." He moved closer, attempting to eye the book that she held in her hands. "Ah, I forgot... My name is Orpheus. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He greeted politely. "Might I ask what spell you're struggling with?"

Orpheus was an experienced and powerful witch. He had peculiar types of magic, but he was still incredibly clever in the way he utilized his skill set. The tall witch rarely ever attacked meisters, and preferred to lay low rather than make himself a wanted target. It was easy to slip up. He had to be cautious. He didn't want a target on his back. And he also didn't want wanted papers up in the town... Because he was sure that no artist or photographer could truly capture his ethereal beauty...

(( @Lekar maybe have your character encounter both witches? I'd hate to have you make the post and not RP, sine your character seems so... coolio.))

I made my post where the two witches met after you posted... Kinda outta place. I think we should wait for Kitty to maybe reply?
She looked at the boy who had come out of the woods.She quickly put her book out of his rage of sight.

"I am not struggling on any spell"She lied.as she put the book behind her back.

"Why on earth would you assume such a thing?" She asked him trying to hide her lie.

"And even if I was why would I tell you?You are trying to kill me for all i know." She said to him. @Salty (i think i got all the mistakes there)
The man stepped through the forest, late at night, only the frequent winds, his own breathing, and the sound of twigs breaking underneath him tearing the silence.

"Damn it, why the hell did I even come out here,"

He whispers to himself, angry over the fact that he's almost ate a branch about three times because of how low the branches grow in this forest.

"I know I saw something, and if it's a fight..."

He contemplated for a bit, before a boyish grin spread across his face

"I hope they've got everything they can offer to fight me!"

These words giving him greater determination to find the figure he had seen out his window in these woods, he treads on at a quicker, more manic pace. Eager with bloodlust and adrenaline, he pushes them away, branch after branch. Taking hard steps on the possibly icy snow, crushing twig after twig. He marches along, filled with vigor and deep breaths... breath after breath.

He finally finds the assumed figure he had seen earlier, simply speaking.

Well, actually, there's two, and they seem to be talking... about spells... nevertheless, he should be mostly safe. And when was he ever to deny a challenge?

"Uhhhh... hey?"

He says, questionably, as he tries to keep his distance from the duo. His entrance is nothing but surprising and shocking to them, but mostly feels a bit awkward for him... he's never broken up a conversation before, and he didn't actually have an idea on what to say or do.
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Nano said:
"Say...do you know a place where I can cook something up real quick? I missed my dinner."
"If you don't mind, we can go back to my apartment. It will give us a chance to get to know each other better too."

"Hmm..." Orpheus's smile didn't fade. He peered over towards Winter with an intrigued gaze instead, wondering why she'd so stubbornly lie to him. She wasn't mad. Maybe she thought it was better to lie. She was wrong, but he digressed. "I wonder why you were yelling about a certain spell being so difficult, then?" He questioned in an innocent manner. If she was going to lie, maybe she shouldn't have screamed the truth out for everyone to hear beforehand. "Guess it doesn't matter." He gave a soft chuckle. "But I could help you, if you were having difficulties... Which you say you weren't. But just in case." He teased her, and offered assistance in the same sentence. But her next, defensive statement caught him off guard. He blinked slowly. "Why... would I try and kill another witch?" He questioned her in a genuinely puzzled manner.

"I strongly believe that we witches should stick together." He told Winter in a childishly delighted tone. "Why fight each other when we can be so much stronger together? Believe me, you won't ever die by my hands... Or by anyone else's hands either, if I can help it. I want to protect witches." But he quieted, sensing the peculiar aura of an individual who could very well be a meister. As a third voice, this one masculine, spoke up, Orpheus turned around. The grin on his face did not falter. He hummed a small, discordant tune, waiting for the newcomer to continue. However, it seemed that the male wasn't going to say anything else... "Is that it?" Orpheus questioned curiously. "I guess that's all you're going to say. Hello, then." Opheus greeted in a pleasant tone of voice.

"I'm Orfeo." He greeted. "Orfeo Ambrose. Pleased to meet you."​
"Oh-OH Oh yes, yes... Um..."

Ardon stammered a bit, a bit caught off guard by the warming greeting.

"My name is, uh, Ardon Henoy, but you can just call me 'Artie'. I saw a strange figure marching out here and decided to... uh..."

He didn't really want to tell the stranger that he wanted to pound the stranger into raw hamburger if he was actually a stranger, treading on foreign to them territory.

"Confront him."

He said, making sure that he finished off his last sentence before he went any deeper into the conversation.

"If I might ask,"

He starts, turning to the other stranger,

"Who are you?"

His breath is steady, but he can feel deep down that he was a bit unsteady about this, he's literally never been in this situation.
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"I can barely stand my own cooking, so it might be best if you cooked," Isabelle says with a grin. "I'm surprised I've survived on my own for this long. Follow me." She turned and began walking down the street towards her apartment.

Winter just starred at the two males in front of her.She took a step back from them.Her mom never trusted any witch when she was alive so nether should she.She wanted help with the spells but she did not want a stranger to touch the only thing she had that belonged to her mom.She just stood silent as she saw the witch say hi to another person.He is going to get himself killed one of these days.She stood there hoping that she mite get the chance to run but that wizard knows more spells and she bets runs faster then her.So she just stood there ready if she ever got the chance. @Salty @Lekar
Artie stood in even more awkward silence, not quite sure how to communicate with these two people.

"My, uh, my name's Artie, but I guess you just heard that..."

He said, looking at the female, putting on a pathetic grin and a light laugh.

"What's, uh..."

He started to go on rambling again.

"What's your name?"

He asked again, trying to sound a bit more sincere. Honestly he just wanted something to happen; ANYTHING to pass this moment. This has been the longest 20 seconds of his life, but at least the male stranger seemed friendly... enough.

"No answer?" Orpheus frowned over at Winter. "I guess you're shy." The ebony-haired witch turned back to "Artie" and raised an eyebrow over at the meister. The presence of the both of them seemed to be agitating the female witch. Orpheus wouldn't be quick to start a fight. The newcomer didn't seem hostile in the slightest... And Orpheus had no idea about his abilities, either. "You've seen the 'intruders' now, haven't you?" He turned to the meister. "I think it's safe to say that neither of us have harmful intentions." The gentle smile didn't fade, and there was no threat behind his words. "So... maybe you should leave?" He questioned, allowing the proposition to hang in the air for a couple of moments, before speaking once more.

"I mean... it's not as though the forest belongs to you..."​
Winter stood there staring at the man who asked her what her name was.

"Uhhh......you can call me Wisp."She said very quietly.That nickname was the one her mom had called her when she was a kid but no one else called her that so at least no one would know her true name.She made a deal with herself from now on she would only ever say her name was wisp nothing else.She hoped the witch would not be able to tell she was not telling the truth. @Salty @Lekar
Those words cut deep, to him, what may have sounded like a friendly allegation to up and leave to Orpheus, was a direct insult to Ardon's very existence. Not once, not ever, had he been told to leave the area unless it was by a foe.

"Yeah well maybe I like the cold... while your intentions seem pure, I'm afraid..."

Artie tries to get it out without showing obvious signs of bloodlust.

"I can't just leave."

He tenses up, hoping that his thick coat may have covered it. But if battle were to strike, he were ready, he was built for this, he had fought these moments like they were a daily walk through a park. This guy, this seemingly nice and innocent guy, who thinks he can tell Artie what to do, was somehow getting through to his berserk side of him. A side of him he hadn't shed for a long while... and only to the last true foe he had ever fought... and beat.

If this man were a not a simple innocent man, he was a man bent on destroying something, or someone... Artie could feel that in his bones; and he hadn't been wrong any other times with these feelings.

Trying to distract himself, Artie turned to the woman, who had just hesitantly given her nickname.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you both, Wisp."
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Sigrid Albrecht

Sigi smirked slightly against the hand that her chin was leaning against as she read through the rather dusty book on the origins of demon weapons. She was sitting at the window bar table in a currently slow moving diner while leaving her polished stack of plates to the side. The diner was clean and in a town away from where most of the corrupted humans prowled. A blessing in her opinion. She had spent a good portion of her day yesterday pounding down the annoying creatures and had only corrupted souls to eat that day because of the lack of peace. Yes, she got money for dealing with that particular town's...issues but she needed food damnit! She wasn't one of those weird weapons that can survive purely on corrupted souls. They don't even taste that good! And...speaking of taste...

"Hey, girl! Do ya' need another plate or is that book just that good?" asked the boss and cook of the diner from across the room.

In her opinion, half of the book was probably not even true. It's not surprising, considering that most of the books that were published for the public were what they were. Published for the public to view and enjoy. It was the older books like the one in her hand at the moment had at least...half of it filled with realistic stories.

So the dark haired girl just smirked at him before answering, "Only if you know what you're looking for."

She thought about it for a moment before tacking on a request for more food. The boss just laughed as if used to teasingly cryptic answers from customers before turning to the back kitchen after hollering to a waitress to get her another drink. Or maybe he was just as cryptic. You could never know with people you've just met.

Sigi shrugged to herself as the waitress refilled her glass with apple cider, which earned her a weird look for the action. Brushing off the weird look, she just smiled with a quick 'thank you' before taking a sip from the refilled cup. She idly glanced out the window as the waitress left her to her own devices, observing the peaceful atmosphere of this area.

"Hopefully it stays this way. At least so I can eat," she murmured to herself. She slid her attention back to her book, wishing against the chaos that was bound to occur.
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"Well, maybe you can be cold alone, then. I have places to be." Orpheus noted the animosity very clearly within Artie's body language. He was admittedly amused by the severity of the reaction. In some way... it reminded him of a small dog, attempting to make itself look larger and more threatening by bristling. The main purpose of Orpheus's statement had been to make Winter more comfortable... Because having two, unwelcome guests seemed to have rattled her. He wasn't interested in fighting some random fellow he had met in the forest. Orpheus gazed over towards Artie, watching him with contemplative eyes. Artie's reaction was ridiculous and mindless, and he had taken Orpheus's request quite differently than intended.

"Huh..." Orpheus peered up towards the sky. "I'll take my leave, then." He had really nothing else to say. He wasn't someone who was going to mindlessly rush into battle over absolutely nothing, unlike Artie. Still, there was the issue of Wisp being present. She had stated her name... but she had hesitated in an odd kind of way that made Orpheus even more curious than he had been before. An alias? Of course, Orfeo Ambrose wasn't his real name. It was an alias he shoved out to people he didn't trust. Artie had seemed genuine about his name. But the way "Wisp" introduced herself... made him hesitant to believe her. He could be wrong, of course... No. He couldn't be. Orpheus was much too conceited to consider himself as being "wrong".

"Goodbye." He hummed simply, sweeping away nimbly, before turning to Wisp. "Oh! If you'd like to come along, I can help you with the book." He informed her. Now that he turned away from Artie, he was able to convey the fact that he wanted to help Wisp, rather than leave her alone with the odd maverick who was threatening to cause a ruckus. "If not, I'll see you around."​
The cold shoulder from this stranger in the, well, cold, was the final straw. He wanted to rip him to shreds where he stood, but not in front of a girl who seems obviously terrified and troubled enough as it is.

"Woah, hey, no. You're not going to intrude these local's forests and walk away without answering why you were here in the first place!"

Artie's fists were clenched, he could feel his thick blood coursing through him like a boiler about to pop its lid.

"Why were you here? Why were you snooping around?"

He was giving this stranger the dead eye the whole time, not breaking line of sight on him.

"You say you're not an enemy... then why won't you prove it by answering a few simple questions?!"

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