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Fantasy Knights of The Old Order (Always Accepting)

I lead her out of the build and look around quickly. Surprisingly there were more people at night then during the day. "Do you want to travel were you are in your weapon form and I hold you while riding my hover board or do you want to walk?"
"i think i'll walk for a little...lets see who can get the furthest"i smile devishly and start to run without looking behind me.
"I can still use my hover board." I yell ahead of me, then I think to my self, 'did I not just say I had one?" I summon the hover board and ride up ahead of her.
"i know you have one i just fell like running"i laugh and run ahead of him,i look at him"i may just be a weapon but i can do alot other thing than just turn into one watch"i smile and hop onto building to building and keep running,i look down at him"you know it's alot more fun if you run lazy bones"i laugh jokingly and run ahead of him.
"I need to save my energy for slaying those rotten souls!" I yell ahead to her. I then allow my hover board to go faster, passing her while going above all of the buildings. "Try to keep up if you can." I yell jokingly. The feeling of flying through the air was amazing, words could not describe how good it felt. It also brought a feeling of fear and andiron at the same time.
"well then two can play that game"i summon my hover board and stand on top of it,i catch up to Erik and wave"see ya"i saluted and went as fast as the board could go.after awhile i could see that we where away from the other town so i get of my board and wait for Erik to catch up.
Nano said:
The little boy followed Michi out of the room and sat in a chair at the table. Sitting very still in his seat, Lin followed the black-haired girl with his eyes. Although he didn't remember the times that he had done so, he somehow felt some sort of sense of nostalgia at sitting down at a table and waiting for someone to finish cooking. Did he have a previous owner who had done this for him too? If so, why was he left in the forest then?

Lin shook his head and continued to watch Michi. Who knows what would happen if he actually remembered anymore. Maybe his condition would become even worse. Right now his focus was supposed to be on being Michi's partner and find out what exactly he was supposed to do as her 'weapon'.

@The Unamed Character
Michi plaed hus food in front of him "so why dont you tell me about yourself?" She asked (the food can be your choice)
CreepyKiller said:
"well then two can play that game"i summon my hover board and stand on top of it,i catch up to Erik and wave"see ya"i saluted and went as fast as the board could go.after awhile i could see that we where away from the other town so i get of my board and wait for Erik to catch up.
I meet up with Jinx at the edge of the next town, I stop and kick my hover board into my hands. "Are you ready, the gang is close to the edge of town." I begin approaching the city taking in the sight, it was as big as death city but it came close. It was far more run down, so much so that the signs were unready able. The buildings were falling apart and sick people lined the streets.
Wyatt said:
I meet up with Jinx at the edge of the next town, I stop and kick my hover board into my hands. "Are you ready, the gang is close to the edge of town." I begin approaching the city taking in the sight, it was as big as death city but it came close. It was far more run down, so much so that the signs were unready able. The buildings were falling apart and sick people lined the streets.
"well then what are we waiting for...lets go"i walk with Erik in the city and i could see it was a mess,i immediately grabbed a face mask and put it over my nose and mouth i look at Erik,"what i dont want to get sick...want one"i offer him one while walking.

(i also posted in the other one)
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I push her hand away, "I don't need it, I won't get sick because I am not human." We walk into the city and I lead Jinx into the building, "I want to make sure that they are kishin eggs before we go through with this." I look at the souls of all of the humans inside the building. "Yep they are diffently kishin eggs. Lets take them down. I hold my hand waiting for Jinx to transform into a scythe. "They don't have a chance against us!"
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"ok lets do this"i transform into my weapon and jump into Eriks hand,"all you now...go for it"i tell him and watch him.
I rush into the room with all of the kishin eggs strike at the one I presumed to be the boss. I quickly sliced him in half and started attack another one. As I was doing so the gang pull out their guns and began to shoot at us. I use Jinx to deflect a number of the bullets before I jump out of the way, I manage to kill another two or three before I am over run. "Okay Jinx, we need to do witch hunter, otherwise we may die." I swing again slice two in half, at this point I have managed to kill six but I can not longer safely attack the kishin eggs.
"ok one witch hunter coming up"i do the witch hunter and kill about 10 of them,"i'm kind of getting out of energy now Erik...i think i can do only one more witch hunter unless i get souls"i tell him as he continues to kill the men.
Jinx manage to preform witch hunter killing ten of the kishin eggs. "Sixteen out of thirty, I think we won't need to do another witch hunter." I say this as I continue to fight them, the witch hunter made it safe for me to attack the kishin eggs without being put into harms way. I kill another three imminently after the witch hunter and the gang members have run out of ammunition. For some reason they are trying to attack me with their bare hands and I hit a few of them with the bottom of my scythe, "you havn't fallen asleep on me have you Jinx. nineteen down, eleven more." Some of the kishin that I hit with the bottom of my weapon taste its blade as I cut them clean in half, eliminating another four.
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"no...i'm still....here"i try to keep up as much as i can,but after awhile i passed out,(i-i'm to exhausted to fight anymore)i transform back to human and fall on the ground.
Uh oh... I look around at the kishin eggs who are looking at me in surprise. "Jinx, you were suppose to last longer." I say jokingly, "well I guess that I would have to fight them the traditional way." They begin to attack me again and I punch one of them square in the face breaking his nose. I kick another in the chest and back away as much as I can. "Okay are you guys ready to die." They again look at me confused, "This is what I like to call death strike." I hold out my hands black scythes appear out of no where killing two more kishin eggs, I then begin to breath hard. "Ow... that was tiring. Whos next? As I like to say no survivors." Two more approach me one of them being the one with a broken nose and I use a wavelength burst to stun them. I quickly grab their heads and nock them together, nocking them unconscious.
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"hey give me a break here....im drained give me a second"i get up weakly and eat all the souls that we have collected so far,after i do i fell better and energizes."ok who want a piece first"i look and see 5 men surrounding me"come at lets go" they started to go after me but i punched and kicked them before they could even get to me"yeah dont mess with me".
Jinx getting back up took the attention off of me and I look at the two kishin eggs sleeping on the ground. "Awe they so cute," I then reach down and grab them back the neck snapping them as I do so. "Rest in peace buddies." I then turn to the kishin eggs that are surrounding Jinx. By now I am breathing heavily, worn down form my death strike. I wait for a second, then I take off my shoe and throw it at one of the kishin eggs dropping him to the ground. two of them turn to me and I ask jokingly, "why can't we be friends." Shrugging my shoulders as I do.
i look at him and chuckle"you know you arent suppose to throw shoes at things...no matter now evil they are"i chuckle jokingly,i kill the 3 that where still around me.
I shrug my shoulders again, "what's a man to?" I then punch the last two in the face and energize my fist making me able to punch through there face. "Well are you happy with all the food your getting? I say this is the last time we feed you today." I lean against the wall and rest for a little while she finishes eating. "That was fun, how many souls was that, thirty two?"
i count while eating the souls,"th-thats about thirty three souls right there*burp*a good thirty three souls"i walk over to him"i believe you forgot something"i give him his shoe back and lean against the wall.
I smile as I put my shoe back on. "well that was fun, how about we wait a while before we do that again. I think we should work to increase our energies, that way you last longer and when you do run out I fight by my self for some time." I yawn, and look out the door. I hold out my hand and start to lead Jinx back out.
"yeah...i'm tired"i take his hand and follow him,after we get back i go into my room and flop on the bed"i'm so tired i could sleep for days"i fall asleep thinking how long i could sleep for.
I go into my room and get mostly undressed before flopping to my bed. Shortly afterwards I fall asleep and dream about the events of the day, wondering how to increase my energy.
Wyatt said:
I go into my room and get mostly undressed before flopping to my bed. Shortly afterwards I fall asleep and dream about the events of the day, wondering how to increase my energy.
i wake up in the middle of the night,"ah not again"i get up and go into the bathroom,i look in the mirror and see my eye's turning black"control it...have to c-control it"i covered my eye's and tried to focus on trying to get my eye's back to there normal color.

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