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Fantasy Knights of The Old Order (Always Accepting)

I put the stove on low heat and then summon my father, "Son, twice in one day, to what do I owe you for this honor?". I then begin to prepare rice for the stir fir and reply, "Lord death father, this Is Michi. She is a meister without a weapon, and she has a basic knowledge of magic. I thought you might want to meet her."
"Michi, hum... I don't remember meeting you. I don't often forget people, where did we meet?" I add all the ingredients into one pan nearly finishing the stir fir, it sits for a few more moments then I call for Jinx. "Jinx diner is ready, come eat you need to regain you strength after fighting the witch today!"
"Im that young girl that you almost took..... That woman saved me" she said with a nervous smile. she then flinched a bit at the word witch.
I see Michi flinch at the word witch, "don't worry, it is like a type of soul wavelength that makes them a powerful enemy. They tend to be evil, but you don't have the right wavelength for it, it is amazing that you can perform any magic." I then yell to Jinx again, "COME EAT DINER." Death approaches Michi, "Little girl I have never seen you before, I can't leave this city. But I can tell that it was not your time, something happened that I don't know. Now we will have to find you a weapon now won't we?"

@CreepyKiller @The Unamed Character
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Michi giggled "Yea...... " she said with a smile "Anyway.... lets go ahead and eat....." she said and grabbed a kind of spice that was black and sort of radiant. "Is it ok if I put this on my food?" she asked.
My father leaves in a puff of smoke, and I reply. "sure go ahead it is your food, but what is it?"
"Well.... It is.... How can I say this..." Michi sighs. "It is a spice that helps me keep in control of myself" she said with a nervous smile "Something happened acouple years back that..... yea..." she said
"Oh then by all means do." I look towards Jinx's room, "I don't think that she is going to join us. Can I ask what happened, what made you need that spice? You don't have to answer if you don't want to."
Michi sighs "I guess it has to come out eventually....." she looked at him "My eyes arent naturally this way. They actually used to be hazel... anyway...... I was trying to make a potion to allow me to see into the future.... but it went south quickly.... I mixed some wrong ingredient into the mix and..... It took half my soul....." she said with another sigh "I am a demon...."
Isabelle deftly caught the sword that fell towards her. She tested the balance and grinned. "You are amazing," she complimented, raising her gaze back to the corrupted human, who was basically about o piss his pants. With a twirl of the weapon she pierced through the man's heart, and his soul appeared.

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"Oh well, that is unfortunate. But I am sure you fit in here if you wanted to stay. Death city is home to many different people, including weapons. There used to be a school but it was shut down, which makes finding partners harder." I take a fork load of food and enjoy it as I slowly eat my food.
Michi pours some spice onto her food "Yea..... but.... I had been.... I had been rescued by a witch....." she said "The reason I do magic so well is because I live in a witchs old house" she said as she took a bite "At least... I belive it was her house..."
"Not all witches are bad and we try to only attack the witches that wish to destroy humanity. Some times some good witches are unfortunately are caught in the cross fire." I finish my food and pick up my plate taking it to the sink and cleaning it off.
"That would be nice, hopefully Jinx will join us next time. We should try to find you a partner, we could go now if you wanted." I quickly put away left overs and wash the dishes.
I finish cleaning the dishes, "sure I will come with you, I is to bad Jinx isn't talking to me, I try not to leave without out her. Partly because she is my weapon." I begin to follow Michi to her house.
"Isabelle Veroce," she replies. "And thanks. I like not to be lumped with the general public. Sorry about the heart thing though. I thought you would understand. I didn't want to draw things out. You're working towards becoming a death scythe, right?"

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Wyatt said:
I finish cleaning the dishes, "sure I will come with you, I is to bad Jinx isn't talking to me, I try not to leave without out her. Partly because she is my weapon." I begin to follow Michi to her house.
Michi goes through the woods "it's over here" she said as a cottage came into view. "When you see inside you are going to freak" she said as she held the door open for him
"I've been looking for a partner to work with too," Isabelle grins, taking his hand and shaking it.. "And you seem like one of the best. Your weapon form is absolutely awesome by the way. We'd look pretty badass together in my humble opinion."

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Wyatt said:
I look inside and my jaw drops, "wow, this is amazing. How did you manage this?" I walk inside and explore the house. (@The Unamed Character you need to describe your house :P )
Inside the gigantic main room there were about a dozen potions brewing at the same time. book shelves were filled to the brim with books and many creatures and skulls were in jars. A bunch of different spices and liquids filled acouple cases of jars. "I try to research as much as I can in magic, and I am pretty experienced as well" she said as she walks towards and open jar of spices.
Michi looks at the potion that he walked up to. "Oh.... that is an explosion potion that creates a shadow hand that disables an enemys ability to move for acouple minutes." she smiled "Sort of a Paralysis potion, except there is an outside force creating the problem." she said as she closed her spice jar and started to unlod her basket "It is highly unstable at the moment, has to brew overnight"

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